State Land Grab

Governor Gordon made a stunning announcement on Feb 18th that he is supporting a “significant land purchase”.  This is stunning for a number of reasons:

  • The reasons for this purchase are extremely vague and have many WY Citizens questioning, “WTH?!”
  • The current legislative bills that appropriate the money never state the dollar amount (See HB0249 & SF0138)
  • HB0222 provides for the State Land Investment Board to make exceptions to our public meetings laws – they would prefer to have private meetings to keep the details of this land grab away from WY citizens
  • HB0037 expedites unknown details of the process
  • Just 10 days ago Gordon made his State of the State speech and he never uttered a word of this land deal.
  • Just under 4 months ago Gordon said, “Wyoming is facing leaner times. We will have to find a few new holes in our belt.” (AP News)