Nov 11 – Paul Revere and the Essence of Time to Save Our Republic

We will be posting a daily version of this page until the 2020 Election has been resolved – any evening updates will be added to the bottom of that day’s page.

Our warriors on the 2020 Election battleground have limited time to get the right things done, in the right manner, and in the limited time frame to save our Republic.  As General Michael Flynn said yesterday“Everybody needs to slow down and be patient” … “This is bigger than President Donald Trump or Vice-President Joe Biden” … “We must get this process right, or we are not going to have a country.”

Certification Deadlines (of official vote) for Battleground States (as reported by NewsMaxTV):

Nov 20 – Georgia
Nov 23 – Michigan and Pennsylvania
Nov 24 – Nevada
Nov 30 – Arizona
Dec 1 – Wisconsin

This Ballotpedia link gives more info on certification details.  We are uncertain how lawsuits may or may not effect these dates.

Dec 14 is when the Electoral College meets.

If you are a grassroots curator of information that you are disseminating to others, please do not add to the tower of chaotic babble of potential misinformation clogging up peoples text messaging and emails.  You are essentially one of the Paul Revere’s of our time that must take your job as seriously as possible.  Every patriot in this fight must make the time and discerning effort to monitor their own communications and not send or forward any fake news or time-consuming actions that are not relevant to this effort.

A proven and trustworthy leader and warrior already on the front-lines is Sidney Powell.  Ms. Powell is one of the few who has inside information, the wherewithal and the megaphone to keep us informed on a fairly regular basis, and so this is who we will be following the most in the coming weeks.  Ms. Powell has a new link highlighted at her website for the Legal Defense Fund for the American Republic.  We have checked this to the best of our ability and believe it to be 100% legitimate.  The other link that we also know to be legitimate for contributions for this effort is the Official Election Defense Fund provided by WinRed which is an official and secure GOP Platform.

Below is the most recent updates provided by Sidney Powell this morning.  Below the video are suggestions for what people can do now, and our own updates for our readers.

What You Can Do Now:

More Updates for Nov 11th:

Mike Rowe Honors Veterans: ‘Every Good And Decent Thing We Enjoy Was Paid In Blood’
Trump Admin Gives Fantastic Veterans Day Gift to Vets and Gold Star Families




More Winning

12 Ways For Trump To Bomb The Battlefield While Biden [Attempts to] Claims The Presidency
