The Media Has No Authority Whatsoever To “Call A Race”. NONE.

Every true-blooded American who loves and feels compelled to defend our country needs to consistently and unabashedly correct this myth online and in personal conversations.

Who is the ONLY AUTHORITY that is duty-bound to tabulate votes and officially announce a winner in an election? 
The County Clerk that you elected in a previous year – that’s who! 

Is it FOX News?  NO!
Is it CNN?  NO!
Is it NPR?  NO!
Is it the Associated Press (AP)?  ABSOLUTELY NOT!

It is your local County Clerk, and then your Secretary of State (see more info below).

This business of a never-ending army of media-talking-heads “calling races” is not only pure B.S., it is a very dangerous game for them to play with the peace and safety of our country.  It must be noted that on a highly dangerous political level it plays right into the radical left’s intentions of fomenting riots and violence in our neighborhoods today.  Direct proof of this is the “war games” that the Transition Integrity Project played out in preparation for a ‘clear path for the Biden/Harris team’ – regardless of how long it takes for official election results to be counted, tabulated and officially announced.


  1. Here is a quote by Transition Integrity Project co-founder, Rosa Brooks:  “With the exception of the “big Biden win’ scenario, each of our exercises reached the brink of catastrophe, with massive disinformation campaigns, violence in the streets and a constitutional impasse.”
  2. Here is one of their documents that you should run a word search of “violence” in: Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition.  Do you see that?  WE ARE BEING TROLLED BY THE LEFT.

And now, just yesterday, right on cue, the Biden-Harris Launched their Transition Team Website, Despite Ballots Still Being CountedSurely the Biden campaign had already created their transition team plan and socialist-communist wish list long before now.  The only reason why they would choose to turn their plan into a publicly accessible website now at this time – is to troll Trump supporters!  THEY ARE TROLLING US!

Do NOT let the drive-by-media main-steam-media and radical left push your buttons, and goad you into despair, defeat and/or violence!  Do not let them convince you that this is a catastrophe that requires blood in our streets.  As Glenn Beck pointed out, ‘They need you to be violent … but we cannot become all that we despise.’  Trump supporters MUST REMEMBER that our President is a wise, creative, experienced and genius street-fighter from Queens, who has proven this to all of us for many, many years – not just during his presidency!  Trump predicted this mess and he and his legal warriors have been preparing for this for quite some time.  Trump had already amassed a vast number of drop-down, drag-out hardcore attorneys who are now actively fighting this for us, for our country, and so is, independently, the GOP (see here, here, here, here and here for starters).  (We have been told that there is fund-raising going on for our legal defense – we will post those particulars when we are certain we have the legitimate details.)

We are the law and order party and we need to live up to that by example – as we always have.  We have our right to practice free speech and to protect ourselves, our families and our property – and we absolutely should!  But we should not seek out and embrace the street brawls that they are attempting to provoke us into.  That is exactly what they are waiting for.

We are the only adults in the room.  And we have both God and the law on our side.

The County Clerk is an elected position because they must be held directly accountable to the citizens who voted them into office.  They have numerous responsibilities of being the official custodian of essential records.  This includes official voter rolls, and election ballots that follow a very specific legal chain-of-custody that must be followed once election ballots are filled out and properly cast by legally registered voters.

Generally speaking:

  1. After election polls are officially closed, the County Clerk summarizes the unofficial tabulation of election results.

2. The unofficial summary is given to the Secretary of State (another elected official because they too must be held directly accountable to the citizens who voted them into office).  The unofficial summary is made public for the local county citizenry by the County Clerk, and made public to the statewide citizenry by the Secretary of State.

3. The official results must be certified by the County Canvassing Board after they have counted and tabulated all legitimate votes.  This process takes time – it is not immediate.

4. Official election results are proclaimed and published by County Clerks and the Secretary of State to the citizens of that state.

The entire process that a County Clerk must follow regarding registered voters and official election ballots is specifically dictated by state law written and passed by the state legislature.  (Here is a Wyoming’s Election Code.) Those election laws cannot be changed by anyone except the state legislature – with both federal and state constitutions being the ultimate authority (and boundaries) on what they can and cannot change.  Whether it be a District Court or a Supreme Court, no level of judicial judges can change these laws (legislate from the bench) or ignore these laws – they can only rule on the constitutionality of an issue.
