Saving America


Posted by Editor in Saving America, Saving Wyoming

Breathe & Pray

Holding Our Breath

If you’re like us, you basically held your breath from Nov 4th to Jan 6th: Reading and watching every election hearing carefully – some, several times; studying testimonies, subpoenas and graphs – quickly learning that forensic digital evidence of election fraud looks like gobblety-gook to your average Joe; learning how election laws were changed so recently in several battleground states for, supposedly, covid – and how it was almost always handled the wrong way, illegitimately, unlawfully, unconstitutionally – but somehow was not being recognized as such by those in power; hoping and praying for the truth to be shouted from the mountaintops so that every American would know the blatant in-your-face-facts of what we know – that the election was stolen; learning how to read court documents and how our judicial process is supposed to work, but somehow did not – every time; holding your breath, even deeper, for good news from every court hearing that should’ve been a win – but there was no court who would even hear it – not even the highest court of the land; writing letters to every official imaginable, from state and federal government – appealing to them – for them to read and hear the truth;  making phone-calls, signing petitions alongside our brethren to the same officials for the same reasons.  Then you learned about the process of how the electoral votes would be counted by Congress – and how those votes could, and should, be challenged by representatives from the House and the Senate.  Finally, you thought, this must be where the truth will echo for all ears to hear – in the halls of Congress!

The first conscientious exhale of breath was watching the enormously stupendous crowd form for the Stop The Steal Rally on Jan 6th; you recognized, even though they were the faces of people you’ve never met, that this is your family – this is your kin.  FELLOW AMERICANS UNITING – MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS.  Representing those of us who could not go – because of expenses; because of home responsibilities; because of time.  Yet, there they were – this beautiful, magnificent, radiant American family gathering together with their flags and their MAGA hats – joining together so peacefully, so friendly, so happy – ‘the shining city on the hill’ made real, in the flesh – making you so proud to be one of them!  Making you so proud that they made it there to represent the rest of us.

And then within just a few hours, we were holding our breath again as we watched, in horror, the final moments of Ashli Babbitt’s life.

And now, there is what could only be called ‘the race to totalitarianism’ swiftly appearing before our very eyes.

What To Do Now

Breathe.  What each of us does next can become a pivotal moment in small ways and big ways.  Breathe.  Don’t let anyone pressure you into voicing an opinion, a statement, or a decision right now – no matter who they are.  Breathe.  You have earned at least that – time to breathe – and time to digest what has happened and where we are now.  Times such as this we look for things that are concrete and with certainty – to ground ourselves and find comfort.  One thing that is for certain – we are all still together, us Real Americans – thinking, processing and, yes, fearing the same things.  While the page is completely different now, each of us finds ourselves on the same page as roughly 74 million other Americans – (quite a miracle when you really stop and think about it).  That’s because we are, truly, patriots.  And that’s why there is not a single one of us alone.  Kinda like those corny songs about “one heart” – in this case that is absolutely right – not corny at all, quite the contrary, immensely comforting – to know that we are all still together, and bonded even more strongly than we were on Jan 5th.  Us Americans.  The Real Americans.  Yeah – That’s us for sure.

Ashli Babbitt was a Real American – a Real Patriot – and she deserves our prayers.  She deserves our reflection on who she was and how she came to be at the Rally on Jan 6th.  She deserves our reflection on WHY she died.  We all know by now that she was “a 14-year veteran, who served four tours with the US Air Force, and was a high level security official throughout her time in service”.  It’s necessary to seriously contemplate on why she felt so compelled to storm the Unites States Capitol.  When she lost her life at the hands of a Capitol Policeman.  As a veteran, we know that Ashli had sworn an Oath.  Did Ashli weigh that Oath against her actions on Jan 6th – before she entered the Capitol?  We are thinking, Yes, Yes she did.  That is a tremendous thing to reflect on.

Pray.  Pray for Ashli.  Pray for Ashli’s family.  Such a beautiful and vivacious woman she appeared to be.  And she must have had great courage to have served four tours, and great intelligence to have been a high level security official.  We can only imagine what a loss her family is experiencing right now, and will experience for many years to come.  Pray for them – they really need our prayers.

