
OK, so the WY Legislature’s crazy, upside-down, inside-out, discombobulated session is over.  It is what it is – and it was most certainly unconstitutional, in part, but it’s now time to re-focus while there is a lull.  After all, they are planning a ‘special session’ in June or July to deliberate on how to spend the next federal landfall of money intended to pull WY out of a major budget deficit – of which they could have prevented all along.

We’ll deal with that when the time comes.

So now what?  We regroup; we need to look back and evaluate what has taken place this last year; and strategize what we need to do moving forward.  We expound on these points below, and will continue to in the coming weeks.


The tidal wave of problems that our country is facing clearly will not be stopping anytime soon.  Most of us can easily imagine the riots we see today getting worse as summer approaches.  Maybe, maybe not.  But the tidal wave of everything else is still there nonetheless and we need to be ready to meet those challenges in our best form.

What we would like to suggest to our readers during our Wyoming transition from winter to spring, is to take advantage of this time to momentarily catch our breath and restore our strength.  We should take time now, while we can.  Catch up on your rest, get some exercise, get some sunshine.  Go to church, or renew daily routines of reading your Bible or other spiritual literature and practices.  Go back to eating a healthier diet, take your vitamins.  (Many people are including Vitamin D and Zinc to their supplements as a preventative to the China Virus.)   Strengthen your mind, body and soul, and get back on track to what your normal usually is. 

Not only does your family and friends depend on you staying healthy, but so now do your compatriots.  Take the time to restore and strengthen yourself now.


Last year we were in the process of sharing some educational components that can help us understand where the attacks on America is coming from:

All of that, and more, is essential for understanding the tactics and strategies that are being used today to tear down the institutions that are essential parts of our nation’s foundation.  You will most likely now recognize the names of some of the tactics and strategies being used against our nation:  Critical race theory; cultural Marxism (social justice, identity politics, intersectionality); the Global Reset, etc.

But before we could complete our posts on that necessary education, and bring it all together into our own strategy to fight it: George Floyd died; BLM/Antifa riots raged and burned across our country; BLM marchers paraded across almost every city and town in the nation; a United States Presidential Election was stolen; a patriotic Trump rally at DC was hijacked by the deep-state and their violent operatives; a senile, bigoted and fascist partisan was inserted into the highest and most powerful office of our land; our WY Representative (Liz Cheney) stabbed us in our backs by turning on and impeaching Trump; and our WY legislature held a general session that spanned 4 months.  All of that happened simultaneously during a multitude of violations to our liberty imposed under governmental Covid mandates.

I’m sure you’ll agree, it’s exhausting to just recall all of that.

So what we at WTC plan to do is provide a review of some of the educational material we were getting into before all hell broke loose after George Floyd’s death on May 25, 2020.  Look for those posts in the coming weeks.

Meanwhile, and this is very important, as you regroup and reestablish your normal, also make the time to evaluate and differentiate between what your normal is and what the “new normal” now being forced upon America is – or could be.  The normalization of wearing masks is a perfect example, but there are more…  how about the normalization being attempted by Marxists to provoke us to edit our own speech?  How about the normalization of being called a racist?  How about the normalization of your children being called a racist?!

How many things that used to shock us, no longer have that effect?  We shouldn’t allow ourselves to build calluses against things that clearly need to be addressed.  Know that, at this point, reestablishing your normal is in itself somewhat of a form of resistance – but we all will need to build on that.   For right now though, we are suggesting you become consciously aware of any detrimental aspects of this “new American culture” that you know are wrong for you, your family, your countrymen and our country.  Allow yourself the time to contemplate this – take note and identify these issues.

Below is a short video that drives this point home.  It is only 5 minutes long, but it can be a life-changing 5 minutes for most of us.  The speaker, Rosa Koire, is truly an American Treasure.  The video is called What Now? What Can You Do?


We hope Rosa’s words will help each and every one of you contemplate and plan how you will actively resist and fight the un-American events happening today.

We need to resist.  We need to be vocal.  We need to be active.  We need to fight back.  And we believe it’s worth noting, that some of those responses are uncomfortable for conservatives because we typically mind our own business and take care of our own responsibilities and affairs.

Perhaps we need to consider Genesis 4:9 and how that applies to our current state:

9 And the Lord said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother’s keeper?

While there is much to be said on why Cain delivered such snark to God with that response, we all know there is much, much more to the simple question, Am I my brother’s keeper?

Another passage worth reflecting on is this famous quote by Benjamin Franklin:

“We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.”

Now is the time to imagine and think through how you will actively fight for our liberty and our country.

