When Doctors and Nurses Killed Children and Pharmaceutical Companies Were Heavily Involved

Do not look away.  Every American needs to know the following history.  While this is extensively well documented by many, many sources, we are uncertain if this is taught in any public schools.

Germany was not at the forefront of this.

Nazi’s learned much of their eugenics initially from the U.S.

…Without the full support of the physicians, scientists and nurses, the holocaust, as it unfolded, could never have happened.

…About 40% of German physicians were in the Nazi party…

…The mass murder of handicapped German children and adults was planned, organized, and implemented by the secret Reich Committee under the Office of the Führer which was the preeminent body dealing with racial hygiene and population policy in Nazi Germany. Its members belonged to the elite within the medical establishment. The SS had no part in the T4 so called “euthanasia” action. It was entirely carried out by health care professionals who facilitated the conditions for medical murder and heinous experiments; health care professionals implemented and actively took part in every phase of medical mass murder. The selection phase began with a State decree ordering doctors and midwives to fill out a questionnaire reporting all newborn infants and young children under age 3, who showed signs of specific mental or physical abnormalities or handicaps.

The questionnaire, couched in language using euphemisms to create the impression that the objective was a scientific survey to aid children with serious medical conditions, was essentially used as a death warrant.

…Many of the nurses were actually the ones who carried out the injections… for a long time nurses were the agents of the physicians, and the physicians in the Nazi period were agents of the state.

Physicians were no longer asked to care for patients, but to care for the state.

the brains of 40 of these children were removed personally by Dr. Julius Hallervorden, head of Neuropathology of the Kaiser-Wilhelm Institute for Brain Research. (Hohendorf. Medical Research and National Socialist Euthanasia, 2014)

…Public health nurses would go to the families and promised them, if you will give your child to us, your child will get the best care.  And so people were falsely led to believe that and relinquished their children.

The parents were deceived; they were told the children would receive advanced therapeutic interventions; those who resisted were pressured, coerced and threatened with loss of custody of their healthy children. Henry Friedlander reports that physicians in the killing wards were anxious to fulfill their quotas because the staff of a “productive killing ward” received a financial bonus. “The physicians in the killing wards did everything in their power to prevent parents from removing their children.” (Friedlander, The Origins of Nazi Genocide: From Euthanasia to the Final Solution, 1995)

The children he selected for killing were subjected to experimentation before they were murdered; and then their brains were removed for further “scientific study.”

The researchers used genealogical charts and ancestral passports to identify each child’s racial / ethnic background. Other departments conducted additional research on the children. Case histories were used to decide which children’s execution would be worth for neuro-anatomical purposes.

From Children to Adults

“The network of research grew wider during the war. Drug and vaccine experiments were conducted in Breslau. In 1941, Hans Voegt infected psychiatric patients from the mental hospital in Breslau with hepatitis.

From 1942 experiments occurred in several psychiatric hospitals: Armsdorf, Eichberg, Günzburg, Marburg, and at Eberwalde by summer 1943. These tested IG Farben drugs. Elmar Türk of the Vienna University pediatrics department killed at least three children at the Steinhof hospital in the course of TB experiments

Once you accept humans can be dehumanized, eventually you can engage in exterminating them.

The propaganda around the whole idea of killing people for the good of the state was profound.  Even down to children doing exercises in their schoolbooks on how much it costs to keep people with a disability

…The only way we’re going to make this acceptable is to say we need these hospital beds for the war-wounded…

… Ravensbrük was a camp for women… most of the women were dissenters, or women who caused trouble to the Nazis…

…Hitler demanded doctor’s should find a cure for infected wounds… the women at Ravensbrük were used as lab rats basically… they would make a cut and fill it with sawdust… dirt… broken glass and then sew it back it up… bone infections…

…They would take blood from my left arm and give me four injections into my right arm… to the best of my knowledge they were germs, diseases, and drugs because a German pharmaceutical company was very heavily involved in the experiments at Auschwitz

Quotes (with emphasis added) taken from:
Caring Corrupted – The Killing Nurses of The Third Reich, Cizik School of Nursing documentary, 2017
1939–1945: Medicalized Mass Murder, Children first, Alliance for Human Research Protection, Nov 18, 2014

WTC Comment

The point of this post is to demonstrate how such horrific atrocities began and metastasized.

Eugenics, a fancy word that means breeding, sterilizing or killing people to fulfill certain favored/prejudicial societal ideals, began during the Progressive Era in the United States around 1899 at Stanford University in California before it spread to Germany. (More on Eugenics in the United States here.)

In the 1930’s under Hitler Germany began their eugenics plan by creating a ‘population policy’.  Hitler’s quest to perfect his imagined “Aryan race” turned every citizen into victims who did not have the favored/prejudicial (physical, intellectual, economic, political and religious) qualities he (the state) demanded.

The doctors and nurses fell in lockstep with that policy “for the good of the state”.  Once the policy began being implemented, the pharmaceutical companies provided a wide toolbox of drugs, including many experimental drugs, to accomplish the state’s directives.

The doctor-patient relationship was completely eradicated and replaced with the doctor-state relationship.  The doctor-state relationship was then obsessively chaperoned by voracious pharmaceutical companies and their insatiable hunger for experimental research.

‘Patients’ were political victims, and political victims quickly became experimental animals.  Rights and ethical treatment of humans were reduced to that of rats.

The state, and medical and scientific communities convinced themselves, as well as a portion of the populace, that they were serving a noble cause.

CARING CORRUPTED – The Killing Nurses of The Third Reich

