1 Year Later – WY Civil Liberties During a Declared State of Emergency – Part 1

It has been over 1 year (386 days) since Governor Gordon issued his March 13, 2020 Executive Order declaring a State of Emergency for the State of Wyoming (view at bottom of this page).  This order has not been rescinded and thus is still in effect.  Even though certain mandates have been modified numerous times, Wyoming is still, by executive order, living under a declared state of emergency.

Shocking historical events took over the center stage of our nation while we were being gradually acclimated to the normalization of mandated unemployment with federal stipends, virtual public schooling, socializing in limited circles (w/ six foot personal bubbles), face masks, hydroxychloroquine debates, and toilet paper shortages:  There was the death of George Floyd and the subsequent historical marches and hair-raising riots across the country for much of summer 2020; historical wildfires across the west coast; historical election fraud of the U.S. Presidential race; and historical winter weather in several states.

March 31, 2020 was the last day of a 15 day federal campaign to “Slow the Spread” – and yet here we are.  Now, with a media-attempt to acclimate us to vaccine-Karens, double-masking, Covid passports, and continued federal stipends.

Because much has happened since the first Covid case was found in Wyoming, it is crucial that citizens look back and remember where we have been and what has happened during our time under Covid mandates.  Do not be lulled to sleep that everything is fine and almost normal now, because it is not.  Wyomingites must remember that just as we continue to live under a declared state of emergency today, we also must continue to fight forward for our civil liberties that were taken away this past year.  Even though many of these violations are now a memory that many of us would rather keep in the rear-view mirror and, perhaps, forget altogether, we must not let our state officials off the hook for the damage that has already been done.

Just as the rest of the world has had to deal with both Covid AND the governmental response to Covid, here in Wyoming we have had our own experience dealing with both.  Whether it be:

  • one of the 700 Wyomingites (according to today’s statistics from the WY Dept of Health) who have allegedly died from Covid (may God rest their souls), or those who have suffered the loss of one who has died from Covid;
  • being one of the “lab 47,786 confirmed cases” who’ve allegedly contracted the virus (according to today’s statistics from the WY Dept of Health) – whether having been extremely sick or completely asymptomatic;
  • being one of an unknown number of Wyoming businesses that have closed down or will close down soon, or have had to cut employees or employee hours because of WY Covid public health mandates;
  • being one of an unknown number of Wyomingites that have lost their jobs, will lose their jobs soon, or have had hours and pay cuts because of Covid or WY Covid public health mandates;
  • being one of an unknown number of Wyoming workers that have suffered socially/emotionally/physically from WY Covid public health mandates on lockdowns, social distancing, and face masks;
  • being one of an unknown number of Wyomingites who have been unable to pay their mortgage due to losing their job or business, or having their hours or pay cut;
  • being one of an unknown number of Wyomingites who have been unable to pay their rent due to losing their job or business, or having their hours or pay cut;
  • being one of an unknown number of Wyoming businesses that have received citations and/or fines for not complying with WY Covid public health mandates;
  • being one of an unknown number of Wyoming churches who have been been unable to hold services because of WY Covid public health mandates;
  • being one of an unknown number of Wyomingites who have been been unable to attend church because of WY Covid public health mandates;
  • being one of an unknown number of Wyoming non-profit organizations who have been been unable to hold meetings because of WY Covid public health mandates;
  • being one of an unknown number of members of Wyoming non-profit organizations who have been been unable to attend meetings because of WY Covid public health mandates;
  • being one of an unknown number of Wyomingites that depend on products or services from a Wyoming non-profit organization because of WY Covid public health mandates;
  • being one of an unknown number of Wyomingites residing in nursing care facilities that have suffered socially/emotionally/physically from WY Covid public health mandates on lockdowns, social distancing, and face masks;
  • being one of an unknown number of Wyoming students that have suffered academically from WY Covid public health mandates on lockdowns and social distancing;
  • being one of an unknown number of Wyoming students that have suffered socially/emotionally/physically from WY Covid public health mandates on lockdowns, social distancing, and face masks;
  • being one of an unknown number of Wyomingites with mental health issues that have suffered socially/emotionally/physically from WY Covid public health mandates on lockdowns, social distancing, and face masks;
  • being one of an unknown number of Wyomingites that have suffered socially/emotionally/physically from WY Covid public health mandates on lockdowns, social distancing, and face masks;
  • being one of an unknown number of Wyomingites who have received citations and or fines for not complying with WY Covid public health mandates;
  • being one of an unknown number of Wyomingites who have been ‘cancelled’ and/or stigmatized by family and/or community members for not complying with WY Covid public health mandates;
  • being one of ALL Wyomingites who have had their civil rights violated because of WY Covid public health mandates;
  • being one of ALL Wyomingites that were subjected to an unconstitutional legislative session from January 12 through March 1 when the WY Legislature was not meeting at the seat of government because of WY Covid public health mandates.

Obviously more could be added to that list, but you get our drift.

The important point here is that Wyomingites need to remain focused on what is being done today in response to what we have experienced since Governor Gordon’s March 13, 2020 Executive Order.  More specifically, what is being done for our civil liberties now with the hindsight we have today?  Our next 2 posts will attempt to answer that question:

  • Part 2 – WY 2021 Legislative Response to Covid
  • Part 3 – Covid-Related Civil Actions in Wyoming
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