CITIZEN ALERT: Sunday Homework for Monday Deadline Bills

This Monday, March 8th, is the deadline for Introduction of House Bills.  (Deadline for Introduction of Senate Files was last Wednesday, March 3.)

House Bills that will be dead if they are not introduced on Monday, March 8th:

Right To Life Bills

HB0235 Human life protection act.

House Received for Introduction, 3/4.

Limiting the circumstances under which an abortion may be performed; specifying means of care; limiting the use of appropriated funds; modifying a penalty; requiring rulemaking; repealing provisions…

Wyoming Transparency supports this bill.  Every single legislator who supported SF0026 animal abuse statutes should likewise support introduction, referral and passage of this bill with absolutely no debate.

CITIZEN ACTION: Use this email list to respectfully write to House Speaker Eric Barlow and all House Members to persuade Introduction of this bill and referral to committee.

Firearm Bills

HB0117 Repeal gun free zones and preemption amendments-3.

House Received for Introduction, 2/24.

Repealing gun free zones; providing for the carrying of concealed weapons as specified; clarifying that only the state legislature may regulate firearms, weapons and ammunition; amending a definition

Wyoming Transparency supports this bill. This bill has been waiting to be introduced in the House for over one and a half weeks.

CITIZEN ACTION: Use this email list to respectfully write to House Speaker Eric Barlow and all House Members to persuade Introduction of this bill and referral to committee.  This bill should be introduced and permitted to move forward in the legislative process just as many bills have already been permitted.

HB0124 Second Amendment Preservation Act-2.

House Received for Introduction, 2/24.

Relating to firearms; making legislative findings; invalidating certain federal laws that limit the right to bear arms; prohibiting enforcement of invalidated federal laws; imposing employment consequences for those enforcing invalidated federal laws; waiving sovereign immunity as specified; providing for severability

We believe this bill is essential for the liberty and safety of all Wyoming citizens and their families now and in the future – and most especially the future that the Biden administration has been threatening us with.
An identical bill has been waiting to be heard by the Senate Judiciary committee (Chairwoman Tara Nethercott) for over a month – since Feb 4.  If HB0124 is not introduced, we may lose this bill altogether.
A recent article states that all 23 WY Sheriff’s take issue with certain parts of this bill… let’s at least hear the debates on the legislative floor, but please don’t let this bill die on the vine!

CITIZEN ACTION: Use this email list to respectfully write to House Speaker Eric Barlow and all House Members to persuade Introduction of this bill.  HB0124 has been waiting to be introduced in the House for over one and a half weeks.  This bill should be introduced and permitted to move forward in the legislative process just as many bills have already been permitted.

HB0214 Firearms in private vehicles.

House Received for Introduction, 3/4.

Allowing firearms to be stored in a motor vehicle located in an employer’s motor vehicle parking area; providing exemptions and immunity…

Wyoming Transparency supports this bill.  There is nothing controversial about this bill, but is simply common sense. Citizens need to help move this bill forward.

CITIZEN ACTION: Use this email list to respectfully write to House Speaker Eric Barlow and all House Members to persuade Introduction of this bill and referral to committee.

Election-Related Bills

HB0178 Voter registration requirements.

Bill was received for introduction in the House on 3/2.

Amending the number of days before an election that a person may register to vote or change party affiliation

May register to vote or change party affiliation not less than 29 days for General and Primary elections; may register to vote not less than 14 days for all other elections (special; county; municipal; bond; school; community college).

CITIZEN ACTION: Use this email list to respectfully write to House Speaker Eric Barlow and all House Members to persuade Introduction of this bill and referral to committee.

HB0194 Ballot harvesting.

Bill was received for introduction on 3/4.

Specifying the return of ballots to the clerk (by people who cannot deliver their own ballots); amends a related definition (“immediate family”)…

Creates an official and straightforward process for an immediate family member to deliver a family member’s ballot.  This bill is necessary to prevent the corrupt side of ballot harvesting that has been reported in other states – in 2020 elections in Texas and Minnesota, and also in 2018 North Carolina elections to name just a few examples.

CITIZEN ACTION: Use this email list to respectfully write to House Speaker Eric Barlow and all House Members to persuade Introduction of this bill and referral to committee.

HB0225 Primary elections-party control.

Bill was received for introduction on 3/4.

Providing that political parties and not the state or a political subdivision of the state shall conduct primary elections

WTC supports this bill.  This bill should have the opportunity to move through the legislative process and debates. 

CITIZEN ACTION: Use this email list to respectfully write to House Speaker Eric Barlow and all House Members to persuade Introduction of this bill and referral to committee.

HB0238 Elected attorney general-2.

Bill was received for introduction on 3/4.

This bill is necessary for the WY Attorney General to serve at the pleasure of the people, rather than at the pleasure of the Governor.  This bill supplants an identical bill, SF0086, that failed in Senate Corporations committee on 3/2.

CITIZEN ACTION: Use this email list to respectfully write to House Speaker Eric Barlow and all House Members to persuade Introduction of this bill and referral to committee.

HJ0004 Recall of state elected officials-constitutional amendment.

Bill was received in the House for introduction on 2/24.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this constitution, all elected public officers in the state, except judicial officers, shall be subject to recall by the qualified voters of the jurisdiction from which the public officer was elected. The legislature shall prescribe by law the procedures and grounds for recall.

If passed, this bill would place the question on the ballot (2022 General election) if we should amend the Wyoming Constitution to allow recall of elected public officials.  Wyoming citizens have been begging for the ability to recall – and now they must respectfully push for this bill to be introduced and referred before the deadline. HJ0004 has been waiting to be introduced in the House for over one and a half weeks.

CITIZEN ACTION: Use this email list to respectfully write to House Speaker Eric Barlow and all House Members to persuade Introduction of this bill and referral to committee.

HJ0010 Term limits-state elected officials.

Bill was received in House for introduction on 3/4.

A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing to amend the Wyoming Constitution to impose term limits on the state offices of senator, representative, governor, secretary of state, treasurer, auditor and superintendent of public instruction…

Time and time again, elected officials prove to citizens that, once in office, they quickly forget what it is like to see and experience things from a citizen’s perspective; within a matter of years some of them just ignore the cries of their constituency altogether.  Term limits would put an end to that.  Wyomingites need this bill just as much as they need HJ0004 – and now they must respectfully push for this bill to be introduced and referred before the deadline.

CITIZEN ACTION: Use this email list to respectfully write to House Speaker Eric Barlow and all House Members to persuade Introduction of this bill and referral to committee.
