What Just Happened?!

Just a few weeks ago most Americans were concerned with the Covid19 pandemic and the subsequent government imposed lock-downs – and the economic fallout from both.  Here in Wyoming, many were also, and still are, reeling from an oil bust – and the subsequent unemployment from that.

And then, on late May 25th, we all watched in shock and horror on our computers and TVs, the slow, tortured annihilation of a handcuffed black man pinned to the ground by two Minneapolis police officers – and with a third officer jamming a fatal knee into his neck.

His name was George Floyd.

Following Mr. Floyd’s death, protests began popping up across the USA.  Protests began popping up in Europe.  And some of the protests here in America turned into violence, riots, looting, arson and more death.  The count is up to seventeen Americans who have died from the violence so far.

Everyone knows that the media has been downplaying the riots and subsequent deaths – if they even acknowledge them at all.  In the coming weeks we will be sharing some material to read and watch – as our effort offered to Wyomingites to assist in educating and understanding what we now see happening to our country.  Meanwhile we offer the video below of Judge Jeanine Pirro, from June 6th, who explains the tragedy of what happened to Mr. Floyd, the legalities and the fallout playing out before our eyes at this time.

Judge Jeanine Opener June 6, 2020
