February 9, 2021 Update

  • Bills that have passed and failed as of 2/9/21
  • Active Committee Sponsored Bills as of 2/9/21
  • Legislator Sponsored Bills

January 19/20/21 

Master Page for Jan 19, 20 & 21 Bills Heard by Standing Committees

There will be three days of standing committee meetings to consider and take public testimony on assigned bills.  These meetings will not be taking place at the seat of government, which goes against our WY State Constitution.  Instead the meetings have been unconstitutionally scheduled to be remote and virtual.  This WSL Jan 18, 2021 Calendar Week Meetings page has the links to those three days of bills, and buttons to click for “Details“, “Watch“, and “Testify“ for the online youtube Zoom meetings of the committees.  For our purposes, a master page for the three days of Standing Committee Hearings on Jan 19, 20 & 21 are below:

January 12
2021 Wyoming Legislature Session was scheduled to convene January 12, 2021 – however the Management Council has made a Motion (Motion #1) to delay normal session proceedings – even though the delay would cause legislators to lose non-refundable deposits they’ve made for lodging reservations (Motion #2).  

The schedule that Management Council later planned is an absolute mess, quite confusing, and with many critical deadlines missing altogether for committee-sponsored bills.  We will do our best to track session and keep our readers informed via our daily entries on our Blog Page.

Preliminary 2021 Legislative Info: Interim Committee Bill Drafts from 2020

Below are bills that the WY legislative interim committees have been working on this year.  They have not been officially numbered yet, and are still drafts (some might receive some amendments still), but Wyomingites need to start looking through these – those of great concern are highlighted in yellow.  We have not read all of these and will add more notations as we are able to.

The link for (all meetings) brings you to all meetings for each committee and the “Meeting Materials” that support most of the bills below.  It is worthwhile to read through the meeting materials, some of which are provided by lobbyists – who generally have no concern for constitutional law or issues, and typically make handsome campaign contributions to legislators.  Know that lobbyists speak to our legislators much more than the average Wyoming citizen does.  Committee sponsored bills are pushed heavily during session to become law (much more than bills sponsored by individual legislators).  It is much easier to fight/stop a bill from being passed during session, than to ever have it reversed at a later point in time.  If you believe that a Biden administration is at all possible, you need to look at these bills through that lens and understand why your vigilant attention to these bills is essential.

JUDICIARY (all meetings)
Hospitalization of mentally ill persons-amendments.
County attorneys-salaries.
Public meetings-executive sessions for security plans.
Public records-requests for duplicated records.
Public records-personnel files.
Public works contracting requirements-amendments
Ethics and Disclosure Act amendments
Theft statute-amendment.


HEALTH (all meetings)
Community behavioral health-priority populations (24 pages)
Mental health professions practice act-amendments
Certified addictions practitioners-certification amendments
Insurance-mental health and substance use parity
Community health center and rural health clinic assistance
Health care provider loan repayment
Occupational licensure requirements-emergency provisions
Ground ambulance service provider assessment act
Statewide health information exchange-codification
State health reinsurance program


APPROPRIATIONS (all meetings)
State funded capital construction.
COVID-19 relief programs.
Emergency state funds management.


REVENUE (all meetings)
Income tax (37 pages)
Fuel tax.
Sales tax revisions
Sales and use tax rate.
Essential health product dignity act
Uniform utility assessment
Real estate transfer tax.
School funding-mill levy
Property tax assessment ratio


EDUCATION (all meetings)
Wyoming investment in nursing funding
School finance-dates for fund transfers
Suicide prevention
Early childhood education


AGRICULTURE (all meetings)
Water development accounts tax distributions
Water development survey
Wyoming meat processing authority (40 pages)
Meat processing programs
Wyoming meat packing initiative
Wyoming meat and school nutrition
COVID-19 business relief programs agriculture
Bond for impounded animals
Animal impound proceedings – bond and disposition
Animal abuse statutes reorganization and update
Water development survey
Hemp and cannabidiol production and use-prohibitions
Invasive plant species
Wyoming agricultural commodities authority (28 pages)


TRAVEL (all meetings)
Public health emergencies-immunity amendments 2
Public health emergencies-immunity amendments 3.
Wyoming gaming commission
Game and fish-personal data protection.
Wyoming outdoor recreation trust fund
State parks account-expenditure authority
COVID-19 tourism sector relief programs
Local tourism marketing relief-COVID-19
Skill based amusement games-continued authorization
Wyoming gaming commission-modifications and corrections
Wild game rendering-inedible portion


CORPORATIONS (all meetings)
Public health emergencies-licensing and permitting
Public health orders-2.
Public health orders-3
Pandemic response review task force
Business relief programs-nonprofits.
Universal occupational licensure.
Universal occupational licensure (Alternative Draft B)
Credit for reinsurance. (Draft A)
Alcoholic beverages-licensing and permitting
Alcoholic beverage regulation-amendments
Liquor manufacturer regulation-amendments
Improvement and service districts-financial enforcement
Motor vehicles-security interest perfection
Revised uniform law on notarial acts
Business code revisions. (33 pages)
Burials for indigent persons
Cities, towns and counties-online postings
Improvement and service districts-limitations
Temporary licensing and permitting authority
Temporary licensing and permitting authority-2
Rights of way along public ways-amendments
State lands-fees for broadband and cellular development
Department of transportation communication facilities
Wind tax exemption-repeal
Customer generated electricity systems


