Saving Wyoming


We need to clarify that the locations below are suggestions for Jan 6th Stop The Steal rallies.  This was suggested in our post from yesterday, and we were further elaborating on what we had said:

Senator Barrasso and Representative Cheney should continue to be hounded and shamed, relentlessly, by every last Wyomingite who they have flagrantly turned their backs on.  Wyomingites should note that both Barrasso & Cheney have several offices throughout the state of Wyoming – Casper, Cheyenne, Gillette, Riverton, Rock Springs and Sheridan.  For any groups of citizens that feel compelled to protest these Constitutional Oath-Breakers, you do not have to travel all the way to Cheyenne to do that – form your own local groups and make a stand outside any, or all, of their office buildings!  All office locations are listed below.

We do know that there had already been Stop The Steal rallies in Wyoming that were held in November and December – this is likely why we are not finding additional rallies planned for Jan 6th thus far.  We do sincerely apologize if we created any confusion to our readers.  We will post any updates if we receive them.

We also need to make a correction:  We had received word that there was a Jan 6th rally planned in Buffalo for 9am, but we have been unable to verify whether it is in Buffalo, WY or Buffalo, NY – for this reason we have removed that from our list.

200 W 24th St, Cheyenne, WY 82001
(307) 777-7881

CASPER Office Building for both Barrasso & Cheney:
100 East B Street
Casper, WY 82601
Barrasso Main: 307-261-6413
Cheney Main: 307-261-6595; Fax: 307-261-6597

CHEYENNE Office Building for both Barrasso & Cheney:
2120 Capitol Avenue
Cheyenne, WY 82001
Main: 307-772-2451

GILLETTE Office for Cheney:
300 S.Gillette Ave, Suite 2001
Gillette, WY 82716
Phone: 307-414-1677
Fax: 307-414-1711

RIVERTON Office for Barrasso:
324 East Washington Ave
Riverton, WY 82501
Main: 307-856-6642
RIVERTON Office for Cheney:
325 West Main Street, Unit B
Riverton, WY 82501
Phone: 307-463-0482

ROCK SPRINGS Office for Barrasso:
1575 Dewar Drive (Commerce Bank)
Suite 218
Rock Springs, WY 82901
Main: 307-362-5012

SHERIDAN Office for Barrasso:
51 Coffeen Avenue
Suite 202
Sheridan, WY 82801
Main: 307-672-6456

Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Constitutional Topics/Issues, Elected Officials, Saving America, Saving Wyoming

Governor Coward Update

Governor Gordon is either a coward or a swamp creature.  We are giving him the shadow of a doubt by calling him just a coward.  We may change our mind after we research him a bit.  Stay tuned.

Posted by Editor in Constitutional Topics/Issues, Elections, Executive, Saving America, Saving Wyoming

32 WY State Legislators Pen Support With Texas

It is our understanding that other newly elected would have liked to sign their name to this letter but missed the window of time in which to do so.  We will report on who those legislators are when we receive that information. Click image to see a clearer more enlarged version:

Posted by Editor in Constitutional Topics/Issues, Elections, Saving America, Saving Wyoming


Yesterday, Dec 8, at 7:46AM Gateway Pundit reported on the lawsuit Texas filed with SCOTUS challenging election procedures in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.  A few hours later, at 9:37AM, ZeroHedge reported that SCOTUS formally placed this case on the docket.  Then at around 5:54PM, Gateway Pundit reported that Col. Allen West joined Steve Bannon Tuesday evening on The War Room where he said that seven more states will be joining that same lawsuit (we actually count 8) – Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, South Dakota.  Now today, at 2:12PM, Gateway Pundit reports that there is now 17 STATES that have joined the lawsuit: MO, AL, AR, FL, NE, ND, OK, IN, KS, LA, MS, MT, SC, SD, TN, UT and WV.

So, for Wyomingites, the million dollar question is:  WHERE IN THE HELL IS WYOMING ELECTED OFFICIALS?  WHY ISN’T WY JOINING THE LAWSUIT?! 

Where in the heck is Governor Gordon?  He’s busy working on unconstitutional state-wide mask-mandates, totalitarian crowd-control and culling businesses that must decrease their hours and income per state-mandate – which by the way is the very definition of fascism.  Gordon continues to ignore the elephant in the room by busying himself with Covid drama and, now, with Mule Deer Migration Corridors… as if a fraudulent national election has not just taken place.


The Wyoming GOP is urging Wyomingites to contact Governor Mark Gordon and Attorney General Bridget Hill to join a lawsuit filed by the Texas Attorney General against the battleground states that made numerous unlawful changes to their election and voting procedures prior to November 3rd.

Governor Mark Gordon – (307) 777-7434
Attorney General Bridget Hill – (307) 777-7841

As the Wyoming GOP has stated, too much is at stake.  Our Republic and our Constitution are hanging on a precipice.
Wyomingites – Your immediate action is needed to contact Governor Gordon and Attorney General Bridget Hill today!!
Ring their phones off the hook!  Don’t stop until they stand up and take the right action for us!



Where in the heck is our WY elected U.S. Congressional Representatives?  The D.C. Swamp, that’s where.

Where is newly elected, just 1 month ago, U.S. WY Senator Cynthia Lummis?  Now that she’s successfully ridden President Trump’s coattails, she’s quiet as a church mouse busily filling her schedule for her new political career stint – that we just handed to her.

