Saving Wyoming

WY Freedom-Loving Physicians & Healthcare Workers Need Support NOW

We ARE all in this together and there ARE physicians and healthcare workers who want to honor your right to make your own healthcare decisions! Here are two things every constitutional Wyomingite should do NOW to support these physicians & healthcare workers:

1) Tonight (Sept 25) attend the Casper Townhall, “Who Will Comply With Vaccine Mandates?”.  It is at the Casper Ramkota Hotel, 800 N. Poplar, from 5:30 to 7:30.  For more details go to Liberty’s Place 4 U WY.

2) Follow the Action Alert at Liberty’s Place 4 U WY and flood Banner Health’s corporate office with phone calls!

Posted by Editor in Constitutional Topics/Issues, Covid-19, Saving Wyoming

Wyoming State Sovereignty

Every time WY Citizens wish our state elected officials would grow some cojones and stand up to Biden or the federal government, they should (constantly) refer to the following.





A JOINT RESOLUTION demanding Congress cease and desist from enacting mandates that are beyond the scope of the enumerated powers granted to Congress by the Constitution of the United States.

WHEREAS, the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States reads as follows: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people”; and

WHEREAS, the Tenth Amendment defines the total scope of federal power as being that specifically granted by the Constitution of the United States and no more; and

WHEREAS, the scope of power defined by the Tenth Amendment means that the federal government was created by the states specifically to be an agent of the states; and

WHEREAS, the states are demonstrably treated as agents of the federal government; and

WHEREAS, many federal laws are directly in violation of the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States; and

WHEREAS, the Tenth Amendment assures that we, the people of the United States of America and each sovereign state in the union of states, now have, and have always had, rights the federal government may not usurp; and

WHEREAS, Section 4, Article IV, of the Constitution says, “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government,” and the Ninth Amendment states that “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people”; and

WHEREAS, Congress may not simply commandeer the legislative and regulatory processes of the states; and

WHEREAS, the United States Congress frequently considers and enacts laws, and the executive agencies of the federal government frequently promulgate regulations, the constitutional authority for which is either absent or tenuous, including, without limitation, the Real ID Act, which imposes significant unfunded mandates upon the states with respect to the traditional state function of drivers licensing, the Endangered Species Act, which, as construed by the United States Fish & Wildlife Service, authorizes a federal executive agency to require specific state legislation related to the traditional state function of wildlife management, the Clean Water Act, which, as construed by the Environmental Protection Agency, authorizes a federal executive agency to exercise regulatory jurisdiction over waters that are not subject to federal regulation, the Federal Land Policy and Management Act, which implements a policy of federal lands retention in derogation of the “equal footing” doctrine.


Section 1.  That the State of Wyoming Legislature claims sovereignty on behalf of the State of Wyoming and for its citizens under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government or reserved to the people by the Constitution of the United States.

Section 2.  That the rights and liberties of Wyoming, its costates and their respective citizens must be protected from any dangers by declaring that Congress is limited by the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and that this state calls on its costates for an expression of their sentiments on acts not authorized by the United States Constitution.

Section 3.  That this resolution serve as notice and demand to the federal government, as our agent, to cease and desist, effective immediately, from enacting mandates that are beyond the scope of these constitutionally delegated powers. The state of Wyoming will not enforce such mandates.

Section 4.  That all compulsory federal legislation that directs states to comply under threat of civil or criminal penalties or sanctions be prohibited or repealed.

Section 5.  That the Secretary of State of Wyoming transmit copies of this resolution to the President of the United States, to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States Congress and to the Wyoming Congressional Delegation, with a request that this resolution be officially entered in the congressional record as a memorial to the Congress of the United States of America.


HJ0002 – Resolution-assertion of states’ rights.
Sponsored By: Representative(s) Illoway, Anderson, R., Brechtel, Childers, Edmonds, Harvey, Lubnau, Madden, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Quarberg, Shepperson, Simpson, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dn. and Senator(s) Anderson, J., Bebout, Case, Cooper, Dockstader, Martin, Meier and Ross

Governor Mead Signed HEJR0002 03/08/2010

Delivered to United States Congress by Wyoming United States House Representative Cynthia Lummis in 2010

Posted by Editor in Constitutional Topics/Issues, Saving Wyoming

WY CITIZEN ACTION NEEDED: We Need a Majority for a Special Session

Wyoming State Constitution

Article 3, Section 7.  Time and place of sessions.
(a) The legislature shall meet at the seat of government at twelve o’clock noon, on the second Tuesday of January of the odd-numbered years for general and budget session and may meet on the second Tuesday of January of the even-numbered years for budget session, and at other times when convened by the governor or upon call of the legislature as herein provided. The governor by proclamation may also, in times of war or grave emergency by law defined, temporarily convene the legislature at a place or places other than the seat of government. The legislature may convene a special session not to last longer than twenty (20) working days as follows:
(i) Upon written request to the presiding officer of each house of the legislature by a majority of the elected members of each house, the legislature shall convene in special session; or
(ii) The presiding officers of each house shall also jointly call a special session for the purpose of resolving a challenge or a dispute of any kind in the determination of the presidential electors.

