WY Education and Radical Leftist Ideology

This post is part 6 of our Saving America series.

In our last post we promised we’d share our findings of any radical leftist ideology that we’ve found invading WY educational institutions.  So far this is what we have found:

  • The 1619 Project in Campbell County
  • Radical organizations being promoted at the WY Superintendent of Public Instruction website


The 1619 Project in Campbell County

According to Clifford Humphrey in his Aug 28, 2019 Epoch Times article, The 1619 Project and the Fight for the Minds and Hearts of American Children, the 1619 Project is:

…a deliberate effort by The New York Times to displace the moral authority of the signing of the Declaration of Independence as the heart of America’s founding. The project’s supporters want Americans in the future to consider the advent of slavery in America as “our true founding.”

As an attack on the Founding Fathers generally, the 1619 Project is neither new nor unique. What is novel about the 1619 Project, however, is the cultural scope that its social justice purveyors are attempting to reach.

…is part of a comprehensive attempt at political revolution. It seeks to transform the American republican regime, which is based on equal rights for individuals, into one defined by identity politics and the unequal treatment of identity groups.

The 1619 Project began as a series of essays published by The New York Times Magazine, first as a Live-streamed public ‘conversation and performance’ on Aug 13, 2019, and then as an interactive magazine editorial on August 14, 2019.  Below are just a handful of America-hating, race-baiting statements made by a few of the writers of the editorial essays:

  • Our democracy’s founding ideals were false when they were written.  Black Americans have fought to make them true – Nikole Hannah-Jones
  • If you want to understand the brutality of American capitalism, you have to start on the plantation – Matthew Desmond
  • Myths about physical racial differences were used to justify slavery – and are still believed by doctors today – Linda Villarosa
  • America holds onto an assumption from its founding:  that some people deserve more power than others – Jamelle Bouie
  • Slavery gave America a fear of black people and a taste for violent punishment.  Both still define our prison system – Bryan Stevenson

Just a few days later, on August 16, 2019, the Pulitzer Center was pleased to announce they were selected to be the education Partner for the New York Times Magazine’s 1619 Project. Pulitzer proudly proclaimed,

on August 20, 1619, a ship carrying more than 20 enslaved Africans arrived in Point Comfort… Though the United States had yet to be established, their arrival marked its foundation, the beginning of the system of slavery on which the country was built

The Center’s education team will produce original curricular materials for teachers and bring project contributors, including Nikole-Hannah-Jones, to schools and universities across the country.

The executive director of the Pulitzer Center, Jon Sawyer, affirmed, “We are honored to have the opportunity to work with The New York Times on this landmark initiative.  The education network we have built over the past 13 years is premised on the belief that journalism can be the engine for public education and civil discourse.  It is hard to imagine a topic more resonant, or more important, than ‘The 1619 Project.” (‘The belief that journalism can be the engine for public education‘…  let that statement sink in long enough and the hair on the back of your neck should be standing straight up and smoldering.)

The following year, on May 4, 2020, the Pulitzer Center announced that Nikole-Hannah-Jones had been awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Commentary for The 1619 Project.  The announcement also updated readers that, since August 2019, the Pulitzer Center had connected its 1619 Project Curricula to some 4,500 classrooms including “tens of thousands of students in all 50 states“.  Below is a photo (from this link) of a cartload of 1619 Project curricula being shipped out to schools across the United States.

After sifting and searching through Pulitzer Center webpages, we finally came upon a heatmap in the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting 2019 Annual Report that reportedly indicates schools in the U.S. using The 1619 Project curriculum:

Zooming in on Wyoming (and overlaying with a WY county map) there is one area that correlates to Campbell County.  We believe the other two blue areas represent lakes.

We have attempted to contact a few individuals that reside in Gillette to see if they can uncover what school(s) in Campbell County have approved and implemented this curriculum, but so far we have not heard anything back.  We have every intention of investigating this deeper and sharing what we learn with our readers.  Meanwhile, we are strongly encouraging citizens in Campbell County to contact their county school board/district to communicate their concerns:

Campbell County School District
1000 West Eighth Street
P. O. Box 3033 Gillette, Wy 82717-3033
Phone: 307-682-5171Fax: 307-682-6619

Below are additional articles and updates on the 1619 Project that we recommend taking the time to read and consider:


Radical Organizations Being Promoted at the WY Superintendent of Public Instruction Website

To view for yourself the radical organizations that are being promoted at the Wyoming Department of Education website (that we have found thus far), go to:

– The WY Superintendent of Public Instruction (SOPI) website at https://edu.wyoming.gov
– Next, mouse over the main menu item, In The Classroom, and click on Wyoming Standards in the drop-down sub-menu;
– Next, at the Content and Performance Standards page that comes up, click on Social Studies in the gray menu box to the right;
– Scrolling halfway down the page is a list titled, ResourcesPromising Links and Web Sites for Social Studies.  There is a disclaimer that follows, which can be read in the image below:

It is within these ‘Promising Links and Websites for Social Studies’ that we have found a multitude of problems.  Some of the direct web-links are problematic on their own because of politically biased and radically charged content, while others become an endless portal to other web-links that are clearly created to publish radical content to be utilized for turning children into political activists.  Wyoming classrooms should NEVER be considered a breeding ground for political activists, and Wyoming teachers should never,EVER believe that they can brainwash, community-organize and activate Wyoming students for any reason whatsoever.   We are embedding a video at the bottom of this page to show exactly what politically activated school children look like in today’s current chaos and strife.