Where in the heck is WY legislators?  They’re busy plotting and scheming on how to stick it to us with the 2021 BILLS that will hogtie and tax the living daylights outta of us, that’s where!   If you are a WY legislator and you are not a coward or a swamp-creature then speak the hell up!  Any of you can release a Press Statement or write a Letter to the Editor that you know will be printed.  All of you also have personal websites, FB pages, constituent email lists and/or Twitter or Parler accounts.  Speak the hell up, because faith in you and respect for you is decreasing at a rapid rate.

Where in the heck is our own Secretary of State, Ed Buchanan?  Quiet as a church mouse hidden away is where he is.

Our Blessed Country is on the verge of being burned to the ground and there is not one single WY elected representative that can utter a single sentence publicly on the absolute travesty of our presidential election being fraudulently stolen from a majority of WY voters and over 74 million Americans?! 


Wyomingites need to remember that THESE ARE THE PEOPLE who are supposed to have our backs when push comes to shove and there is not a single one of them standing right now.  Not one.  Below is all of their contact information:

U.S. Senator Barrasso:

U.S. Senator Enzi:

U.S. House Representative Cheney:

2020 elected U.S. Senator Lummis:

WY Secretary of State Ed Buchanan:

WY State Legislators – Current and Newly Elected:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Constitutional Topics/Issues, Elected Officials, Elections, Saving America, Saving Wyoming, WY 2020 Elections

WY Speaker of the House Vote – Saturday Nov 14 – Who Do YOU Want?

Action Item for Wyoming Republican Voters…

Wyomingites should communicate to their Republican legislative representatives who they would like to see elected as our WY Speaker of the House.  Remember, that regardless of what level of Republican leadership there is – be it legislative, state executive committee, county executive committees, or individual precinct captains (which are all elected) – they are all supposed to represent we the people.  This fact is most often overlooked by everyone, including the individual registered Republican who should always have a welcomed opinion on all decisions, including Speaker of the Wyoming House and President of the Wyoming Senate.

In today’s political storms that can change so many things, so quickly and critically – perhaps it is time to make your voice heard on this vote?  To make your voice heard you will need to decide who you favor, and then send your respectful request for a vote for your choice of Wyoming House Speaker to every republican member of the Wyoming House of Representatives.

Don’t be intimidated to write to our sixty House Representatives – they are regular people just like you and me.   Plus it’s easy, it doesn’t take much time and we walk you through four easy steps below.  We will post a similar article when we hear when they will be voting for the Senate President and who those candidates will be.

Here is what we know:

The Republican Party is holding a meeting this Saturday on Nov 14, during which the vote for the Speaker of the House will be held.   The two candidates that we have heard of are WY House Representatives Eric Barlow and Mark Jennings – those links are from our own bio pages.  However, the following websites also give additional information: WyoRINO and Evidence-Based Wyoming.  According to those websites, Mark Jennings is much more conservative than Eric Barlow.  From the legislative sessions that we have tracked, including bill sponsorship and votes, we agree with those assessments.  Additionally, we should note that we typically refer to Representative Jennings as a “constitutional vote”.

Page 18 of the WY Legislative Handbook explains what are the duties of the Speaker of the House.

Please take the time to determine who you would like to see elected as Speaker of the Wyoming House.  Here is a suggestion to consider:  Based on our current political climate, what kind of bills do you hope to see deliberated this next session?  Which of the two candidates would be more likely to allow certain types of bills to be debated on the floor, rather than buried at the bottom of the pile of bills?  Here are just a few examples of bills you might hope to see:

    • strengthening our election laws
    • strengthening our defense and firearm laws (think riots)
    • protecting our education system from radical curricula being pushed by BLM and other lefty organizations
    • supporting and strengthening individual liberties during a pandemic
    • protecting Wyoming citizens from a potential Biden administration

Steps to Send Your Email with Your Speaker of the House Choice

Send all of the 2021-2022 Republican Representatives (listed below) a message by Friday evening (Nov 13)  so they know what your expectations are concerning their representing you.  All you need to do is open up your email account and then copy and paste items 1,2,3 in the appropriate places and then add your name and city/town where you are from at the end of your email (#4) .

  1. Send To: (Copy and paste all of the addresses below into the address section of your email);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2. Subject:  (Copy and paste into the “Subject” section of your email)
    2021 Speaker of the House Election, Please vote for supporting the Republican Platform
  3. Message:  (Write your own message or you can copy and paste the following – just be sure to insert the name of who you want for WY Speaker)
    I am a resident of Wyoming and a member of the Republican party.  It is of utmost importance to me that Republican members of the Wyoming Legislature and its’ leadership team substantially uphold the Wyoming Republican Platform, it is a contract they make with their constituents upon election.  I am writing to ask for your support in electing (insert who you want to be speaker here) as Speaker of the Wyoming House of Representatives, and also a team that will serve with him, who has the highest rankings substantially upholding our Platform.  Thank you.
  4. Your Name, WY city or town you are from


Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Elections, Legislature, Saving Wyoming

Know Wyoming Firearm Laws – Part 6 of Saving Wyoming

This post is Part 6 of Saving Wyoming.  Note that we are almost done with our Saving Wyoming Series.  Once complete we will be offering all parts of this series in one downloadable pdf.

The revolver in the photo above, a Freedom Firearms model 83 454 Casull, was manufactured by Freedom Firearms in the northwest part of Lincoln County in the unincorporated town of Freedom, Wyoming.  See WY State Statutes §6-8-404 through 405 to see how they apply to this beautiful, Made In Wyoming, revolver.

