Saving Wyoming

It’s About Damn Time

Finally Liz Cheney (& Adam Kinzinger) have been censured by the RNC.

Wyoming GOP censured Liz on Feb 6, 2021.  The Republican National Committee censured these traitors on Feb 3, 2022.  So Leadership of the RNC was just three days shy of a year late on that particular official party business.

Talk about resting on your dang laurels.

People need to remember that when the same RNC Leadership wants to be re-elected, and most especially when U.S. House Representative from California Kevin McCarthy (R) wants to be voted in as speaker of the U.S. House.

The Republican National Committee needs new CONSERVATIVE leadership, new blood, that puts America First the moment their feet hit the floor each morning – not a year later.


Posted by Editor in Saving America, Saving Wyoming

State Party Chairman Throws Down on Dirty Stinkin RINOs, Stands Tall for Grassroots


Jan 26, 2021, Cowboy State Daily
Eathorne Calls Plaintiffs In Superintendent Lawsuit “RINOs,” “Cheney Supporters” by Ellen Fike

Wyoming Republican Party Chairman Frank Eathorne lashed out Wednesday at the multiple plaintiffs who brought a lawsuit against the party over the way it selected nominees for an open statewide office, calling them “RINOs” and “Cheney supporters.”

Eathorne noted the lawsuit filed Tuesday took aim at the party for following state rules that have been in place for decades for picking nominees to fill open state offices.

“Grassroots Republicans are being sued, by Democrats and a handful of self-important RINOs and (U.S. Rep. Liz) Cheney supporters, for following the law and completing its role in sending 3 names to the Governor so he can fill the vacancy created when Jillian Balow resigned, the same way elected official vacancies have been filled for decades in our state,” Eathorne said.

Balow resigned as superintendent of public instruction earlier this month to take a similar position in Virginia. Under Wyoming law, Gov. Mark Gordon is to select a replacement to finish her unexpired term — which runs until January 2023 — from a list of three nominees submitted by the Wyoming Republican Party’s central committee.

The lawsuit alleges that because the central committee is made up of three representatives from each county, counties with smaller populations have a greater influence over such decisions than counties with large populations, a violation of the equal protection clause of the Wyoming and U.S. constitutions.

Eathorne said on Wednesday that for the plaintiffs, the situation was not about the Constitution, but about control.

“If you ever wondered what Wyoming’s self-appointed good ol’ boys club looks like, this is it – former and current newspaper owners, Democrats, high-level university administrators, former legislators, wealthy elite, self-important Cheyenne lawyers, and all represented by Democrat (Former Gov. Dave) Freudenthal’s former Attorney General, Pat Crank,” he said.

He added that the plaintiffs had one thing in common: none of them were currently elected to serve Wyoming Republicans.

“They represent Wyoming’s past, full of smoky back rooms and political side deals,” Eathorne said. “They cannot stand that the Wyoming Republican grassroots has risen up and can outvote the lobbyists and lawyers who have controlled Wyoming politics in the past. These are the same people who support Liz Cheney, fight to preserve the ability for Democrats to crossover and interfere in Wyoming Republican primaries, vigorously oppose runoff elections, and seek to tear down and defeat Conservative principles.”…

Continue reading here

Posted by Editor in Saving Wyoming

Is the Stunning New Persecution of Patriotic Americans All About Elections?

Felony Disenfranchisement Map
(Map found at


The radical deep state left is throwing everything, including the kitchen sink, at our elections.  They are doing everything in their power to control what happens this year and every election thereafter – and NEVER FORGET Liz Cheney is there to help git ‘er done.

How so?

By eliminating as many patriotic American candidates and voters as possible.

How so?

Via a felony charge filed against any citizen they can make it stick to (see the above Felony Disenfranchisement Map on states that prohibit felons from voting).  This could include any American citizen, voters and candidates alike, that are accused of:

We all know that you don’t have to actually be any of the above at all – you simply have to be charged and convicted by one of the most powerful agencies in the federal government that has endless attorneys with endless resources.


See how that works?  If they have doubts that they cannot successfully “win” elections, one way or the other, they will remove other essential components required in elections – namely the John Lewis Voter’s Right Act that is a federal takeover of the 50 United State’s control over their own elections, as well as eliminating candidates and voters.

