Anti-CRT Bill Draft Got the Ka-bash

Senator Charles Scott brought forth a bill draft (Education-prohibition of acceptance of federal funds) during the July 19-20 Education Committee Interim Meeting in Saratoga that attempted to prevent CRT instruction in Wyoming schools by giving the Superintendent of Public Instruction the authority to not accept federal funds that have strings attached that are not in the best interests of Wyoming citizen’s.  Senator Scott got push back from House Representatives Landon Brown, Albert Sommers, Steve Harshman, & Sandy Newsome and ultimately the bill draft was voted down.

We commend Senator Scott and give him a standing ovation on this effort.

We believe that Senator Scott will work on perfecting a bill of this nature and we at WTC will back him up 100% in that effort.  Citizens should contact Senator Scott to thank him and encourage him to continue in this effort.

Below is the bill draft and links to the videos.

WY Law that specifically came up in the debate:

WY State Constitution
7-011. Textbooks.
Neither the legislature nor the superintendent of public instruction shall have power to prescribe text books to be used in the public schools.

WY State Statute
21-9-102.  Instruction in state and federal constitutions required; satisfactory examination a prerequisite to graduation.

WY Constitutional Law that we believe applies to prohibiting CRT in WY schools:

WY State Constitution
7-020. Duty of legislature to protect and promote health and morality of people.
As the health and morality of the people are essential to their well-being, and to the peace and permanence of the state, it shall be the duty of the legislature to protect and promote these vital interests by such measures for the encouragement of temperance and virtue, and such restrictions upon vice and immorality of every sort, as are deemed necessary to the public welfare.

(Morality is the belief that some behavior is right and acceptable and that other behavior is wrong,

July 19 Education Committee Interim Meeting.  Fast fwd to 4 hours and 16 minutes.

July 20 Education Committee Interim Meeting.  Fast fwd to 3 hours and 20 minutes:

Click to open in new tab: Education-prohibition of acceptance of federal funds
