Saving America

Tip of the Sword? Arizona Stands Tall!

The impediment to action advances action.  What stands in the way becomes the way. ~ Marcus Aurelius

What does this mean?  Arizona State Legislature demonstrates this beautifully today:

The most historical election audit in the United States of America just started this morning, April 24th – and the Arizona State Legislature shows the other 49 states exactly how’s it’s done!

This historical hand-count forensic audit will take place for 40 days and will be live streamed with several cameras and angles for the public to witness.

The audit is specifically for Maricopa County election ballots that made up approximately 60% of the total AZ vote for the 2020 presidential election.  The audit is being held at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in downtown Phoenix and will include paper ballots and voting machines as shown below in a screen-shot from the live-steam this morning.  According to Gateway Pundit, one forensic tool that has been observed today is the use of ultra-violent light to check ballots for special watermarks.

GO TO THIS LINK TO WATCH!  Additionally, to follow this outstanding event closely and get the back-story that goes hand-in-hand with it, we strongly recommend watching live mornings and afternoons (and archived shows) THE WAR ROOM hosted by REAL AMERICA’S VOICE.

Security and surveillance employed to assure the necessary chain of custody of these election ballots remain intact appears to be in place.  Nevertheless, President Trump is demanding more security.  Clearly there is a very real concern that the location of this audit, as well as the auditors themselves, can easily become targets for the violent arm of the radical left.  Conservatives are being asked to include these necessary protections in their prayers.

What brought this incredible action about by the Arizona State Legislature?

  1. Approximately 254,722 irregular votes discovered in the 2020 United States Presidential election that would potentially impede the legitimacy of electoral votes cast for Arizona.
  2. An educational reminder to the Arizona State Legislature of their constitutional duty to deal directly with those irregular votes by President Trump legal counsel Jenna Ellis and Rudy Giuliani during a November 30, 2020 hearing.
  3. Insistence and support by a tremendous foundation of Trump Voters in Arizona to motivate their legislature to audit the vote.
  4. Honorable commitment and fidelity to their Oath of Office by the the Arizona State Legislature.

Below we provide:

  1. A refresher of the irregular votes that were found in the Arizona 2020 Presidential Election.
  2. The United States Constitutional provision that requires the AZ State Legislature to make certain those irregularities were not conducted outside ‘the manner as the Arizona legislature directed‘.
  3. One minute video of Jenna Ellis addressing AZ State Legislature on Nov 20, 2021.

Irregular Votes Found in the Arizona 2020 Presidential Election.

This list was compiled Dr. Peter Navarro and presented in The War Room this morning.  A detailed review of irregular votes discovered during and after the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election is covered in The Navarro Report.

The Constitution of the United States, Article 2, Section 1

Article. II. – The Executive Branch

Section 1 – The President
The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice-President chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows:

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector…

Video of Jenna Ellis Addressing AZ State Legislature on Nov 20, 2021



Posted by Editor in Constitutional Topics/Issues, Elections, REAL News, Saving America

Upcoming Events in WY – for Teens in Cheyenne and Adults in Casper!


For students age 13 to 19

FEB 22, 23, 24 & 25 in Cheyenne
Four Day Class February 22-25, 2021
Monday: 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.; Tuesday – Thursday: 8:45 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
$280.00 First Time Students; $240.00 Alumni Students
The Four Day Class is a dynamic, hands-on leadership experience where Students learn about state government from a Christian worldview. Students gather at their local State Capitol to run for Student office, participate in a mock legislature, and learn about how they can be effective leaders in their community back home.
Click here for more info!

FEB 26 in Cheyenne
Political Communication Workshop
February 26, 2021Friday: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
$50.00 Workshop only; $40.00 with Four Day Class
The Political Communication Workshop trains Students to analyze and interpret public presentations through a variety of activities and discussions. Students are challenged to develop critical thinking skills as they learn what communication looks like in the political realm.
Click here for more info!

For students age 8 to 12

FEB 26 in Cheyenne
One Day Class February 26, 2021 Friday: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
$40.00 for the first child; $35.00 for additional siblings
The One Day Class is an action-packed day full of exciting experiences that introduce Students to their state government using a dynamic, hands-on approach. Students are led by an energetic Staff Team as they explore their Capitol, pray for their leaders, discuss their mock legislation, and so much more!
Click here for more info!



FEB 27 in Casper

Campaign for Liberty One-day Grassroots Political Activist Training School on Saturday, February 27, 2021, in Casper!
9AM to 5PM – “early-bird” ticket price of only $50.  After February 21st, the price is $75.
Click here for more info!

This class will teach you how to turn your passion into action.  This intense training covers:

    • The Real Nature of Politics — why action from the grassroots is required to effect change;
    • The Biggest Lie in Politics — and how the political class uses your convictions against you;
    • How to Work Effectively at the Capitol — getting a bill sponsor and roll call vote despite the leadership;
    • How to Build a Group — putting pressure on legislators.
    • Click here for more info!

If you feel called to turn your conviction and passion into effective political action in any level of government, please be sure to sign up to attend this one-day intense training session. A light lunch and snacks are covered by the modest “early-bird” ticket price of only $50. After February 21st, the price is $75.

Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Saving America, Saving Wyoming

The Morning After

Trump wins; Trial Defense Van Der Veen wins; 74 million + Americans win; Impeachment managers lose; Speaker Pelosi is an unprecedented historical loser – fails twice at impeachment; Democrats lose; Lefty media taken to the woodshed; and a happy dance.


WALK OF SHAME – HOUSE IMPEACHMENT MANAGERS  (Sen. Burr (R-N.C.) -Sen. Collins (R-Maine) -Sen. Cassidy (R-La.) -Sen. Murkowski (R-Alaska) -Sen. Sasse (R-Neb.) -Sen. Romney (R-Utah) -Sen. Toomey (R-Pa.) should’ve joined them for this historical walk through the MSM gauntlet):






Posted by Editor in Constitutional Topics/Issues, Elected Officials, Executive, Fake News, REAL News, Saving America

3 More WY Counties Censure Liz – 7 More In The Shoot

According to the Casper Star Tribune; Crook, Hot Springs and Sweetwater Counties have, as of last night, censured Liz Cheney.  CST also stated that several more counties plan to have a Liz Cheney censure vote in the near future: Big Horn, Laramie, Niobrara, Park, *Sublette, Uinta and Weston.
*We had previously counted Sublette County as having already censured Cheney but were in error.

That brings us to 10 out of 23 Wyoming counties that have censured her:


TEN down and THIRTEEN Counties to go!

Posted by Editor in Constitutional Topics/Issues, Elected Officials, Saving America, Saving Wyoming

Wyomingites Need to Wield Their Voter Power to Censure Liz

Wyoming Counties that have censured Liz Cheney so far:

ALBANY (1/31)
CARBON (1/17)
FREMONT (1/31)
JOHNSON (1/25)
LINCOLN (1/23?)
WASHAKIE (1/26?)

SEVEN counties down and SIXTEEN to go.  

Your Precinct Man and Woman represent YOU at all Central County Committee meetings and votes.
It’s time to wield your voter power and give them a call!

Registered Republican Wyomingites need to contact their Precinct Representatives and request that their Central County Committee schedule a meeting to vote on the Censure of U.S. Congress House Representative Liz Cheney.

If your County Central Committee has already censured Liz – you should thank them!

Registered (R) WY Voters:  Contact the Chairman or Secretary of your Republican Central County Committee and ask for the names and phone numbers for both your Precinct Committeeman and Precinct Committeewoman. (Some WY GOP websites have precinct representative lists available, but most do not.)  You can also contact your county clerk to find out your Precinct Committeeman and Precinct Committeewoman’s names and phone numbers.)

Below is the contact info for all WY County GOP websites &/or Facebook pages, and phone numbers to all Wyoming County Clerk offices.

