The Party of Promise vs The Party of Violence and Hate

On the day President Trump was inaugurated I can remember listening intently to his drop-down, knock-out amazing speech as he boldly articulated a modern-day list of grievances that he would attempt to appropriately resolve.  Any American worth their salt should have a hard time scoffing at or rejecting the content of that speech.  Here is one poignant segment that brought most average Americans immediately to their feet – clapping, laughing, crying, fist-pumping and yelling their jubilant agreement:

…Today’s ceremony, however, has very special meaning. Because today we are not merely transferring power from one Administration to another, or from one party to another – but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the American People.

For too long, a small group in our nation’s Capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost.

Washington flourished – but the people did not share in its wealth.

Politicians prospered – but the jobs left, and the factories closed.

The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country.

Their victories have not been your victories; their triumphs have not been your triumphs; and while they celebrated in our nation’s Capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land.

That all changes – starting right here, and right now, because this moment is your moment: it belongs to you…

And while average Americans applauded and whooped, the DC elitists clenched their teeth tightly to prevent their jaws (or dentures) from falling to the ground.

Donald J. Trump gave Americans hope that we could again become happy, productive, healthy, safe, successful and, yes, employed and prosperous.  Donald Trump promised that he would shrink government, rather than grow government; Donald Trump promised that we, the taxpayers, would no longer pay the way for other nations; Donald Trump promised to loosen or remove business and job killing regulations.  Donald Trump promised to make our cities and streets safe again from drugs, drug-dealers and the gangs they operated from.  Etcetera.  While striving towards achieving a long and refreshing list of promises – promises which were shrewdly and courageously kept by the way – Trump said he would operate by two simple rules – to buy American and hire American.  Donald Trump gave average Americans hope for a better future by making average Americans his top priority.  While most politicians make similar promises, very few however follow through.  Trump did follow through, with flying colors, and he will most certainly continue to so if he is reelected by the American people this November.

At his 2017 Inauguration it became clear that Trump was cut from a completely different cloth than any politician.  It was clear that he was not a politician at all.  It was clear to us average Americans, and it was most definitely clear to them – the self-proclaimed untouchable, elite, DC career politicians.  And they were not happy – not one bit.  The unhappiness and displeasure of the DC elite was written on every of one their dire, dark and pinching faces as can be seen in Nancy Pelosi in the image above, but also can be glimpsed in the official video of the Jan 20, 2017 President Donald J Trump Inauguration.  Many politicians looked extremely dour and resentful the day that President Donald J. Trump made those promises to us.  They did not want him to be successful in any way or form.

It was clear that day that we were going to have a fight on our hands.  From the poor-sport snowflakes still crying, screaming and throwing childish fits about Hillary’s unbroken glass ceiling, to the highbrow Hollywood elitists sputtering and twittering about their outrage and pussy-hats simultaneously, right down to the hateful, skulking, sadistic never-Trumper who lit a Trump-supporter’s hair on fire – we knew there was going to be a fight on our hands.  We just had no idea how insanely vicious it would get.

Enter the New Democratic Party – the Party of Violence and Hate.  Their hate has been obvious for decades, but their rhetoric has pushed the envelope to provoking alarming levels of assault and violence  – with children, the disabled, the pregnant and the elderly now being treated as fair game.  Here is a small sampler:

  • Nov 2016 – Rosie O’Donnell attacks Trump’s 10 year old son
  • Jan 2017 – SNL writer Katie Rich tweets Trump’s 10 year old son will be this country’s first homeschool shooter
  • Mar 2017 – Unnamed California man punches conservative talk radio host Michael Savage
  • June 2017 – Rachel Maddow fan/radical democrat/ Bernie Sanders volunteer James Hodgkinson shoots up Republican Congressional Baseball practice – 5 wounded, 4 by bullets including U.S. House Rep Steve Scalise
  • Nov 2017 – Rene Boucher assaults U.S. House Rep Rand Paul – 6 broken ribs and severe lung injury
  • June 2018 – U.S. House Rep Maxine Watters incites violence against Trump cabinet
  • June 2018 – Peter Fonda tweets desire for Trump’s son to be put in cage with pedophiles
  • June 2018 – Red Hen Owner Stephanie Wilkinson kicks WH Press Secretary Sara Sanders out of Restaurant
  • Jan 2019 – Native American Nathan Phillips harasses Covington HS student Nick Sandmann
  • Jan 2019 – CNN’s Bakari Sellers promotes punching 16 year old Nick Sandmann in the face
  • Jan 2019 – Washington Post’s Jonathan Capeheart lies about and vilifies Nick Sandmann
  • Oct 2019 – Antifa harasses elderly couple, blocks woman in walker from moving
  • Mar 2020 – U.S. House Speaker’s daughter Christine Pelosi tweets support for man who attacked Rand Paul
  • June 2020 – BLM attacks participants at prayer event
  • June 2020 – BLM attacks Children’s Hospital in Texas, terrorizes man and child
  • July 2020 – BLM shoots pregnant woman in head, attacks elderly man
  • Aug 2020 – Antifa assaults elderly woman – throws paint on her
  • Aug 2020 – Antifa attacks wheelchair-bound veteran
  • Aug 2020 – BLM mob beats man unconscious
  • Aug 2020 – BLM holds pregnant woman in labor hostage on California freeway
  • Aug 2020 – U.S. House Rep Ayana Pressley calls for unrest in the streets
  • Aug 2020 – U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calls President Trump & Republican allies in Congress “domestic enemies” to the Constitution
  • Aug 2020 – Joe Biden supporters steal 7 year old boy’s MAGA hat and throw punches at his parents
  • Aug 2020 – CNN Analyst Joe Lockhart Mocks Sandmann Speaking At RNC: ‘Snot Nose Entitled Kid’
  • Aug 2020 – Comedian/singer Bette Midler tweets bigoted message about First Lady Melania Trump

Just like a pack of wild dogs, they feed off of each other’s frenzy and attack, taunt, strike, mock, wound and abuse their prey.  Whether it is Maxine Watters, CNN, Rosie O’Donnell, BLM, Antifa or some sorry excuse for a restaurant owner- they all take delight in their attacks.

And according to Joe Biden’s veep pick it is not going to stop – not now – not before the election, and not after the election.

The June 18, 2020 video below, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, highlights Biden VP candidate Kamala Harris emphasizing that there will be no end to the radical activist movements raging across our country.  While smiling gleefully, she excitedly emphasizes, with great certainty, over and over again, “They aren’t going to stop!”  How, exactly, could Kamala Harris be so certain of this?  The only conclusion one could rationally draw is that she has direct insider information on the organized plans and strategies of the violent militant insurrectionists that are destroying American cities, American lives, and American’s livelihoods.

insurrection:   A rising or rebellion of citizens against their government, usually manifested by acts of violence.  Under federal law, it is a crime to incite, assist, or engage in such conduct against the United States.  2. The Constitution of the United States, art. 1, s. 8. gives power to congress ” to provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions.”  Read more here at

Kamala is absolutely giddy about this radical leftist revolt, as she tells us all to “BEWARE!”  It appears that the only way this woman has a crack at spending any time in the white house is if the entire nation is held hostage by a violent insurrection.

In this Aug 29 American Thinker article, ‘Something’s going on here and it’s much bigger than people think’, Rand Paul shares his and wife’s frightening experience of being targeted by the violent BLM mob that accosted, assaulted and threatened people leaving the RNC Convention on Thursday evening.  American Thinker has another pertinent article on this issue entitled, Kamala puts a gun to our heads.  We highly recommend reading both these articles and viewing the video below.  In our upcoming posts we will be making suggestions on how to prepare for the coming months.



