Columbia University’s Chickens Come Home to Roost

I about shot coffee out of my nose this morning – snickering and chortling while reading an article at Legal Insurrection by Mike LaChance, Black Student Activist Group at Columbia U. Gives School 48 Hours to Acknowledge Demands;

In its list of demands, MAD [Mobilized African Diaspora] contends Columbia has a “deep history of anti-Blackness” and in addition to “systemically failing Black folx on campus,” the university has “destroyed much” of West Harlem.

As part of reparations for that neighborhood (and more), MAD demands:

  • a commitment of 50% of Columbia’s Approved Vendors List to local black-owned businesses,
  • assurance that 50% of retail space within the Manhattanville General Project Area is used by local black-owned businesses,
  • annual donations of $500K to West Harlem’s Columbia Secondary School with “annual endowment donations of 1 million for a period of 10 years,”
  • a deposit of $1,000,000 “in various local minority-owned banks and credit unions in the greater Harlem area,”
  • Columbia end all support for the New York Police Department

The reason this justice is so dang poetic, and humorous, is because Columbia University is exactly where the strategy for “cultural Marxism” and “critical race theory” in America was hatched.  I know, cultural Marxism is no laughing matter – however, having this 1930s communist plot to take over America (and the Western world) find its way back to its genealogical institutional origins in the USA, complete with marching boots and raised fists, is just too rich to not find some morbid delight in.

Another point dripping with irony is that the MAD activist group is doing exactly what one of Columbia’s own alumni instructed them to do:

One of the things that I recommend when I meet with young activists is to find out what are the specific things that are going to have an impact on the issue that you care about, so that when you finish a protest and you’ve gotten people’s attention, you’re able to say, ‘And by the way, here’s what we want you to do’.
Barrack Obama, Oct 11, 2016.

(Clearly, the Mobilized African Diaspora activist group should have aimed much higher with their list of demands of Columbia.)

It was the late Andrew Breitbart (RIP!) in his 2011 book, Righteous Indignation (Chapter 6 – Breakthrough), who brought conservative’s attention to the crotchety, old, scholarly highbrow communists from the Frankfurt School who made their way from Germany to America in the 30s and 40s.  Apparently the fun and sun among the Hollywood elite in Santa Monica was a complete turn-off to them, and so they fled to Columbia University (with the help of John Dewey and Rockefeller money  – see Epoch Times), whereupon they began to reconstruct the floundering Columbia University’s Sociology Department.  According to Breitbart, ‘Columbia liked what they saw in the Frankfurt School.’ In fact, “It was a marriage made in hell”…

We will just let Andrew Breitbart tell the rest of the story.  The script for the narration in the following video appears to be taken directly from Chapter 6 in Breitbart’s Righteous Indignation.  (Warning – some of the imaging in the video itself is hard on the senses, which invokes impressions of the psychedelic era of the 60’s.)  The content is essential for any true-blooded American who wants to know how and where the unraveling of America began:
