Nov 14 – Paul Revere – Release the Kracken!

We all knew 4+ years ago that when Donald J. Trump said he was going to drain the swamp that it would likely get very ugly.  That is the ugliness that we are seeing today on so many levels that it is almost impossible to count.  No one knew how deep and wide this would be.

There are three major news stories today, all are battles happening right now against the swamp:  The Kracken; today’s STOP THE STEAL Trump Marches; and the Scytl Company Raid.  We will be doing updates throughout the day on all three so check back often…


We are going to mention the Trump Marches first because every single one of us needs to be praying for every single one of our compatriots that is marching today.  There are eight marches in all – at D.C., ARIZONA, GEORGIA, MICHIGAN, NEVADA, NORTH CAROLINA, PENNSYLVANIA and WISCONSIN.  You can be sure that Antifa and BLM will be at every Trump March waiting to inflict pain and destruction.  President Trump said he might be attending the March in D.C. – our President needs constant prayers for protection and safety.  They hate him.  They hate us.  The best we can do from afar is to constantly hold all of them in prayer – so lets all do just that throughout the day!  Below is live-stream links that we can find. All are for D.C., but we will keep searching for live-stream to the other 7 marches.

Watch Live at Breitbart: Pro-Trump Rally in Washington, DC
TRUNEWS – Live Stream in D.C.
The Right Scoop – Live Stream in D.C.
Breaking: President Trump Has Motorcade Take Him to Million MAGA March

Right Side Broadcasting in D.C.
INFOWars – D.C.  – Screen shots below from Infowars Live Stream

11/13 Pre-March: Anti-Trump Protesters Clash With Trump Supporters In DC


Sidney Powell gave us a riveting update last night on Lou Dobbs on the evidence being gathered by attorneys for the stolen 2020 election.   Watch and share the video below.  While you watch, know that all of Trump’s attorneys are also under attack.  Here is the proof of that: here, here and here Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Lin Wood and all the other courageous attorneys need our constant prayers for protection, safety and good health.


Word is that a raid took place in Frankfurt Germany some time yesterday (?).  The following is from 11/13 Gateway Pundit article; “Earlier today Rep. Louie Gohmert told Chris Salcedo on Newsmax that people on the ground in Germany report that Scytl, which hosted elections data improperly through Spain, was raided by a large US ARMY force and their servers were seized in Frankfurt.

More on Scytl Raid:
11/14 Gateway Pundit: Scytl Company Website Crashes – Company Reportedly Released Statement, Refuting Reports of US Raid in Germany
11/13 Rep Louie Gohmert Twitter has more details:

What You Can Do Today, Nov 14:

  • Clean up your digital act and cover your behind.  Reports are beginning to emerge of emails and text messages with conservatives links not making it to recipients.  How much censoring should we expect for crying out loud?  Most of the people in charge of the technology that we have come to rely on are very dark actors.  Did you hear Facebook actually removed the title PRESIDENT from President Donald J Trump’s Facebook page yesterday (pic at bottom of this page) ?!  Are we in a battle with 10 year olds?  In some ways yes – but do not ever underestimate these people.  Clean up your digital act:
    • Follow our instructions in our Nov. 7th post – Did You Feel It?! 70 Million Americans Were Just Cancelled. Here’s How We Cancel Them!
    • For encrypted text messaging find the APP for your phone – note that recipients must also have text encryption on their phone
    • COPY & PASTE into a document and PRINT every phone number, email address and snail mail address that you have in your contacts.  Do this with every contact list you have in your phone and all digital devices.  This is a good idea even if your only concern is in case you lose your phone.
    • And for Heaven’s sake quit using gmail!
  • PRAY for the protection, safety and health of:
    • President Donald J Trump, his cabinet, and his family
    • for every eyewitness and whistle-blower that is speaking up and testifying about election fraud and ballot and/or vote irregularities
    • Trump’s legal teams and every attorney and paralegal working for fair and honest elections in our country

Nov 14 Updates:









“President” was removed by Facebook and replaced with “Political Candidate”.
How absolutely juvenile.  Everyone knows President Trump is President – at least until Inauguration Day.
They are attempting to troll/trigger all of us.  Why? What do they hope we will do in response to that?

Delete your Facebook – Replace with MeWe

If you still keep your Facebook Page after this action was taken, then you are supporting the enemy.
