No Time To Rest: WY Dept of Health Just Announced Their Recommendations for Children COVID Vaccinations

Wednesday afternoon the WY Dept of Health announced, “Covid-19 Vaccinations Okayed for Younger Children” and that the vaccines are “now available and recommended for younger school-aged children.”

The WY State Legislature has not produced anything that will help our children.  It was clear from the get go that the ‘powers-that-be’ never had our children on the priority list to begin with.  Our conservative legislators did, but they are still unfortunately a minority.

How long until the WY Dept of Health turns their recommendation into a mandate?  Does anyone really want to wait for that?  The State of WY is going to do exactly what they just did this past week – bend-over when Biden tells them to because they believe the supremacy clause says they have to.

So now is the time for Wyomingites to get proactive on their own, rather than waiting for later to be merely reactive.

We are going to start with the following suggested links that we believe could possibly be helpful right now for protecting our children.  Tomorrow we intend to post an opt-out form that WY parents can use to try to protect their children (parents should not assume that schools will honor it).

Children’s Health Defense Fund – Stop Mandatory Vaccinations in K-12 Schools

Begin forming your own local groups to protect your children.  There are strength in numbers.

Home School Legal Defense Association

Wyoming Homeschool Groups

Read, know, follow and download the brand new Wyoming lawsuit that was just filed today on November 3, 2021: Grace Smith vs Gordon


Heads Up:  Could this happen in WY?  Absolutely.
Oct 25: Louisiana High School Under Investigation For Vaccinating Teenage Students Without Parental Consent