There is a well-known quote, within a lesser known passage, by Thomas Jefferson that can be found at “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”  Dare we contemplate that this might be the case of what happened to our fallen sister?  Pray.  Pray for Ashli.  Pray for Ashli’s family.  Pray for clarity of what has happened.  Pray for strength and courage.  Pray for vision and renewal.  Pray for our Real American Family – their safety and guidance.  Pray for our Real American Leaders – that they will hear the direct voice of God’s instruction for this time in our American History.  Pray for our leaders protection and good health.

We Are Waiting For Our Leaders and We Know Who They are Not

Just as we each are trying to digest what has transpired since November 3rd, and trying to discern what to do next – so too are our leaders.  Whether we speak of President Trump, any of his counsel, or any of the conservative leaders whose words, and wisdom, we have been seeking for at least the last two months – you must know that they are drawing up a new plan.  That is what we are waiting for.  And so while we wait – we must breathe, and we must pray.  We must not make rash decisions right now.  We must rest and refresh ourselves because apparently, what we have all just been through was just a battle, and not the war.

Posted by Editor in REAL News, Saving America

Necessary Voices for Post USA Election Fraud Certification


TheRealDonalTrump45          Donald Trump JR          Ali Alexander -StopTheSteal          Tracybeanz -UncoverDC         Dan Bongino          Sidney Powell          Lin Wood          Dinesh D’Souza         Mark Levin          Rush Limbaugh         Larry Elder          Tom Fitton          Jenna Ellis


Dan Bongino         National Pulse with Raheem Kassam          Dave Rubin – Rubin Report          Mark Levin
Rudy Giuliani – Common Sense          Victor Davis Hansen


Dinesh D’Souza          Millennial Millie


David Horowitz

Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, REAL News, Saving America

Jan 6 Evening Updates – Evening Heartache

Video: Trump Supporters Stop ‘Antifa’ From Breaking Windows at Capitol

Facial recognition firm claims antifa infiltrated Trump protesters who stormed Capitol

Flight attendant union says Capitol rioters should be banned from flights home

IED Found On Capitol Hill

REPORT: Two Pipe Bombs Detonated At RNC Headquarters, Suspicious Package At DNC

Dan Bongino Slams Media And Democrats For Double Standard After Capitol Hill Chaos (VIDEO)

Here’s the moment the breach of the US Capitol began [VIDEO] (Can totally see antifas in there)

Antifa was Found Charing the Capital Other Strange Things from the Scene Show Low Concern of Violence

Do you realize now what you have done? US gets the kind of ‘democracy’ it championed overseas. By Nebojsa Malic, a Serbian blogger, at RT.

Trump Supporters Swarm Governor’s Mansion In Washington State (Can totally see antifas in there)

Trump Supporters Clash With Counter-Protesters Near Los Angeles City Hall

VP Michael Pence Didn’t “Drain The Swamp As Promised But Dove Right Into It

Senate Rejects Objection to Arizona Electoral Votes 6-93

Senate Rejects Objection to Pennsylvania Electoral Votes 7-92

Calif. lawsuit demands officials decertify state election results

It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous

Posted by Editor in Constitutional Topics/Issues, Saving America, Saving Wyoming

U.S. Congress Uses Antifa to Kill Electoral Vote Objections – and Kills an Innocent Woman in the Process

Those were not Trump Supporters attacking police and attacking the U.S. Capitol.  The attackers came with baseball bats to use as weapons.  The attackers came with skateboards to use as weapons.  The attackers came with wooden boards and poles to use as weapons.  The attackers were armed with smoke bombs.  They came with body shields and laser guns or flash lights.  These are observations from just one 44 second video from today’s violence – view here.

Tonight on Stinchfield at Newsmax, Representative Mo Brooks said thatthere was some intelligence received prior to today that antifa was going to try to impersonate Trump Supporters and attack the Capitol.  Also on Stinchfield, Bernie Kerik said I know there was antifa posters posted online telling people to show up in MAGA hats… there’s antifa photos, BLM photos, of people that were there today that was in Arizona in June – same people!   If they knew it – then every single federal law enforcement officer present today knew that too, and so likely did Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.

Investigative reporter Paul Sperry Tweeted that a former FBI agent confirmed there was at least “1 bus load of antifa thugs” that had infiltrated the rally.

Antifa is to blame for the turmoil, the violence, and the destruction today.   AND EVERYONE KNOWS THAT.

Trump supporters do not behave that way, think that way, or bring those kind of items to a rally for crying out loud – AND EVERYONE KNOWS THAT.  Trump supporters bring flags, MAGA hats, patriotic songs, prayers and garbage bags for cleaning up after a rally – AND EVERYONE KNOWS THAT.

The Dems know that.  The radical left knows that.  The RINOs know that.  The D.C. Police know that.  And the D.C. Mayor knows that.  Regardless of what they pontificate about on national TV, and how they theatrically wring their hands and raise their voices of outrage, everyone knows that the violence and attacks did not come from Trump Supporters!

The D.C. Police are entirely responsible for the death of Ashli Babbit, may she rest in peace.  Ashli was a 14-year Air Force veteran.  A peaceful Trump Supporter, a woman who served our country, her blood is on their hands AND THE D.C. SWAMP IS COMPLETELY IGNORING THAT.



This is what Trump Supporters do – they follow the rules and politely walk in line in the designated velvet roped off area to look in awe at the People’s House at their Houseat our house.  For all we know Ashli Babbit might be one of the people in the picture below – following the rules, being peaceful, enjoying her house:

And how on earth did these Trumpers get into the Capitol to begin with?  Well – this article and video shows Trumpers being permitted in by the Capitol Police.

We all suspected this was a battle between good and evil.  It’s good to now know exactly where we all stand.

And Liz Cheney – your 2022 campaign is absolute toast.  Pack your carpetbags now and go back to Virginia.

Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Constitutional Topics/Issues, Elected Officials, Saving America, Saving Wyoming


Since Nov 4th, 2020 every Wyomingite we know has asked, “What can I do as an individual about the 2020 U.S. Presidential election fraud?” 

This is it, but it must be done TODAY, Jan 5, 2021:

  1. Sign the Senator Barrasso Petition TODAY – Essential.  Senator Barrasso received 136,210 votes in 2018 – let’s see how close we can come to that in one day!  (As of this 7am post there are 3,693 signatures.)
  2. Share the petition far and wide TODAY across the great state of Wyoming. Encourage every Wyoming relative, friend and associate to sign the Barrasso Petition – Essential.
  3. Read the following Guest Columns at Cowboy State Daily – Optional.

Stand Up For Fair Elections – BARRASSO PETITION
12/31/20: Dan Brophy: Privilege – Our Wyoming Federal Delegation And The Rest Of Us
1/3/21: Dan Brophy: Lummis Came Through But Where Are Barrasso And Cheney?

Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Constitutional Topics/Issues, Elections, Saving America, Saving Wyoming


We need to clarify that the locations below are suggestions for Jan 6th Stop The Steal rallies.  This was suggested in our post from yesterday, and we were further elaborating on what we had said:

Senator Barrasso and Representative Cheney should continue to be hounded and shamed, relentlessly, by every last Wyomingite who they have flagrantly turned their backs on.  Wyomingites should note that both Barrasso & Cheney have several offices throughout the state of Wyoming – Casper, Cheyenne, Gillette, Riverton, Rock Springs and Sheridan.  For any groups of citizens that feel compelled to protest these Constitutional Oath-Breakers, you do not have to travel all the way to Cheyenne to do that – form your own local groups and make a stand outside any, or all, of their office buildings!  All office locations are listed below.

We do know that there had already been Stop The Steal rallies in Wyoming that were held in November and December – this is likely why we are not finding additional rallies planned for Jan 6th thus far.  We do sincerely apologize if we created any confusion to our readers.  We will post any updates if we receive them.

We also need to make a correction:  We had received word that there was a Jan 6th rally planned in Buffalo for 9am, but we have been unable to verify whether it is in Buffalo, WY or Buffalo, NY – for this reason we have removed that from our list.

200 W 24th St, Cheyenne, WY 82001
(307) 777-7881

CASPER Office Building for both Barrasso & Cheney:
100 East B Street
Casper, WY 82601
Barrasso Main: 307-261-6413
Cheney Main: 307-261-6595; Fax: 307-261-6597

CHEYENNE Office Building for both Barrasso & Cheney:
2120 Capitol Avenue
Cheyenne, WY 82001
Main: 307-772-2451

GILLETTE Office for Cheney:
300 S.Gillette Ave, Suite 2001
Gillette, WY 82716
Phone: 307-414-1677
Fax: 307-414-1711

RIVERTON Office for Barrasso:
324 East Washington Ave
Riverton, WY 82501
Main: 307-856-6642
RIVERTON Office for Cheney:
325 West Main Street, Unit B
Riverton, WY 82501
Phone: 307-463-0482

ROCK SPRINGS Office for Barrasso:
1575 Dewar Drive (Commerce Bank)
Suite 218
Rock Springs, WY 82901
Main: 307-362-5012

SHERIDAN Office for Barrasso:
51 Coffeen Avenue
Suite 202
Sheridan, WY 82801
Main: 307-672-6456

Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Constitutional Topics/Issues, Elected Officials, Saving America, Saving Wyoming

WHO will Object to Electors on January 6 and WHAT will happen?

Below is a list of U.S. Congressmen and where they stand on objecting to (challenging) Electors from Fraudulent Vote States.  We will be adding to this list until January 6, 2021 (note – we will not bother mentioning any Democrats unless they publicly announce they plan to object, which is highly unlikely):

Who PLANS to object to Electors from Fraudulent Vote States?

U.S. House Andy Biggs (AZ) Resource Link
U.S. House Rep Mo Brooks (Ala) Resource Link
U.S. House Elect Madison Cawthorn (NC) Resource Link
U.S. House Rep Matt Gaetz (FL) Resource Link
U.S. House Paul Gosar (AZ) Resource Link
U.S. House Rep Jody Hice (GA) Resource Link
U.S. House Jim Jordan (OH) Resource Link
NEW: 12/21: “Stay Tuned” – Several Members Of Congress Met With Trump About Contesting Election Results

Who is CONSIDERING objecting to Electors from Fraudulent Vote States?

U.S. House Elect Bob Good (VA) Resource Link
U.S. House Elect Scott Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA) Resource Link
U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (Wis) Resource Link
U.S. Senator Rand Paul (Ky) Resource Link
U.S. Senator Elect Tommy Tuberville Resource Link

Who has POTENTIAL to objecting to Electors from Fraudulent Vote States?
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (TX) Resource Link
U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (TN) Resource Link
U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (MO) Resource Link
U.S. Senator John Kennedy (LA) Resource Link
U.S. Senator James Lankford (OK) Resource Link
U.S. House Louie Gohmert (TX) Resource Link
U.S. House Debbie Lesko (AZ) Resource Link
U.S. House Devin Nunez (CA) Resource Link
U.S. House Chip Roy (TX) Resource Link
U.S. House Elect Scott Perry (PA)
U.S. Senator Tim Scott (SC)

Who will COWER and/or snipe?

U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell
U.S. Senator Roy Blunt
U.S. Senator John Thune
U.S. Senator John Cornyn Resource Link
U.S. Senator Mitt Romney (UT) Resource Link



All of our WY U.S. Congressmen SHOULD CHALLENGE the Electoral votes.  However, we do not believe they will because they consistently display cowardice in areas where courage is called for.  Nevertheless, below are their email links.  Here is a link to a sample letter that can be copied to send to them after you insert their name and your own name.

U.S. Senator Barrasso:

U.S. Senator Enzi:

U.S. House Representative Cheney:

U.S. Senator Elect Lummis:

Posted by Editor in Constitutional Topics/Issues, Elections, Saving America

Dec 18 – Unwavering Deplorables – At Least 74 Million Strong

Joe Biden is STILL NOT the President Elect.

