Government Seized Control of the Medical Profession

Q: Have you noticed what has been missing from the pandemic response in the USA?
A: Early treatment by your physician.

It doesn’t exist.  It doesn’t exist because it is forbidden.  It’s not just a prescription of Hydroxychloroquine that’s forbidden.  It’s not just a prescription of Ivermectin that’s forbidden.  Any and all early treatment for Covid-19 that could be provided by your doctor two years ago is now forbidden.  Completely off the table.  Nada.  Nothing.  Period.

It’s not just therapeutic prescription drugs that’s missing in Covid treatment.  It’s your doctor’s active involvement that’s missing as well.

See, this is how it works.  If you test positive, the CDC advises you to:

  • Stay home, in a separate room from other people and pets in your home.  Tell your close contacts that you may have exposed them.
  • Take care of yourself. Get rest and stay hydrated. Take over-the-counter medicines, such as acetaminophen [a symptom reducer], to help you feel better.
  • Stay in touch with your doctor.  Call before you get medical care.  Be sure to get care if you have trouble breathing, or have any other emergency warning signs.  If you have any emergency warning signs, seek emergency medical care immediately.

You either stay at home or you go to the hospital, and you can only go to the hospital if it’s an emergency.  If you stay at home, you get to suffer through Covid-19 without any prescribed medication that has already been proven to have therapeutic value for Covid, or you can go to the hospital in an emergency state and be treated, at their mercy, as an emergency patient.  Heaven forbid they should decide to forcefully intubate you to a ventilator.  Heaven forbid they insist you get the jab before they’ll let you through the door.  Or, for that matter, Heaven forbid they insist you get the jab before they let you out the door.

That’s it.  No early treatment, and the doctor-patient relationship between you and your physician was officially terminated by the United States government.

Did you realize that happened?  We didn’t, until we watched the video below featuring the brand new Pandemic Health Alliance (PHA).

Until the doctor-patient relationship is restored, and until physicians hands are untied so they can prescribe proven therapeutics, and until natural immunity is recognized, and until Americans reclaim the freedom to make their own healthcare choices regardless of all the above – Americans will continue to needlessly die.

Please watch below.  We will report more on the PHA later.

See Part 2 of the above video here.

To summarize the criminality and corruption of what is taking place:

The ongoing medical crimes of the United States Health and Human Services SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic response are the result of a dynamic quintet involving the state, the medical profession (not all physicians), pharmaceutical companies, an academic enterprise comprising the universities and the research institutes, and the propaganda institutions, formerly known as the media.

But we have seen this same kind of totalitarian dictatorship over healthcare and medical procedures before:

The medical crimes of the Third Reich were the result of a dynamic triad involving the state, the medical profession, and an academic enterprise comprising the universities and the research institutes.” (Seidelman, Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 2000)
From 1932–1945: Doctors & Academics Perverted Medicine & Science in Nazi Germany, Nov 18, 2014


