NewSpeak – America 2020 – Glossary

This post is part 4 of our Saving America series.

newspeak  (noos – speek)

n.   Deliberately ambiguous and contradictory language used to mislead and manipulate the public.
n.   A mode of talk by politicians and officials [and political radical ideologues] using ambiguous words to deceive the listener.

[Origins of this word (from Wikipedia):  Newspeak is the fictional language of Oceania, a totalitarian superstate that is the setting of George Orwell’s dystopian 1949 novel entitled, Nineteen Eighty-Four. To meet the ideological requirements of English Socialism (Ingsoc) in Oceania, the ruling Party created Newspeak, a controlled language of simplified grammar and restricted vocabulary, meant to limit the freedom of thought—personal identity, self-expression, free will—that threatens the ideology of the regime of Big Brother and the Party, who have criminalized such concepts into thought-crime as contradictions of Ingsoc orthodoxy.]

On June 26th we posted a Cheat Sheet – Expanded Political Spectrum Diagram (with definitions).  In that post we said, “Why we think this is necessary: During ideological wars radicals bastardize terms and definitions to distort the facts; they don’t want you to know who they really are, and they want you to question and defend who you really are by vomiting accusations grounded in terminology that Americans don’t normally use or are unfamiliar with.”

Since then it has become clear to us that a Newspeak America 2020 Glossary is in order.  We will add to this glossary whenever we come across a new term or a word that has been re-defined by political radicals to distort facts and to create chaos, confusion and division among Americans.  It is crucial to remember that most Americans are unaware of the coded language that radical groups have created and adopted.  We do NOT recommend anyone adopting and/or using the newspeak words or phrases below, but rather use the information to educate oneself and others on the dual-reality purposely being created by radicals to manipulate Americans with the ultimate goal of turning us against each other – most especially in regards to race.

We are beginning this glossary with words with alternative Marxist meaning that we learned from a fascinating article published June 27 at American Thinker, The Russian Origins of Black Neo-Marxism by Gary Gindler.  Mr. Gindler is a prolific writer – many of his articles can be found at American Thinker as well as at his own website Gary Gindler Chronicles.  Jamie Glazov, editor of David Horowitz’s and host of the web TV show The Glazov Gang, recently interviewed Mr. Gindler to discuss his June 27 article.  We are embedding this 18 minute video at the bottom of this page – we highly recommend our readers watch the video to learn how radical leftists are re-defining words to fit their Marxist/communist objective.  It is imperative that Americans understand this newspeak to gain a deeper understanding of the war taking place in our country right now.

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Word / Phrase Resource of alternate definition Alternate definition (emphasized in bold) Notes or examples
black The Russian Origins of Black Neo-Marxism by Gary Gindler – an article discussing “the philosophical concepts of Noel Ignatiev, a white American of Russian origin, who is the ideological founding father of numerous radical black movements in America.  The author of this concept was even lucky enough to see his best students — Black Lives Matter (BLM) — in action. “The fact is that “black” is, in the interpretation of Ignatiev, a revolutionary Marxist.  All those who do not agree with the Left ideology should, according to Ignatiev, be eliminated.

The slogan “All Lives Matter” blurs the concept of the enemy and brings confusion to the minds of revolutionaries.  That is why any mention of “All Lives Matter” (or its version in support of the police — “Blue Lives Matter”) provokes such an acute reaction of the Left.

According to Ignatiev, “black” is not the level of pigment in the skin, but the level of adherence to the Marxist doctrine.”

 These alternate definitions provided by Ignatiev serve as something like a ‘Marxist decoder ring’.  It is however important to keep in mind that most people are unaware of this Marxist alternate definition of “black”- this would include a large percentage of the throngs of useful idiots protesting in American cities today.  The only people who likely understand this linguistic sleight of hand would be card-carrying Marxists, Communists and Socialists – such as BLM co-founders who’ve publicly identified themselves as “trained Marxists”.
creative provocation The Russian Origins of Black Neo-Marxism by Gary Gindleran article discussing the philosophical concepts of Noel Ignatiev riots and vandalism


Ignatiev said,“The issue is never the issue.  The issue is always the revolution.

The following might also be examples of “creative provocation” by Marxists in these shocking videos, such as this one, this one and this one, where BLM and antifa protestors harass and assault black police officers with racial slurs.
minority The Russian Origins of Black Neo-Marxism by Gary Gindleran article discussing the philosophical concepts of Noel Ignatiev revolutionaries
racist When Being Anti-Communist Makes You a Racist – Interview of Gary Gindler by Jamie Glazov on the newspeak created by Marxist philosopher and activist Noel Ignatiev anticommunism; against communist revolution; against socialist revolution
white The Russian Origins of Black Neo-Marxism by Gary Gindleran article discussing the philosophical concepts of Noel Ignatiev “White” in radical parlance means anyone of any race, creed, nationality, color, sex, or sexual preference who embraces capitalism, free markets, limited government, and American traditional culture and values.” Ignatiev also said, “Eventually white women can breed out, but my feeling is that if you are a white male, you should kill yourself now.  If you are a thoughtful person, with a social consciousness who considers himself white, you will consider suicide.”
…”Of course, the primary task for Ignatiev was never the physical extermination of whites.  He was talking about the ideological purification of the “whites” from the principles of private property, individualism, and freedom — all concepts profoundly alien to the Marxists”… 
Here is a video of an antifa thug yelling at police officers saying, “You’re perpetuating a system of white supremacy” “You know you’re a parasite so shoot yourselves, suicide is the only way out”
white privilege The Russian Origins of Black Neo-Marxism by Gary Gindleran article discussing the philosophical concepts of Noel Ignatiev “It was he [Ignatiev], a convinced, uncompromising, and resolute communist, who in 1967 proposed the doctrine of “white privilege.” Not as a racial term, but as a somewhat modified Marxist term of the class struggle.  The notorious “eradication of white privileges” is simply the standard Marxist wealth redistribution, expressed in newspeak.” Here’s a video that illustrates the use of this term by a white female protester yelling at black and white police officers claiming that a black man born w/ “privilege and power” is white.
(Because of background noise, we recommend viewing the 2nd video at that link where someone captioned the dialog)