Upcoming Events in WY – for Teens in Cheyenne and Adults in Casper!


For students age 13 to 19

FEB 22, 23, 24 & 25 in Cheyenne
Four Day Class February 22-25, 2021
Monday: 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.; Tuesday – Thursday: 8:45 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
$280.00 First Time Students; $240.00 Alumni Students
The Four Day Class is a dynamic, hands-on leadership experience where Students learn about state government from a Christian worldview. Students gather at their local State Capitol to run for Student office, participate in a mock legislature, and learn about how they can be effective leaders in their community back home.
Click here for more info!

FEB 26 in Cheyenne
Political Communication Workshop
February 26, 2021Friday: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
$50.00 Workshop only; $40.00 with Four Day Class
The Political Communication Workshop trains Students to analyze and interpret public presentations through a variety of activities and discussions. Students are challenged to develop critical thinking skills as they learn what communication looks like in the political realm.
Click here for more info!

For students age 8 to 12

FEB 26 in Cheyenne
One Day Class February 26, 2021 Friday: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
$40.00 for the first child; $35.00 for additional siblings
The One Day Class is an action-packed day full of exciting experiences that introduce Students to their state government using a dynamic, hands-on approach. Students are led by an energetic Staff Team as they explore their Capitol, pray for their leaders, discuss their mock legislation, and so much more!
Click here for more info!



FEB 27 in Casper

Campaign for Liberty One-day Grassroots Political Activist Training School on Saturday, February 27, 2021, in Casper!
9AM to 5PM – “early-bird” ticket price of only $50.  After February 21st, the price is $75.
Click here for more info!

This class will teach you how to turn your passion into action.  This intense training covers:

    • The Real Nature of Politics — why action from the grassroots is required to effect change;
    • The Biggest Lie in Politics — and how the political class uses your convictions against you;
    • How to Work Effectively at the Capitol — getting a bill sponsor and roll call vote despite the leadership;
    • How to Build a Group — putting pressure on legislators.
    • Click here for more info!

If you feel called to turn your conviction and passion into effective political action in any level of government, please be sure to sign up to attend this one-day intense training session. A light lunch and snacks are covered by the modest “early-bird” ticket price of only $50. After February 21st, the price is $75.
