Natrona County Republican Party Has Either Been Hacked or Jacked

(Screen-shot of Natrona County Republican Party website)

Last month we posted a list of all of the websites of the Republican Party county committees in Wyoming.  As we did this we perused their links and downloaded various documents they provided to look more closely at later.  Looking through the documents offered at the Natrona County Republican Party website would lead one to believe that either their website has been hacked – or the Natrona County Republican Party (NCRP) itself has been jacked.  Because the NCRP is also the headquarters of the founders of the “Frontier Republicans“, of whom we posted this opinion piece about last year, we believe that the Republican Party in Natrona County has been jacked (stolen).

We’re pretty sure that Republicans who live in Natrona County are unaware of the decisions their party leadership has been making on their behalf – if they knew they would most likely be shocked.  We’re providing just some of the info we found below.

Natrona County Republicans who want to voice their opinions on this content should note that there are two NCRP meetings coming up very soon that they can and should attend: An executive committee meeting is planned for Feb 23 at 5:30PM at the Ramkota Hotel in Casper, and a central committee meeting is planned for March 23 at 6pm also at the Ramkota Hotel.  Elections for new leadership will be held at the March 23rd meeting.  Additionally, Natrona Republicans who have issues with what follows should contact their precinct committee people as well as the leadership executive committee for the NCRP to voice their objections.  The NCRP website and the Natrona County Clerk (307-235-9200) should have all the names and phone numbers you need.

NCRP 2020 Proposed Platform Changes (examples of).  Words crossed out are what NCRP disagrees with and wanted deleted from the Wyoming Republican Platform during the 2020 WY Republican Party Convention.

  • Page 4.
    5. Believes in the free market and the right to an equal opportunity for all private businesses and therefore opposes all economic development that uses taxpayer funds and Government laws that aid one business or group of businesses over another business or groups of businesses.
  • Page 8.
    1 (b). Believes in keeping the power in the peoples hands by electing their officials rather than appointed positions.
  • Page 9.
    4.  Believes we should oppose a State Income Tax.
    a.  Believes we should reject tax increases.
  • Page 23.
    7. Believes that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life that cannot be infringed.
    a.  Believes we should outlaw abortion unless life threatening.
    b.  Believes adoption is a preferred alternative to abortion and supports legislation that would encourage adoption and protecting adopting parents.
  • Page 24.
    8.  Believes we should support protection of the unalienable right to life from conception to natural death.

NCRP 2020 Proposed Resolutions (examples of).

  • Page 3.
    1.  Supports the laws of the United States are sufficient to punish criminal behavior and that no so called “hate crime” or “bias crime” legislation should be imposed upon us by Federal and State Government.
  • Page 5.
    9.  Legislature should not legislatively interfere with elected officials who have been convicted of wrong-doing.
    10.  Resolved transgendered people should use the restrooms that designate his/her biological gender at birth.
  • Page 6.
    13.  Supports legislation for local law enforcement agencies providing training to employee volunteers for conceal carry in schools as a first line of defense.
  • Page 14.
    43. Supports that the Natrona County Republican Party shall condemn any actions of any elected Republican which are fundamentally inconsistent with the Wyoming Republican Platforms and Resolutions and said Republican official shall be censured at the next State convened meeting.
  • Page 21.
    11.  Does not support euthanasia but supports individual’s right to die with dignity and their legal guardians or designee’s right to refuse medical treatment.
  • Page 25.
    23.  The Natrona County Republican Party supports the right of parents to prevent their minor child from obtaining gender reassignment treatment or counseling.
  • Page 30.
    6.  Opposes the subordination of American troops to any foreign or multinational organization.

In case the above referenced documents become unavailable, here are the downloadable pdfs in their entirety:

2020 NCRP Proposed Platform Changes

2020 NCRP Proposed Resolutions
