Notice:  Our website will be undergoing construction soon…


During legislative sessions have you noticed that there are particular bills that seem to have been preordained for quick and easy passage regardless of any push-back by Wyoming citizens?  Despite how many emails you send, how many phone calls you make, and how many sensible and well thought-out arguments you provide, certain bills seem to be predestined to become law – even before it has gone through the legislative process.

These are committee sponsored bills – sacred cows – that committee chairs believe every committee member should vote “Aye” on during session.  This is exactly what was exposed in 2023 session when Judiciary Committee Co-chair Representative Art Washut bawled out committee members for voting “Nay” on certain bills that the Judiciary sponsored.

How militaristic for legislative committee chairs to assume that committee members should march in lock-step with their overlords – and ignore the voice of Wyoming people.

So much for We the People.  But that is where we are at now.

Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  That is exactly what you need to keep in the forefront of your mind when you consider WY legislative leadership.  They have become a well-oiled machine.  Our taxes are the oil, but us taxpayers are seen as obstacles to just ignore or push out of the way.  What nerve.

Pay attention now to legislative interim committee bills.  Speak up now.

Wyomingites are sharply advised to attend WY joint legislative interim committee meetings as often as possible and speak up against bills they see as bad for our state and our people.

Can’t attend in person?  Do it online via live-streamed video.  Speak your opinions through Zoom or even by phone.  It’s never been easier.  There is no excuse.

There should be no ‘lone voice’ out there – there should be choruses of Wyomingites engaging these committees.

Click here for the legislative calendar.

2024 WSL Interim Committee Bills  (Posted 10/15/24)
