Shots Fired Over Our Children’s Heads

The National Education Association, the teacher’s union of which most all WY teachers are a member of, had their annual meeting (from June 30 through July 3), during which at least sixty-five “Business Items” were voted on. The primary items making the headlines today:

July 4, 2021: Nation’s Largest Teachers Union Approves Plan to Promote Hate-Based Critical Race Theory in All 50 States and 14,000 School Districts

This is immediately and intentionally a game-changer:  They’re attacking American children and American Families on the 4th of July.  The timing is NOT a coincidence.

Clearly, this is directly tied to the May 4th press release by WY Superintendent of Public Instruction Jillian Balow that we reported on May 5.  Among other things, in that press release, Superintendent Balow said (emphasis added):

The U.S. Department of Education has proposed priorities for American History and Civics Education grant programs published in the Federal Register. Those priorities include encouraging districts to use curriculum related to divisive author Ibram X. Kendi and the New York Times “1619 Project.”  This is an alarming move toward federal overreach into district curriculum and should be rebuked across party lines.

…The proposed federal rule is open for public comment until May 19 and can be accessed here, or by using the Google search for “Federal Register American history and civics education.” I intend to comment, and I urge you to research the issue and comment if compelled.

Wyomingites should regularly check the WY Superintendent of Public Instruction website to see if any acknowledgement is posted in response to the NEA.  But we do not recommending holding your breath on that.

According to Christopher Rufo, who has been tracking the CRT issue, “The NEA represents 3 million public school employees in all 50 states. They have a $350 million annual budget and an army of operatives in 14,000 local communities.”  Wyomingites actively fighting this should request Mr. Rufo’s newsletter to receive his updates. Rufo advised President Trump on CRT (leading to an executive order), and has been on Tucker Carlson and other shows for his fight against CRT – see here, here, and here.

This is a very loud and clear shot across the bow and over the heads of our children.  In Wyoming, we feel certain that a CRT focus in public schools violates numerous constitutional provisions and statutory law.  We plan to break that down in the coming weeks, with a suggested course of action.

Wyomingites should also check Open Secrets and Follow the Money to research your elected WY representatives (city, county & state) to see if they have been receiving campaign contributions from the NEA.  Any officials that have received NEA$$ will be faced with a very important choice between their constituents and the deep pockets and special interests of this union.  Any campaign contribution details you find on your elected officials should be shared far and wide on every social media platform you use.

Most importantly, parents of kids in preschool through grade 12 should now seriously consider home-schooling.  We realize this is a great endeavor, and so please know that we are not being flippant when we suggest this.  We presume things are going to get much uglier rather than better, and it is best to begin preparing yourselves for the possibility that home-schooling might be the best choice – for those who are in a position to make this choice.  2021/2022 school year begins in Wyoming on Sept 1st.  That leaves approximately 2 months to at least educate yourselves on such a life-changing decision. However, it is a positive and proactive decision that most homeschooling parents have never regretted.

For now, the best site we can think of to recommend is WY Home School.  We are not certain if this site has seen any updates recently, however we do know that it is chock-full of necessary information that can put parents on the right path of making an educated decision from.  We will post more on homeschooling in the coming weeks – it is not any of our forte’s, but we do know of others who are old-hands when it comes to home-schooling.

Having said all that – folks need to understand that there is much, much more than what is revealed in the above article.  Out of the 65 Business items, there are:

  • 22 items that passed
  • 20 items that are being referred to either the NEA President or a committee
  • 2 items awaiting debate
  • 10 items that were withdrawn
  • 7 items that were defeated – mandatory vaccines being one that was defeated (#33)
  • 4 items that were ruled out of order

We can tell you that almost all of the items are shocking, and not just from the standpoint of questioning if any of these people should be left alone with a single child.  The list of business items actually looks like a Christmas wish list from AOC and has everything including the kitchen sink.  NEA is shooting for the sky.

There are items that concentrate on: Voting & elections (#1;); researching organizations who oppose CRT (#2); land reparations, although this was “defeated” (#4); modifying existing “anti-transgender legislation” & addressing “gender-affirming healthcare” (#5); police unions (#13); equal access to healthcare (#22); “state-owned banking systems” vs “public banking systems” (#27); the “Palestinian struggle for justice (#29); community policing & juvenile justice systems (#31); “the Trump-era policy of turning away immigrants, the shutdown of all child detention centers, granting refugee status & amnesty (#38); land-grant institutions (#40); “the recent wave of state legislation” that coincides with intersectionality (#41); appointing teachers to vacancies on a number of boards and bodies (#46); environmental pollution (#49); struggles of Palestinians (#51); “World Class Instructional Design” (#52); voting rights and felons (#54); “deficit-based labels and titles” (#55); 30 minutes recesses (#57); dictating where charter schools can occur within a district (#59); involving themselves in “contractual protections” for working mothers, as well as worksite childcare & fair and living wages for child care providers (#62); “reasonable assurance standards” (#63); tax-supported, single-payer healthcare (#64).

While some of the above mentioned issues might be current issues that a union would collectively feel the need to publish an opinion or statement on, many are suspect simply because of the amount of power and reach that the NEA automatically assumes they should have, not just with our children, but also throughout our personal lives, as well as strong-arming our lawmakers to bend to their will.

We are providing this lengthy list of NEA “Business Items” below for those who would like to read/download it in it’s entirety.  Please share it with anyone and everyone who cares about our country and state.

We will be posting more on this issue soon.

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