Wyoming Transparency Commission’s Opinion on the apparent new
WY resistance movement called “Frontier Republicans”

Wyoming RINOS (RINO = Republican In Name Only) came out of the closet Thursday with their own branding – and we’re so glad they did because it will help true conservatives recognize the historic imposters that have been adulterating the Republican party for decades.

These well-to-do Wyoming deep-state schemers are incensed that real conservatives insist on remaining true to Republican conservative values.  They insist that those who are unwilling to compromise conservative values are “radical”.  For example – if you are against more taxes, well then you are labeled a radical.  If you have an issue with Democrat crossovers during elections, well then you are a radical.  If you think private property rights are essential, well then you are, of course, a radical.  Sounds like a Nancy Pelosi tactic, doesn’t it?

To be fair, we should point out that they prefer to call themselves “big tent economic conservatives”.  We believe the translation of that is, at least in part, Subsidy Republicans.  Just look at Dr. Joe, originally from Pennsylvania, and the huge financial lift he received from WY public coffers:

Dr. Joe McGinley is a doctor with an MD, PhD, MS and BS who has been practicing at a medical imaging/radiology facility in Natrona County since 2010.

Dr. Joe also owns a machining/manufacturing facility in Converse County that manufactures parts for hard rock mining and also medical devices (McGinley Manufacturing).  Dr. Joe purchased this machining/ manufacturing shop with a $1.35 million grant that he received in Aug 2015 from the Wyoming Business Council.  Before the grant award, the Wyoming Technology Business Center’s incubator in Casper began hosting and marketing his business as their very first client.  Another first for both Dr. Joe and the State of Wyoming, simultaneously, was McGinley Orthopedics being the first beneficiary in an investment crowd-sourcing effort called WIN.  WIN is administered by the WY Secretary of State office and was touted by Governor Mead via his ENDOW economic diversification strategy.

Dr. Joe is also the Natrona County Republican Party Chairman and a Frontier Republican (and likely the Frontier Republican recruiter in the county that he is actually the Republican Party Chairman at.)

When Dr. Joe is not busy with his medical practice; or manufacturing mining tools and medical devices in his subsidized facility; or chairing Natrona County Republican meetings and matters; or acting in a similar leadership capacity for the Frontier Republicans… he enjoys “hiking, biking, kayaking, camping and exploring.  He’s also a competitive Adventure Racer—he competed in the 2017 World Championship—and is also an avid mountaineer, having completed 3 of the 7 summits that represent the highest point on each of the seven continents”, (Constellation Mutual).  Racing must be the most significant of Dr. Joe’s recreational priorities, demonstrated by the “McGinley Racing Division” emphasized at the McGinley Manufacturing website.

So it’s good to be Joe – if you’re Joe – and most especially if you’re looking for a personal lucrative ‘in’ while diversifying the WY economy with all the great friends you’ve made in state government and state party politics.  It’s no exaggeration to say that Dr. Joe is the poster boy for economic diversification programs in the state of WY.

It’s no wonder Dr. Joe is offended and put-off by any Republican Party values that come between him and the WY state honeypot ultra-friendly economic boost that set him up quite well for his second career – which, by the way, likely affords him even more opportunities to travel to any of the highest points on each of the seven continents.

Image from My Country 95.5

*Follow the money folks – the noisy RINOs in this group (quoted in many news articles), are well-connected and heavily embedded in deep state politics and the status quo that keep the power-players happy and wealthy.  With some, we’re talking old WY wealthy families that are used to having their way in WY politics and pushing people around– the kind of snobby, elitist dictators that turn-off your average conservative Wyomingite from ever becoming involved in the party.  And if they’re not the well-connected snobby elitists, they are the pandering lower-caste RINOs (usually fake (R) legislators) who are continually kissing the elitists behinds – hoping to be patted on the head and have some sizeable crumbs thrown in their direction during campaign season.

Just watch what they (the Frontier Republicans) do and support – almost every state bill and agenda that you oppose as a true conservative is something they will most likely be supporting.  We’d bet they are already strong supporters and in-the-know on the secret land deal that RINO legislators and Governor Gordon are keeping the rest of us in the dark about.

Not unlike Hillary Clinton, these people look at us average conservative Wyomingites as a basket of deplorables.

We can only hope that they have the actual guts to take it all the way and become an official and separate political party that can raise their fading and tattered RINO banner honestly and openly.

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