Media Elite Primed To Call Reality For Peasant Voters

Isn’t it amazing how the media runs round and round in circles like a dog chasing its own tail – trying to “call a race” or look to other outlets to see how and when they will call a race?

Apparently calling a race is a big deal among mediaheads  – it appears to be a contest of sorts among colleagues between rivaling networks to call a race and then hold their breath to see who was right first.  It’s not about being right – it’s about being right first – which can only be validated after all legitimate votes have been accurately counted. On some supposed level that would translate to more viewers, higher ratings.  Ultimately the network who victoriously calls a race accurately first should bring accolades from the other networks… an echo chamber of sheep taking official turns applauding one another.

You see, in one sense, it’s all about them.  It’s most definitely not about us the American people who just voted.  It’s about making predictions, wagers.. believing you are so brilliant and foresighted in your mathematical calculations based on the forecasts of pollsters – who are consistently wrong.

With FOX (who so many of us conservatives had defaulted to because they were the least left), it’s just like betting on a horse.  And once they made that prediction, they will never take it back – afterall CNN is watching, ABC, NBC.  Even though FOX has mud on their face with other calls they made on election night.

But it’s far more than that.  They do this at the expense of the entire nation.  With absolutely no shame at all, for any chain of events that might follow when a network makes the call.  Here’s a real-time example of some of the fall-out that WE suffer at the hands of pundits trying to be election psychics:

1) Nov. 3: FOX ‘calls the race’ for Biden for Arizona when there was approximately only 73% of the vote in.  They incorrectly, unjustifiably, illegitimately, falsely gave Biden another 11 electoral votes added to the other races that FOX had already prematurely predictulated on live TV.  Then all the other mediaheads followed suit.

2) Nov 4: FOX claims that Biden has 264 Electoral Votes and Trump has only 214.  Regardless of legitimate reports of voter fraud across ALL battleground states, or admitted voting machine glitches in some battleground states, FOX has now easily convinced half of American voters their prediction is reality.

3) Nov 6: Biden makes speech that he is ready to accept the US Presidency based on ‘the will of the people’.

4) Nov. 6: Secret Service signals they are beefing up protection for Biden.

5) Nov 6: Biden Campaign announces they will be escorting Trump out of the White House.

6) Nov 6: The left posts hit-list of Trump Supporters.

Just yesterday, as Rush Limbaugh was angrily pointing out what a fraudulent scam a presumptive Biden win would be – Bret Baier from FOX immediately texted Rush and asked him if he was calling the Presidential Race for Biden.  Can you believe this?!

But there is a very deep and sinister psychological component to a FOX journalist making that inquiry of Rush Limbaugh:  The left really, really needs someone from a recognized conservative source to call the race.  They want us to feel hopeless – and they know we will only believe one of our own.  They want at least 70 million American registered voters who voted for Trump to drop to our knees and let out a mournful primal wail – just like that pitiful genderless person screaming on a street in DC when Trump was elected the first time in 2016.  They want us hopeless and on our knees.  But FOX is now suddenly timid to make that final call and would prefer to attempt to throw that hot potato in Rush Limbaugh’s lap.  Rush was a huge disappointment for Bret Baier.

Most of FOX is no friend to conservatives.  They are Liars and Cowards.

So, who exactly tells the individual newscasters when to make the call?  That would be the geniuses at the “decision desk”.  Every media outlet has their own:

And who exactly sits at the top of the hierarchy of Decision Desks?  That would be the Orwellian Decision Desk Headquarters – who is likely being replaced now by the newest Grand Pooh-bah of them all, Twitter:

Perhaps a better analogy for this post should be the dogs that continually smell each other’s private parts to determine who is top dog.  Yes – that really does seem to be more fitting.  We now know where every nose of main stream media is pointed.

And these are the people we are supposed to believe.

Trump supporters need to ignore most media now.
The DC media elite do not get to lay out reality for us.  No media does.
That is our vote and it is not going to be magically whisked away by a sleight of hand. 

The fight has just begun.
