Saving America

In the Shadow of Pomp and Parade

In the shadow of ‘pomp and parade’ is the only reason for our annual Independence Day celebration:

… I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.

John Adams’ letter to his wife, Abigail Adams on July 3, 1776

Could it be that as a nation, over the last 245 years, we have grotesquely overemphasized the pomp and parade, while completely undervaluing how significant our Declaration of Independence still is today?  Over the past two and a half centuries have we allowed the overdone commercialization of our most sacred day of honor to incrementally replace prayers of gratitude and self-preservation with barbecues and ‘long week-ends’?  Have we left in the shadows that which we’ve each been personally responsible for maintaining all along?

Yes.  We have.

But many Americans today are recognizing it’s magnitude is still ever-so germane, and are reviving the fore-thoughts of essential liberty into our minds and into our prayers.  We are bringing it back into the full sunlight of our own awareness.  We are remembering the blood and sacrifice of our founding, and we are honoring it and sharing it with our children and grandchildren once again.  We are deliberating our own personal price, and in real time are having to consider if we have what it takes to “mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor”.  We have quickly discovered how relevant this is today and all of the tomorrows after.

And we are all silently praying that we are not too late.

Today as we face our 245th birthday, Americans are once again making history – joining together to fight for the restoration of the America we need and cherish.  Attending school board and city council meetings have become more important than going out to dinner; holding law-makers accountable has become more important than Monday night football; considering running for public office has become more important than moving up to the next ladder-rung at work; keeping up on current events has become more important than watching television; investing in our 2nd Amendment Rights has become more important than expensive cars and trucks; investing our time in our children has become more important than spending the same on ourselves; praying to God has become more important than texting friends…

Despite this patriotic revival, this year’s Independence Day still finds a vast majority of Americans with very troubled hearts because our country is changing at warp-speed and in very disturbing, warped ways.

Some of us are attempting to unite our efforts with others – as we should.  But we also must recognize that our efforts are already naturally united with our countrymen thousands of miles away, because we are all fighting the same war in every state.

This mutual understanding and effort is noticeably true with musicians today.  Not unlike the popularity and weaponry of music during the Revolutionary War, today’s great concerns and the People’s response are being reflected in many new songs created by many artists – both new and seasoned.  The message of ‘We The People’ is reverberating from the mountaintops in the music industry – whether Hollywood approves or not.  Which is exactly as it should be.

These artists are doing their part with the talents they’ve been blessed with.  Despite the communist-driven magnifying glass of cancel culture, despite any repercussions that might come their way, they have already made a clear, conscientious and valorous decision to pledge their Lives, their Fortunes and their sacred Honor – for America.  We need to be aware of the courage of these artists, and also recognize ourselves in them – after all, we are all cut from the same American cloth.  We need to emulate their bravery by finding and using our own voice every time it is necessary.

To the surprise of us old-schoolers, many of these new patriotic songs are rap.  Some of us might need to re-evaluate our opinions of this genre – it is actually quite ingenious when you really stop and listen.  In fact, just this morning I found myself humming some of the tunes, marveling at the rhyming cadence that I’m pretty sure I personally would never be able to master.

To give you a taste of this new generation of musically gifted Patriots, we share some of these songs below, as well as other genres and older songs, along with a few speeches for you to enjoy and consider during your July 4th, 2021 celebration.  We hope they provoke deep and creative thoughts on how you can bring your own skills and talents to the table for restoring AMERICA and reviving the PATRIOTISM that created the original fabric of this glorious Nation.

May God Almighty answer the Patriot’s prayer, may He find favor in our solemn acts and devotions, and may He deliver us and our country from evil once again.  AMEN.

The Patriot by Topher

Dont Tread On Me by Nu Breed & Jesse Howard

Am I the Only One by Aaron Lewis

Misc songs and speeches to enjoy and consider during your July 4th, 2021 celebration:

Am I the Only One (Country – Aaron Lewis) Clean version
Am I the Only One (Country – Aaron Lewis) Not-so-clean version
Happy Birthday America (Country – Toby Keith)
Dont Tread On Me (Mancunian Rapper – Nu Breed & Jesse Howard)
Time To Fight (Rap – Bryson Gray)
Snowflakes (Rap – Tom MacDonald)
All My Exes CHANGED THEIR SEXES (Country – Buddy Brown)
U.S. Army Marching Cadence
N. Carolina Lt. Gov. Robinson Speech June 2021

Home Free – God Bless the U.S.A. (Lee Greenwood and The United States Air Force Band)
Gun Totin’ Patriot (Rap – Bryson Gray)
Earth To God (Country – John Rich)
You’re One of Us (Country – Buddy Brown)
Welcome to my House (Mancunian Rapper -Nu Breed & Jesse Howard)
The Patriot (Rap – Topher, The Marine Rapper)
Lay Me Down in the Cold, Cold Ground (Irish Folk – Sgt. MacKenzie by Joseph Rizza Kilna)

Divided We Fall (Rap – Overtime)
Kids That Never Got Spanked (Country – Buddy Brown

This Place Called USA (Country – Creed Fisher)
Battle Hymn of the Republic (Angela Primm – for the movie Death of A Nation by Dinesh D’Souza)
Folded Flag (Country – Aaron Lewis)

President Trump Inauguration Speech (President Donald J. Trump)

If You Have a Right to Burn My Flag (Country – Creed Fisher)
I Think My Dog’s a Democrat (Country – Bryan Lewis)

My Country Tis of Thee (Lee Greenwood)

Mr Red White and Blue (Country – Coffey Anderson)

Made In America (Country – Toby Keith)
America (Neil Diamond)

American Soldier (Country – Toby Keith)
Courtesy Of The Red, White And Blue (Country – Toby Keith)
Have You Forgotten? (Country – Darryl Worley)

The National Anthem – Star Spangled Banner (Whitney Houston)

The truth about the Bruce Springsteen hit ‘Born in the USA’.  (How fitting it was released in 1984.)

A Warrior’s Pledge  (Ronald Reagan Speech)
‘Do Wah Diddy Diddy’ Running Cadence with Bill Murray from Stripes 😉

Ragged Old Flag (Johnny Cash)

America the Beautiful (Ray Charles)

Posted by Editor in Saving America

The Chinese Communist Party – Bill Gates Connection Cannot Be Ignored

Video and Pictorial Document below

2015 March 29, China Global Television Network: (video) President Xi Jinping meets with Bill Gates at Boao Forum

2015, Dec 2, China Global Television Network: (video) Bill Gates/TerraPower acknowledges China’s climate efforts


PDF: Pictorial: Bill Gates – China Relationship (Cooperation Win-win).  Download and share with Wyomingites.
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Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Gates-Nuclear, Saving America, Saving Wyoming

General Mike Flynn’s Message to Fathers

From the Western Journal on June 18, 2021:

Exclusive from Gen. Flynn: This Father’s Day, I’m Issuing a Challenge to Every Dad in America

If you are a student of American history like me, you have heard President Reagan’s many references to America as a “shining city on a hill.”

As proud patriots, it is easy to relish in the Great Communicator’s bold picture of an America whose destiny is to shine the light of freedom far beyond our own borders. Yet many Americans do not realize that President Reagan did not develop the “city on a hill” concept on his own.

The great Puritan John Winthrop had a vision for the New World to be a city on a hill.

He famously cast this vision in a sermon delivered before he even stepped onto American soil. His inspiration came from the fifth chapter of Matthew’s gospel, which charges that “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.”

As governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Winthrop lived out his vision, and many other colonies followed suit. America grew into her independence and quickly became a beacon of freedom to the rest of the world, just like Matthew wrote, just like Winthrop envisioned and just like Reagan acknowledged.