Since this episode is lengthy in text, we are linking to a separate page, Know Wyoming Firearm Laws.   In this episode we are providing both Constitutional law and Wyoming statutory law that apply to the 2nd Amendment rights, and right to self-defense of Wyomingites, as well as regulations of  firearms and firearm ownership.  What we quote is not an exhaustive list of all Wyoming firearm laws – for more Wyoming Statutes, please read through Title 6 – Crimes and Offenses, Chapter 8 – Weapons.

Posted by Editor in Constitutional Topics/Issues, Saving Wyoming

Increase Your Competency with Your Firearms – Part 5 of Saving Wyoming


This post is Part 5 of Saving Wyoming.

Weather you’re target-shooting, tightening up your security via strategic placement of your firearms in the home, inventorying your firearms and ammo, or simply cleaning your guns, we strongly encourage all Wyomingites to spend a good chunk of intimate time this weekend with their firearms.  Shoot ’em, clean ’em, shine ’em… get your magazines in order, clean-up and reorganize your gun-safes etc.  Or you can simply look up videos and articles on the specific firearms that you own to learn tips and tricks from other owners.  Whatever you do, have a blast!

We have been blessed with beautiful weather this weekend – such a perfect time to spend outdoors practicing with our firearms and increasing our skills! The more you handle your firearms and work on your skills, the more you will naturally increase your confidence and competency with your personal firearms.  We provide a list below of all of the shooting ranges that we are aware of in the state.

If you are reluctant to expend a lot of your ammo, you can still practice by dry-shooting or using snap-caps (blanks), and viewing some of the videos we provide below.  If you are a novice with your guns we also provide general gun safety and how-to videos on a number of firearms topics.

Shooting Ranges in Wyoming

Cheyenne Rifle & Pistol Club
Cody Firearms Experience
Cody Shooting Complex
Dubois Gun Club
Fort Fetterman Sportsman’s Association (Douglas)
Jackson Hole Gun Club
Jackson Hole Shooting Experience
Laramie Rifle Range
Pinedale Rifle and Pistol Club
Rawlins Indoor & Outdoor Shooting Ranges
Rocky Mountain Gun Club – Trap Shooting (Casper)
Sheridan County Sportmen’s Association
Smithmoor Range (Carpenter)
Stuckenhoff Shooters Complex (Casper)
Sweetwater County Shooting Sports Complex
Tactical Training International (Crowheart)
The Range 307 Indoor Shooting Complex (Gillette)
Western Wyoming Rifleman’s Association (Afton)
Weston County Sportsman’s Club (Newcastle)
Worland Shooting Complex
Wyoming Gun Company (Casper)


Suggested Videos & Articles on the 2nd Amendment, Firearms and Firearms Training

Safety & Beginners Info

Ways of Carrying and Tips on Holsters

Practice Techniques

Times of Unrest

Legal Issues to Consider

More Great Videos & Articles

Posted by Editor in Saving Wyoming

Hardening Your Home – Part 4 of Saving Wyoming

This is Part 4 of Saving Wyoming.

Hardening your home basically means strengthening the security of your home to protect it from vandals, break-ins, arsonists, etc.  We are offering this article for anyone and everyone who feels they need to prepare for potential violence, riots and arson that have been promised by the radical left during and after November 3rd 2020 elections.  We’re going to briefly cover and offer suggestions on 4 main topics: Reducing attention to your home; exterior lighting and security cameras; fortifying doors and windows; and deterring arson.  We end with a list of miscellaneous videos and articles, as well as a list of known items that Antifa and some BLM rioters have been seen/caught using as weapons.

We strongly suggest that you write an emergency/defense plan for members of your household and review it with them on a regular basis – especially families/households with children.  Many of the items in this article will give you at least some ideas of what you could include in that plan.  Retired Navy Seal Clint Emerson has very good suggestions for creating a family defense plan, in his video, Home Invasion Survival Tips.

Reducing Attention to You, Your Family and Your Property

Avoid/eliminate all posts on social media that reveal personal info on you, your family, your home, your property, and where you work – that you wouldn’t want a stranger knowing.  You should practice the same when you post about people you know.

  • Remove posts with addresses, phone numbers, personal schedules (yours or anyone else’s) or even one time appointments (such as “I have a dentist appt on tuesday at 3pm”)
  • Remove photos of your home, or anyone elses, where house number and/or street name appear
  • Remove photos of valuable property or items indicative of income– expensive cars, ATVs, electronics, firearms, jewelry, etc

Avoid using bumper stickers/decals or clothing that identify where you live (HOA stickers); where you work (cover up identifying work uniforms or name patches with coat if you’re running errands before returning home from work); what school your children attend (“Go Cody Broncs!”, “Proud Parent of Cheyenne East Honor Roll Student!”).

Use caution and vigilance with bumper stickers, signs with political messages or banners/flags that attract vandals or rioters whose attention you do not want.  We’re not saying you shouldn’t exercise your First Amendment during these times of violence, obviously it’s an extremely important individual right and choice, but we are saying you should be prepared for unwanted attention if you display these types of things in locations that you are not always present to defend.  See this article for recent example in Nebraska.

Do not advertise in your vehicle, in open view, that you have an automatic garage door opener.  Use a keychain remote instead of your opener clipped to your visor or in your console.  If a key-chain opener is not an option, do not leave it in open view anywhere in your vehicle.  Remember that your registration and insurance info in your car has your address on it – your address and garage opener together in your car is a bad idea.

Survey your entire yard to determine if there’s anything that can be used against you or your property as a weapon. Remove all items to secured out-buildings.

You can also reduce attraction to your home:

  • by parking expensive cars, equipment, and toys in locked garages
  • by having several cars in your driveway and/or curbside parking spots (always park as close as possible to your home and keep your vehicle locked up with minimal contents visible)
  • with barking dogs – the bigger and louder the better.  You can also use audio recordings of barking dogs.
  • by posting signs that warn of vicious dogs
  • by posting signs that warn of surveillance systems
  • by posting a laminated copy of NOTICE OF WYOMING LAW ON USE OF FORCE on exterior doors (take to OfficeMax or Staples to laminate)

Note that posting signs that warn of armed occupants also advertises that there are most likely firearms in your home – whether you are there or not.  Don’t invite getting robbed of your firearms!

Lighting and Security Cameras

Take heart – the expense and tech knowledge for both of these is not nearly as challenging as it used to be!  We’re sharing the easiest and least expensive versions so folks can fortify their homes quickly and at reasonable cost.  If you can’t find what you want at your local hardware store – shop/order online and have them shipped.  If you decide to use wireless lights or cameras like we suggest below, know that you don’t always have to mount to external walls – in some cases, based on your needs, you can mount them on fences or trees as long as the sun exposure and/or camera vision is not obstructed.

Exterior Lighting

  • Make sure outdoor areas are well-lit – especially around exterior doors or vulnerable window areas on your home, and also around access areas to garages and sheds.
  • Keep porch lights on all night, and maintained on a regular basis.  If desired, you can build a simple protective basket-type barrier or box (wire, or durable screen) around lightbulb area to prevent vandal creeps from breaking bulbs and creating the darkness they thrive in.
  • There are many outdoor solar lights you can purchase that can easily mount directly to exterior walls (usually 1 to 2 screws) to bring light to dark areas around the outside perimeter of your home and out-buildings.  For east, south and west walls you can use lights with built-in solar cells. North walls will require lights that plug into separate cell components that need installed in areas that receive daytime sun.  Most are motion activated to conserve energy.  Motion-activated lights are also favorable because they do not broadcast your property in the dark of night, but instead lights up an area when a potential intruder steps in its range.  Some models from brands such as Dartwood, Ever Brite or Aootek have the built-in solar panels tilted on an angle that snow can slide right off.  These range in price from around $23 to $31 for a set of two lights.
  • Other tips on solar lights:
    • Mount them high enough so they are out of reach of vandals
    • Solar pathway lights that are staked in the ground can be easily removed and/or vandalized, and can also be used as a weapon against you or your windows

Security Cameras

For DIYs there are a ton to pick from – just run a search at Home Depot or Menard’s and you’ll see.  One of our readers swears by a brand called Wyze wireless cameras because they are affordable, wireless, easy to install and very easy to use.  The most inexpensive outdoor security camera by Wyze is around $26 and can be easily installed wherever you choose – the mounting base is screwed into the location you choose, and the removable camera attaches by a strong magnet.  The camera needs to be detached and recharged approximately once every two to four weeks.  The unit comes with an App that will allow multiple cameras to communicate directly with your cellphone (iOS and Android) – enabling security checks when you’re not at home, and a bunch of other cool features.  Mount your security cameras high enough so they are out of reach of vandals.

Fortifying Exterior Doors and Windows

It should go without saying, when concerns that the leftist radical wildlings are running amuck in your area looking to start trouble, all doors and windows should be locked at all times, with very few exceptions – and make sure your children understand this fully if they must be home alone.

Exterior Doors.  Make sure you have good durable exterior doors, solid wood or metal, that hang properly in the frame.  Make sure you have good dependable and fully functioning doorknobs and deadbolts on all external doors.  Do NOT leave spare keys hidden in your yard – leave them with a neighbor you trust instead.

Fortify external door jambs:

  • Replace all screws with 3 ½” wood screws that attach the doorknob strike-plate to the door jamb (see video below – How to Reinforce and Burglar Proof Your Entry Door)
  • do the same with all strike-plates for deadbolts, and all of the hinge points that are screwed into the door jamb
  • drill and screw 3 ½” wood screws every foot along the door frame to reinforce and prevent your door from easily getting kicked in.  This fortification might not make it indestructible but will take many attempts to get it kicked in – buying you precious time to move family members to a safer room, and time for all competent adults to arm themselves.
  • OR you can buy a kit that provides longer jamb-shield strike-plates, plates that cover hinge points and all the 3 ½” screws you will need.  Most hardware stores carry their own version of security door kits as described in this video which shows you exactly how to install everything we’ve described above: How to Reinforce and Burglar Proof Your Entry Door
    Similar to the one in the video, here’s a Security Set from Menard’s for $68.

Other types of security devices for doors:

Windows.  Do not leave anything in your yard that can be used to break your windows – including the harmless looking broom you use to brush the snow off your car in the winter.  The following are various suggestions for securing and/or protecting windows from rioters that love breaking and smashing windows.  Costs run from inexpensive to very expensive, but they can also give you ideas of do-it-yourself projects that you can hopefully tailor to your wallet and time.  For more ideas, run searches for protecting windows from hurricanes.

  • Plywood cut to size and attached to exterior wall with screws (see Method #1 here).  Yup – they’re ugly.   And remember, they’re also ignitable if some jerk is committed to trying to burn your house down.  If you decide to use plywood, be sure to use lots of screws for mounting – Antifa roaches are known for carrying tools for dismantling things.
  • Here’s a video by a prepper that built his own security screen out of 2″x 2″s,  1″x 2″s, rebar and 1/2″ 19 gauge wire mesh netting.
  • Metal Hurricane Shutters.  This video shows how to install metal storm shutters. offers kits or individual panels.
  • Stainless Steel Security Screens:  This company, Metro Screen Works, sells different gauges of security screen by the roll – which they claim is vandal resistant.  We cannot find any DIY videos on how to create your own exterior security screens for windows, but you would need to build a sturdy panel of metal or wood that would need to be screwed on the exterior of your home, outside of your windows.  The steel screen needs to be screwed and reinforced (perhaps with liquid nails) on the inside of your panel without any sag as shown in the photo of this section.  Reinforcing the center, and at intervals, with more wood, to keep uniform space between the screen and window glass, would be necessary as well.
  • Protective window film.  Some retailers, such as this one, sell “shatter-proof window film”, but most however only hold the glass together after it has already been shattered.  This company sells several types of 3M safety films and 3M “Impact Protection Attachment Systems” that are pretty impressive – but likely pretty expensive as well (have to call for quotes).  This video shows the durability of 3M™ Safety and Security Window Film for Schools – which is something we would all want for schools, and homes!
  • Security bars: We mention these last because while bars might keep a person out, the window can still be broken to expose your home to various methods of arson.  Here is what’s offered by a few retailers: Home Depot; Menard’s; Lowes.

Deterring Arson

  • Keep all garages and out-building doors/windows locked & fortified, and access areas manned with bright motion-activated lights.  Most garages and sheds have a variety of flammable liquids and combustible materials that can be swiped and used to start fires – vandals and arsonists are fully aware that you already have what they need to start a fire in your out-buildings.  Tools in the same areas can also be used against you to attempt to break into your home or vehicles.  Always keep your out-buildings tightly secured, locked and with no tools left outside.
  • Remove propane tanks from your outdoor barbecue OR install a sturdy fool-proof lock on the metal cabinet where it is stored below.  Most people are unaware that *Antifa tried to co-opt the 2016 Standing Rock pipeline protest in North Dakota where a woman’s arm was essentially destroyed from an explosive device. The woman and fellow protesters said it was caused by police who were throwing concussion grenades.  However, in this Williston Herald article, Morton County Sheriff’s office said it was from a specific group of violent agitators who were setting vehicles on fire and using propane cylinders as explosives. This Valley New Live article reported similar findings.  (*Later the Standing Rock Tribal Council voted unanimously for the radicals to leave the Standing Rock protest.)  Here is a June 2020 CSIS analysis that also reports of Antifa using propane tanks as incendiary explosive devices.
  • Cut/clear all dead vegetation on your property.  Excess vegetation, piles of leaves, branches, wood scraps, trash and piles of paper – properly discard them to prevent an arsonist from using them as tinder or fire accelerant.
  • Do not avail your winter firewood to would-be arsonists.  If you have large amounts of firewood stacked on your property for wintertime, brainstorm how to camouflage your woodpile from visibility and/or lock-up or protect your supply from easy-picking.  At the very least, you should seriously consider not stacking it against an exterior wall of any building unless the walls are made of stone or brick.
  • Keep fire extinguishers in your home and out-buildings.
  • During winter months keep a garden hose and faucet adapter in your home in case you need to use your indoor water supply to fight a fire while you wait for the fire department.

Miscellaneous Videos & Articles

Items that Antifa and some BLM Rioters Have Used as Weapons Against People and/or Property

Make sure you do not leave any item in the list below laying around your yard.  Contemplate what first-aid items would be required for any injuries from the following list.  Remember this list when someone tries to convince you that “Antifa is a just an idea”.

  • Rocks, landscaping rocks, sling-shots
  • Bricks, cinder-blocks
  • Spray paint, pepper spray
  • Leaf blowers – to send pepper spray back into the face of person who is deploying it
  • Baseball bats, pipes, clubs, poles from protest signs, flag poles, steel poles (these used especially for breaking windows)
  • Hammers
  • Skate boards, bikes
  • Cans of soup
  • Keys – for keying cars
  • Water bottles filled with urine
  • Water bottles filled with frozen urine or frozen water
  • Baggies filled with human  feces
  • Molotav cocktails (glass bottles filled with gas or any accelerant with a lighted fuse or rag)
  • Propane tanks (used as explosive devices)
  • Knives
  • Guns
Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Saving America, Saving Wyoming

Situational Awareness Can Save Your Life – Part 3 of our Saving Wyoming series

Situational awareness is a term typically used for law enforcement and the military, and means scanning your immediate environment to detect potential threats.  Situational awareness is a trained skill that is used to prevent dangerous situations from happening or escalating.  Because of the increase in violence and unrest in our country today, we believe that learning about and practicing this skill can help fellow Wyomingites (and fellow Americans) be safer during these critical times.

Below we provide tips for what you can do to incorporate this skill in your everyday travels.  Secondly, we provide links to videos that teach and expand upon these skills.  Most of the videos are taught by military specialists and so they offer more than what we do in this article.  Forewarning – some of these instructors can be pretty intense, but their lessons are extremely helpful.  Lastly, we offer our own thoughts on keeping constitutional perspective as you become more situationally aware and how you choose to react, or not react, to things you become aware of in your community.