Today, Sept 10th, WY Republican Legislative leadership vowed to fight Biden’s vaccine mandatessee Oil City News article here.

Also today, Nick Perkins with K2 Radio reported that WY House Rep Chuck Gray released a statement asking for a special session:

Gray released a statement today, saying that he’s asked for a special session  to occur in order to “address our state’s response to the illegal actions of the federal government and corporations related to the COVID-19 vaccine.”

“Yesterday’s speech from Biden were the words of an authoritarian dictator,” Gray wrote. “His actions and words are antithetical to our values as Americans. There must be official action from our state to make sure that this unconstitutional, illegal, immoral mandate never comes into effect.”

Gray said that, per the authority granted to the legislature in Article 3, Section 7 of the Wyoming’s State Constitution, he’s asked for a letter to be drafted that asks for a formal vote of the membership to go into special session. Gray said that the special session to address Wyoming’s response to the actions of the federal government.

Gray said the special session would address three topics:

“1)Make clear that the Biden mandate has no force in Wyoming and that no individual or corporation can attempt to implement the unconstitutional, illegal, and immoral mandate.

2) Ban all employer mandates related to COVID vaccination status

3) Ban all restrictions on public accommodation related to COVID vaccination status, which would be a ban on vaccine passports.”

“It has become absolutely clear over the last year and a half that the radical Left will continue to use COVID to take away our freedoms until we have lost them forever,” Gray stated.  “Our state must take action. We can’t wait until February to go into session again.”

Gray also threw a little shade at Governor Gordon, following the governor’s comments about the vaccine mandate.

“While I appreciate Governor Gordon’s statement yesterday, the #1 thing I have learned over the last three years of Gordon’s governorship is that his press releases often do not match the strength of his actions,” Gray wrote. “Exhibiting legislative oversight will ensure that there is follow through on the promises made in the release yesterday. I encourage the Governor to call the legislature into special session to address these issues.”

Gray said the special session will “provide a clear path forward,” ensuring that “the vaccine mandate will never be allowed to go into effect.”


1) All Wyoming Citizens should email all legislators and respectfully ask that they “request their presiding officer to convene a special session” and that they “formally vote YES for that special session to convene”, to pass legislation that protects all Wyoming Citizens from the unconstitutional Covid dictates of the tyrannical Biden administration.

2)  All Wyoming Citizens should contact Governor Gordon and respectfully request that he temporarily convene a special session to pass legislation that protects all Wyoming Citizens from the unconstitutional Covid dictates of the tyrannical Biden administration.

Here are all WY Legislators email addresses:

HOUSE Email List;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Constitutional Topics/Issues, Covid-19, Legislature, Saving Wyoming

As West Coast As You Can Get

Just like an over-eager, sugar-laden child on Christmas morning, Mark Gordon feverishly ripped open the magical-happy-fun box of Green-New-Deal energy for West Coast elitists last June in his unbridled response to the Bill Gates nuclear deal.

And now he is suddenly trying to shove that SOB Pandora back into the box?!

Yeah right.

From Oil City News‘, Brendan Lachance:

Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon’s office said in a press release on Friday that the governor is pushing for “reliable” fossil fuel energy sources and has concerns about the direction Rocky Mountain Power seems to be taking.

The press release comes after Rocky Mountain Power released its Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) this week.

“While we are still reviewing the document, it seems to fly in the face of the expectations of many in Wyoming,” Gordon said in the release. “I continue to support an ‘all the above’ energy strategy, and Rocky Mountain Power is clearly limiting their options by focusing on intermittent sources of generation such as wind and solar, and banking on technologies not yet fully proven, such as batteries and nuclear.” 

…Gordon said that Rocky Mountain Power customers in Wyoming and other states need to be able to rely on the ability to have electricity 24 hours a day.

“True baseload power will not have gaps in the power supply that accompany the times when the wind doesn’t blow, the sun doesn’t shine and the batteries run out,” Gordon said.

While Rocky Mountain Power’s IRP indicates the company is thinking about some switchover to natural gas, Gordon said he doesn’t think this is sufficient.

Gordon wants ‘reliable’ fossil fuel energy sources, says Rocky Mountain Power too focused on renewables, Sept 3, 2021.

Are any of the following included in Gordon’s concerns?

No, we don’t believe Gordon has ever had any concerns about any of the above.  Gordon already knew all of this – he threw the state of Wyoming under the bus long ago.  Just look at his true green enviro leanings (scroll to Previous Experience, business interests and memberships at that link) the media has kept under wraps this entire time.  His tough words are not likely intended to change a damn thing, so don’t count on it.

It’s much more likely that WY citizen’s are now clearly reading the writing on the wall and are throwing a conniption.  As they should.

“…it seems to fly in the face of the expectations of many in Wyoming…”

Ya think?!  It “seems?  What a traitorous moron.  (We told you – you can’t trust Mark Gordon.)

As we pointed out before, this is about so much more than nuclear power: It’s about obliterating Wyoming’s traditional energy economy and replacing it with a “Net Zero Energy Economy”.  Wyoming is the zero in the net zero energy economy!  They don’t just want nuclear reactors, and wind turbines, and hydro power, and hydrogen power, and solar panels, and geothermal power, and renewable natural gas (yuck) – they want to remove every single source of power that Wyoming’s identity is founded on.  (But with a recent exception of a minimal amount of natural gas, because they now realize people are dying during blackouts.)

Pacificorp would love to add WY to this menu

The hardcore truth is that Rocky Mountain Power/Pacificorp/Warren Buffet/Bill Gates and the state that they all herald from, Washington, believe that they are the adults in the proverbial room that must impound all fossil fuels from ever being used.  Not just in their state, not just in all 50 states, but, ultimately across the entire globe.  This is why:

  • they do not want any coal power plant in WY available for resale to any interested party
  • they want all WY laws purged (via incremental amendments) that require resale possibilities of coal power plants
  • the battle for WY coal to have accessibility to commercial ports in Washington is consistently defeated (we have never believed Gordon’s sincerity in joining that fight)

The changes they plan to make to our state and our economy would erase over half of the symbols in our state seal for crying out loud!  They want to rape Wyoming of our identity – including equal rights for our state to have it’s own energy policies and economy.

Hidden in the fine print at Rocky Mountain Power/Gates-Nuke deal Wyoming Advanced Energy FAQ Page:

RMP/Pacificorp expects the state of Wyoming to change our laws so they can comply with Oregon and Washington’s energy policies.  Many on the Minerals Committee intend to make that happen as soon and as smoothly as possible.

Wyoming is just a pawn on Warren Buffett and Bill Gates’ chess board.

Wyoming Citizen’s still have the power to stop this but they must GET VOCAL NOW.  We can run these green-new-deal charlatans right out of the state:

  1. We need locals to let the rest of us know when and where these Rocky Mountain Power/TerraPower meetings are taking place so we can attend and give them hell. 
  2. Citizens should also attend the upcoming Minerals Committee meeting on Nov 4 – 5 and publicly comment. 
  3. Citizens need to oppose every 2022 legislative bill that is written to comply with the energy policies of RMP/Pacificorp, and thus Washington, Oregon and California.
  4. Citizens should oppose and fight any amendments to existing WY law created in:

SF159 (2019) New opportunities for Wyoming coal fired generation

HB166 (2021) Utilities-presumption against facility retirements.

If we don’t run these green-new-deal charlatans off, we may just as well re-name whatever WY town they decide to take over.  We can call the new town WestCoastWins:


For citizens who want more info to dig through, here is a pdf of the Wyoming Advanced Energy FAQ Page that discloses need-to-know information that they were willing to be honest about – we pray that citizens read this, download it, share it and actively fight it.  Additionally, below is a Pacificorp map that shows their service areas:


Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Gates-Nuclear, Saving Wyoming

Disclaimer: We Renounce Anything Out of Liz Cheney’s Mouth Except, “Impeach!”

As our military fights for the lives of our citizens and others stranded in Afghanistan, as well as their own lives, we hope and pray that this woman keeps her mouth shut and does not make this situation any worse.  WTC renounces anything that has or might come out of Liz Cheney’s mouth regarding the atrocities in Afghanistan.

The ONLY words we will approve of from Liz Cheney is “IMPEACH BIDEN”, IMPEACH HARRIS.

Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Saving America, Saving Wyoming

Sacrificial Offering Placed at Climate-Change Altar by WY RINOs

It turns out the Bill Gates/CCP nuclear reactor demonstration is just the tip of the iceberg.

Key WY legislators of the Minerals Committee prostrated themselves to the Climate Change God at the August 12th interim meeting, and it was repulsive to watch.  (See Joint Minerals video here, begins at 1 hour and 1 minute).  Saying Wyoming is being slaughtered would be an understatement.

They were representing you when they did this by the way.

The nuclear project discussion of the meeting was divided into two parts:

1. Transforming Wyoming’s Economy and the Energy Paradigm Simultaneously

This was a slide presentation offered by Dr. Richard Boardman from the Idaho National Laboratory.  In a nutshell, Dr. Boardman suggested the following changes to Wyoming’s economy:

  • Swapping WY traditional energy economy for a “Net Zero Energy Economy”.  (This video, that explains a Net Zero Energy Economy, calls for all fossil fuel financing and subsidies, coal financing, domestic use of coal and coal exports to be phased out by 2022/2025/2030.)
  • Producing Net Energy Services & Products (slides 2 – 4).
  • Transforming Wyoming from the Energy Capital of the Nation to the “Western Hydrogen Frontier”.  This would include a target called “Hydrogen Energy Earthshot” (slide 6), which is part of a larger DOE agenda called the Energy Earthshots Intiative.  Another “earthshot” is the Long Duration Storage Shot, which would be a new dogmatic way of describing the Bill Gates/CCP nuclear reactor by climate-change disciples (slides 5 – 13).
  • Manufacturing the Supply Chain of Nuclear Reactors and Components in WY to export nationally and internationally (slides 14 – 17).
  • Integrating energy systems for the nation’s net-zero future (slides 19 – 26).

Mr. Boardman was sure to mention the 2021 Infrastructure Bill and emphasized how there is a significant amount of money available for all parties involved, including the University of Wyoming.  More specifically, he quoted that the 2021 Infrastructure bill has ten billion dollars earmarked to create “Hydrogen Hubs”.

Minimal discussion followed the presentation.  When Senator Cooper raised his hand to comment or question, he was cut off by Representative Greear who said:

Senator Cooper, I know what’s spinning through your mind, and I’ll tell you what your thinking – but I’ll tell ya in private. (Laughs)  I know what you’re thinkin… yeah, we’re gonna do it.

So Senator Cooper, what we need is leadership.  We need to have a vision going forward…  If we don’t get it from where we need it, we’ll drive that vision out of this committee.  We’ve got to get some resources to Wyoming Business Council so they can… fly to somewhere…  sit down and talk with people who are interested.  They need to have this information in their hands.  They got to be able to go, as you were saying in last meeting, market… if we’re going to do this.  We’re ahead of the rest of the world right now… for the first time. We need to stay there.

2. Delivering Everything Rocky Mountain Power Desires, Including More Tax Exemptions

Jon Cox, the Vice President of Government Affairs with Rocky Mountain Power, quickly ran through every change they want made to existing Wyoming law (begins at time frame 1:39:00).  Committee co-chairs Senator Jim Anderson and Representative Michael Greear made sure they had it straight on what they need to do for Rocky Mountain Power and TerraPower.  Here is a brief list summarized from that discussion:

  • Changes to WS §35-11-2101:
    • Eliminate altogether the maximum amount of megawatts allowed.  WY law specifies “not more than 300 megawatts of electricity”.
    • Replace language “small modular reactors” with “advanced reactors”.
    • Definitions and “caveats” used in the 2021 Infrastructure Bill could be duplicated/considered in WY law.
      • This could leave things more “open-ended” for additional reactors that might be sited in Wyoming.
    • Expand the concept of ‘conversion’ versus ‘replacement’ of a coal power plant.
    • They are in too much of a hurry for separate permitting requirements by state and federal – therefore state and federal permitting processes should occur concurrently.
      • Create a sub-committee to look at Nuclear Regulatory Commission process – reduce redundancies.
    • Reminder that nuclear reactor demonstrations are already tax exempt in 39-23-105 (c).
    • They would like to build more reactors in WY and a tax “would be an impediment to growth”.  (WS §39-23-104 specifies “$5 on each megawatt hour, or portion thereof, that is sold”.)
  • They are concerned that 2019 Senate File 159 requires Rocky Mountain Power to attempt to sell a coal-fire generation plant before it is closed; if they select a site for the demonstration, “that could cause a problem”.  Cox suggested that 2021 HB166 (sponsored by Representative Harshman) should be amended to change the definition of “retirement” of an electric generation facility.

It is clear from the video that the Minerals Committee co-chairs, along with the help of LSO, will deliver the changes requested by Rocky Mountain Power.

At around 1 hour and 47 minutes into the video Senator Jim Anderson asks Jon Cox what dollar amount of tax they would prefer.  Anderson suggested the same tax as Wind, which is $1 a megawatt hour ($4 dollars less, per megawatt hour, than what is in WY law).  Cox wisely refrained from answering that question directly.

Later, Senator Jim Anderson made the motion for a bill draft to eliminate taxation of all nuclear plants.  Representative Burkhart seconded that motion.  Senator Rothfuss (D) opposed the motion saying. “if you want to match it to wind I think that’s at least a reasonable policy start… so down to $1 a megawatt hour… and that would be fine… but I wouldn’t support wiping it out.  I think the last thing we need to do is find new ways to eliminate our revenue right now.  (Video of this exchange is at bottom of page.)

Senator Anderson’s motion for a bill draft by the Minerals Committee failed.  Clearly he will not be deterred in the least.  Look for it by individual sponsors next session – Anderson and Burkhart’s name should be at the top.

What does Wyoming and the Green-New-Deal have in common?!

Take a wild guess.

Yup.  Bill Gates. Who is now seeking a public-private-partnership (PPP) with the United States Dept of Energy via a $1.5 billion dollar pledge.

Gordon and Barrasso welcomed this nutjob into our state with open arms; it is uncertain now if he will ever go away.


Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Gates-Nuclear, Saving Wyoming, Taxes

ALERT: Propaganda Arm of Chinese Communist Party Found at Natrona County High School in Casper


We found the following map this morning via an Aug 2 article at The National Pulse, EXC: A Chinese Communist-Linked Group is Partnering With American Schools To ‘Transform Education’ With ‘Social Justice’.  The National Pulse article links the map to the Asia Society’s Center for Global EducationTheir map claims Natrona County High School in Casper, WY as a participating member of the “Confucius Classrooms Network”.

Here is some of what The National Pulse’s Natalie Winters had to say about the Asian Society’s Global Education agenda (emphasis added):

An Asia Society effort – advised by several Chinese Communist Party-linked individuals – has partnered with schools across the U.S. to shape curricula and teaching faculty to become consistent with a “social justice” approach to education that encourages “teaching activism” in favor of left-wing causes such as “equity,” “globalism,” and “unraveling systemic racism.”

Based in the U.S., the Asia Society describes its mission as “preparing Asians and Americans for a shared future and is favored by current and former high-level Chinese Communist Party officials.

The group’s Center For Global Education outlines its mission as “transforming education to build a more just and equal society” and partners with schools and school districts throughout the U.S. to do so. The center is expected to reach 4,000,000 students and 100,000 educators through various partnerships including dictating curricula and establishing schools alongside the Department of Education in states such as Ohio and Colorado.

Serving on the center’s board, however, are several Chinese Communist Party apparatchiks. The co-chair of the effort, Yu Lizhong, is the former president of two Chinese Communist Party-run universities and has held leadership roles at several state-run groups…

Here is some of what U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley said in March 2020 about the Confucius Institutes on U.S. campuses (emphasis added):

WASHINGTON – Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) today issued a warning to all 74 colleges, universities and school districts with known active Confucius Institutes on campus: know who you’re dealing with.  Grassley is urging each school to request an FBI briefing to fully understand the academic research and national security threats posed by the Chinese government-backed organizations operating on campus.
“U.S. Government agencies, including within the Intelligence Community, assert that the Communist Chinese Government uses Confucius Institutes embedded in our academic institutions as a propaganda tool within the United States. Despite these concerns, your institution’s website indicates that a Confucius Institute is active on your campus,” Grassley wrote in a letter to leaders of each institution.
“To that end, meeting with federal law enforcement experts and receiving additional information from the FBI is imperative for a full understanding of the risks to both your institution and our national security.”
Confucius Institutes are billed as education centers for Chinese language and culture. However, federal authorities have warned that the institutes are designed to influence U.S. policy and public opinion. The institutes are reportedly funded by the division of the Chinese government responsible for foreign influence operations, and the Chinese government has admitted that they are a part of China’s overall propaganda apparatus…

Here is some of what the U.S. Department of State said on Aug 13, 2020 about the Confucius Institutes on U.S. campuses (emphasis added):

Beijing’s influence on U.S. campuses: The influence of the Chinese government and impact of Chinese Communist Party ideology on Confucius Institute programming has long been a cause for concern on U.S. campuses, as has the governing arrangements of individual Confucius Institutes which often lack transparency. Confucius Institutes “are an important part of China’s overseas propaganda setup,” said Politburo Standing Committee ideology czar Li Changchun in 2009…

Here is some of what the American Spectator had to say about the Confucius Institutes on Jan 15, 2021 (emphasis added):

Between 2014 and 2019, Chinese state-owned entities donated at least $315 million to U.S. universities, the Washington Free Beacon found in a recent report. This included an astounding $88 million coming from Chinese contractors and universities that assist the Chinese military in defense research. Approximately 1,000 donations recorded in a Department of Education database revealed that almost 200 CCP-affiliated donors gave to “dozens” of American universities, the Beacon found.

This follows discoveries in December of Columbia University accepting $1 million to set up a Confucius Institute, and in August of University of Pennsylvania accepting a $3 million donation from a shell company in Hong Kong, owned by Shanghai businessman Xu Xeuqing, who has close business ties with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)…

Confucius Institutes, according to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, “are funded by the PRC and part of the Chinese Communist Party’s global influence and propaganda apparatus.” According to opening remarks and statements from a February 2019 Senate hearing, Confucius Institutes agree to abide by Chinese law, censor content dealing with Taiwan and the Tiananmen Square massacre, and can have content vetoed by Chinese officials. From 2006 through 2019, China had provided nearly $160 million to directly fund Confucius Institutes.

