Oath of Office prescribed by the Constitution of Wyoming


I do  solemnly swear that  I  will support, obey and defend the constitution of the United States, and the constitution of  the State  of  Wyoming;  that  I have  not  knowingly  violated  any  law  related  to  my election  or  appointment,  or  caused  it  to  be  done  by  others;  and  that  I  will  discharge the duties of my office with fidelity.



Transparency:  Accessibility of all meetings and all records of when/where/what/how officials conduct public business.

Accountability:  Accounting for the outcomes of public business conducted by officials. Transparency is required to assess accountability.

Ethics: Moral principles that govern an official’s behavior while conducting public business; honest disclosure of the interface between public and private life and any conflicts that may arise thereof.



