Fight! Whether the Evidence is Sexy or Not

Listening to almost every media outlet (such as FOX), every conveniently outraged (D) politician (such as Schumer), every squishy (R) Rino politician (such as Cheney), or the entertainment talking heads that are wailing about “show us the evidence immediately”… or… “there is no evidence”.. or.. “it is a coup” (such as ‘The View’) is having their desired effect – making conservatives feel depressed and hopeless.

We are being trolled.  Conservatives must not allow themselves to be trolled.  Do not take your focus or your energy off of or out of the fight! 

There IS evidence they are not reporting on – for a number of reasons:

  • They are unwilling to cover any aspect of it for political reasons
  • They don’t like the messenger
  • They don’t believe, or will at least question, if the source is credible
  • They don’t believe, or will at least question, if the quantity (# of votes) is worthwhile to report on
  • They don’t have enough time between commercial breaks to adequately cover the content
  • They don’t understand digital-tech jargon or code and are unwilling to expand their knowledge

Another reason however is because the evidence is not sexy enough.  Take a look at the evidence below that we found at American Thinker in a November 23, 2020 article, It’s in the Code: Hanky-Panky in Virginia’s Votes By Nick Chase:

Does that look sexy to you?! (With all due respect to Mr. Nick Chase.)  Is this something that someone, for example Tucker Carlson, would cover and ‘look on silently in rapt attention’?  Well, obviously not because he has not.  Even if it was printed on color paper it wouldn’t be sexy enough.

Just as the media feels they are the rightful authority to “call a race” before state election officials do, they also believe they are the rightful authority to see and judge the evidence before the courts do.

The “Fourth Estate” has become a real pain in this country’s ass.  Instead of clearing up the waters, they constantly muddy, murk and filth up the waters.  And when others, such as immense forces of America-loving patriotic data analysts (see here, here, here and here), begin to clear the waters for us – the media will concoct a coordinated effort to distract us with a new (sexier) crisis.  This has become their function, to measure and then manipulate public awareness regularly so that we will not join forces and act together to fight.

To hell with them.  But we already knew that.

We must resist being trolled.  Unsexy evidence is their problem, not ours.  Almost all of the media must be ignored.  This is not a time to be full of despair, silent or inactive.

We all must keep fighting.  The warriors fighting this fight need to be supported.  American Citizens need to activate within their own states. 

Go here, A Patriot Call To Action, read the list at the bottom of the article and get to work.