The Trump administration had mobilized against the institutes. In August, Secretary of State Pompeo had designated the Confucius Institute U.S. Center in Washington, D.C., a “foreign mission of the PRC.”As of September 2020, a total of 67 Confucius Institutes remained in the United States, down from 96 in January 2019, as I previously reported in The American Spectator…

Even left-leaning Politico raised the alarm three 1/2 years ago on Jan 16, 2018 on How China Infiltrated U.S. Classrooms (emphasis added):

But the Confucius Institutes’ goals are a little less wholesome and edifying than they sound—and this is by the Chinese government’s own account. A 2011 speech by a standing member of the Politburo in Beijing laid out the case: “The Confucius Institute is an appealing brand for expanding our culture abroad,” Li Changchun said. “It has made an important contribution toward improving our soft power. The ‘Confucius’ brand has a natural attractiveness. Using the excuse of teaching Chinese language, everything looks reasonable and logical.

Yet along with their growth have come consistent questions about whether the institutes belong on campuses that profess to promote free inquiry. Confucius Institutes teach a very particular, Beijing-approved version of Chinese culture and history: one that ignores concerns over human rights, for example, and teaches that Taiwan and Tibet indisputably belong to Mainland China. Take it from the aforementioned Li, who also said in 2009 that Confucius Institutes are an “important part of China’s overseas propaganda set-up.” Critics also charge that the centers have led to a climate of self-censorship on campuses that play host to them.

Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Saving Wyoming

Reach Out to Help the 1/6ers

Every single one of us has already thought: What if I were being held in jail for several months without due process?  Would my friends be fighting for my rights?  Would my friends be looking out for my family and making sure they are OK?  Would my American brethren have my back?  

Every single one of needs to say YES.

Finally, word is out on WHO exactly is being held without due-process WHERE, and HOW true-blooded Americans can help them and their families.  Here are a few specifics that we note from that has organized this necessary patriotic effort for these political prisoners:

  • There are 47 people on a list that was last updated July 26; two are now listed as released. (Additionally, Douglas Jensen’s GiveSendGo page says he was released on July 14th.)
  • Out of the 44 on the list – 39 are being held in D.C., and 5 are being held at state institutions.
  • 40 are men, 4 are women
  • Every night at 9pm at the D.C. jail they sing the National Anthem to keep their spirits up and their fellowship strong!
  • All could use uplifting, supportive letters from their fellow Americans – here is the Patriot Mail Project list and more info.
  • There is one main GiveSendGo campaign for their families: January 6th Political Prisoners Family Fundraiser
  • There are 13 individual GiveSendGo campaigns for specific detainees. Most of these campaigns have letters directly from the detainee or a family member explaining their story, along with updates.  We are including a few quotes under each to give you an idea of their current status:
    • Tim Hale
      “…Tim like the many others sitting in the DC deplorable jail has been denied all rights to a speedy trial and any due process. And because of this atrocity, Tim has lost his housing, his job he has been kicked out of the military, and has zero income coming to cover certain expenses…”

    • Scott Fairlamb
      “…I have been detained since January 22nd and since then:-I haven’t seen my family 
      -We have lost our business, which is our family’s main source of income. 
      -I suffered a heart attack
      -I continue to fight Leukemia with daily chemo pill treatment. 
      -I am locked in my cell for 26 hours straight every other day. 
      -I have lived in solitary confinement conditions since 3-16…”

    • Doug Jensen
      “…Released on July 14th, 2021 on bond – He is on house arrest and is ordered not to work…”

    • Jack Whitton
      “…We appreciate any level of support. Even just a message of encouragement goes SO far. He needs to know that he is still human and worthy of receiving love and grace. This is something he has really been struggling with since this all happened. He feels shamed and ultimately condemed…”

    • Michael Foy
      “…I am raising money for my son, Michael Foy a Marine Veteran. He was locked up in the Washington DC deplorable jail without bond as a Political Prisoner for almost 6 months.  On July 3rd he was finaly released after much help and is now on GPS monitoring… We have been quoted over $150,000 just to retain an attorney for trial as a start. He deserves fair representation.  Everyone deserves there day in court…”

    • George Tanios
      George is not the person he is being portrayed to be. It feels as if this case, and his detainment are targeted and very politically charged.
      The media has already destroyed and prosecuted him. His family has been left without the option to run their business, and has no means to provide for the financial needs of their 3 small children under the age of 4. The funds raised from this campaign will be used for the finanicial support of Amanda, George’s fiance, and their three small children.”

    • Julian Khater
      “Julian Khater is a beloved son, brother, uncle, Godfather, and patriotic American who is facing an unjust legal battle due to attending the rally in Washington, DC, on January 6th, 2021…”

    • Guy Reffit
      “…I ask not for me but for my amazing Wife (Nicole) and my two amazing daughters (Peyton and Sarah). The lords plan appears to leave work for the meek. The bills at home are falling critically behind and the stress is overbearing for all my girls…”

    • Shane Jenkins
      “…Shane Jenkins went to the U. S. Capitol in Washington, D. C., on January 6, 2021, to peacefully protest what he believes to be election fraud. He is currently being held in the D. C. Department of Corrections without bond and no trial date in sight. Clearly he is a political prisoner.
      The court appointed public defender holds political beliefs contrary to Shane’s,  and she is not representing Mr. Jenkins with her client’s best interests at heart…”