Back when you were a kid, you, your parents, your neighbors and your community at large naturally had and utilized a certain level of situational awareness.  If there were vehicles parked on the street with out of town license plates – almost everyone knew what neighbor had company visiting.  If vandalism appeared in your community, almost everyone knew exactly when it occurred and had their own observational deductions on who might be connected to those events during that time period.  If there was a burglary or robbery in your neighborhood, many local residents would be able to recall the unfamiliar cars and persons that coincided with the time of those crimes.

But it is different today.  Children nowadays, often the eyes and ears of a neighborhood in the past, spend much more time indoors mesmerized by any number of screens, rather than outdoors playing with their neighborhood friends.  Many of us today do not even know most of our neighbor’s names.  Also, people change residences more often, making it more difficult for both adults and children to establish long-term neighborhood relationships.  Additionally, people on average travel more – thus seeing out of town/state license plates isn’t nearly as meaningful as it was way back when.

Most importantly, people today (of all ages) tend to have their attention distracted and focused on cellphones and tablets.  All of us are far too ‘plugged in’ and paying minimal attention to what is happening right under our noses, much less what is happening right outside our own homes and in our communities.  Just think of all of the videos out there now of people bumping into other pedestrians, wandering into oncoming traffic, or meandering straight into unseen swimming pools or off cliffs because they are so engaged with the tiny electronic devices they are laser-focused on as they move about.  Whether you are running to the grocery store, work, or taking a jog at the park, completely eliminating the distraction of cellphones is essential for situational awareness as you travel about your community, be it walking, running or driving.  This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have your devices with you at all, it means you should avoid using them when you’re out in public and as you travel – unless it is absolutely necessary.  No matter how much any of us believe we are good multi-taskers, the truth is that you can only focus on one thing at a time.

Tips to Increase Your Situational Awareness in Your Neighborhood

  • Be aware of out-of-state license plates. Being aware does not mean taking action – it just means you should take note and file that data away for future reference to compare to. Example: It could very well be that your neighbor’s daughter travels from Utah once a month to visit her parents – knowing this helps you know the normal comings and goings of your neighborhood.  On the other hand, you might see an out-of-state vehicle with thug-looking kids, dressed in all black, carrying baseball bats and yelling expletives as they cruise around your community – in that case you might want to keep their whereabouts on your radar and forewarn other citizens.
  • Be aware of unusual activity in your neighborhood and people who don’t appear to be from your local area. Example:  It might be normal to see the paper boy riding his bike every morning at 6AM delivering papers, but it might be abnormal to suddenly see multiple skate-boarders or bike-riders pedaling around your neighborhood in the early evening.  Obviously these activities are not crimes, but they might be unusual for your area and that time of day.  Be aware and take, if you feel it necessary, the proper precautions for you, your family and your property – and forewarn your neighbors as well.
  • Be aware of any new vandalism or graffiti in your community. Again, being aware does not always mean taking action – it might mean you should just take note and file that data away for future reference.  Example: It could very well be that there has been some graffiti painted on the abandoned house on the corner for years – however, noticing new graffiti will alert you to becoming more aware of any new people loitering in your neighborhood, as well as any weaknesses in your own home security.
  • Check your local news daily for published lists of police calls in your community. Be aware if certain types of crime are on the rise and/or occurring in particular areas.  Be informed of new crime info and take appropriate precautions with your home and family, as well as your habits and travels.  For example: You might want to have your child walk home from school using a different route; you might need to practice better security habits with your vehicles; you might want to make alternative arrangements if you are expecting packages delivered to your home, etc.

