Nov 13 – Paul Revere – Real News the Main Stream Media Is Ignoring

See new Electoral Map with Timeline below…

We will be posting a daily version of this page until the 2020 Election has been resolved – any evening updates will be added to the bottom of that day’s page.

Our warriors on the 2020 Election battleground have limited time to get the right things done and in the right manner to save our Republic.  As General Michael Flynn said Nov 10“Everybody needs to slow down and be patient” … “This is bigger than President Donald Trump or Vice-President Joe Biden” … “We must get this process right, or we are not going to have a country.”

Nov 13: General Flynn Retweets Update Showing President Trump is Still On Track to Defeat Biden In Electoral College Votes (via Gateway Pundit)

General Flynn @GenFlynn·  
Follow @Raiklin a true American Patriot and #DigitalSoldier … he is working to make sense out of this disastrous fraud of an election.
Map by Ivan’s Projection – @Raiklin.
*Click image to enlarge*

11/12 VIDEO Rudy Giuliani Updates The Current Status of Election Ballot Challenges…

What You Can Do Today, Nov 13:

  • PRAY for the protection, safety and health of every eyewitness and whistle-blower that is speaking up about election fraud and ballot and/or vote irregularities.
  • PRAY for the guidance and protection, safety and health of every attorney and paralegal working for fair and honest elections in our country.
  • PRAY for the guidance and protection, safety and health of President Donald J Trump, his cabinet, and his family.

Nov 13 Updates:









