Saving Wyoming

Lord of the Flies Meets Public Education

A meditation in what’s to come if ‘wokeness’ successfully replaces traditional public education.
ALSO, a meditation in what Wyomingites can prevent now if they actively fight ‘wokeness’ and CRT in WY schools.

(The resemblance to antifa is uncanny, isn’t it?)

We came across this article at The Wentworth Report and find it so noteworthy that we are reprinting it here in it’s entirety:

Schools gone woke. By An Anonymous American Educator.

A sleep-woker is one who has not taken the woke creed to heart, yet nevertheless tacitly complies with the linguistic, pedagogical, political, and moral imperatives of wokeness. Sleep-wokers go through the motions; they are like religious folk who say prayers without thinking, attend worship services without engaging, and perpetuate dogmas without believing. I was a sleep-woker. In some ways, due to a combination of timidity and tiredness, I still am. …

While sleep-woking, an English teacher can unwittingly help cancel Chaucer, Keats and Conrad in the name of decolonisation. A biology teacher might find herself obliged to deny important differences between the sexes. A football coach will not be able to cheer on a player after a strong tackle, as strength and physical violence smack of toxic masculinity.

Most of my sleep-woking colleagues are good people. Like me, they were lulled into complacency by a woke take-over that was slow and subtle. What’s more, some changes were initially promising and even corrective — of course we should pay more attention to marginalised voices and overlooked narratives, and I am glad that we now do. To bemoan an expanded curriculum is simple chauvinism. In the end, however, wokeness has proven to be oppressive and totalitarian rather than inclusive and liberating.

What our young are being taught:

Schools openly preach that if one feels offended, one has been offended. For example, if a student or colleague claims to have been offended by your words or actions, it does not matter if you intended no offence. More troubling is the fact that it does not matter if your words and actions were not those that a rational person should find offensive …

We are training students how to be offended so that their perceived offence can be used to eliminate anti-woke expression. …

Hate and bullying encouraged by the woke:

Opposing woke slogans or voicing contrary slogans is not tolerated. Since opposing wokeness is thought to be motivated by hate, voicing opposition to woke slogans is tantamount to hate speech. A student who challenges a woke slogan is bullied and harassed by the woke majority. Meanwhile, woke slogans and images are hung in school buildings and cannot be removed. …

Ad hominem attacks are presented as the cornerstone of critical thinking rather than as a fallacious form of argumentation. We teach students to evaluate texts and arguments by primarily attending to the author’s race, gender, and sexuality. …

All opposition is illegitimate:

If you claim to not be a racist, you are seen as the worst, most unredeemable kind of racist. You are a heretic who will not admit heresy. You are thought to be suffering from something called “white fragility”. …

Manners are so yesterday:

So long as their genitals are covered and no profane words are visible, students can and do wear anything they like. Arguably the only rule left in the dining halls and cafeterias is “Don’t throw food.” …

No exams! Diversity wins! Meritocracy loses.

Exams are being eliminated for two reasons: first, because exams are apparently inherently racist, sexist, classist, heteronormative, or otherwise unfair; second, because exams cause students stress, and stress makes students feel bad, and feeling bad negatively impacts their well-being. Additionally, some students do poorly on exams, and this has the potential to result in a situation that is inequitable. …

What is society going to be like in 20 years?

In place of free-thinking young scholars, you will begin turning out a generation of woke activists who believe that feelings matter more than facts, that perception is reality, and that it is more important to judge a text than to understand it — where “judging” means anachronistically interpreting the author’s words in light of the most recent woke orthodoxy.

Many of my students claim to be proud practitioners of social justice (don’t push them too hard on what that means) yet they have only an elementary command of grammar and geography, struggling to write complete sentences and unable to locate Turkey on a map. Some have begun to ask why we take math so seriously given that math is apparently grounded in Western patriarchal rationalism.

Don’t ignore it. Although it’s ridiculously stupid, it’s actually happening:

Perhaps your instinct has been to dismiss these excesses as isolated incidents. Like me, you might have said “The pendulum will swing back” or “That will never happen at my school.” I am writing to say that the pendulum will not swing back because the woke movement is not a pendulum; it is a steamroller.

Read it all.

Sounds like a regression, a la Lord of the Flies.

Lord of the Flies, 1955 novel by William Golding


Posted by Editor in Saving America, Saving Wyoming

WY Superintendent Sounds the Alarm – Time Sensitive Action Alert!

WY Superintendent of Public Instruction, Jillian Balow, issued a Press Release yesterday (below) that calls for every Wyoming Citizen to respond to the



We sounded this same alarm last year in August and September.  Our Aug 9 article reports what we found at WY Dept of Education website – Superintendent Balow needs to know that certain content that her own agency is promoting is equally disturbing and needs to be removed!  Our Sept 2 article has link to ALL BLM/1619 Project curricula – see and share the sample curricula from the link below to educate other Wyomingites on how radicals are attempting to hijack our schools and indoctrinate our children!

From: Wyoming Department of Education <>
Date: Tue, May 4, 2021 at 8:19 AM
Subject: SPECIAL STATEMENT: State Superintendent Jillian Balow’s Statement on Proposed U.S. Department of Education Rule Prioritizing Critical Race Theory Curriculum in K-12 Schools


Media Contact:
Linda Finnerty, Communications Director


CHEYENNE – The U.S. Department of Education has proposed priorities for American History and Civics Education grant programs published in the Federal Register. Those priorities include encouraging districts to use curriculum related to divisive author Ibram X. Kendi and the New York Times “1619 Project.” This is an alarming move toward federal overreach into district curriculum and should be rebuked across party lines.

The draft rule is an attempt to normalize teaching controversial and politically trendy theories about America’s history. History and civics should not be secondary to political whim. Instead, history and civics instruction should engage students in objective, non-partisan analyses of historical and current events. For good reason, public schools do not promote particular political ideologies or religions over others. This federal rule attempts to break from that practice and use taxpayer dollars to do just that.

America needs to update and renew our expectations for teaching and learning about history and civics. Every school board, state legislature, and state superintendent should be working to build local consensus about what should be taught and what materials to use in classrooms. Every family should be engaged in activities that ensure the rising generation is properly prepared to be informed citizens. Every student deserves a rich and engaging education about America’s triumphs, treacheries, losses, and victories. Our touchstone is our shared principle that all Americans have infinite value and individual freedom and responsibility. We must strive to find common goals and values as a nation, not tear each other and our country apart.

The proposed federal rule is open for public comment until May 19 and can be accessed here, or by using the Google search for “Federal Register American history and civics education.” I intend to comment, and I urge you to research the issue and comment if compelled.

– END –

Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Saving America, Saving Wyoming

LIVE BROADCAST April 7 @ 9AM – WY Covid Civil Action Begins in Johnson County

Taylor vs Gordon

Wednesday, April 9, from 9AM to 12:30PM
Click here at – WYOMING JUDICIAL BRANCH – then select,

As we announced on Feb 26th, a Wyoming citizen’s lawsuit was filed in Wyoming’s 4th District Court in Johnson County in relation to the Governor’s March 13, 2020 Executive Order that declared a state of emergency for Wyoming.  The Respondents in the suit are Governor Mark Gordon, Wyoming Department of Health’s Alexia Harrist, M.D. and Michael Ceballes, as well as all county public health officers.  There are eight Petitioners represented, but also includes “others similarly situated”.  The petition addresses “repeated violations of the rights and liberties of the petitioners” based on government overreach that took place in Wyoming for the past year, and continues to take place, in response to COVID.

All documents related to this civil suit are available at Free Wyoming (  Documents pertinent to the April 7th hearing include:

We will be delving deeper into this case in Part 3 of One Year Later – WY Civil Liberties During a State of Emergency.

Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Constitutional Topics/Issues, Covid-19, Judiciary, Saving Wyoming

CITIZEN ALERT: Sunday Homework for Monday Deadline Bills

This Monday, March 8th, is the deadline for Introduction of House Bills.  (Deadline for Introduction of Senate Files was last Wednesday, March 3.)

House Bills that will be dead if they are not introduced on Monday, March 8th:

Right To Life Bills

HB0235 Human life protection act.

House Received for Introduction, 3/4.

Limiting the circumstances under which an abortion may be performed; specifying means of care; limiting the use of appropriated funds; modifying a penalty; requiring rulemaking; repealing provisions…

Wyoming Transparency supports this bill.  Every single legislator who supported SF0026 animal abuse statutes should likewise support introduction, referral and passage of this bill with absolutely no debate.

CITIZEN ACTION: Use this email list to respectfully write to House Speaker Eric Barlow and all House Members to persuade Introduction of this bill and referral to committee.

Firearm Bills

HB0117 Repeal gun free zones and preemption amendments-3.

House Received for Introduction, 2/24.

Repealing gun free zones; providing for the carrying of concealed weapons as specified; clarifying that only the state legislature may regulate firearms, weapons and ammunition; amending a definition

Wyoming Transparency supports this bill. This bill has been waiting to be introduced in the House for over one and a half weeks.

CITIZEN ACTION: Use this email list to respectfully write to House Speaker Eric Barlow and all House Members to persuade Introduction of this bill and referral to committee.  This bill should be introduced and permitted to move forward in the legislative process just as many bills have already been permitted.

HB0124 Second Amendment Preservation Act-2.

House Received for Introduction, 2/24.

Relating to firearms; making legislative findings; invalidating certain federal laws that limit the right to bear arms; prohibiting enforcement of invalidated federal laws; imposing employment consequences for those enforcing invalidated federal laws; waiving sovereign immunity as specified; providing for severability

We believe this bill is essential for the liberty and safety of all Wyoming citizens and their families now and in the future – and most especially the future that the Biden administration has been threatening us with.
An identical bill has been waiting to be heard by the Senate Judiciary committee (Chairwoman Tara Nethercott) for over a month – since Feb 4.  If HB0124 is not introduced, we may lose this bill altogether.
A recent article states that all 23 WY Sheriff’s take issue with certain parts of this bill… let’s at least hear the debates on the legislative floor, but please don’t let this bill die on the vine!

CITIZEN ACTION: Use this email list to respectfully write to House Speaker Eric Barlow and all House Members to persuade Introduction of this bill.  HB0124 has been waiting to be introduced in the House for over one and a half weeks.  This bill should be introduced and permitted to move forward in the legislative process just as many bills have already been permitted.

HB0214 Firearms in private vehicles.

House Received for Introduction, 3/4.

Allowing firearms to be stored in a motor vehicle located in an employer’s motor vehicle parking area; providing exemptions and immunity…

Wyoming Transparency supports this bill.  There is nothing controversial about this bill, but is simply common sense. Citizens need to help move this bill forward.

CITIZEN ACTION: Use this email list to respectfully write to House Speaker Eric Barlow and all House Members to persuade Introduction of this bill and referral to committee.

Election-Related Bills

HB0178 Voter registration requirements.

Bill was received for introduction in the House on 3/2.

Amending the number of days before an election that a person may register to vote or change party affiliation

May register to vote or change party affiliation not less than 29 days for General and Primary elections; may register to vote not less than 14 days for all other elections (special; county; municipal; bond; school; community college).

CITIZEN ACTION: Use this email list to respectfully write to House Speaker Eric Barlow and all House Members to persuade Introduction of this bill and referral to committee.

HB0194 Ballot harvesting.

Bill was received for introduction on 3/4.

Specifying the return of ballots to the clerk (by people who cannot deliver their own ballots); amends a related definition (“immediate family”)…

Creates an official and straightforward process for an immediate family member to deliver a family member’s ballot.  This bill is necessary to prevent the corrupt side of ballot harvesting that has been reported in other states – in 2020 elections in Texas and Minnesota, and also in 2018 North Carolina elections to name just a few examples.

CITIZEN ACTION: Use this email list to respectfully write to House Speaker Eric Barlow and all House Members to persuade Introduction of this bill and referral to committee.

HB0225 Primary elections-party control.

Bill was received for introduction on 3/4.

Providing that political parties and not the state or a political subdivision of the state shall conduct primary elections

WTC supports this bill.  This bill should have the opportunity to move through the legislative process and debates. 

CITIZEN ACTION: Use this email list to respectfully write to House Speaker Eric Barlow and all House Members to persuade Introduction of this bill and referral to committee.

HB0238 Elected attorney general-2.

Bill was received for introduction on 3/4.

This bill is necessary for the WY Attorney General to serve at the pleasure of the people, rather than at the pleasure of the Governor.  This bill supplants an identical bill, SF0086, that failed in Senate Corporations committee on 3/2.

CITIZEN ACTION: Use this email list to respectfully write to House Speaker Eric Barlow and all House Members to persuade Introduction of this bill and referral to committee.

HJ0004 Recall of state elected officials-constitutional amendment.

Bill was received in the House for introduction on 2/24.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this constitution, all elected public officers in the state, except judicial officers, shall be subject to recall by the qualified voters of the jurisdiction from which the public officer was elected. The legislature shall prescribe by law the procedures and grounds for recall.

If passed, this bill would place the question on the ballot (2022 General election) if we should amend the Wyoming Constitution to allow recall of elected public officials.  Wyoming citizens have been begging for the ability to recall – and now they must respectfully push for this bill to be introduced and referred before the deadline. HJ0004 has been waiting to be introduced in the House for over one and a half weeks.

CITIZEN ACTION: Use this email list to respectfully write to House Speaker Eric Barlow and all House Members to persuade Introduction of this bill and referral to committee.

HJ0010 Term limits-state elected officials.

Bill was received in House for introduction on 3/4.

A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing to amend the Wyoming Constitution to impose term limits on the state offices of senator, representative, governor, secretary of state, treasurer, auditor and superintendent of public instruction…

Time and time again, elected officials prove to citizens that, once in office, they quickly forget what it is like to see and experience things from a citizen’s perspective; within a matter of years some of them just ignore the cries of their constituency altogether.  Term limits would put an end to that.  Wyomingites need this bill just as much as they need HJ0004 – and now they must respectfully push for this bill to be introduced and referred before the deadline.

CITIZEN ACTION: Use this email list to respectfully write to House Speaker Eric Barlow and all House Members to persuade Introduction of this bill and referral to committee.

Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Legislature, Saving Wyoming

Natrona County Republican Party Has Either Been Hacked or Jacked

(Screen-shot of Natrona County Republican Party website)

Last month we posted a list of all of the websites of the Republican Party county committees in Wyoming.  As we did this we perused their links and downloaded various documents they provided to look more closely at later.  Looking through the documents offered at the Natrona County Republican Party website would lead one to believe that either their website has been hacked – or the Natrona County Republican Party (NCRP) itself has been jacked.  Because the NCRP is also the headquarters of the founders of the “Frontier Republicans“, of whom we posted this opinion piece about last year, we believe that the Republican Party in Natrona County has been jacked (stolen).

We’re pretty sure that Republicans who live in Natrona County are unaware of the decisions their party leadership has been making on their behalf – if they knew they would most likely be shocked.  We’re providing just some of the info we found below.

Natrona County Republicans who want to voice their opinions on this content should note that there are two NCRP meetings coming up very soon that they can and should attend: An executive committee meeting is planned for Feb 23 at 5:30PM at the Ramkota Hotel in Casper, and a central committee meeting is planned for March 23 at 6pm also at the Ramkota Hotel.  Elections for new leadership will be held at the March 23rd meeting.  Additionally, Natrona Republicans who have issues with what follows should contact their precinct committee people as well as the leadership executive committee for the NCRP to voice their objections.  The NCRP website and the Natrona County Clerk (307-235-9200) should have all the names and phone numbers you need.

NCRP 2020 Proposed Platform Changes (examples of).  Words crossed out are what NCRP disagrees with and wanted deleted from the Wyoming Republican Platform during the 2020 WY Republican Party Convention.

  • Page 4.
    5. Believes in the free market and the right to an equal opportunity for all private businesses and therefore opposes all economic development that uses taxpayer funds and Government laws that aid one business or group of businesses over another business or groups of businesses.
  • Page 8.
    1 (b). Believes in keeping the power in the peoples hands by electing their officials rather than appointed positions.
  • Page 9.
    4.  Believes we should oppose a State Income Tax.
    a.  Believes we should reject tax increases.
  • Page 23.
    7. Believes that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life that cannot be infringed.
    a.  Believes we should outlaw abortion unless life threatening.
    b.  Believes adoption is a preferred alternative to abortion and supports legislation that would encourage adoption and protecting adopting parents.
  • Page 24.
    8.  Believes we should support protection of the unalienable right to life from conception to natural death.

NCRP 2020 Proposed Resolutions (examples of).

  • Page 3.
    1.  Supports the laws of the United States are sufficient to punish criminal behavior and that no so called “hate crime” or “bias crime” legislation should be imposed upon us by Federal and State Government.
  • Page 5.
    9.  Legislature should not legislatively interfere with elected officials who have been convicted of wrong-doing.
    10.  Resolved transgendered people should use the restrooms that designate his/her biological gender at birth.
  • Page 6.
    13.  Supports legislation for local law enforcement agencies providing training to employee volunteers for conceal carry in schools as a first line of defense.
  • Page 14.
    43. Supports that the Natrona County Republican Party shall condemn any actions of any elected Republican which are fundamentally inconsistent with the Wyoming Republican Platforms and Resolutions and said Republican official shall be censured at the next State convened meeting.
  • Page 21.
    11.  Does not support euthanasia but supports individual’s right to die with dignity and their legal guardians or designee’s right to refuse medical treatment.
  • Page 25.
    23.  The Natrona County Republican Party supports the right of parents to prevent their minor child from obtaining gender reassignment treatment or counseling.
  • Page 30.
    6.  Opposes the subordination of American troops to any foreign or multinational organization.

In case the above referenced documents become unavailable, here are the downloadable pdfs in their entirety:

2020 NCRP Proposed Platform Changes

2020 NCRP Proposed Resolutions

Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Saving Wyoming

Upcoming Events in WY – for Teens in Cheyenne and Adults in Casper!


For students age 13 to 19

FEB 22, 23, 24 & 25 in Cheyenne
Four Day Class February 22-25, 2021
Monday: 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.; Tuesday – Thursday: 8:45 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
$280.00 First Time Students; $240.00 Alumni Students
The Four Day Class is a dynamic, hands-on leadership experience where Students learn about state government from a Christian worldview. Students gather at their local State Capitol to run for Student office, participate in a mock legislature, and learn about how they can be effective leaders in their community back home.
Click here for more info!

FEB 26 in Cheyenne
Political Communication Workshop
February 26, 2021Friday: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
$50.00 Workshop only; $40.00 with Four Day Class
The Political Communication Workshop trains Students to analyze and interpret public presentations through a variety of activities and discussions. Students are challenged to develop critical thinking skills as they learn what communication looks like in the political realm.
Click here for more info!

For students age 8 to 12

FEB 26 in Cheyenne
One Day Class February 26, 2021 Friday: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
$40.00 for the first child; $35.00 for additional siblings
The One Day Class is an action-packed day full of exciting experiences that introduce Students to their state government using a dynamic, hands-on approach. Students are led by an energetic Staff Team as they explore their Capitol, pray for their leaders, discuss their mock legislation, and so much more!
Click here for more info!



FEB 27 in Casper

Campaign for Liberty One-day Grassroots Political Activist Training School on Saturday, February 27, 2021, in Casper!
9AM to 5PM – “early-bird” ticket price of only $50.  After February 21st, the price is $75.
Click here for more info!

This class will teach you how to turn your passion into action.  This intense training covers:

    • The Real Nature of Politics — why action from the grassroots is required to effect change;
    • The Biggest Lie in Politics — and how the political class uses your convictions against you;
    • How to Work Effectively at the Capitol — getting a bill sponsor and roll call vote despite the leadership;
    • How to Build a Group — putting pressure on legislators.
    • Click here for more info!

If you feel called to turn your conviction and passion into effective political action in any level of government, please be sure to sign up to attend this one-day intense training session. A light lunch and snacks are covered by the modest “early-bird” ticket price of only $50. After February 21st, the price is $75.

Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Saving America, Saving Wyoming

WY GOP Liz Cheney Censure Resolution of Feb 6, 2021

Our apologies for taking so long to post this:

Resolution from the Central Committee of the Wyoming Republican Party – Censure of Liz Cheney

Resolution from the Central Committee of the Wyoming Republican Party.

Censure of U.S. Representative to Wyoming Liz Cheney


Passed by the Wyoming Republican Party on 6 February 2021.