Our nation’s role as a “city on a hill” has a rich heritage worth being proud of.

However, it is important to note that the challenge of being a city on a hill is not a vague allusion to some watered-down idea of good living. It is a clear and direct call to action.

As Winthrop preached, “We are entered into a covenant with [the Lord] for this work. We have taken out a commission. … If we shall neglect the observation of these articles which are the ends we have propounded … the Lord will surely break out in wrath against us … and make us know the price of the breach of such a covenant.”

Winthrop believed that the settlers of the Massachusetts Bay Colony would be held accountable for their calling to be a city on a hill.

That burden is still in effect, yet today’s America has a serious lack of accountability. A loving father or mother will hold their children accountable for failing to meet expectations.

Why should our loving Heavenly Father turn a blind eye as America falls short of our calling? The world is still watching us.

Yet accountability does not start on a global level. It starts with you.

The great abolitionist Frederick Douglass is often quoted as having said, “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”

This Father’s Day, it is my challenge to fathers everywhere to be man enough to accept accountability for the rearing of your children. Invest yourself in a treasure without price, and the dividends will be without end.

If America is to continue to be a shining city on a hill, your home must be a shining beacon in your community.

Accept accountability, set an example worth following, and trust in the power of God Almighty to be your strength in trouble.

God Bless America!

Posted by Editor in Saving America

Retired Military Calls Upon Citizens

A growing number of retired United States military, known as Flag Officers, are signing their names to an open letter warning that America “is in deep peril”.

…”We are in a fight for our survival as a Constitutional Republic like no other time since our founding in 1776. The conflict is between supporters of Socialism and Marxism vs. supporters of Constitutional freedom and liberty,”…

And they’re calling upon American Civilians to help.

…”We urge all citizens to get involved now at the local, state and/or national level to elect political representatives who will act to Save America, our Constitutional Republic, and hold those currently in office accountable. The “will of the people” must be heard and followed.”

More than 120 retired American military officials signed the May 11, 2021 letter.  Today there are over 165 signatories.  Their website is Flag Officers 4 America.  Link here to their OPEN LETTER STATEMENT.

We cannot emphasize enough how historical this letter is.

To facilitate their request, we will be posting pertinent information for Wyoming citizens in the coming days.  Stay tuned.  Stay active.

Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Constitutional Topics/Issues, Saving America, Saving Wyoming

WWII Infantryman Tells Why America Is Worth Saving

Every true-blooded American knows that Memorial Day is not about hotdogs, water-skiing and “long weekends”.  It’s about honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military.  It’s about honoring, and reflecting on, the most sacred of sacrifices.

We pray that our readers take the time to sit together with family and friends and share the following video to remember why this holiday is sacrosanct, and why it should always remain that way in the United States of America.

Second generation Italian immigrant and World War II Infantryman, Mr. Vincent J. Speranza describes his service during WWII and the Battle of Bastogne in Belgium:

Posted by Editor in Constitutional Topics/Issues, Saving America

Lord of the Flies Meets Public Education

A meditation in what’s to come if ‘wokeness’ successfully replaces traditional public education.
ALSO, a meditation in what Wyomingites can prevent now if they actively fight ‘wokeness’ and CRT in WY schools.

(The resemblance to antifa is uncanny, isn’t it?)

We came across this article at The Wentworth Report and find it so noteworthy that we are reprinting it here in it’s entirety:

Schools gone woke. By An Anonymous American Educator.

A sleep-woker is one who has not taken the woke creed to heart, yet nevertheless tacitly complies with the linguistic, pedagogical, political, and moral imperatives of wokeness. Sleep-wokers go through the motions; they are like religious folk who say prayers without thinking, attend worship services without engaging, and perpetuate dogmas without believing. I was a sleep-woker. In some ways, due to a combination of timidity and tiredness, I still am. …

While sleep-woking, an English teacher can unwittingly help cancel Chaucer, Keats and Conrad in the name of decolonisation. A biology teacher might find herself obliged to deny important differences between the sexes. A football coach will not be able to cheer on a player after a strong tackle, as strength and physical violence smack of toxic masculinity.