And here’s part of their new “toolbox” to eliminate candidates and voters:

  1. Jan 11, 2022 Dept of Justice, Assistant Attorney General Matthew Olsen, announces new domestic terrorism unit.
  2. Dec 2021 Report on Countering Extremist Activity Within the Department of Defense
  3. Oct 4, 2021 Justice Department Addresses Violent Threats Against School Officials and Teachers
  4. June 15, 2021 Statement by President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. on the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism

How many innocent people could become trapped in that net because they are: Christian; Conservative; white; gun-owners; vocal patriots against tyranny; school board meeting attendees; etc.  How many innocent people could be trapped in that net simply because they can’t afford essential and proper counsel to take on the U.S. Dept of Justice?  How many people could lose their eligibility to run for office or their right to vote from that net?

As Conservative Firing Line said, “If you cherish faith, family and freedom, you might want to keep a low profile for a while.”  Or at the very least – be more precise and articulate when exercising your 1st Amendment rights.

NOTE:  See all the states colored in shades of green in the above map?  The ones that will allow felons to vote: 1) after prison; 2) after prison and parole; or 3) after prison, parole and probation… This gives one a whole new perspective on one potential reason why the Jan 6th defendants have been held unconstitutionally in jail for so long without a trial.  How many J6 defendants do you really think will be voting this year?  Zero is probably a good estimation.

And now you know exactly why Liz Cheney-Pelosi’s J6 Commission has absolutely no interest in anything from Jan 6, 2021 except:

  • charging people with felonies to eliminate their eligibility to run for office
  • charging people with felonies to eliminate them from voting
  • propagating the “domestic-extremest”, “right-wing-extremist”, “white supremacist” B.S. hype – to charge, convict and eliminate more patriotic voters

The J6 Commission is not concerned with anything else.  Including all of the facts regarding any patriot who died that day; they’re not concerned that the man who killed unarmed Ashli Babbitt was never interviewed by investigators; they’re not concerned in the least that Officer Sicknick’s cause of death was purposely misreported to the entire country (is that because Sicknick was a Trump supporter?); they’re not concerned that the cause of death for Roseanne Boyland was purposely misreported to the entire country; they’re not concerned that every level of government refuses to give the Boyland family any information regarding her death whatsoever; they’re not concerned, or even curious, the tiniest bit that Capitol police were allowing people into the Capitol and even holding the doors open for them; they’re not concerned, or even curious, the tiniest bit that Speaker Pelosi completely dropped the ball and failed to provide adequate security at the Capitol; they’re not concerned that multiple levels/agencies of people blew-off and/or would not approve the tens of thousands of National Guard that Trump requested; they’re not concerned with potential federal agents or informers being present at J6 inciting violence who both beat and tried to entrap innocent Americans; they’re not concerned in the least that Antifa had online posters telling their members to go to the J6 event in Trump gear, or that there were reports that a bus-load of Antifa showed up at the Capitol.  They are only concerned with charging people who voted for Donald J Trump, and completely hyper-inflating the ridiculous propaganda that there are right wing extremists and domestic terrorists hiding and colluding everywhere.

That is their mission and it is obvious as hell.

Additionally, Liz Cheney is persecuting innocent people (completely unrelated to Jan 6th) of J6 crimes – innocent people who work for a Super-Pac that is opposing her re-election in Wyoming.  What a repugnant, disgusting, soiled and stinky swamp-queen Liz Cheney-Pelosi has become.  She IS an integral part of the ‘darkness that is trying to destroy democracy’, as well as our Republic.

Liz Cheney has absolutely no use for Trump voters anymore.  Which means she has absolutely no use for a large majority of Wyoming citizens.  Nope.  The only thing she wants from our state is two letters to put behind her name – WY.


For more reading on this topic:

Related Articles:

Jan 15, 2022, American Thinker: The Democrats Are Attempting A Coup By Lawfare (Highly recommended reading!)
Jan 14, 2022: The Federalist: The Biden Administration Isn’t Even Hiding Its Designation Of Mainstream Americans As ‘Domestic Terrorists’
Jan 14, 2022, The Federalist: Increasingly Clear J6 Committee Has No Interest In Probing Capitol’s Security Failures
Jan 13, 2022, Twitchy: Tulsi Gabbard DROPS Biden for calling Americans who disagree with him ‘domestic enemies, traitors, and racists’
Jan 13, 2022, Patriot Post: Why Did the DOJ Just Form a New Domestic Terrorism Unit?
Jan 11, 2022: Citizen Free Press: Trudeau calls Unvaccinated ‘racist and misogynist’
Jan 11, 2022, MSN: Dr. Peter Hotez Says ‘Far-Right Anti-Vaccine Aggression’ Has Killed 200,000 Americans
Jan 11, 2022, PJ Media: Far-Left Groups Look to Ban Rep. Madison Cawthorn From 2022 Ballot For Supporting ‘Insurrection’
Jan 11, 2022, Breitbart: NSBA [National School Boards Association] Letter Targeting Parents as ‘Domestic Terrorists’ Allegedly Requested by Biden Education Secretary Cardona
Jan 10, 2022, The Federalist: Disgraced FBI No. 2 Calls For Feds To Treat ‘Mainstream’ Conservatives Like Domestic Terrorists
Jan 9, 2022, LA Times: Second Opinion: The newest variant of violent extremism? Using paranoia about the pandemic as a recruiting tool
Jan 9, 2022, Aletho News: DOJ will not withdraw controversial memo on targeting school parents
Jan 6, 2022, Air Force Times: New in 2022: Next steps in DoD’s fight against extremism, including a new definition
Dec 7, 2021, 10 Tamba Bay News: Yes, some felons from the Jan. 6 insurrection can vote but it depends on where they live
Nov 16, 2021, The Federalist: DOJ Whistleblower Documents Suggest Merrick Garland Lied About The Targeting Of Parents As Domestic Terrorists
Nov 6, 2021, Washington Times: Biden crusade against ‘domestic extremism’ spurs thousands of FBI probes, fears of a police state
Sept 11, 2021, CNN: Bush alludes to US Capitol rioters when condemning violent extremists behind 9/11 attacks
June 15, 2021, Breitbart: Biden Administration Asks Americans to Report ‘Potentially’ Radicalized Friends and Family
Mar 29, 2021, Life News: Joe Biden Puts Pro-Life Groups on Domestic Extremist List, Calls Pro-Life People “Violent”
Feb 18, 2021, Law Enforcement Today: Ignoring Antifa, Biden calls former police, military a threat to national security, says they fuel white supremacy
Jan 25, 2021, Conservative Firing Line: Biden’s Police State Coming For “Religious Extremists”, “Evangelical Christians”, “Pro-Life” Activists And “Libertarians”

Official Statements/Documents:

Jan 11, 2022, U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing (video): The Domestic Terrorism Threat One Year After January 6
Dec 22, 2021: Assistant to the Attorney General Response/Letter to Ranking Member of Senate Judiciary Committee, Charles E. Grassley
Dec 6, 2021: U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Letter to U.S. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland
Oct 4, 2021, DOJ Memo: Justice Department Addresses Violent Threats Against School Officials and Teachers
Feb 5, 2021, DOD Memo: DOD Stand-Down to Address Extremism in the Ranks
Jan 19, 2021: H.R.350 – Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021  (The last action on this bill was 03/05/2021, however the the intent has been carried forth.)
Mar 2019: U.S. Senate Bill S.894 (Lumps “far right extremists” with “white supremacists”.  Bill never passed but the intent has been carried forth.)

Posted by Editor in D.C. Swamp, Elections, Saving America, Saving Wyoming

EXPEL LIZ CHENEY – Sign the Petition to The House Republican Conference



The Republican Conference in the House of Representatives exists to:

-Push legislation and ideas that Republicans support

-Strategize about stopping Biden’s radical socialist agenda

-Set the stage for a Republican takeover of Congress next year

However, Representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger’s goals this year are to:

-Lead another phony witch hunt in an attempt to destroy President Trump

-Pave the way for Nancy Pelosi to remain Speaker of the House, thus guaranteeing the further advancement of socialism in America

A Democrat majority in the next Congress would continue to ignore the border crisis, the crime crisis, the energy crisis, the inflation crisis, and the supply chain crisis – a disaster for the American people.

Why are individuals actively seeking to undermine Republican success still members of the House Republican Conference?

Tell Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy To Expel Liz Cheney And Adam Kinzinger From The House Republican Conference Immediately!

 Make Your Voice Heard!


Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, D.C. Swamp, Elected Officials, Saving America, Saving Wyoming

The Inside Communist Joke WY Really Needs To Know About

Perusing the news a few days ago, a photo from an article at PJ Media was hard to ignore.  The article was reporting on the Chicago teacher’s union striking for more school closures due to Covid (‘Go Get Another Job’: Democrats and Republicans Lambaste Teachers’ Unions by A.J. Kaufman,  Jan 05, 2022).  The photo attributed to (AP Photo/David Zalubowski, File) shows protesting Chicago teachers wearing custom designed Communist revolutionary style t-shirts for the occasion:

(AP Photo/David Zalubowski, File. Found at PJ Media)

After sharing the above photo with one of our Casper contributors, they responded just a few hours later by forwarding the following photo – which is artwork being used by the Wyoming Food for Thought Project in Natrona County:

Most might automatically (and rightfully) perceive, at-a-glance, this symbolism as the revolutionary ‘power fist’ made recently popular by the Black Lives Matter marches and riots of 2020 that led to billions of dollars of property damage and loss and scores of violent injuries and death.  It is disturbing enough that this is the intended cursory message being megaphoned by professional teachers in Chicago and a non-profit organization in Wyoming, what is much more disturbing however, is the deeper and malevolent message that this image historically symbolizes:  The ‘power fist’ that originates from twentieth century Soviet Communist revolutionary propaganda, as well as the revolutionary propaganda from the Mao Zedong Regime of Communist/Marxist China.

This art style is referred to as Socialist Realism, a Communist art form that originated during the Russian Revolution in 1917.  The Russian Revolution is the origin of the revolutionary ‘power fist’, not BLM.  And more specifically, the distinct message in the eye-catching red and white sunburst emanating from the fist is a blatant salute to Maoists and Marxists (Communist ideologies that BLM leaders signal as desirable – see here and here).

To shed additional light on how this re-emerging Communist propaganda is becoming mainstream among self-purported radical-left revolutionaries, we found this same Maoist art style on the Antifa Anti-Fascist Handbook, which is on sale at a number of places including the Harvard Book Store:

Now you know the inside joke as to why the protesting teachers in Chicago are smiling so smugly, and why Antifa would choose the same Communist imagery – it is an in-your-face salute to fellow travelers.

There should be no doubt, how highly offensive this imagery is.  And it is only the radical-left that is resurrecting this art-form, specifically for the purposes mentioned above.

We are truly stunned to see this Communist/Maoist/Marxist imagery being used anywhere in the state of Wyoming, much less by a non-profit that is allegedly charitably helping feed hungry families and children in Natrona County.  After surfing around a bit to see where and how this artwork is being used by Wyoming Food for Thought Project, we quickly found that their Communist-Maoist power fist (holding a fork) is being used as the thumbnail icon for their website and in their official t-shirts, however the shirt we found occurs in different colors of brown and gold.  Regardless of the colors, the radical symbology is still unmistakable:

At first glance we assumed that the leaders of this organization most likely thought it was just an attention-getting image and that they were ignorant of the ideology they are advertising and potentially drawing to their organization.  But then we read their Mission summary:

Wyoming Food for Thought Project is a local, grassroots organization in Casper, WY dedicated to equitable food access & food justice.

What exactly is food justice?  According to The Breakthrough Institute, food justice is “the struggle against racism, exploitation and oppression taking place within the food system that addresses inequality’s root causes both within and beyond the food chain” (The Soul of Food Justice, Feb 7, 2020).  You can run several searches for this new social justice phrase, but you will get the same general definition.

Equitable is defined to mean “treating everyone fairly and in the same way” (Cambridge).

This play on ‘woke’ terms insinuates that families in Wyoming have unfair access to food and it is primarily due to racism, exploitation and oppression taking place within the state of Wyoming.   This is intentional incendiary language being purposefully woven into a notably needed and admirable community effort to feed those in our neighborhoods, counties and state who are hungry.  Why is this necessary?  With the woke language removed, it would simply read:

Wyoming Food for Thought Project is a local, grassroots organization in Casper, WY dedicated to food access. 

But apparently this straightforward language is not the focused intent.  For some reason Wyoming Food for Thought prefers this incendiary language.  Wyoming citizens deserve to know why this organization wants to cast such an evil “racist, exploitative, oppressive” light on our state.

We also found that the Wyoming Food for Thought Project is being directly promoted by the Wyoming Hunger Initiative as the top-of-the-list Food Pantry for Natrona County.  The Wyoming Hunger Initiative is the #1 legacy project that was launched by First Lady Jennie Gordon, Governor Gordon’s wife, on October 3, 2019.  Does the Wyoming Hunger Initiative support/believe/condone the concept of “food justice”?  Chances are they are completely unaware of this language being used by Wyoming Food for Thought and/or are unfamiliar with what it actually means.