WHEREAS, The Wyoming Republican Party recognizes that an overwhelming majority of the electorate in the state of Wyoming voted to retain President Donald J. Trump as President of the United States; and

WHEREAS, The Wyoming Republican Party recognizes that a slightly smaller majority of the electorate in the state of Wyoming voted to retain Liz Cheney as Wyoming’s sole Representative of the people’s voice in the U.S. House of Representatives; and

WHEREAS, An extremely vocal majority of Wyoming Republicans recognize there was significant irregularities in the election process in several states across the country; and

WHEREAS, Articles of impeachment against President Donald J. Trump were filed and voted on by the members of the U.S. House of Representatives with no formal hearings held, no quantifiable evidence presented, no witnesses sworn to give testimony, and no right to cross examine the accusers provided; and

WHEREAS, Representative Cheney ignored and violated the spirit of House Republican Caucus rules by disclosing her intent to join the Democrat Party’s proposed move to vote for impeachment to the media prior to having any evidence presented to the body; and

WHEREAS, Representative Cheney did vote in favor of the impeachment of President Donald J. Trump despite the lack of any formal hearing being held, evidence being presented, witnesses being sworn to testify, or accusers being questioned; and

WHEREAS, No evidence exists that President Trump has ever called for a violent response to political opposition. Where in comparison, Representative Cheney’s new political allies on the left have continually called for violent uprisings and destruction of both personal and public property, to include raising bail money for the insurrectionists; and

WHEREAS, Ample video evidence suggests the riot at the capital was instigated by Antifa and BLM radicals, and FBI sources have revealed they have, and have had, evidence the incursion was planned weeks in advance of the January 6th rally and the President’s speech; and

WHEREAS, Representative Cheney cast her vote without any quantifiable evidence of High Crimes or Misdemeanors; and

WHEREAS, Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney was elected by a majority of Wyoming voters to represent the will, the values, and the stated preferences of the majority of Wyoming voters; and

WHEREAS, The voters of the State of Wyoming expressed their will, their values, and their stated preferences in re-electing President Donald J. Trump by a larger margin, and in greater numbers, than those who re-elected Representative Cheney; and

WHEREAS, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court is obligated by Article I, Section 3, Clause 6 of the US Constitution to preside over impeachment trials, and Chief Justice John Roberts has declined to preside over this impeachment trial in the U.S. Senate, indicating an unwillingness of the Supreme Court to lend legitimacy to this impeachment proceeding.

WHEREAS, Representative Cheney has violated the trust of her voters, failed to faithfully represent a very large majority of motivated Wyoming voters, and neglected her duty to represent the party and the will of the people who elected her to represent them. The consequence of Representative Cheney’s actions has resulted in numerous Republicans in Wyoming, and across the United States, indicating that they will either no longer actively participate in the Republican Party, are stepping down from Precinct Representative positions within the party, or have already changed their voter registration and left the party entirely, (because of) or as long as Representative Cheney holds office.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The Wyoming Republican Party does hereby censure U.S. Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming for her actions on Wednesday, January 13th 2021, as those actions stand in contradiction to the quantifiable will of the majority of the electorate of Wyoming, and for devaluing the political influence of the State of Wyoming by voting in favor of a process that followed no known hearing process, provided no evidence to consider, called no witnesses to be sworn, and allowed none of the accusers to be questioned by the accused; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The Wyoming Republican Party calls on Representative Liz Cheney to immediately resign from her position and allow the Wyoming Republican Party to nominate her replacement, and that Representative Liz Cheney immediately repay donations to her 2020 campaign made by the Wyoming Republican Party and to any County Party that requests reimbursement.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The Wyoming Republican party will withhold any future political funding for Liz Cheney.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The Wyoming County Republican Party calls on Representative Liz Cheney to appear before this body at its next stated meeting to explain her actions to this body, the State Republican Party membership, and the entirety of the concerned Wyoming electorate.

Respectfully Submitted,

Posted by Editor in Elected Officials, Saving Wyoming

3 More WY Counties Censure Liz – 7 More In The Shoot

According to the Casper Star Tribune; Crook, Hot Springs and Sweetwater Counties have, as of last night, censured Liz Cheney.  CST also stated that several more counties plan to have a Liz Cheney censure vote in the near future: Big Horn, Laramie, Niobrara, Park, *Sublette, Uinta and Weston.
*We had previously counted Sublette County as having already censured Cheney but were in error.