    • Ken Harrelson
      “…Please pray for strength to get us through this. Please pray for Retired Sgt. Harrelson to have good health. Please pray for this to be dropped. Please pray for the truth to be told and and ask God to put the fear into Satan to keep him away from our family. Please pray for myself to stay strong for everyone. I am the rock and glue of this family…”

    • Kyle Young
      “…Kyle is loving father and a wonderful husband. He is an innocent man. He is facing 12 charges. We have four children that really need their father back. They are ages 17, 13, 8, and 1. He was immediately denied release. My husband no longer has his job to support us. My job isn’t enough to pay all our bills and I am afraid we could lose our home. Any help we get will make sure my children and I can stay in our family home, pay for Kyles defense, help us keep in touch with Kyle and make sure he can get food while he is jailed. Kyle lost 17 pounds in the first month and a half of being incarcerated…”

    • Joseph Hackett
      “…God Bless you, Steve Bannon and my friends at the WarRoom!

      Joe and all the other guys watched me from their tablets on your show today! They were all cheering and so uplifted! I haven’t heard my husband so happy in months! I can never repay you for everything you are doing for all the families!

      Thank you to everyone that has donated! The 1/6er’s want you all to know that they are staying strong and keeping their faith in our nation and their Lord Above!”

    • The Mele Family
      “…On February 19th at 6:00AM our house was raided by the FBI and it was terrifying. After almost 4 months of silence, on June 10th he received a phone call from the FBI stating he had a warrant for his arrest and needed to turn himself in within two hours. Thank the Lord he was able to be out on bond. He has also lost his 2nd Amendment protections and his CCW permit was suspended. Meanwhile, his name is smeared all over the media. We have retained a powerful attorney and are preparing for a long fight for his freedom…”

What else can you do?  CONTACT Senator Barasso and Senator Lummis and tell them they need to demand due process and humane treatment for these political prisoners.  We recommend sending letters directly to their WY offices.

Also, check the Patriot Freedom Project website regularly to stay informed – our understanding is that this is being run by family members of the detainees.

These fellow Americans are political prisoners and they need our help – it can be a donation, but it can also be something as simple as a letter. Please step up and help them.  Some day one of us might need the same.

Here is more info on the 1/6ers:

Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Constitutional Topics/Issues, Saving America, Saving Wyoming

Anti-CRT Bill Draft Got the Ka-bash

Senator Charles Scott brought forth a bill draft (Education-prohibition of acceptance of federal funds) during the July 19-20 Education Committee Interim Meeting in Saratoga that attempted to prevent CRT instruction in Wyoming schools by giving the Superintendent of Public Instruction the authority to not accept federal funds that have strings attached that are not in the best interests of Wyoming citizen’s.  Senator Scott got push back from House Representatives Landon Brown, Albert Sommers, Steve Harshman, & Sandy Newsome and ultimately the bill draft was voted down.

We commend Senator Scott and give him a standing ovation on this effort.

We believe that Senator Scott will work on perfecting a bill of this nature and we at WTC will back him up 100% in that effort.  Citizens should contact Senator Scott to thank him and encourage him to continue in this effort.

Below is the bill draft and links to the videos.

WY Law that specifically came up in the debate:

WY State Constitution
7-011. Textbooks.
Neither the legislature nor the superintendent of public instruction shall have power to prescribe text books to be used in the public schools.

WY State Statute
21-9-102.  Instruction in state and federal constitutions required; satisfactory examination a prerequisite to graduation.

WY Constitutional Law that we believe applies to prohibiting CRT in WY schools:

WY State Constitution
7-020. Duty of legislature to protect and promote health and morality of people.
As the health and morality of the people are essential to their well-being, and to the peace and permanence of the state, it shall be the duty of the legislature to protect and promote these vital interests by such measures for the encouragement of temperance and virtue, and such restrictions upon vice and immorality of every sort, as are deemed necessary to the public welfare.

(Morality is the belief that some behavior is right and acceptable and that other behavior is wrong,

July 19 Education Committee Interim Meeting.  Fast fwd to 4 hours and 16 minutes.

July 20 Education Committee Interim Meeting.  Fast fwd to 3 hours and 20 minutes:

Click to open in new tab: Education-prohibition of acceptance of federal funds

Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Constitutional Topics/Issues, Saving Wyoming

Shots Fired Over Our Children’s Heads

The National Education Association, the teacher’s union of which most all WY teachers are a member of, had their annual meeting (from June 30 through July 3), during which at least sixty-five “Business Items” were voted on. The primary items making the headlines today:

July 4, 2021: Nation’s Largest Teachers Union Approves Plan to Promote Hate-Based Critical Race Theory in All 50 States and 14,000 School Districts

This is immediately and intentionally a game-changer:  They’re attacking American children and American Families on the 4th of July.  The timing is NOT a coincidence.

Clearly, this is directly tied to the May 4th press release by WY Superintendent of Public Instruction Jillian Balow that we reported on May 5.  Among other things, in that press release, Superintendent Balow said (emphasis added):

The U.S. Department of Education has proposed priorities for American History and Civics Education grant programs published in the Federal Register. Those priorities include encouraging districts to use curriculum related to divisive author Ibram X. Kendi and the New York Times “1619 Project.”  This is an alarming move toward federal overreach into district curriculum and should be rebuked across party lines.

…The proposed federal rule is open for public comment until May 19 and can be accessed here, or by using the Google search for “Federal Register American history and civics education.” I intend to comment, and I urge you to research the issue and comment if compelled.

Wyomingites should regularly check the WY Superintendent of Public Instruction website to see if any acknowledgement is posted in response to the NEA.  But we do not recommending holding your breath on that.

According to Christopher Rufo, who has been tracking the CRT issue, “The NEA represents 3 million public school employees in all 50 states. They have a $350 million annual budget and an army of operatives in 14,000 local communities.”  Wyomingites actively fighting this should request Mr. Rufo’s newsletter to receive his updates. Rufo advised President Trump on CRT (leading to an executive order), and has been on Tucker Carlson and other shows for his fight against CRT – see here, here, and here.

This is a very loud and clear shot across the bow and over the heads of our children.  In Wyoming, we feel certain that a CRT focus in public schools violates numerous constitutional provisions and statutory law.  We plan to break that down in the coming weeks, with a suggested course of action.

Wyomingites should also check Open Secrets and Follow the Money to research your elected WY representatives (city, county & state) to see if they have been receiving campaign contributions from the NEA.  Any officials that have received NEA$$ will be faced with a very important choice between their constituents and the deep pockets and special interests of this union.  Any campaign contribution details you find on your elected officials should be shared far and wide on every social media platform you use.

Most importantly, parents of kids in preschool through grade 12 should now seriously consider home-schooling.  We realize this is a great endeavor, and so please know that we are not being flippant when we suggest this.  We presume things are going to get much uglier rather than better, and it is best to begin preparing yourselves for the possibility that home-schooling might be the best choice – for those who are in a position to make this choice.  2021/2022 school year begins in Wyoming on Sept 1st.  That leaves approximately 2 months to at least educate yourselves on such a life-changing decision. However, it is a positive and proactive decision that most homeschooling parents have never regretted.

For now, the best site we can think of to recommend is WY Home School.  We are not certain if this site has seen any updates recently, however we do know that it is chock-full of necessary information that can put parents on the right path of making an educated decision from.  We will post more on homeschooling in the coming weeks – it is not any of our forte’s, but we do know of others who are old-hands when it comes to home-schooling.

Having said all that – folks need to understand that there is much, much more than what is revealed in the above article.  Out of the 65 Business items, there are:

  • 22 items that passed
  • 20 items that are being referred to either the NEA President or a committee
  • 2 items awaiting debate
  • 10 items that were withdrawn
  • 7 items that were defeated – mandatory vaccines being one that was defeated (#33)
  • 4 items that were ruled out of order

We can tell you that almost all of the items are shocking, and not just from the standpoint of questioning if any of these people should be left alone with a single child.  The list of business items actually looks like a Christmas wish list from AOC and has everything including the kitchen sink.  NEA is shooting for the sky.

There are items that concentrate on: Voting & elections (#1;); researching organizations who oppose CRT (#2); land reparations, although this was “defeated” (#4); modifying existing “anti-transgender legislation” & addressing “gender-affirming healthcare” (#5); police unions (#13); equal access to healthcare (#22); “state-owned banking systems” vs “public banking systems” (#27); the “Palestinian struggle for justice (#29); community policing & juvenile justice systems (#31); “the Trump-era policy of turning away immigrants, the shutdown of all child detention centers, granting refugee status & amnesty (#38); land-grant institutions (#40); “the recent wave of state legislation” that coincides with intersectionality (#41); appointing teachers to vacancies on a number of boards and bodies (#46); environmental pollution (#49); struggles of Palestinians (#51); “World Class Instructional Design” (#52); voting rights and felons (#54); “deficit-based labels and titles” (#55); 30 minutes recesses (#57); dictating where charter schools can occur within a district (#59); involving themselves in “contractual protections” for working mothers, as well as worksite childcare & fair and living wages for child care providers (#62); “reasonable assurance standards” (#63); tax-supported, single-payer healthcare (#64).

While some of the above mentioned issues might be current issues that a union would collectively feel the need to publish an opinion or statement on, many are suspect simply because of the amount of power and reach that the NEA automatically assumes they should have, not just with our children, but also throughout our personal lives, as well as strong-arming our lawmakers to bend to their will.

We are providing this lengthy list of NEA “Business Items” below for those who would like to read/download it in it’s entirety.  Please share it with anyone and everyone who cares about our country and state.

We will be posting more on this issue soon.

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Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Public Schools, Saving Wyoming