Further delving found that Wyoming Food for Thought Project has joined forces with AmeriCorps in the past, as well as the Central Wyoming Boys and Girls Club in Natrona County.  How woke is the Wyoming Food for Thought Project?  If they are aligned in any way or form to BLM or Antifa, their having access to children and teenagers through the Central Wyoming Boys and Girls Club and AmeriCorps is an enormous red flag that should not be ignored.

On page 13 of their 2021 Annual Report, Wyoming Food for Thought boasts, “In 2020 we collaborated with Skull Tree Brewing in Casper to bring Casperites a locally produced beer. Brew For Thought is an American Red Ale brewed by Skull Tree Brewing with Cascade Hops grown by at our urban farm at our program center.”

Wyoming Food for Thought is growing hops in their community vegetable gardens for local distilleries to make beer?!  The same gardens that school-age children from Central Wyoming Boys and Girls Club have been recruited to pull weeds from?

So what in the heck does beer have to do with hunger and food access?!  How in the world does growing hops feed hungry families?  What kind of vile mission creep is going on in Natrona – are they a food pantry or are they in the brewery business?!

At their site under Community Partnerships, Wyoming Food for Thought also boasts about their Casper Mountain Gin Project:

In 2016 we combined local efforts with Backwards Distilling Co. to source local herbs and garnishes for Backwards’ cocktails. Since then, this partnership has steadily continued to grow and prosper, to the point where we cultivated the idea of bringing a limited edition Casper Gin to you, from mountain to bottle.

We foraged high and low for the highest-quality products we could find, and let us be the first to tell you that beautiful Casper Mountain delivered! From juniper berries to rose hips, currants and licorice root, this gin is guaranteed to remind you of the 307 we love and call home. 

So what in the heck does GIN have to do with HUNGER and FOOD ACCESS?!  Why was Wyoming Food for Thought “foraging high and low for the highest-quality products they could find” to make both GIN and GARNISHES for COCKTAILS?!  Were they foraging for ACTUAL FOOD to distribute to hungry families in Natrona County?  Are any of the children or teenagers they’ve recruited through the Central Wyoming Boys and Girls Club and AmeriCorps being put to work to help forage high and low for the best ingredients for GIN and COCKTAIL GARNISHES?!

How does one reconcile a non-profit food pantry doing free work for a for-profit distillery?  It sounds like a win-win for somebody, but not for hungry families.

Have they ever included any Casper Mountain Gin or Brew For Thought beer in the meals they provide and deliver to hungry, needy families?!

Wyoming Food for Thought lists over one hundred Community Partners and Sponsors at their website.  Some of these include:  The Wyoming Community Foundation; the McMurry Foundation; Veteran’s of Foreign War; Menards; First Interstate Bank; Saint Anthony Catholic School; Casper College; Natrona County School District; City of Casper; Jonah Bank of Wyoming; the Wyoming Community Development Authority; the Wyoming Medical Center; Casper Housing Authority; the Casper Events Center; etc.  Are any of these Partners and Sponsors aware of how shady an outfit Wyoming Food for Thought appears to be?

Clearly, Wyoming Food for Thought must be receiving funding and grants from somewhere – it would be extremely interesting to see their financials and tax returns.  Our guess is there are many more shockers to be found.

Is there anybody else that has eyes on this for crying out-loud?  From the Governor’s office all the way down to the City of Casper, is there anybody paying attention to this non-profit food pantry?!

Somebody really needs to get to the bottom of this mess.

Posted by Editor

Nuclear Scientists: [College Drop-Out] Bill Gates Has It Wrong

NOTE: The WY Legislative Joint Minerals Committee
has a meeting scheduled for January 13, 2022 in Casper.
The public is strongly encouraged to attend and comment
on the Gates Nuclear Reactor deal.  Click here for more.

Shared directly from the Union of Concerned Scientists:

What Bill Gates Has Wrong About “Advanced” Nuclear Reactors

Published Apr 13, 2021


Posted by Editor in Gates-Nuclear, Saving Wyoming

Nov 22 Networking Meeting: WY Principals of Freedom

You need to check out this new Wyoming group! We are very excited to see these folks activating the state!!!

