King Biden vs Wyoming

We will find out tomorrow if Wyoming will have a special session, or not, to address the unconstitutional Biden vaccine mandates.  There are bills, arguments for and against, and all kinds of preparations, rules, procedures and details.  Everyone in Wyoming is nervously anticipating what will happen Oct 26th through 28th, 2021.  But, even if we get the best bills amended even better, and then passed into law – we will still have the same enormous problem that we face today.

That’s why we want to take a moment, on this eve of a potential special session, and zoom-out from all that and look at the far bigger picture of how the heck we got here in such a ludicrous upside-down, inside-out reality of having to defend ourselves from some cartoon character that thinks he can summon all of us to submit to an experimental, and dangerous, mRNA-altering drug injected into our veins.

How in the hell have so many people come to believe that noodles-for-brains has that kind of power?!

It’s all about the Ninth folks.  And the Tenth.  Amendments that is – in the Bill of Rights of our United States Constitution.  We cannot emphasize enough how crucial it is when people forget, or have never truly understood the 9th and 10th Amendments.

Everyone knows what the First Amendment is and what can happen if we lose it.  And everyone certainly knows what the Second Amendment is and what can happen if we lose it.  But if we lose our Ninth and Tenth Amendments, do you know what will happen?  We end up with tyrants who think they are king, and hordes of mini-tyrants who will back him up (or idiots who don’t know the law).

This is exactly where we are now today.  That is the big enormous problem we face, that a special session is not going to save us from.

Today it’s vaccine mandates.  But what will tomorrow bring?  Will Biden write another executive order to have children removed from their homes because their parents still refuse vaccines?  Will Biden wrote another EO to have children removed from their homes because their parents refuse their children being subjected to gender-changing surgery or drugs, or school-coerced abortions?  Will Biden write another EO that says we all must drive electric vehicles?  Maybe he’ll write another EO that says we all must eat ice cream on Sundays.  Or, as my Father would say, if Biden says we all need to take a hike off a cliff, should we do it?

Biden ain’t no King!  And we are not subjects, for crying out-friggin-loud.

This is why HB1002 is our most favored bill:

(vii) The decision to receive a vaccination is a personal decision and should not be subject to government intrusion or dictate;

(viii) The Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that the enumeration in the constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage other rights retained by the people;

(ix) The Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that the powers not delegated to the United States in the constitution, nor prohibited by it to  the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people;

The Ninth Amendment is profoundly important.  So important, that the Tenth Amendment repeats the Ninth.  So important, that the Ninth Amendment is reiterated, verbatim, in our Wyoming State Constitution as Article 1, Section 36.

Please watch the following short videos and educate yourself.  Please watch them several times if need be.  Please watch them with your kids.   Please get after it!  Truly understanding and defending our natural rights as officially acknowledged in the Ninth and Tenth Amendments is one of the only things that will save us and our country.



