As West Coast As You Can Get

Just like an over-eager, sugar-laden child on Christmas morning, Mark Gordon feverishly ripped open the magical-happy-fun box of Green-New-Deal energy for West Coast elitists last June in his unbridled response to the Bill Gates nuclear deal.

And now he is suddenly trying to shove that SOB Pandora back into the box?!

Yeah right.

From Oil City News‘, Brendan Lachance:

Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon’s office said in a press release on Friday that the governor is pushing for “reliable” fossil fuel energy sources and has concerns about the direction Rocky Mountain Power seems to be taking.

The press release comes after Rocky Mountain Power released its Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) this week.

“While we are still reviewing the document, it seems to fly in the face of the expectations of many in Wyoming,” Gordon said in the release. “I continue to support an ‘all the above’ energy strategy, and Rocky Mountain Power is clearly limiting their options by focusing on intermittent sources of generation such as wind and solar, and banking on technologies not yet fully proven, such as batteries and nuclear.” 

…Gordon said that Rocky Mountain Power customers in Wyoming and other states need to be able to rely on the ability to have electricity 24 hours a day.

“True baseload power will not have gaps in the power supply that accompany the times when the wind doesn’t blow, the sun doesn’t shine and the batteries run out,” Gordon said.

While Rocky Mountain Power’s IRP indicates the company is thinking about some switchover to natural gas, Gordon said he doesn’t think this is sufficient.

Gordon wants ‘reliable’ fossil fuel energy sources, says Rocky Mountain Power too focused on renewables, Sept 3, 2021.

Are any of the following included in Gordon’s concerns?

No, we don’t believe Gordon has ever had any concerns about any of the above.  Gordon already knew all of this – he threw the state of Wyoming under the bus long ago.  Just look at his true green enviro leanings (scroll to Previous Experience, business interests and memberships at that link) the media has kept under wraps this entire time.  His tough words are not likely intended to change a damn thing, so don’t count on it.

It’s much more likely that WY citizen’s are now clearly reading the writing on the wall and are throwing a conniption.  As they should.

“…it seems to fly in the face of the expectations of many in Wyoming…”

Ya think?!  It “seems?  What a traitorous moron.  (We told you – you can’t trust Mark Gordon.)

As we pointed out before, this is about so much more than nuclear power: It’s about obliterating Wyoming’s traditional energy economy and replacing it with a “Net Zero Energy Economy”.  Wyoming is the zero in the net zero energy economy!  They don’t just want nuclear reactors, and wind turbines, and hydro power, and hydrogen power, and solar panels, and geothermal power, and renewable natural gas (yuck) – they want to remove every single source of power that Wyoming’s identity is founded on.  (But with a recent exception of a minimal amount of natural gas, because they now realize people are dying during blackouts.)

Pacificorp would love to add WY to this menu

The hardcore truth is that Rocky Mountain Power/Pacificorp/Warren Buffet/Bill Gates and the state that they all herald from, Washington, believe that they are the adults in the proverbial room that must impound all fossil fuels from ever being used.  Not just in their state, not just in all 50 states, but, ultimately across the entire globe.  This is why:

  • they do not want any coal power plant in WY available for resale to any interested party
  • they want all WY laws purged (via incremental amendments) that require resale possibilities of coal power plants
  • the battle for WY coal to have accessibility to commercial ports in Washington is consistently defeated (we have never believed Gordon’s sincerity in joining that fight)

The changes they plan to make to our state and our economy would erase over half of the symbols in our state seal for crying out loud!  They want to rape Wyoming of our identity – including equal rights for our state to have it’s own energy policies and economy.

Hidden in the fine print at Rocky Mountain Power/Gates-Nuke deal Wyoming Advanced Energy FAQ Page:

RMP/Pacificorp expects the state of Wyoming to change our laws so they can comply with Oregon and Washington’s energy policies.  Many on the Minerals Committee intend to make that happen as soon and as smoothly as possible.

Wyoming is just a pawn on Warren Buffett and Bill Gates’ chess board.

Wyoming Citizen’s still have the power to stop this but they must GET VOCAL NOW.  We can run these green-new-deal charlatans right out of the state:

  1. We need locals to let the rest of us know when and where these Rocky Mountain Power/TerraPower meetings are taking place so we can attend and give them hell. 
  2. Citizens should also attend the upcoming Minerals Committee meeting on Nov 4 – 5 and publicly comment. 
  3. Citizens need to oppose every 2022 legislative bill that is written to comply with the energy policies of RMP/Pacificorp, and thus Washington, Oregon and California.
  4. Citizens should oppose and fight any amendments to existing WY law created in:

SF159 (2019) New opportunities for Wyoming coal fired generation

HB166 (2021) Utilities-presumption against facility retirements.

If we don’t run these green-new-deal charlatans off, we may just as well re-name whatever WY town they decide to take over.  We can call the new town WestCoastWins:


For citizens who want more info to dig through, here is a pdf of the Wyoming Advanced Energy FAQ Page that discloses need-to-know information that they were willing to be honest about – we pray that citizens read this, download it, share it and actively fight it.  Additionally, below is a Pacificorp map that shows their service areas:

