UPDATE: Important Dates and Recent Legal Actions/Issues in Battleground States

Important post-election dates provided by Gateway Pundit:

Late November/Early December: Each state has its own deadline to certify the election. However, if ballot disputes, litigation or other factors delay the count, blowing this deadline doesn’t invoke a penalty in the presidential race. The big deadlines are still to come.

Dec. 8: This is known as the safe harbor deadline. That means that Congress cannnot challenge any electors named by this date in accordance with state law. Most states want their electors named by this deadline, to ensure Congress cannot disregard them.

Dec. 14: This is the date when electors are required to meet in their states and cast their ballots for president. Missing this deadline could mean a state’s electors don’t count in the presidential tally. Any electors seated between Dec. 8 and this date can still vote, but they could theoretically be challenged by Congress. Also, by this date the governor of each state must certify the state’s presidential election and slate of electors.

Gateway provides information and suggestions for writing to legislators in battleground states – see more here.

Very Recent Updates on Legal Action & Issues in Battleground States:


Nov 7: Trump campaign files suit in Arizona as vote gap narrows
Nov 7: Trump/RNC Files Lawsuit Alleging Arizona Wrongly Rejected Election Day Ballots
Nov 4: Arizona Voters File Lawsuit to Restore Their Ballots Cancelled Over Sharpies



Nov 7: Students for Life Announces They are Sending Vote Counting Monitors to Battleground States Still Processing Ballots
Nov 7: Georgia Secretary of State Dispatches Investigators to Atlanta Arena After Fulton County Discovers Election “Reporting Issue”
Nov 6: BREAKING: Georgia Secretary of State Announces Recount (VIDEO)
Nov 6: Georgia secretary of state: nearly 9,000 military ballots still outstanding
Nov 6: Corrupted Software that Stole 6,000 Votes From Trump in Michigan County — Shut Down for TWO HOURS in Red Counties in Georgia on Election Day
Nov 5: How would a recount in Georgia work?
Nov 5: Judge Tosses Out Trump’s Lawsuit Seeking to Stop Ballot Counting in Georgia After State Officials Keep Finding New Ballots
Nov 4: Biden Campaign Seeking Volunteers in Georgia to ‘Go Door to Door Helping Voters Fix Their Mail in Ballots’ AFTER ELECTION DAY
Nov 3: Trump campaign files lawsuit in Georgia, 3rd lawsuit overall



Nov 7: Reports of voter fraud, and of barring Republicans from polling places so as to enable voter fraud, continue to pile up.  (Important details)
Nov 7: Students for Life Announces They are Sending Vote Counting Monitors to Battleground States Still Processing Ballots
Nov 7: Michigan Voters Sue Secretary of State
Nov 6: GOP: Thousands of Votes in 2 MI Counties Incorrectly Directed to Dems Due to ‘Software Glitch’ and ‘Clerical Error’
Nov 5: GOP Poll Watcher Alleges Fraud at Detroit Ballot-Counting Center
Nov 5: Lawsuit: At Least 21K Dead People on Pennsylvania Voter Rolls
Nov 5: Michigan: Judge Rejects Trump Campaign Effort to Halt Vote Count
Nov 4: Trump Campaign Lawsuit Claims Lack of Access to Michigan Counting Locations
Nov 4: John James Campaign Claims Irregularities in Michigan Senate Race
Oct 24: Detroit Election Workers Trained To Kick Out Poll Watchers, Count Challenged Ballots, Throw Out Provisional Ballots
Oct 16: HUGE! Michigan Court Steps in And Prevents 14-Day Absentee Ballot Extension
Sept 29: Ex-Michigan Officials Sue to Stop Absentee Ballots from Being Counted if They Arrive After Election Day
June 30: Detroit Cleans Up Voter Rolls with 2.5K Dead Registrants After Lawsuit (Did they actually do it?)

Michigan Legislature
Nov 7: Michigan Legislature Subpoenas Election Officials
Nov 6: BREAKING: Michigan Legislature to Convene Joint Oversight Hearing Saturday After ‘Glitches’ Give 6,000 Trump Votes to Biden


Nov 7: Trump Campaign Taking Numerous New Legal Actions In Election Battle
Nov 7: Students for Life Announces They are Sending Vote Counting Monitors to Battleground States Still Processing Ballots
Nov 5: Ric Grenell Announces Lawsuit at Rally in Las Vegas to Stop the Steal – “Illegal” Ballots Are Being Counted in Nevada (VIDEO)
Aug 5: Trump Campaign Fights Nevada Democrat Party’s Unconstitutional and Unethical Attacks on Election Integrity

Nevada Legislature
Aug 25: Dem Nevada Governor Sisolak Rejects Republican Secretary of State’s Request to Require ‘Ballot Harvesters’ Register

North Carolina

Nov. 6: Postal Service delivers more ballots after court-ordered sweep (North Carolina – about 500)
Sept 28: Trump Campaign, GOP, Sue to Block North Carolina’s New Mail-in Ballot Rules #StopTheSteal
Sept 22: Democrats Win Major Concessions on Vote-by-Mail from North Carolina in ‘Consent Decree’
Apr 9: Judicial Watch Sues North Carolina for 1M Inactive Voters on Voting Rolls
Nov (2019): Non-Citizens to Stay on North Carolina Voter Rolls Before 2020 Election
June (2019): Lawsuit: NC Illegally Withholding Data on Noncitizen Voters

Nov 7: Giuliani: GOP Poll Watchers in PA Blocked From Reviewing Up to 500,000 Mail-In Ballots; Says Court Should ‘Set Aside’ Uninspected Votes
Nov 7: ‘Come back to haunt’: Pennsylvania lawsuit alleges 21,000 dead people still on voter rolls
Nov 7: Project Veritas: Bucks County, Pennsylvania Board of Elections Director Confirms “Spoiled” Ballots Were Illegally Handled and Destroyed (VIDEO)
Nov 7: U.S. Supreme Court Orders Separate Count of Late Ballots in Pennsylvania
Here is copy of Nov 6 SCOTUS Order.
Nov. 6: Postal Service delivers more ballots after court-ordered sweep (PA – about 1,376)
Nov. 6: A 2nd U.S. Postal Service Worker in PA Comes Forward to Accuse Supervisors of Backdating Late Ballots to Nov.3
Nov 5:  Lawsuit: At Least 21K Dead People on Pennsylvania Voter Rolls
Nov 5: Report: Mail-in Ballot Count ‘Halted’ in Philadelphia as Democrats Challenge Court Order Allowing GOP Observers
Nov 5: PA AG Shapiro: ‘There Is Transparency Baked Into the System’
Nov 5: Democrat Poll Watcher Alleges Corruption At Philadelphia Polling Place: ‘This Is A Coup’ (VIDEO)
Nov 4: Rudy Giuliani Launches Trump Campaign Claim of Democrat Voting Fraud in Philadelphia
Nov 4: Trump Campaign Lawsuit Claims Lack of Access to Michigan Counting Locations
Nov 4: Trump Lawyers Want Supreme Court to Intervene in Pennsylvania Mail Ballot Deadline Matter
Nov 3: Twitter Censors PA GOP Account Alleging Irregular Activity at Polls
Oct 29: Pennsylvania County Official: Thousands of Requested Mail-In Ballots May Be Lost
Oct 28: Pennsylvania Elections Board Seeks Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s Recusal in Voting Case
Oct 23: Pennsylvania Supreme Court: Ballots Can’t Be Tossed Out over Mismatching Signature
Oct 23: Trump campaign tapes voters at drop boxes, threatens lawsuit
Oct 19: Roberts Sides with Liberals in Pennsylvania Vote-by-Mail Battle
Oct 10: Judge Throws Out Trump Campaign’s Pennsylvania Lawsuit About Mail-In Ballots
Sept 24: Pennsylvania: Mailed-In Military Votes for Donald Trump ‘Were Discarded,’ FBI Says
Sept 17: PA Supreme Court Sides with Democrats: Mail-In Ballot Deadline Extended 3 Days After Election
Apr 29: Judicial Watch Sues Pennsylvania for 800K Inactive Voters on Voter Rolls
Feb 27: Lawsuit: 1.6K Dead People Registered to Vote in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Legislature
Nov 7: Top Pennsylvania Republicans Urge Gov. Wolf to Immediately ‘Audit’ Election
Nov 4: Pennsylvania Republican Senators Call on PA Secretary of State to Resign
Sept 20: Exclusive: Pennsylvania Legislature Prepares Federal Lawsuit to Challenge Mail Voting Rulings

Nov 7: Students for Life Announces They are Sending Vote Counting Monitors to Battleground States Still Processing Ballots
Nov 7: Report: Wisconsin Election Clerks May Have Illegally Altered Thousands of Ballots
Nov6: Wisconsin GOP launches legislative investigation into ‘mail-in ballot dumps and voter fraud’: report
Nov 6: Wall Street Journal Writer: Reported Voter Turnout In Wisconsin Is Not Feasible
Nov 4: Rudy Giuliani contested the 120,000 ballots that suddenly appeared in Wisconsin
Oct 9: Appeals court halts Wisconsin’s plan to extend mail-in ballot deadline
Sept 26: Voters in 4 Battleground States File Lawsuits Claiming Election Meddling Funded by Mark Zuckerberg
Sept 23: Mailed-In Ballots Found Tossed in Wisconsin Ditch
Sept 21: Judge Allows Extra Week for Counting Wisconsin Absentee Ballots
Sept 16: “Left-Leaning” Group That Received $250 Million From Mark Zuckerberg Is Being Sued For Election Interference In WI

Wisconsin Legislature
Nov 7: Multiple Wisconsin law makers speaking out, following the Biden Harris winning ticket
Nov 6: Wisconsin GOP launches legislative investigation into ‘mail-in ballot dumps and voter fraud’: report