Wyoming Principles of Freedoms

Here is info on their Nov 22 Meeting:

Wyoming Principles of Freedoms Meeting Information

Date: November 22, 2021
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Location:  Salt Life Fellowship Church on 4406 East 14th Street and Cleveland in CHEYENNE

The purpose of this meeting is to help you find a group to channel your passion into action.  Below is a group list.  Bring a friend!

Groups List
1) Return to Statesmanship

-Local candidates
-Election integrity

2)Mass Resistance – (Purge pornography that is purposefully aimed at children)
3)Home/Co-Op Education (alternative education)
4) Medical Freedom Group
5) Prayer Warrior (Prayer group for the intentions of WYPOFS)6
6) Field Trips w/ Susan. (Claim & exercise your rights)
7) Military Outreach

-Weapons qualification
-Assist & support service members for exemptions

Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Saving Wyoming

Welcome to Thunderdome

How in the hell did we get here?

Is the reality we face today a surprise?

And if we are, WHY?

Where to begin.

We could begin at where we ended with 2021 Special Session, where we would name who, exactly, among the WY Legislature has no constitutional allegiance whatsoever and needs to be completely eliminated by Wyoming voters in every future election, for any office, ever.  (Which we have every intention of doing.)

We could also begin by naming specific WY elected officials, across all three branches, that have no comprehension of the Supremacy Clause whatsoever.  But to do that we would have to go back, pert-near, to when Wyoming became a state in 1899.  But for complete raw honesty, we would also have to go back to when many citizens dropped the ball and ceased to cherish or protect the Supremacy Clause, and simply expected their elected officials to cover and protect that very essential base (and our asses) while we were living our self-absorbed busy and seemingly important lives.

We could also begin by illustrating how America is in the final stage of ‘The Decline of A Nation‘.  If we were to do that, we would attempt to show you that we are now, most likely, living in the stage that moves from dependence to bondage, and that the only way out is to walk through that fire – with full unadulterated knowledge that we helped build that fire, as did many generations of ancestors before us.

Lastly we could begin by simply stating that, now that the other shoe has dropped, we should come to terms with the fact that we are now on our own for the most part; that we cannot, and should not, expect our current representatives (almost every single person elected to any office) to protect or save us from the apocalyptic reality of the rule of current law and edict we find ourselves pinned under.

If we did that we would immediately begin making suggestions and lists on: 1) What we could each do individually to peacefully not comply with all things unconstitutional; 2) How to wisely avoid the Biden rat-traps set to ensnare us patriots and lowly citizens, and; 3) How to begin the long arduous task of restoring and fortifying Wyoming back to the role of essential member of a union of States responsible for keeping our constitutional republic accountable and intact.

Chicken or egg?

It really is a chicken or egg kind-of dilemma, hinging how these things are related.  Right now we are right back where our Founders started – under the tyrannical power of “kings”.  Or in our case, a place-holder king.  Backed by an entrenched oligarchy of deep state bureaucratic swamp monsters.  That we and our ancestors have been incrementally tolerating for decades.  Because of our busy and important lives.

Hell.  Let’s just jump right into the middle – the Supremacy Clause:

The Supremacy Clause of The Constitution of the United States (emphasis added)

Article. VI. – Debts, Supremacy, Oaths

All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under
the Confederation.

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.

“This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof;”

shall defined (legal definition)
Shall is an imperative command, usually indicating that certain actions are mandatory…

in pursuance of (defined)
: in order to do (something) or to do what is required by (something)
//The changes will be made in pursuance of the contract.

thereof (defined)
of or about the thing just mentioned

In plain English: It is mandatory that the laws of the United States are only made to do what is required in the Constitution.

Here’s PROOF that it is as simple as that:

The Federalist Papers

The Federalist 33, Alexander Hamilton: “It will not, I presume, have escaped observation, that it expressly confines this supremacy to laws made pursuant to the constitution; which I mention merely as an instance of caution in the convention; since that limitation would have been to be understood, though it had not been expressed.

Federalist #78, Alexander Hamilton:  “There is no position which depends on clearer principles, than that every act of a delegated authority, contrary to the tenor of the commission under which it is exercised, is void. No legislative act, therefore, contrary to the Constitution, can be valid. To deny this, would be to affirm, that the deputy is greater than his principal; that the servant is above his master; that the representatives of the people are superior to the people themselves; that men acting by virtue of powers, may do not only what their powers do not authorize, but what they forbid.

Posted by Editor in Constitutional Topics/Issues, Saving America, Saving Wyoming