Saving Wyoming

Our Saving America series began over three months ago in our post on June 7 (What Just Happened?!), acknowledging the killing of George Floyd and the subsequent nationwide protests, riots and violence.  In that post  we stated, “In the coming weeks we will be sharing some material to read and watch – as our effort offered to Wyomingites to assist in educating and understanding what we now see happening to our country”.  Our intention has been to educate people on how our American principles and values have been under attack, and subsequently in decline, for decades.  The only way we can reverse this is to understand what went wrong and set out to correcting it.  We will continue to add to this series as time allows.

However, because the radical left has been ratcheting up and geographically expanding their violent revolts to the suburbs, promising no end in sight, and organizing/planning for an intensification of “catastrophe” after the Nov 3 2020 U.S. Presidential election, we feel the need to now simultaneously begin a new series which we will be calling Saving Wyoming.  In this new series we will be covering:

  • Neighborhood Watch Groups
  • Situational Awareness
  • Hardening Your Home
  • KNOW WY Gun Laws & Increase Your Competency with Your Firearms
  • Travel During Civil Unrest and Riots

Look for our first post in this series very soon.  Meanwhile, you can begin your own research and preparations for the coming times with that list as your own starting point.