Most of my sleep-woking colleagues are good people. Like me, they were lulled into complacency by a woke take-over that was slow and subtle. What’s more, some changes were initially promising and even corrective — of course we should pay more attention to marginalised voices and overlooked narratives, and I am glad that we now do. To bemoan an expanded curriculum is simple chauvinism. In the end, however, wokeness has proven to be oppressive and totalitarian rather than inclusive and liberating.

What our young are being taught:

Schools openly preach that if one feels offended, one has been offended. For example, if a student or colleague claims to have been offended by your words or actions, it does not matter if you intended no offence. More troubling is the fact that it does not matter if your words and actions were not those that a rational person should find offensive …

We are training students how to be offended so that their perceived offence can be used to eliminate anti-woke expression. …

Hate and bullying encouraged by the woke:

Opposing woke slogans or voicing contrary slogans is not tolerated. Since opposing wokeness is thought to be motivated by hate, voicing opposition to woke slogans is tantamount to hate speech. A student who challenges a woke slogan is bullied and harassed by the woke majority. Meanwhile, woke slogans and images are hung in school buildings and cannot be removed. …

Ad hominem attacks are presented as the cornerstone of critical thinking rather than as a fallacious form of argumentation. We teach students to evaluate texts and arguments by primarily attending to the author’s race, gender, and sexuality. …

All opposition is illegitimate:

If you claim to not be a racist, you are seen as the worst, most unredeemable kind of racist. You are a heretic who will not admit heresy. You are thought to be suffering from something called “white fragility”. …

Manners are so yesterday:

So long as their genitals are covered and no profane words are visible, students can and do wear anything they like. Arguably the only rule left in the dining halls and cafeterias is “Don’t throw food.” …

No exams! Diversity wins! Meritocracy loses.

Exams are being eliminated for two reasons: first, because exams are apparently inherently racist, sexist, classist, heteronormative, or otherwise unfair; second, because exams cause students stress, and stress makes students feel bad, and feeling bad negatively impacts their well-being. Additionally, some students do poorly on exams, and this has the potential to result in a situation that is inequitable. …

What is society going to be like in 20 years?

In place of free-thinking young scholars, you will begin turning out a generation of woke activists who believe that feelings matter more than facts, that perception is reality, and that it is more important to judge a text than to understand it — where “judging” means anachronistically interpreting the author’s words in light of the most recent woke orthodoxy.

Many of my students claim to be proud practitioners of social justice (don’t push them too hard on what that means) yet they have only an elementary command of grammar and geography, struggling to write complete sentences and unable to locate Turkey on a map. Some have begun to ask why we take math so seriously given that math is apparently grounded in Western patriarchal rationalism.

Don’t ignore it. Although it’s ridiculously stupid, it’s actually happening:

Perhaps your instinct has been to dismiss these excesses as isolated incidents. Like me, you might have said “The pendulum will swing back” or “That will never happen at my school.” I am writing to say that the pendulum will not swing back because the woke movement is not a pendulum; it is a steamroller.

Read it all.

Sounds like a regression, a la Lord of the Flies.

Lord of the Flies, 1955 novel by William Golding


Posted by Editor in Saving America, Saving Wyoming

U.S. 2020 Election Fraud Update

Never turn your back on what happened on November 3, 2020.



May 7:  AZ Audit Director Ken Bennett: Dominion Refuses to Comply with Subpoena and Turn Over Password to Their Maricopa County Machines

May 5: Biden DOJ to Interfere with State of Arizona Forensic Audit of Maricopa County Ballots …Update: With DOJ Letter


Apr 29: Georgia Election Official Gabe Sterling Speaks Out Against AZ Audit — Why Is He So Anxious About a Forensic Audit in Georgia?