TRANSPORTATION (all meetings)
Road usage charge (20 pages)
Driver’s license requirements-visual acuity
Highway safety-belts and child restraints
Automated vehicle identification systems
Highway safety incentive program
Autonomous vehicles (21 pages)
Wyoming National Guard-residential preference for education
Range management at military training areas
Federal military property-concurrent criminal jurisdiction.
Resolution: Traumatic brain injury treatments
Military training memorials
Department of transportation-statutory amendments
State employee-moving expenses
Transportation computer system funding
Antique motor vehicle definition
Antique motor vehicles
Wyoming military code
Wind and solar facilities-siting near military facilities
Selective service registration
Abandoned vehicles-towing service liens and titles
Airport districts


MINERALS (all meetings)
COVID-19 business relief programs (23 pages)
COVID-19 large business relief programs
Short time compensation program (23 pages)
Tax lien enforcement-amendments
Crude oil production tax exemption
Trust company amendments
Wyoming Money Transmitters Act-amendments
Consumer credit amendments
Air ambulance membership organizations-regulation
Sales and use tax amortization
Solid waste cease and transfer program funding
Wyoming energy authority amendments
Out-of-state state bank charter conversions
Amortization of sales and use tax


WY House of Representatives:

  • Rep. Eric Barlow (Gillette) was elected Speaker of the House;
  • Rep. Albert Sommers (Pinedale) was elected Majority Floor Leader;
  • Rep. Mike Greear (Worland) was elected SpeakerPro Tempore; and
  • Rep. Jared Olsen (Cheyenne) was elected Majority Whip.
  • Rep. Cathy Connolly (Laramie) was elected Minority Floor Leader;
  • Rep. Andi Clifford (Riverton) was elected Minority Whip; and
  • Rep. Mike Yin (Jackson) was elected Minority Caucus Chairman.

WY Senate:

  • Sen. Dan Dockstader (Afton) was elected President of the Senate;
  • Sen. Ogden Driskill (Devils Tower) was elected Majority Floor Leader; and
  • Sen. Larry Hicks (Baggs) was elected Vice President.
  • Sen.Chris Rothfuss (Laramie) was elected Minority Floor Leader and
  • Sen. Mike Gierau (Jackson) was elected Minority Whip.

Joint Committees:  Yellow highlight = legislators who served on that same committee in the 65th Legislature; orange highlight = Newbies;

  • 01-Judiciary
    • House: Jared Olsen, Chairman; Barry Crago, Dan Laursen, Ember Oakley, Karlee Provenza, Rachel Rodriguez-Williams, Art Washut, Mike Yin and Dan Zwonitzer.
    • Senate: Tara Nethercott, Chairman; Ed Cooper, Tim French, John Kolb and RJ Kost.
  • 02-Appropriations
    • House: Bob Nicholas, Chairman; Mark Kinner, Lloyd Larsen, Andy Schwartz, Evan Simpson, Clark Stith and Tom Walters.
    • Senate: Drew Perkins, Chairman; Mike Gierau, Larry Hicks, Dave Kinskey and Cheri Steinmetz.
  • 03-Revenue
    • House: Steve Harshman, Chairman; Mark Baker, Chuck Gray, Tim Hallinan, Bill Henderson, Mark Jennings, Jim Roscoe, Patrick Sweeney and Mike Yin.
    • Senate: Cale Case, Chairman; Fred Baldwin, Tom James, Stephan Pappas and Wendy Schuler.
  • 04-Education
    • House: Jerry Paxton, Chairman; Ocean Andrew, Landon Brown, Cathy Connolly, Steve Harshman, Chip Neiman, Sandy Newsome, Jerry Obermueller and Albert Sommers.
    • Senate: Charles Scott, Chairman; Affie Ellis, Bo Biteman, Tim Salazar and Chris Rothfuss.
  • 05-Agriculture, State and Public Lands & Water Resources
    • House: John Eklund, Chairman; Aaron Clausen, Bill Fortner, Scott Heiner, Dan Laursen, Cyrus Western, Robert Wharff and John Winter.
    • Senate: Brian Boner, Chairman; Anthony Bouchard, Tim French, RJ Kost and Jeff Wasserburger.
  • 06-Travel, Recreation, Wildlife & Cultural Resources
    • House: Jamie Flitner, Chairman; Chad Banks, Jim Blackburn, Jeremy Haroldson, Hans Hunt, Mark Jennings, Sandy Newsome, Patrick Sweeney and John Winter.
    • Senate: Affie Ellis, Chairman; Mike Gierau, Bill Landen, Tim Salazar and Wendy Schuler.
  • 07-Corporations, Elections & Political Subdivisions
    • House: Dan Zwonitzer, Chairman; Jim Blackburn, Aaron Clausen, Andi Clifford, Shelly Duncan, Danny Eyre, Hans Hunt, Joe MacGuire and Jim Roscoe.
    • Senate: Ogden Driskill, Chairman; Brian Boner, Cale Case, Tara Nethercott and Charles Scott.
  • 08-Transportation, Highways & Military Affairs
    • House: Donald Burkhart, Chairman; Mark Baker, Landon Brown, Marshall Burt, Bill Henderson, Joe MacGuire, Jerry Obermueller, Kevin O’Hearn and Clarence Styvar.
    • Senate: Bill Landen, Chairman; Jim Anderson, Dan Furphy, Troy McKeown and Stephan Pappas.
  • 09-Minerals, Business & Economic Development
    • House: Mike Greear, Chairman; John Bear, Donald Burkhart, Shelly Duncan, Danny Eyre, Chuck Gray, Scott Heiner, Trey Sherwood and Cyrus Western.
    • Senate: Jim Anderson, Chairman; Bo Biteman, Ed Cooper, Chris Rothfuss and Jeff Wasserburger.
  • 10-Labor, Health & Social Services
    • House: Sue Wilson, Chairman; Andi Clifford, Cathy Connolly, Jamie Flitner, Tim Hallinan, Pepper Ottman, John Romero-Martinez, Clarence Styvar and Robert Wharff.
    • Senate: Fred Baldwin, Chairman; Anthony Bouchard, Dan Furphy, Lynn Hutchings and Troy McKeown.

