Barrasso Endorses Teaming with Chinese Communist Party Corp and Tin-Foil Nutjob Billionaire Bill Gates to ‘Guinea-Pig’ Wyoming into Green-New-Deal Nuclear Hogwash. Gordon says, ‘Hold My Beer’.

Bill Gates poses for a photo op at an event in Seattle on Tuesday after TerraPower signed an MOU with CNNC (Geekwire)

My, my, my – how star-struck they seem to be.  Bill Gates focuses his attention on Wyoming – acknowledging that we exist, in that lunatic way he is so fondly known for.  Wyomingites recoil in disgust and revulsion, while Barrasso and Gordon swoon (ever so reminiscent of Matt Mead smitten with that Google-Government-play back in 2011).

Or do they actually look paralyzed with fear in that Wyoming PBS Energy Announcement?

We’re thinking it’s all the above – smitten, swooning, but mostly paralyzed with fear.  (Just look at that self-comforting body language combined with the little boy shoulder & hip twist of Gordon…  how revealing and utterly embarrassing.)

(Wyoming PBS Energy Announcement, Screenshots – June 2, 2021)

“Wyoming has been selected by the Dept of Energy, Terra Power and the CEO of Rocky Mountain Power as the site for construction and operation of an advanced nuclear power plant” says Mark Gordon – as if he’s announcing a billion dollar lottery ticket winner.

Oh, so that’s how this works?  A federal agency and two privately owned companies have decided a friggin nuclear power plant, “the first of it’s kind”, is going to be plopped in our beloved backyard, where the deer and the antelope play?

Uh, NO.  They have no idea what is about to hit them.

Gordon and Barrasso display what looks like defeat.  Powerlessness.  Did we really elect these guys?  They have no idea what is about to hit them.

“Today’s announcement is truly game-changing and monumental for Wyoming“, says Gordon.  (As China laughs & laughs & laughs.  As AOC and Sanders laugh and whisper.  As Pelosi and Veep Harris cackle and plan.  As Mao rolls in his grave with delight.)

Note the brain-dead legislators in the room spastically nodding their heads up and down with humongous dollar signs in their eyes.  Is there not one person in that damn room that thought it’s a HORRIBLE IDEA to invite the Chinese Communist Party into Wyoming to build a first-of-it’s kind nuclear power plant?!!  Partnering with Bill Gates no less???

Yeah, it sure the hell is game-changing.  For starters, it’s game-changing for elections you dim-wits.

Note how the presumptuous headlines are designed to speed right past us while we attempt to recover from our shock;

  • Wyoming selected as site of new nuclear power plant (Casper Star Tribune)
  • Uranium Producers Welcome News Of Bill Gates’ Nuclear Power Plant In Wyoming (Cowboy State Daily)
  • Wyoming to house first-of-its-kind advanced nuclear project replacing coal plant (Washington Examiner)
  • Bill Gates’ next generation nuclear reactor to be built in Wyoming (MSN)

Well, by-gosh-by-golly I guess it’s already a done deal then?

Uh, NO.  Not by a long shot.

“Wyoming has always been an energy state”,  says Rocky Mountain Power CEO Gary Hoogeveen (who also represents California, Oregon and Washington PacificCorp when he speaks).  And so this should make perfect sense to us Walmart-smelly, flyover-country rubes, right?

Who the heck is this guy?

It’s gonna take awhile to unpack this female dog.  But we’ll start here for now:

Back in Sept 2015 World Nuclear News reported that Terra Power/Bill Gates signed an MOU with the China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) to develop its traveling wave reactor (TWR).  This is exactly WHO and WHAT they want to bring to Wyoming.

Less than one year ago, Global Construction Review reported that the U.S. Pentagon and U.S. Defense Department “published a list of Chinese Companies that the Pentagon says are too close to the Chinese state and its armed forces“… “to inform Congressional committees and warn potential clients and investors in the companies that the US government regards them as a security risk“.  Also in that article:

The Pentagon’s action follows a letter sent in November from two senators, Democrat Chuck Schumer and Republican Tom Cotton, to Wilbur Ross, the commerce secretary. In it, they asked what action had been taken in response to the Export Control Reform Act of 2018 and the 2019 National Defence Authorisation Act, which aim to restrict the export of technology that might help the Chinese military.

Hey Barrasso – CNNC is on that list!

Hey Gordon – CNNC is on that list!

This is not the “openness, tolerance, cooperation win-win” you were thinking. 

Do you really need a grandmother in flyover country to point this out to you?

Screen-shot from
