In an earlier post today, we said we would post the legitimate website that is taking donations for the Election Defense Fund for the Trump-Pence 2020 Team.

Below is a copy of a letter (personal name removed) we received directly from the Trump-Pence Team, dated Thu, Nov 5, 2020 at 4:49 pm that has that link.

Know that before we can continue Making America Great Again, we must SAVE AMERICA from our elections being hijacked and stolen.  This is a critical time for our country.  We must put up the strongest, most fiercest legal defense as possible – not just for this election, but for all elections to follow.

We’re Fighting Back
From: Lara Trump <>
Sent:  Thu, Nov 5, 2020 at 4:49 pm

The Election results are still rolling in and your support has never been more important than RIGHT NOW.

These last few states are going to come down to the wire, and we need to be prepared in case the Radical Left tries to manipulate any of the votes.

President Trump has launched the Official Election Defense Fund, and he’s relying on his BEST supporters, like YOU, to step up so that we have enough fuel in the tank to defend Election results across the Nation.

I cannot stress enough how critical your role is during this fight.

For a short time, President Trump is giving YOU the opportunity to INCREASE your impact by 1000%!

Please contribute ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATELY to the Official Election Defense Fund and to increase your impact by 1000%. >>

Official Election Defense Fund

You’ve been with us through thick and thin. Our movement would be nothing without amazing Patriots like you. Can we count on your support in this incredibly critical time?

Contribute ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATELY to stand with your President and to DEFEND the integrity of our Election.

Thank you,

Lara Trump Signature Headshot
Lara Trump
Senior Advisor
Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.
