Why Bother With Marxists?

This post is part 5 of our Saving America series.

Why bother with Marxists?  Or Leninists?  Or Stalinists? Or Maoists?  Or Socialists? …Because they are all ‘fellow-travelers’ on the various roads that lead to communism.  And they’re attempting to hijack our country to the same bloody destination.

Antifa thugs have proudly referred to themselves by all-of-the-above names (less commonly as socialists) and are typically seen carrying or wearing various versions of the communist hammer & sickle symbol.  Black Lives Matter (BLM) founders have publicly come out as trained Marxists.  BLM activists, and their dense flocks of useful idiots (most of whom have no idea what a Marxist is), are commonly seen signaling, carrying and/or wearing various versions of the upraised fist.  Among the throngs of BLM and Antifa activists desecrating American cities you can also see, as shown in this video, plenty of organized Socialist groups.  Many Socialist groups also use variations of the upraised fist in their logos and signage, sometimes with a rose.  To keep things simple we will hereafter refer to these violent malcontents that are raging in American streets today as Marxists and/or communists.

While there are differences in the ideology of the above mentioned groups they all have the same goal of destroying the United States of America and replacing it with their own ideological version of utopia… and then we can all, theoretically, live happily ever after, just as others did in the following utopias created by revolutionaries in their quest for the perfect communist state:

(The above death estimates are from the Communist Body Count by Scott Manning, Dec 4, 2006.  Note: Hitler is not included in the above list because his ‘utopian vision’ was socialist and not communist.  However, having said that here is a link to the death count attributed to Nazi, Germany.)

The murderous, tyrannical despots that ruled/rule the above mentioned countries were/are consumed with Marxism, Leninism, Stalinism, Maoism – Communism.

Just like Karl Marx, most of the above dictators listed were/are also, unsurprisingly, atheists.  It is often overlooked that Marx was captivated by the evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin and is quoted as saying “Darwin’s work is most important and suits my purpose in that it provides a basis in natural science for the historical class struggle”.  While Darwin’s book is commonly referred to as “The Origin of Species”, most people are unaware that the correct published title is, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.   Knowing the precise title of Darwin’s book gives one a much more profound and intimate insight into the hundreds of millions of lives lost, and the hundreds of millions of families devastated, by the bloody revolutions unleashed throughout world history to, theoretically, equalize the scales ‘in the struggle for life’.

So, why are we bothering to cover this thumbnail of communist history?  Because communists today are not any different from the communists of the past.  They have their sights squarely aimed on us, and have been slowly squeezing the trigger for several decades.

On the last page of Marx & Engels’ Communist Manifesto they state:

“In short, the Communists everywhere support every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order of things…  The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims.  They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions.”

There are obvious targets that Marxists have been conspiring to destroy or overthrow in the social and political order of America.  They have been doing this in methodical, incremental steps, since at least the early 1900’s.  Below is a partial list of these targets:

  • religion
  • the family unit, including parental rights/control of children
  • all American history (including art and literature)
  • private property
  • free trade/capitalism
  • democratic process/electoral system
  • infiltrate/co-opt traditional educational institutions
  • infiltrate/co-opt all forms of media (including movies, theater, art, etc)
  • law/enforcement, the justice system

What strategies or tactics have Marxists/communists employed to ultimately bring about a fundamental transformation of American society?  One tactic is a Soviet formula called the Four Stages of Ideological Subversion.  These stages are explained in the following interview of Yuri Bezmenov – a former KGB agent that defected to Canada around 1970.  We highly recommend our readers watch this video in its entirety.  Note that this interview was filmed 36 years ago.

We will re-cap the Four Stages of Ideological Subversion in our next post – where we will focus on radical leftist infiltration of the education system, including specific findings we have discovered in Wyoming.

1984 Interview by G. Edward Griffin; Former KGB Agent, Yuri Bezmenov on the The Four Stages of Ideological Subversion

