Reach Out to Help the 1/6ers

Every single one of us has already thought: What if I were being held in jail for several months without due process?  Would my friends be fighting for my rights?  Would my friends be looking out for my family and making sure they are OK?  Would my American brethren have my back?  

Every single one of needs to say YES.

Finally, word is out on WHO exactly is being held without due-process WHERE, and HOW true-blooded Americans can help them and their families.  Here are a few specifics that we note from that has organized this necessary patriotic effort for these political prisoners:

  • There are 47 people on a list that was last updated July 26; two are now listed as released. (Additionally, Douglas Jensen’s GiveSendGo page says he was released on July 14th.)
  • Out of the 44 on the list – 39 are being held in D.C., and 5 are being held at state institutions.
  • 40 are men, 4 are women
  • Every night at 9pm at the D.C. jail they sing the National Anthem to keep their spirits up and their fellowship strong!
  • All could use uplifting, supportive letters from their fellow Americans – here is the Patriot Mail Project list and more info.
  • There is one main GiveSendGo campaign for their families: January 6th Political Prisoners Family Fundraiser
  • There are 13 individual GiveSendGo campaigns for specific detainees. Most of these campaigns have letters directly from the detainee or a family member explaining their story, along with updates.  We are including a few quotes under each to give you an idea of their current status:
    • Tim Hale
      “…Tim like the many others sitting in the DC deplorable jail has been denied all rights to a speedy trial and any due process. And because of this atrocity, Tim has lost his housing, his job he has been kicked out of the military, and has zero income coming to cover certain expenses…”

    • Scott Fairlamb
      “…I have been detained since January 22nd and since then:-I haven’t seen my family 
      -We have lost our business, which is our family’s main source of income. 
      -I suffered a heart attack
      -I continue to fight Leukemia with daily chemo pill treatment. 
      -I am locked in my cell for 26 hours straight every other day. 
      -I have lived in solitary confinement conditions since 3-16…”

    • Doug Jensen
      “…Released on July 14th, 2021 on bond – He is on house arrest and is ordered not to work…”

    • Jack Whitton
      “…We appreciate any level of support. Even just a message of encouragement goes SO far. He needs to know that he is still human and worthy of receiving love and grace. This is something he has really been struggling with since this all happened. He feels shamed and ultimately condemed…”

    • Michael Foy
      “…I am raising money for my son, Michael Foy a Marine Veteran. He was locked up in the Washington DC deplorable jail without bond as a Political Prisoner for almost 6 months.  On July 3rd he was finaly released after much help and is now on GPS monitoring… We have been quoted over $150,000 just to retain an attorney for trial as a start. He deserves fair representation.  Everyone deserves there day in court…”

    • George Tanios
      George is not the person he is being portrayed to be. It feels as if this case, and his detainment are targeted and very politically charged.
      The media has already destroyed and prosecuted him. His family has been left without the option to run their business, and has no means to provide for the financial needs of their 3 small children under the age of 4. The funds raised from this campaign will be used for the finanicial support of Amanda, George’s fiance, and their three small children.”

    • Julian Khater
      “Julian Khater is a beloved son, brother, uncle, Godfather, and patriotic American who is facing an unjust legal battle due to attending the rally in Washington, DC, on January 6th, 2021…”

    • Guy Reffit
      “…I ask not for me but for my amazing Wife (Nicole) and my two amazing daughters (Peyton and Sarah). The lords plan appears to leave work for the meek. The bills at home are falling critically behind and the stress is overbearing for all my girls…”

    • Shane Jenkins
      “…Shane Jenkins went to the U. S. Capitol in Washington, D. C., on January 6, 2021, to peacefully protest what he believes to be election fraud. He is currently being held in the D. C. Department of Corrections without bond and no trial date in sight. Clearly he is a political prisoner.
      The court appointed public defender holds political beliefs contrary to Shane’s,  and she is not representing Mr. Jenkins with her client’s best interests at heart…”

    • Ken Harrelson
      “…Please pray for strength to get us through this. Please pray for Retired Sgt. Harrelson to have good health. Please pray for this to be dropped. Please pray for the truth to be told and and ask God to put the fear into Satan to keep him away from our family. Please pray for myself to stay strong for everyone. I am the rock and glue of this family…”

    • Kyle Young
      “…Kyle is loving father and a wonderful husband. He is an innocent man. He is facing 12 charges. We have four children that really need their father back. They are ages 17, 13, 8, and 1. He was immediately denied release. My husband no longer has his job to support us. My job isn’t enough to pay all our bills and I am afraid we could lose our home. Any help we get will make sure my children and I can stay in our family home, pay for Kyles defense, help us keep in touch with Kyle and make sure he can get food while he is jailed. Kyle lost 17 pounds in the first month and a half of being incarcerated…”

    • Joseph Hackett
      “…God Bless you, Steve Bannon and my friends at the WarRoom!

      Joe and all the other guys watched me from their tablets on your show today! They were all cheering and so uplifted! I haven’t heard my husband so happy in months! I can never repay you for everything you are doing for all the families!

      Thank you to everyone that has donated! The 1/6er’s want you all to know that they are staying strong and keeping their faith in our nation and their Lord Above!”

    • The Mele Family
      “…On February 19th at 6:00AM our house was raided by the FBI and it was terrifying. After almost 4 months of silence, on June 10th he received a phone call from the FBI stating he had a warrant for his arrest and needed to turn himself in within two hours. Thank the Lord he was able to be out on bond. He has also lost his 2nd Amendment protections and his CCW permit was suspended. Meanwhile, his name is smeared all over the media. We have retained a powerful attorney and are preparing for a long fight for his freedom…”

What else can you do?  CONTACT Senator Barasso and Senator Lummis and tell them they need to demand due process and humane treatment for these political prisoners.  We recommend sending letters directly to their WY offices.

Also, check the Patriot Freedom Project website regularly to stay informed – our understanding is that this is being run by family members of the detainees.

These fellow Americans are political prisoners and they need our help – it can be a donation, but it can also be something as simple as a letter. Please step up and help them.  Some day one of us might need the same.

Here is more info on the 1/6ers:
