The only thing that can save America is Trump Voters?

So what differentiates a Trump Voter from your stereotypical run-of-the-mill, wimpy, go-along to get-along, watered-down Romney-type Republican that has left most of us wanting (and holding the bag) for decades?  Commitment.  Nerve.  Values.  Moxie.  Loyalty.  Courage.  Clear vision.  Blatant honesty.  Boldness.  Outspokenness.  Fidelity.  Full-strength truth.  Resolve.  Undying dedication to the cause.  American pride, ingenuity and determination.  Guts.  Backbone.  American allegiance backed up by pit-bull cojones, that’s what.

Which is why more than half the nation from all walks of life, and most especially the working class, quickly grew to respect, deeply appreciate and unabashedly support Trump; we finally found a leader that would fight the way we want him to, a leader that would back us and our country up, by never backing down and punching back every single time it was warranted – and several times as hard.  A leader that values our children as much as our military, who values our families more than foreign relations, who values our independence more than any president we’ve ever seen in our lifetimes.

The last time I can recall a Republican making a Trump-like stand was on Sept 14, 2001 at ground-zero when President Bush said “I can hear you! And the rest of the world hears you! And the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon!”  It is well-worthwhile to watch that 2 minute video clip linked above – not to watch or listen to Bush, but specifically to watch and listen to that diverse crowd of American brethren.  On that day we all believed we had a real fighter, a leader, who would stand up and punch back for us and our country – you can hear it and see it in every American face and voice on that video – who, by the way, are the ones who actually carried that historical moment.

Fast forward to today, and George W. just stabbed us in our backs for standing up to defend our country from what is clearly totalitarianism (Bush describes GOP as ‘isolationist, protectionist and, to a certain extent, nativist’, Apr 20, 2021).  That proves to be just more of what we had all been experiencing for decades before Trump; the resolve and guts displayed on occasion by most leaders in office is the exception, and not the rule.

Unlike past administrations, both Democratic and Republican alike, Trump also recognizes that Americans can most oftentimes get things done better than government.  Operation Warp-speed is a beautiful example of that – just the logistics alone would’ve been a catastrophe with the government at the helm, and certainly would’ve put the country into a much longer lock-down than what occurred.  Trump has always known and honored the fact that ‘We the People’ are America – not government.  Biden, on the other hand, just tried to convince us yesterday that government is “We the People”.

With Trump, the fierce and undying devotion to America is the rule, and not the exception.  It’s important to acknowledge however: Trump didn’t teach us to stand for our country, he joined us.  He mirrored our own values and loyalty back to us – and that made us even stronger.  Bigly.  But he did show average Americans how to fight for our country, when the fight is on our home soil.  Just look at what happened in Vail, Arizona a few days ago – the local school board fled their scheduled public meeting because they were frightened by the number of parents who had shown up in protest of the continuance of a mask mandate.  What did the parents do when the school board fled their own public meeting?  They elected a new board, and then promptly lifted the mandate.  (Way to go Vail, AZ!!)

Trump became the tip of the American spear that had already existed before he came onto the political scene.  We just needed the right kind of leadership to shape and brandish the point.

We were that spear in 2016, and we still sure as heck are now.  So it’s time to get to work.  We have a country to save.