That brings us to 10 out of 23 Wyoming counties that have censured her:


TEN down and THIRTEEN Counties to go!

Posted by Editor in Constitutional Topics/Issues, Elected Officials, Saving America, Saving Wyoming

Wyomingites Need to Wield Their Voter Power to Censure Liz

Wyoming Counties that have censured Liz Cheney so far:

ALBANY (1/31)
CARBON (1/17)
FREMONT (1/31)
JOHNSON (1/25)
LINCOLN (1/23?)
WASHAKIE (1/26?)

SEVEN counties down and SIXTEEN to go.  

Your Precinct Man and Woman represent YOU at all Central County Committee meetings and votes.
It’s time to wield your voter power and give them a call!

Registered Republican Wyomingites need to contact their Precinct Representatives and request that their Central County Committee schedule a meeting to vote on the Censure of U.S. Congress House Representative Liz Cheney.

If your County Central Committee has already censured Liz – you should thank them!

Registered (R) WY Voters:  Contact the Chairman or Secretary of your Republican Central County Committee and ask for the names and phone numbers for both your Precinct Committeeman and Precinct Committeewoman. (Some WY GOP websites have precinct representative lists available, but most do not.)  You can also contact your county clerk to find out your Precinct Committeeman and Precinct Committeewoman’s names and phone numbers.)

Below is the contact info for all WY County GOP websites &/or Facebook pages, and phone numbers to all Wyoming County Clerk offices.

Albany County Wyoming Republican Party
Albany County Clerk Phone: 307-721-2541

Big Horn County Wyoming Republican Party:
Big Horn County Clerk Phone: 307-568-2357

Campbell County Wyoming Republican Party:
Campbell County Clerk Phone: (307) 682-7285

Carbon County Wyoming Republican Party:
Carbon County Clerk Phone: 307-328-2668

Converse County Wyoming Republican Party:
Converse County Clerk Phone: 307-358-2244

Crook County Wyoming Republican Party:
Crook County Clerk Phone: (307) 283-1323

Fremont County Wyoming Republican Party:
Fremont County Clerk Phone: (307) 332-2405

Goshen County Wyoming Republican Party:
Goshen County Clerk Phone: 307-532-4051

Hot Springs County Wyoming Republican Party:
Hot Springs County Clerk Phone: 307-864-3515

Johnson County Wyoming Republican Party:
Johnson County Clerk Phone: (307) 684-7272

Laramie County Wyoming Republican Party:
Laramie County Clerk Phone: (307) 633-4264

Lincoln County Wyoming Republican Party:
Lincoln County Clerk Phone: Kemmerer (307) 877-9056; Afton (307) 885-3825

Natrona County Wyoming Republican Party:
Natrona County Clerk Phone: 307-235-9200

Niobrara County Wyoming Republican Party:
Niobrara County Clerk Phone: 307-334-2211

Park County Wyoming Republican Party:
Park County Clerk Phone: Cody: (307) 527-8600, Powell: (307) 754-8600

Sheridan County Wyoming Republican Party:
Sheridan County Clerk Phone: 307-674-2500

Sublette County Wyoming Republican Party:
Sublette County Clerk Phone: (307) 367-4372

Sweetwater County Wyoming Republican Party:
Sweetwater County Clerk Phone: (307) 872-3732

Teton County Wyoming Republican Party:
Teton County Clerk Phone: 307-733-4430

Uinta County Wyoming Republican Party:
Uinta County Clerk Phone: (307) 783-0306

Washakie County Wyoming Republican Party:
Washakie County Clerk Phone: 307-347-3131

Weston County Wyoming Republican Party:
Weston County Clerk Phone: 307 746-4744

Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Constitutional Topics/Issues, Elected Officials, Elections, Saving America, Saving Wyoming, WY Deep State


Jan 31, 2021 at around 5:30PM: From the Fremont County Wyoming Republican Party Facebook page:

Wyoming Counties that have censured Liz Cheney so far:


FIVE counties down and EIGHTEEN to go.

Posted by Editor in Constitutional Topics/Issues, Elected Officials, Saving Wyoming, WY Deep State