Below are specific websites and links that are listed as “Promising” at the WY Superintendent of Public Instruction website, that we find completely unacceptable for any WY teacher to use for classroom instruction in the State of Wyoming – whether it be for social studies or any other school subject.

Civic Education:

  1. How to Teach Civics in Action to K–12 Students, published by Baylor University.  This site promotes Generation Citizen that has obvious anti-Trump propaganda and Black Lives Matter recruitment, as well as social justice propaganda regarding illegal aliens.  Additionally, this site teaches ‘consensus building’ as part of their Action Civics.  Consensus building is a psychologically deceptive group-manipulation technique that pressures individuals to compromise their values and principles so that they will be acceptable by a group.
  2. The Albert Shanker Institute.  This website is named after a former teacher’s union president of the American Federation of Teachers and has at least one article that compares U.S. President Donald J. Trump to Hitler and fascist regimes.  Also noted above, the American Federation of Teachers has partnered with the Pulitzer Center to create/offer The 1619 Project Professional Development Available On Demand.  Whatever suggestions they have for civic lessons for WY classrooms is unwelcome in the State of Wyoming.
  3. Youth 4 Justice. This site automatically links to the Youth Justice Coalition (YJC) with the following Mission Statement: YJC is working to build a youth, family, and formerly and currently incarcerated people’s movement to challenge America’s addiction to incarceration and race, gender and class discrimination in Los Angeles County’s, California’s and the nation’s juvenile and criminal injustice systems. Under About/Building A Movement, YJC claims to be part of a larger movement for social justice.

Cultural Diversity and Heritage:

  1. The American Historical Association (AHA).  Linking through the site’s page ‘Globalizing the US History Survey‘; “The AHA launched a program for community-college faculty development to promote a global perspective on U.S. history at the country’s increasingly diverse two-year institutions. “American History, Atlantic and Pacific” draws on a generation of innovative scholarship that has reframed the origins of the United States within a broad geographical and chronological context. Participants worked to create or revise U.S. history courses-especially the popular U.S. history survey course-with lessons, units, and other work that deepens teaching on the United States in the world.”
  2. Teaching Tolerance.  A project of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).  The SPLC is notorious for its political attacks and violent rhetoric against all things, all people and all policies that are conservative. This link and this link give an overview of this heavily-funded evil organization.

Social Justice Issues:

  1. Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).  The SPLC is notorious for its political attacks and violent rhetoric against all things, all people and all policies that are conservative. This link and this link give an overview of this heavily-funded evil organization.
  2. Teaching for Change.  Encourages teachers and students to question and re-think the world inside and outside their classrooms, build a more equitable, multicultural society, and become active global citizens.  Promotes early childhood activism; Promotes the Howard Zinn Education Project, heavily laden with student political-activism, including ‘Campaigns‘ such as Abolishing Columbus Day; Teaching Climate Justice (How do we teach the climate crisis in a way that also confronts racism, economic inequality, misogyny, militarism, xenophobia, and that imagines the kind of world that we would like to live in?); and a seemingly endless list of references to white supremacy.  (Note – Howard Zinn’s, The People’s History of the United States is notoriously known for its Marxist inspired America-hating propaganda and rhetoric – and yet it is widely used as a history textbook nationwide.  Zinn refers to himself as “something of an anarchist, something of a socialist. Maybe a democratic socialist.”  Wyomingites need to be on the look-out if this book is being used in any form in any WY classroom!)

Someone in the WY Dept of Education took the time to post/publish and classify as “promising” the above outrageous links at their official state website… and yet WY SOPI believes the disclaimer waives any expectation of responsibility or grants protection from any wrong-doing?  How exactly does that work?  If they are not recommended or endorsed, then why do they exist at all at the Wyoming Department of Education website?  What if the WY State Treasurer did something similar and published links to scandalous slimey-get-rich-quick-schemes at his website?  Would similar shoddy, thoughtless, irresponsible and deceptive actions be considered OK by any other state elected official?  Of course not.  This is complete and utter B.S. and entirely unprofessional conduct of a state elected official.

The WY Dept of Education is hoping that Wyoming citizens aren’t paying attention.  But we are now.  The disclaimer at the WY SOPI website is not good enough – Wyomingites need to demand that the following links be removed altogether and immediately.  Here is the contact info:

Wyoming Superintendent of Public Instruction Jillian Balow
Wyoming Department of Education

122 W. 25th St. Suite E200 Cheyenne, WY 82002
Phone: (307) 777-7675  Fax: (307) 777-6234

Screen shots of these ‘Promising Links and Websites for Social Studies’ are at the bottom of this page.  We intend to continue to comb through other subjects at the WY SOPI website and add to this list as necessary.  We will continue to post information on this subject for all Wyoming parents and grandparents so they can fight these atrocities happening in our state educational institutions

Initial Resources for Wyoming Parents and Grandparents Concerned About Education in the State of Wyoming

Read this WY Dept of Education FAQ Standards document to learn about who has control over WY education standards and curriculum – and how they are changed.


The investigative/undercover video below exposes Middle and High School student activists that were already recruited by radical political organizations to be part of the Minneapolis riots mayhem in May 2020:

Here is Part 2 of the above video, and more at Millennial Millie’s Channel

Screenshots from Wyoming Superintendent of Public Instruction webpages
Click on each image below to enlarge.

Civic Education – WY Dept of Education – Promising Links for

Cultural Diversity and Heritage – WY Dept of Education – Promising Links for

Social Justice Issues – – WY Dept of Education – Promising Links for
