We’ll Never Forget

List of 2983 Americans who died on 9/11/01.

9/11’s heartbreaking cancer toll after 20 years: 24K cases, over 1,500 deaths.

We highly recommend our readers watch this – it is one of the most uplifting American Hero stories ever:

“When American people need to come together and pull together, they will do it…”

It was the largest sea evacuation in history – initiated, organized and successfully carried out spontaneously by the pure spirit and determination of every day Americans.

It started with an Italian fisherman, Captain Vincent Ardolino, seeing on T.V. the people stranded on Manhattan island and quickly deciding he could help save people with his boat.   Within a few hours every imaginable boat and it’s Captain, were doing the same.

Nearly 500,000 people were rescued from Manhattan in less than 9 hours.

That is the American DNA that we all have coursing through our veins.

Never forget.  Never forget.