Albany County Wyoming Republican Party
Albany County Clerk Phone: 307-721-2541

Big Horn County Wyoming Republican Party:
Big Horn County Clerk Phone: 307-568-2357

Campbell County Wyoming Republican Party:
Campbell County Clerk Phone: (307) 682-7285

Carbon County Wyoming Republican Party:
Carbon County Clerk Phone: 307-328-2668

Converse County Wyoming Republican Party:
Converse County Clerk Phone: 307-358-2244

Crook County Wyoming Republican Party:
Crook County Clerk Phone: (307) 283-1323

Fremont County Wyoming Republican Party:
Fremont County Clerk Phone: (307) 332-2405

Goshen County Wyoming Republican Party:
Goshen County Clerk Phone: 307-532-4051

Hot Springs County Wyoming Republican Party:
Hot Springs County Clerk Phone: 307-864-3515

Johnson County Wyoming Republican Party:
Johnson County Clerk Phone: (307) 684-7272

Laramie County Wyoming Republican Party:
Laramie County Clerk Phone: (307) 633-4264

Lincoln County Wyoming Republican Party:
Lincoln County Clerk Phone: Kemmerer (307) 877-9056; Afton (307) 885-3825

Natrona County Wyoming Republican Party:
Natrona County Clerk Phone: 307-235-9200

Niobrara County Wyoming Republican Party:
Niobrara County Clerk Phone: 307-334-2211

Park County Wyoming Republican Party:
Park County Clerk Phone: Cody: (307) 527-8600, Powell: (307) 754-8600

Sheridan County Wyoming Republican Party:
Sheridan County Clerk Phone: 307-674-2500

Sublette County Wyoming Republican Party:
Sublette County Clerk Phone: (307) 367-4372

Sweetwater County Wyoming Republican Party:
Sweetwater County Clerk Phone: (307) 872-3732

Teton County Wyoming Republican Party:
Teton County Clerk Phone: 307-733-4430

Uinta County Wyoming Republican Party:
Uinta County Clerk Phone: (307) 783-0306

Washakie County Wyoming Republican Party:
Washakie County Clerk Phone: 307-347-3131

Weston County Wyoming Republican Party:
Weston County Clerk Phone: 307 746-4744

Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Constitutional Topics/Issues, Elected Officials, Elections, Saving America, Saving Wyoming, WY Deep State

CITIZEN ALERT: Federal Firearms & Ammo Registration Bill

Below is a tip we are very thankful to have received and be able to share:
Well, here it is.  Firearms and ammunition registration bill:
Be sure to contact all 3 of our US Congressional representatives ASAP and ask that they vote NO on this bill.  All you have to do is read the text (1) section and you won’t need to read too far on the bill to see what it intends to do.
Since this is a federal bill, pass this onto your firearms-carrying family and friends outside of Wyoming.
Senator Lummis:
Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Constitutional Topics/Issues, Saving America, Saving Wyoming


Wyoming Republican County Central Committees are quickly forming a Liz-xit!  Last night Sheridan County joined forces with Carbon, Johnson and Sublette Counties in censuring the GOP/DC elitist:

… The Sheridan County resolution outlines the grievances of local Republicans, primarily that Cheney voted in favor of impeaching former President Donald Trump following the Jan. 6 riots at the U.S. Capitol.

Cheney’s vote came without any formal hearing, evidence or sworn witnesses, which attendees at Thursday’s meeting pointed to as a violation of Trump’s constitutional rights. In the resolution, the Sheridan County Republican Party called on Cheney to appear before its members and “explain her actions to this body, the state Republican party membership and the entirety of the concerned Wyoming electorate.”

… Many of those in favor of the resolution expressed their sense of betrayal, while others indicated they had never been fans of the congresswoman’s. Some spoke of a need for unity and the desire to rebuild the Republican Party.

“The party is coming together within the state,” said Bryan Miller, a retired Air Force officer and chair of the Sheridan County Republican Party. “We need to build it and make it be a strong enough party to show the rest of the nation how to do it.”

The majority of those who provided comment at the meeting, though, spoke in favor of the censure and many indicated they wish they could do more.

Wyoming law does not currently allow for the recall of state-level officials; it only allows for recall of elected officials under a “city commission” form of government. House Bill 74, which was received for introduction Jan. 21 in the Wyoming Legislature, seeks to establish a mechanism to remove any elected official in any form of municipal government. Rep. Mark Jennings, R-Sheridan, is one co-sponsor of that bill.

(Sheridan County Republicans censure Rep. Liz Cheney, By Kristen Czaban with The Sheridan Press, Jan 29, 2021)

Posted by Editor in Constitutional Topics/Issues, Elections, Saving America, Saving Wyoming

Jan 26 – Dear Ms Cheney and Other Updates On Nation & State

Dear Ms. Cheney, …








Posted by Editor in Saving America, Saving Wyoming