12/18: Die-hard deplorables
12/17: It’s time for the ‘Deplorables’ to become the Unconquerables
12/17: We Can Still Save The Country – Here’s How – Act Now

U.S. House Representative Mo Brooks displays UNCOMMON COURAGE seldom seen among Republicans.  America-Loving Citizens need to watch this to understand what is exactly needed to save our Republic:


12/18: IT’S TIME FOR TRUMP TO CONFISCATE THE VOTING MACHINES! The Results of the Fraudulent Election Will Never Stand and Americans Know It
12/18: Oath Keepers: President Trump Must Use Insurrection Act to “Stop the Steal” and Defeat the Coup
12/18: Lt. General Michael Flynn Outlines Some Steps President Trump Could Take Facing Evidence of Election Fraud
12/17: Virginia Gubernatorial Candidate Calls for President Trump to ‘Declare Martial Law as Recommended by General Flynn’


12/18: Trump ally teases Jan. 6 election bombshell
12/18: FLASHBACK: Mitch McConnell Blocked Election Security Bills in 2019 After Receiving Lobbying Cash From Dominion
12/17: Sorry Mitch, There Is No Moving Forward Without Nov 3rd Being Fixed
12/17: Alabama Senator-Elect [Tommy Tuberville] Considering Objecting To Electoral Vote
12/17: Senator James Lankford Outlines Concerns With Voter Confidence in 2020 Election Outcome
12/16: Two GOP Senators Say They May Object To Electoral Votes In Congress
12/15: MAGA turns on Mitch


12/18: Medical Experts Urge for COVID-19 Vaccine to be Delayed for the Elderly Because They’re ‘Too White’
12/18: Grand County, Colorado: 40% of COVID Deaths Were Actually Victims of Gunshot Wounds
12/18: New York County Spent $227,000 In Federal COVID Funds On Pork, Pizza And Cutlery
12/18: Fauci Bemoans Nation’s Independent Spirit
07/17: [Celebrating] the American Spirit: What Does It Mean?
12/18: Glenn Beck’s GoFundMe for small businesses crushes goal as Americans step up to help those in need this Christmas
12/18: Meatpacking Plants Idled, Workers Sent Home As Pandemic Rages In North America 
12/17: Pfizer and Moderna Immune from Liability If You Develop Severe Side Effects from COVID-19 Vaccine
12/17: Michigan Legislature Considers Big Action Against Whitmer’s Restrictions
12/17: FAKE NEWS – Televised Vaccination Ceremony Uses Empty Syringes


12/18: A brief history of secession in America
12/18: How to Stop Schools From Parenting Your Children
12/18: Kamala Harris: The big buildup begins – Is it time for Joe Biden to start hiring a food taster?
12/18: George Soros Funds Research on the Evils of Men
12/18: Trump Nominates Victor Davis Hansen, Charlie Kirk, Several Others To New Commission That Counters 1619 Project
(The 1619 Project Exposed: A Special Edition of the American Mind Podcast)
12/18: Google trial judge suggests potential trial date, and it’s in 2023
12/17: Iranian president boasts there’s ‘no doubt’ Joe Biden will ‘bow’ to Iran and lift sanctions
12/17: Va. State Senator Who Pushed Trump to Declare Martial Law Charges Democrats With ‘Treason’
12/16: “This Is a RICO Case and It Involves Potentially the Incoming President of the United States, Assuming He’s Installed” – Tom Fitton on Hunter Biden’s Criminal Case
12/15: Rogue U.S. Attorneys Coming to a City Near You?
12/11: How the cultural elite came to rule the Democratic Party


12/18: Maricopa County Board Of Supervisors Will Not Comply With Subpoenas For Dominion Machines
12/17: ‘Arizona Certified Fraudulent Votes’ Data Scientists Claim


12/18: Georgia Witness Testimony: ‘I Feel Like My Elected Officials Are Calling Me a Liar’
12/18: CONFIRMED: At Least 36 Memory Cards “Prematurely Removed” From Dominion Machines In Atlanta Area
12/18: Revealed: Former Kemp Staffer Helped Dominion Land $107 Million Contract with Georgia –QUITE the Deal!
12/7: WATCH: Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp Begs for Chinese Investors to Dominate His State


12/18: MI Sec of State Official Caught On Video Telling Volunteers To Count “Multiple Ballots with the very Same Signature” During “Audit”
12/18: Recount Confirms Trump Won Michigan County That Reported Biden Win on Election Night


Posted by Editor in Constitutional Topics/Issues, Elections, Saving America