Apr 23: What Happened to $16 Million Georgia’s Secretary of State’s Office Received Before the 2020 Election?

Apr 21: Elections Integrity Org Identifies 12,547 Illegal Votes Included In Georgia’s 2020 Election Results – Exceeds Margin of Victory In the State


Apr 27: Cyber Ninjas Are Also Part of Team Refuting Secretary of State Benson’s Letter Claiming ‘Operator Error’ in Election Results in Antrim County, Michigan

Apr 10: Investigators for Attorney DePerno Reportedly Discover Modem Chips Embedded in Michigan Voting System Computer Motherboards

Apr 9: Attorney Matthew DePerno Releases Michigan Elections Forensics Report – 66,194 Unregistered Ballots Tallied in JUST 9 COUNTIES

Mar 19: Trump Was Right: Michigan Judge Rules State’s 2020 Almost-Anything-Goes Ballot Signature Rule Was ‘Invalid’


May 3: HUNDREDS Turn Out to Windham New Hampshire City Meeting on Forensic Audit – Selectmen Move Meeting Back to Smaller Venue

Apr 21: New Hampshire Officials Will Select Audit Team Next Week – Forensic Audit Will Be Completed in Next 45 Days


Apr 23: International Auditing Expert Shocked at Nevada Sec. of State’s Flimsy Review of Likely Election Fraud – Ignores Biggest Issue

Mar 17: New Data Show 92,367 Mail Ballots in Nevada Went to Wrong Addresses—in a Single County


Apr 19: Supreme Court Decides Not to Hear GOP Challenge in Pennsylvania – Another Day Another Trump Case Not Heard

Mar 23: ‘Who Are These Outsiders?’ Big Tech $$$$ – Zuck Bucks – Paid Government Election Offices to Become Turnout Machines for Biden in 2020 Election


May 7: Smoking Gun Emails Reveal How Milwaukee Shared Government Election Data with Far Left Groups – Prove Existence of Massive Ballot Harvesting Operation –WITH UPDATE

Posted by Editor in Constitutional Topics/Issues, Elections, Saving America

WY Superintendent Sounds the Alarm – Time Sensitive Action Alert!

WY Superintendent of Public Instruction, Jillian Balow, issued a Press Release yesterday (below) that calls for every Wyoming Citizen to respond to the



We sounded this same alarm last year in August and September.  Our Aug 9 article reports what we found at WY Dept of Education website – Superintendent Balow needs to know that certain content that her own agency is promoting is equally disturbing and needs to be removed!  Our Sept 2 article has link to ALL BLM/1619 Project curricula – see and share the sample curricula from the link below to educate other Wyomingites on how radicals are attempting to hijack our schools and indoctrinate our children!

From: Wyoming Department of Education <>
Date: Tue, May 4, 2021 at 8:19 AM
Subject: SPECIAL STATEMENT: State Superintendent Jillian Balow’s Statement on Proposed U.S. Department of Education Rule Prioritizing Critical Race Theory Curriculum in K-12 Schools


Media Contact:
Linda Finnerty, Communications Director


CHEYENNE – The U.S. Department of Education has proposed priorities for American History and Civics Education grant programs published in the Federal Register. Those priorities include encouraging districts to use curriculum related to divisive author Ibram X. Kendi and the New York Times “1619 Project.” This is an alarming move toward federal overreach into district curriculum and should be rebuked across party lines.

The draft rule is an attempt to normalize teaching controversial and politically trendy theories about America’s history. History and civics should not be secondary to political whim. Instead, history and civics instruction should engage students in objective, non-partisan analyses of historical and current events. For good reason, public schools do not promote particular political ideologies or religions over others. This federal rule attempts to break from that practice and use taxpayer dollars to do just that.

America needs to update and renew our expectations for teaching and learning about history and civics. Every school board, state legislature, and state superintendent should be working to build local consensus about what should be taught and what materials to use in classrooms. Every family should be engaged in activities that ensure the rising generation is properly prepared to be informed citizens. Every student deserves a rich and engaging education about America’s triumphs, treacheries, losses, and victories. Our touchstone is our shared principle that all Americans have infinite value and individual freedom and responsibility. We must strive to find common goals and values as a nation, not tear each other and our country apart.

The proposed federal rule is open for public comment until May 19 and can be accessed here, or by using the Google search for “Federal Register American history and civics education.” I intend to comment, and I urge you to research the issue and comment if compelled.

– END –

Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Saving America, Saving Wyoming

The only thing that can save America is Trump Voters?

So what differentiates a Trump Voter from your stereotypical run-of-the-mill, wimpy, go-along to get-along, watered-down Romney-type Republican that has left most of us wanting (and holding the bag) for decades?  Commitment.  Nerve.  Values.  Moxie.  Loyalty.  Courage.  Clear vision.  Blatant honesty.  Boldness.  Outspokenness.  Fidelity.  Full-strength truth.  Resolve.  Undying dedication to the cause.  American pride, ingenuity and determination.  Guts.  Backbone.  American allegiance backed up by pit-bull cojones, that’s what.

Which is why more than half the nation from all walks of life, and most especially the working class, quickly grew to respect, deeply appreciate and unabashedly support Trump; we finally found a leader that would fight the way we want him to, a leader that would back us and our country up, by never backing down and punching back every single time it was warranted – and several times as hard.  A leader that values our children as much as our military, who values our families more than foreign relations, who values our independence more than any president we’ve ever seen in our lifetimes.

The last time I can recall a Republican making a Trump-like stand was on Sept 14, 2001 at ground-zero when President Bush said “I can hear you! And the rest of the world hears you! And the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon!”  It is well-worthwhile to watch that 2 minute video clip linked above – not to watch or listen to Bush, but specifically to watch and listen to that diverse crowd of American brethren.  On that day we all believed we had a real fighter, a leader, who would stand up and punch back for us and our country – you can hear it and see it in every American face and voice on that video – who, by the way, are the ones who actually carried that historical moment.

Fast forward to today, and George W. just stabbed us in our backs for standing up to defend our country from what is clearly totalitarianism (Bush describes GOP as ‘isolationist, protectionist and, to a certain extent, nativist’, Apr 20, 2021).  That proves to be just more of what we had all been experiencing for decades before Trump; the resolve and guts displayed on occasion by most leaders in office is the exception, and not the rule.

Unlike past administrations, both Democratic and Republican alike, Trump also recognizes that Americans can most oftentimes get things done better than government.  Operation Warp-speed is a beautiful example of that – just the logistics alone would’ve been a catastrophe with the government at the helm, and certainly would’ve put the country into a much longer lock-down than what occurred.  Trump has always known and honored the fact that ‘We the People’ are America – not government.  Biden, on the other hand, just tried to convince us yesterday that government is “We the People”.

With Trump, the fierce and undying devotion to America is the rule, and not the exception.  It’s important to acknowledge however: Trump didn’t teach us to stand for our country, he joined us.  He mirrored our own values and loyalty back to us – and that made us even stronger.  Bigly.  But he did show average Americans how to fight for our country, when the fight is on our home soil.  Just look at what happened in Vail, Arizona a few days ago – the local school board fled their scheduled public meeting because they were frightened by the number of parents who had shown up in protest of the continuance of a mask mandate.  What did the parents do when the school board fled their own public meeting?  They elected a new board, and then promptly lifted the mandate.  (Way to go Vail, AZ!!)

Trump became the tip of the American spear that had already existed before he came onto the political scene.  We just needed the right kind of leadership to shape and brandish the point.

We were that spear in 2016, and we still sure as heck are now.  So it’s time to get to work.  We have a country to save.

Posted by Editor in Saving America