If This Is Left Unchallenged, America Will Be Damned

A Joint Effort by Center for Medical Progress and Judicial Watch have uncovered the following barbaric atrocities taking place here in the U.S.A. at the University of Pittsburgh:

LIVE Baby Organ Harvests at University of Pittsburgh

“If the fetus’ heartbeat and blood circulation continue in a labor induction abortion for harvesting organs, it means the fetus is being delivered while still alive and the cause of death is the removal of the organs.”

Aborted Infants’ Continued Blood Flow Advertised in Racist University of Pittsburgh Grant Application to NIH, Center for Medical Progress Aug 3, 2021

Viable and Full Term Babies; University of Pittsburgh Fetal Tissue Hub and Pipeline

NOTE: Full term gestational period for humans is 9 months or approximately 36 weeks.  42 weeks gestation is beyond full-term or ‘overdue’.

“…the original 2015 proposal were to “develop a pipeline to the acquisition, quality control and distribution of human genitourinary [urinary and genital organs and functions] samples obtained throughout development (6-42 weeks gestation). … [and] generate an ongoing resource to distribute fresh developmental human genitourinary samples from various stages (6-42 weeks) to the GUDMAP [GenitoUrinary Development Molecular Anatomy Project] Atlas projects.”

New HHS Documents Reveal Millions in Federal Funding for University of Pittsburgh Human Fetal Organ Harvesting Project Including Viable and Full-Term Babies, Judicial Watch Aug 3, 2021

University of Pittsburgh Racial Quota for Fetal Harvesting Program

“Furthermore, Pitt also states in the application that its GUDMAP fetal harvesting program will feature “Inclusion (or exclusion) of individuals on the basis of sex/gender, race, and ethnicity” and sets quotas of 50% white patients and aborted fetuses, and 50% minority patients and fetuses, with a full 25% of the fetuses harvested to come from Black women (pgs. 74-76). Allegheny County, the major metropolitan area from which Pitt-based abortion practices draw patients, is 80% white and only 13% Black.”

Aborted Infants’ Continued Blood Flow Advertised in Racist University of Pittsburgh Grant Application to NIH, Center for Medical Progress Aug 3, 2021

Questions to Consider:

What is the end-goal for this Infanticide – Eugenics – Frankenstein science?
Is it to perfect procedures that would harvest live organ cells from live human babies to give to people with fatal diseases, such as kidney or liver failure?
Is it to research procedures that would harvest live organ cells from babies for people who hope to ‘change’ their gender?
Both would be human cannibalization, would it not?
If abortion clinics and universities are pursuing live fetal tissue, along with a quota from certain ethic groups, how is this not considered medical hunting?
What other American universities are taking part in this?


No matter how many issues there are today, no matter how many fires we are trying to put out, this must be challenged and fought.  How can any of us expect God’s intervention to help save our Nation if we allow this to continue?

1. Contact the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee and demand a full investigation of University of Pittsburgh fetal tissue procurements and research.

2. Contact every U.S. Congressman and demand:

a.  ALL funding be recalled and removed from University of Pittsburgh for all fetal tissue endeavors (procurements, research, studies & instruction, etc).

b.  ALL Universities be investigated for fetal tissue procurements.

c.  Every Planned Parenthood be investigated for fetal tissue harvest sales and live birth abortions.

d.  ALL individuals directly involved in these atrocities be charged to the full extent of the law for violation of 42 U.S. Code § 274e – Prohibition of organ purchases.

3. Track and Support (Get on newsletter lists, sign petitions & donate)

Center for Medical Progress
Judicial Watch

4. Educate your church, your neighbors, your families on these atrocities happening in our country.

5. PRAY for redemption for our Nation from these atrocities.

Aug 6, 2021 Center for Medical Progress Video, University of Pittsburgh Admits Hearts Beating While Harvesting Aborted Infant Kidneys:

Aug 6, 2021 Bannon’s War Room Video, Episode 1,152 – Live Organ Harvesting Taking Place in The US:

And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Matthew 25:40