Tips to Increase Your Situational Awareness in Your Community

  • On a regular basis, take note of the activity at mass transit services in your area – be it bus stops, train stations or airports. Do the same with motels and hotels.  This will help you become more aware of the normal dynamics of out-of-town visitor traffic that happens regularly in your area, and help you differentiate when the activity might be out of the ordinary.  For example:  You might normally see 4-6 people waiting for the bus at a specific bus-stop at 8AM on weekday mornings, but you might notice 10 – 15 people waiting for that same bus at that same time the following week.  Again, it doesn’t mean that something is wrong, it just means that something is different and that you need to take note of it and file that info for future reference.  Note that buses in motel/hotel parking lots are typically related to school athletics.
  • Get into the habit of exploring and taking alternate routes as you travel to and from work or alternate routes as you run errands. It is good to get out of your routine and comfort zone as you learn new routes and neighborhoods in your community.  If at some point you come across something out of the norm, whether it is a car accident or a protest march, it is best to know an alternative route home beforehand instead of potentially becoming lost because you had to suddenly detour into an area you are unfamiliar with.
  • Take note of the behavior of people in public places such as parks, restaurants and theaters. There is a certain amount of profiling that one naturally does when they are becoming attuned to their surroundings and the other people (strangers) within those surroundings.  Profiling is typically based on how others are behaving and far less often of their physical appearance.  For example, a person sitting alone in a restaurant who appears fidgety and nervous might be a red flag – however, it could easily be someone waiting for their date to show up.  Anger with aggression is always a red-flag, and most especially if both those are being openly displayed in a public place.  (The video below, Spotting Threat Indicators (John Lovell – Episode 2), has more on dangerous behaviors that are very helpful and also quite interesting.)  If you smell or see trouble brewing, it might be best for you/your family to avoid or leave that place as quickly and quietly as possible.  In similar situations that you cannot leave for a protracted period of time, you should ascertain ahead of time where alternate exits are in case you/your family might need one.
  • Take note of the normal traffic and activity around churches, including your own church. This might seem like a strange suggestion, we mention this however for very good reasons.  First, as violence and unrest increases across the globe, crimes against churches are also increasing at an alarming rate in America as well in Europe.  Examples:  Drive past churches on your regular driving routes to see if there has been any vandalism or damages.  Also, within your own church, you might want to speak with your pastor or minister(s) to see if they have safety/emergency plans that you and your family should be apprised of, and what you might be able to assist with should an emergency arise.  Conceal-carry of a firearm at church has proved to be life-saving in many instances, but is ultimately a very critical and personal decision that should be coordinated with your pastor and perhaps other church-members who are completely competent and willing with their own defense and/or firearms skills.
    Secondly, we came across this article recently that points out how the “Unitarian Universalist Churches are serving as home base to violent activists” – serving as both a staging area, and refuge area giving them sanctuary to avoid arrest.  Running a search, we find there currently are UU Churches in Cheyenne, Casper, Sheridan and Jackson.  This article also gives specific information on the First Unitarian Church of Louisville, Kentucky that gave refuge during the Louisville riots last month.
    Perusing events calendars can give you an idea of what kind of activity is normal at specific churches.  Knowing what is normal traffic at their events, such as half the parking lot being filled up on Tuesday’s night (as a theoretical example), will you give a general idea to contrast to when you see the parking lot filled all the way up during other times.  Again – being aware is different from being active.  Be aware, be vigilant, and use that information to make conscientious decisions for your/your family’s safety.

Additionally, you can expand your situational awareness skills by watching videos where rioters have recently targeted homes – learn from what other Americans have already suffered, and plan ahead accordingly.  Take note of rioter’s tactics, where and how they breach private (and public) property, and what types of vandalism and violence they commit.  A few examples are here, here, here, and here.   Based on what you learn from those videos: It might be a good time to get your fence repaired, or that deadbolt on your door properly fixed; it might be a good time to remove any and all reference to your address or phone number from all of your social media posts; it might be a good time to have some family safety meetings to discuss how emergencies such as these will be handled in your home; it might be a good time to get the security cameras on your property working properly; it might be a good time to stock up on certain household items you might need for a prolonged period of time;  it might be a good time to invest in fire extinguishers or, when freezing weather is upon us, garden hose adapters to use for accessing water from your internal home supply.

Suggested Professionals to Learn From About Situational Awareness (Language warning in some..)

SITUATIONAL AWARENESS without Being Paranoid (John Lovell – Episode 1)
SITUATIONAL AWARENESS: Spotting Threat Indicators (John Lovell – Episode 2)
Tim Kennedy Teaches Fundamentals of Situational Awareness!

Pat McNamara (‘Agent In Charge of Your Own Executive Protection Detail’ – he’s pretty intense but well-worth watching. And he really grows on you quickly! 🙂
Article: Get Your Head Outta Your Ass! Situational Awareness with Pat McNamara
Video: Sunday Sentinel Sermon. Your Car is Your Limo
Video: Self Defense. Sentinel Series Part 1
Video: Self Defense. Sentinel Series Part 2

Don’t Get Paranoid

It is near impossible to know when something is ‘off’ in your neighborhood, if you don’t know how it looks when things are humming along as they normally do.  Knowing the general “baseline” of how your neighborhood appears and behaves when things are normal gives you something to compare to when you might sense things are off.  If your situational awareness has been weak up until now, you might be surprised at how many ‘odd’ things occur in your neighborhood that is actually usual and normal.

As you grow and hone your situational awareness skills it is essential to not get carried away – try not to turn into a fanatic where everything different now seems like a threat or every person now seems like a criminal! You can burn yourself out, your family out and you can also the burn the police out if you get in the habit of calling them often.  Your ability to remain rational, discerning and cool-minded is just as important as your ability to act appropriately and swiftly when there is an emergency.

Keep It In Constitutional Perspective

While typically credited to Thomas Jefferson, there are apparently several historical figures that have been attributed with the following quote, “The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.”  Imbued in this passage is the necessary weight of responsibility that lies upon the individual for right action to maintain and preserve the principles that our republic was founded upon.  Those who uttered these words of wisdom in newly founded 19th Century America were calling upon citizens to keep constant vigilance (watchful and alert, especially to guard against danger, difficulties, or errors) over their elected government representatives – being both vigilant and proactive against a government who can quickly become over-reaching and bloated – bloated with bureaucracy who will inevitably promote unconstitutional laws and encroachments, and bloated with money from excessive taxing of citizens to fund that bureaucracy.

There is however another side to the double-edged sword of vigilance – it is also being prepared to guard against danger within society at large and not calling upon government to make you feel safe, because of perceived dangers.  In other words, and now quoting from Benjamin Franklin, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

Expanding upon the wisdom within that quote, it is the responsibility of every American to practice proactive, preventative measures to guard their family, home and property from potential dangers present in our society – whether it be assault, theft, vandalism, arson, violence from riots, or home invasions.  While certain portions of the rule of law, on all levels of government, were written specifically to keep us, our families and our property safe and free from assault and theft, the primary responsibility of being safe and maintaining that safety is on us as individuals.

A simple everyday example to prove that point:  To prevent their cars from being ransacked or stolen, most people do not ask government to constantly surveil their neighborhoods for car thieves – instead they remove their keys from the ignition and lock the doors to their vehicle.  To ask government to constantly surveil our neighborhoods for potential car thieves, would be inviting government deeper into our lives and asking them to surveil all of us on a regular basis as well.  That would be giving up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety – which is NOT how a free republic is supposed to operate.

With the ultimate responsibility of being safe rightfully placed on the individual (or heads of household), there are several things that we already automatically do, such as locking up our cars and our homes, raising fences or barriers on our property, guarding our children from certain dangers, and arming ourselves with guns that we are practiced and competent with.  In times of increased crime and violence, such as what is happening in our country right now, it might be tempting to some to call for an increase in police presence. We must remember, however, that if we do that we can also be unintentionally calling for our own liberties to become limited or infringed.

Posted by Editor in Saving Wyoming

Wyoming Neighborhood Watch Groups

This post is Part 2 of our Saving Wyoming Series.

The primary purpose of a neighborhood watch group is to have multiple neighbors alert, and willing to communicate with each other, for potential crimes or threats in their mutual neighborhood. 

The primary reason we are suggesting that Wyomingites consider starting up a neighborhood watch group is because of the escalating violence and crimes that our nation is experiencing, and how those crimes are expanding into the suburbs and rural areas.

If you are considering increasing the awareness in your neighborhood through a watch group, it is up to you to consider and thoroughly research what route you want to take and who you will need to contact – whether it is your local sheriff’s office, a national group or just a handful of neighbors that you already know.  Below are a few brief descriptions – starting with a small simple group and ending with more involved national organizations.

1) Create your own small unofficial watch group
Draft a very simple plan with basic ground rules ahead of time before you initiate a conversation with your neighbors.

  • With a few neighbors that you already know and trust. This could be neighbors who simply live on your block.  Your plan can be the mutual sharing of phone numbers with a small group of neighbors who agree to contact each other if anyone sees something potentially threatening or suspicious in your neighborhood.  Basic ground rules can be that watch group communications will only be for potential crimes (such as a person looking through peoples cars), threats (such as seeing smoke coming from a property or a mountain lion in your yard) or emergencies (such as a child missing or a car accident).
  • With a larger number of neighbors that you invite to a meeting. This could be neighbors that live within a few blocks of your home.  You can consider inviting all neighbors within a few blocks, 20 people or less, or whatever you think is best.  Keep in mind that no matter how many people you invite, you will probably only get a fraction of who are interested and will show up.  Suggestion: If you are considering inviting only 20 neighbors or less you can narrow your choices of who you will invite based on certain criteria.  For example, neighbors who live on corners, at busy intersections, or near a park.  You can also consider neighbors that have similar interests, such as households with children, or households that have a U.S. flag.

The plan and ground rules can begin with the same as the first choice above, and then be expanded upon based on whatever your group decides together.  It might be wise to have a simple map of your neighborhood for meetings with larger groups.

Once you have a small watch group organized, you might consider notifying your local police or sheriff’s department of your neighborhood watch effort.

2) Neighborhood Groups using social media and or apps
Here are some noteworthy articles to consider before exploring the following options: Neighborhood security apps are making us wildly paranoid; Neighborhood Watch Program Explained & It’s Pros and Cons; Ring and Nest helped normalize American surveillance and turned us into a nation of voyeurs; This App Tracks Crime, Emergencies Near You. But What About Privacy?

  • Nextdoor
  • Nextdoor for Public Agencies
  • Nabor
  • Facebook – there are many private groups already created and doing this on Facebook. If you are comfortable using social meeting for this purpose, you might find there is already a group organized for your area.

3) National Organizations

Note that if you choose to initiate a group through #3 above you are potentially opening your effort up to government agencies that might want to expand their reach into your neighborhood with other programs that you might not be necessarily interested in – for example organized community clean-up and revitalization efforts (such as “Weed and Seed”), video-sharing of private security surveillance systems, etc .  We’re not saying that you shouldn’t consider these programs, but we are pointing out that your effort could potentially be coopted by well-meaning community leaders who might want more from you than you are prepared to give – which could ultimately lead to you voluntarily giving up a certain amount of your time, labor and/or privacy.

Additionally, you should also consider how much your neighborhood group might ask or expect of you, or, on the flip side, if a member of your group might take things to a higher level than what your group agrees to.   It should be pointed out that George Zimmerman, known for shooting Trayvon Martin in Feb 2012 in Sanford, Florida, was allegedly acting in the capacity as a neighborhood watch volunteer for a homeowners association (HOA).  According to this article, it appears that Zimmerman chose to conduct armed surveillance on his own, even though it was ultimately the HOA that settled the wrongful death lawsuit.  As extreme and unfortunate as the situation was, and later escalated to with riots, it initially began as a HOA neighborhood watch group.  This article addresses the liability risks of neighborhood watch groups for associations.

Lastly, regardless of what option you decide is best, you should be selective and discerning about who you choose to invite into your watch group, or invite into your home for meetings.  Even though your intentions are good, you are reaching out to some people that are still basically strangers to you and your family.  Take it slow and build trust with neighbors that earn it over time.  The ultimate goal is to have a safe neighborhood that is built upon neighbors looking out for neighbors.

Posted by Editor in Saving America, Saving Wyoming