2020 Elections – Newbies in Wyoming House of Representatives
65th Legislature WY House currently has 51 Republicans, 8 Democrats and 1 Independent
66th Legislature WY House will have 53 Republicans, 6 Democrats and 1 Independent

Crook/ Weston
Neiman, Chip (R)
Won primary against Rep Tyler Lindholm (R) by 219 votes
Platte/ Converse
Haroldson, Jeremy (R)
Won primary against Rep Dan Kirkbride (R) by 232 votes
Sherwood, Trey (D)
beat, by 85 votes, Matthew Burkhart (R)
Rep Dan Furphy (R), currently holds HD14, successfully ran for SD10
Banks, Chad M. (D)
Ran unopposed in Primary and General
Rep JoAnn Dayton (D) currently holds HD17
Heiner, Scott (R)
Won primary against Rep Thomas Crank (R) by 10 votes
Bear, John (R)
Current Rep Scott Clem (R) did not run for any legislative seat
Ottman, Pepper L. (R)
Rep Tim Salazar (R), currently holds HD34, successfully ran for SD26
Burt, Marshall A. (R)
Won general against Rep Stan Blake (D) by 275 votes
Johnson/ Sheridan
Crago, Barry (R)
Won against Rep Richard Tass (R) in primary by 523 votes
Romero-Martinez, John B. (R)
Won against Rep Sara Burlingame (D) in general by 48 votes
Provenza, Karlee (D)
Current Rep Charles Pelkey (D) did not run for any legislative seat
Andrew, Ocean (R)
Current Rep Bill Haley (R) did not run for any legislative seat
Wharff, Robert A. (R)
Current Rep Gary Piiparinen (R) did not run for any legislative seat
Rodriguez-Williams, Rachel (R)
Current Rep Dave Northrup (R) did not run for any legislative seat
Fortner, Bill (R)
Won against Rep Bill Pownall (R) in primary by 374 votes
Campbell County Commission appointed Chris Knapp(R) to serve HD 53. Roy Edwards (R), who was running for reelection unopposed, passed away the day before the general election. 
Oakley, Ember (R)
Rep David Miller (R) did not run for any legislative seat
O’Hearn, Kevin (R)
Current Rep Bunky Loucks (R) did not run for any legislative seat
Baker, Mark (R)
Current Rep John Freeman (D) did not run for any legislative seat.  Mark Baker had served previously in the WY Legislature for HD 48


2020 Elections – Newbies in Wyoming Senate
65th Legislature WY Senate currently has 27 Republicans and 3 Democrats
66th Legislature WY House will have 28 Republicans and 2 Democrats

Furphy, Daniel (R)
Current Senator Glenn Moniz did not run
for any legislative seat.  Dan Furphy
currently serves HD14
Kolb, John K. (R)
Won against current Senator Liisa
Anselmi-Dalton (D) by 702 votes
French, Tim (R)
Current Senator Hank Coe did not run for any
legislative seat
Big Horn/
Hot Springs/
Cooper, Ed (R)
Current Senator Wyatt Agar (R) did not run
for any legislative seat
McKeown, Troy D. (R)
Won against current Senator Michael Von
Flatern (R) in primary
Salazar, Tim (R)
Current Senator Eli Bebout (R) did not run for
any legislative seat.  Tim Salazar currently
serves HD34