True Americans Have Never Been Hand-Wringers

There sure was a lot of hand-wringing yesterday.  We woke up to the statement that was put out about Sidney Powell not being part of the Trump Legal team (which technically had always been the case).  And then we went to bed with the knowledge that the GSA had approved transition funds for Biden.  In the grander scheme of things, neither of those events are even close to being earth-shattering.  Sidney Powell has not missed a single beat on what she was doing before that announcement – she is the same Kracken Releaser causing quivering swamp-creatures to look for new rocks to hide under (much smaller rocks by the way).  As far as the GSA approval, here is the rest of the story, if you haven’t seen it by now:

President Trump: “I want to thank Emily Murphy at GSA for her steadfast dedication and loyalty to our Country. She has been harassed, threatened, and abused – and I do not want to see this happen to her, her family, or employees of GSA. Our case STRONGLY continues, we will keep up the good…fight, and I believe we will prevail!

Notice today, that both of those items are barely in the news now – except for desperate MSM sources trying to squeeze just a bit more mileage out of it for the sole purpose of getting under your skin.

The sleeping giant that has awoke needs, at the very least, to rinse out his eyes.

We get it though.  There is a lot of folks that feel paralyzed in fear as they click away on their devices looking for some good news – perhaps we all are to a certain degree.  (And some of you might even be going through social media/FOX news withdrawal as well – which should, at least, be briefly pondered.)  But for those still wringing their hands, you need to realize they have you right where they want you – in fear.  Understand that this war being waged right now has a significant, orchestrated, psychological component to it that requires the good guys to feel despondent and powerless.  The perpetual media assailants reminding us of potential COVID exposure and lock-down threats facilitates this mind-set immensely.  No one acts when they feel despondent and powerless.

The left is attempting to pull off the largest scam in American history and they hope we will all just go back to bed to sleep it off.  That’s a classic Hillary move that must be recognized. 

What is needed is perspective.  And a man by the name of Jay Valentine gave us just that, ever so timely – yesterday, Nov 23, 2020,  in his article at American Thinker, Why Industrial Scale Fraud Is Just So Hard To Hide.  Mr. Valentine’s article begins with:

People, we need to talk.

Way too many are caught in a media-induced despondency, knowing the presidential election was stolen, in the dark of night, vote counting suddenly stopped, vote counts on the television switched from Trump to Biden – yet each thinks he or she is the only one who saw it.

And Mr. Valentine’s article ends with:

In the end, which is not far out, it all comes apart.

It always does.  Industrial scale fraud is not sustainable because lies that big just cannot be hidden.

Sidney Powell and Lin Wood aren’t going away.

Get some sleep.

Patriots in despair need to take the time to re-adjust their perspective.  Read Mr. Valentines article.  You will be relieved that you did, and you will find that the glowing and growing fire of patriotic determination and strength is exactly where you left it.

