Saving America

King Biden vs Wyoming

We will find out tomorrow if Wyoming will have a special session, or not, to address the unconstitutional Biden vaccine mandates.  There are bills, arguments for and against, and all kinds of preparations, rules, procedures and details.  Everyone in Wyoming is nervously anticipating what will happen Oct 26th through 28th, 2021.  But, even if we get the best bills amended even better, and then passed into law – we will still have the same enormous problem that we face today.

That’s why we want to take a moment, on this eve of a potential special session, and zoom-out from all that and look at the far bigger picture of how the heck we got here in such a ludicrous upside-down, inside-out reality of having to defend ourselves from some cartoon character that thinks he can summon all of us to submit to an experimental, and dangerous, mRNA-altering drug injected into our veins.

How in the hell have so many people come to believe that noodles-for-brains has that kind of power?!

It’s all about the Ninth folks.  And the Tenth.  Amendments that is – in the Bill of Rights of our United States Constitution.  We cannot emphasize enough how crucial it is when people forget, or have never truly understood the 9th and 10th Amendments.

Everyone knows what the First Amendment is and what can happen if we lose it.  And everyone certainly knows what the Second Amendment is and what can happen if we lose it.  But if we lose our Ninth and Tenth Amendments, do you know what will happen?  We end up with tyrants who think they are king, and hordes of mini-tyrants who will back him up (or idiots who don’t know the law).

This is exactly where we are now today.  That is the big enormous problem we face, that a special session is not going to save us from.

Today it’s vaccine mandates.  But what will tomorrow bring?  Will Biden write another executive order to have children removed from their homes because their parents still refuse vaccines?  Will Biden wrote another EO to have children removed from their homes because their parents refuse their children being subjected to gender-changing surgery or drugs, or school-coerced abortions?  Will Biden write another EO that says we all must drive electric vehicles?  Maybe he’ll write another EO that says we all must eat ice cream on Sundays.  Or, as my Father would say, if Biden says we all need to take a hike off a cliff, should we do it?

Biden ain’t no King!  And we are not subjects, for crying out-friggin-loud.

This is why HB1002 is our most favored bill:

(vii) The decision to receive a vaccination is a personal decision and should not be subject to government intrusion or dictate;

(viii) The Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that the enumeration in the constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage other rights retained by the people;

(ix) The Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that the powers not delegated to the United States in the constitution, nor prohibited by it to  the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people;

The Ninth Amendment is profoundly important.  So important, that the Tenth Amendment repeats the Ninth.  So important, that the Ninth Amendment is reiterated, verbatim, in our Wyoming State Constitution as Article 1, Section 36.

Please watch the following short videos and educate yourself.  Please watch them several times if need be.  Please watch them with your kids.   Please get after it!  Truly understanding and defending our natural rights as officially acknowledged in the Ninth and Tenth Amendments is one of the only things that will save us and our country.




Posted by Editor in Constitutional Topics/Issues, Covid-19, Saving America, Saving Wyoming

Heroes of Today

This needs to be done regularly.  Highlighting our heroes.  Today we bring you recent clips of:
Congressman Louie Gohmert of Texas;
Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio;
Joe Rogan;
and New York Protestors.
May Almighty God bless and protect these American Patriots.


Oct 21, 2021: Congressman Louie Gohmert of Texas, God love him, questioning Merrick Garland during House Judiciary Committee Hearing:

Oct 20, 2021: Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio at House Rules Committee arguing against the Jan 6 Commission:

Oct 13, 2021: Joe Rogan Calls Out CNN for LYING About Ivermectin:

Oct 19, 2021 New York Protestors against New York Times, CNN, Pfizer, Fauci, Facebook etc who are pushing Covid Mandates:

Oct 18, 2021 New York Protestors:

Posted by Editor in Saving America

Keep Common Sense Legal

The “only treatment for Covid” political narrative they are trying to beat into our skulls makes about as much sense as throwing your jack away and swinging an axe to repair a flat tire.


Posted by Editor in Covid-19, REAL News, Saving America, Stinks To High Heaven

Gov Gordon’s Response to the Southern Border Crisis

WY Governor Gordon joins GOP Governors at the Southern Border Crisis on Oct 6, 2021 ‘Leaning forward’ needs to end with clear and thorough ACTION!
Wyomingites need to hold Governor Gordon accountable to protecting our state in the same ways and for the same reasons as outlined in the 10 Policies to Protect America, Restore Security, and End the Crisis document, as well as the Sept 20, 2021 letter to President Biden signed by Mark Gordon and twenty-five Republican Governors.

In a Sept 20, 2021 letter signed by twenty-six Republican Governors to President Biden, state leaders requested a meeting “to bring an end to the national security crisis created by eight months of unenforced borders”.

The letter and request went unanswered.

On Wednesday this week (Oct 6, 2021) Governor Gordon joined other several other GOP Governors to see for themselves the crisis at the United States southern border and to discuss, draft and call for immediate specific policy changes by the Biden Administration.  Texas Governor Greg Abbott hosted the following Governors: Arizona Governor Doug Ducey; Georgia Governor Brian Kemp; Idaho Governor Brad Little; Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds; Montana Governor Greg Gianforte; Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts; Ohio Governor Mike DeWine ; Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt; Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon.

The 2 page document that they released, JOINT POLICY FRAMEWORK ON THE BORDER CRISIS: 10 Policies to Protect America, Restore Security, and End the Crisis, is embedded below.  WTC supports this document and all of it’s intentions in its entirety.  Additionally, we also provide below a video from a portion of this border meeting.

Here are various sources with Gov Gordon’s response:

Oct 6, 2021 Gov Gordon Tweet
Oct 6, 2021 Gov Gordon Facebook Timeline Photos
Oct 7, 2021 k2Radio: Gordon Says the Situation at the Southern Border is a Concern to Wyoming

JOINT POLICY FRAMEWORK ON THE BORDER CRISIS: 10 Policies to Protect America, Restore Security, and End the Crisis

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Posted by Editor in American Borders, Constitutional Topics/Issues, Covid-19, Executive, Saving America

A Wonderful Twofer

Easy-Peasey Citizen Action + Kick Big Gov Out Of Your Private Life!

It’s time to go CASH ONLY folks – if even for just one day a week – on Fridays.  For a number of reasons.  The first reason is fantastically demonstrated in the short 2 minute video below.  The rest of the reasons, equally important, are outlined below the video, borrowed directly from the Solari Team at

Even if you were to just use CASH ONLY ON FRIDAYS would have a significant effect to helping turn our country back around in the direction where it is good, free and government keeps it’s intrusive, busy-body, nasty nose out of the intricate and intimate details of your private life.

This is a simple proactive measure that every single citizen can do to help save our country!

(Additionally, your decreasing your use of plastic… would that count in a socialist credit score system?! )


Go viral with this post with everyone you know and most especially small local banks and credit unions in Wyoming!

(WTC does not attempt to take credit for this awesome video, we are just unable to trace who originally posted this video over ten years ago.)

Cash Friday from the Solari Report

By the Solari Team

As the saying goes, “money makes the world go around,” but today’s battle of digital currencies, inflation, and paper currency has humanity at a tipping point between freedom and fascism.

The pandemic and accompanying lockdowns have been wildly successful, creating the right environment for total control of society, health, money, and food. Huge portions of the population, influenced by fear and mind control, are in complete submission. Every aspect of life and how it functions is now approaching Mr. Global’s grasp.

Why the need for total control? Who knows…. People like Catherine and Dr. Joseph Farrell have spent decades trying to figure it out; no doubt they are close. The reality is, however, that we have no more time to figure out why. Humanity is in the middle of the train tracks, and the train is coming through the tunnel and toward us at full force.

There is an overwhelming feeling of “what to do?” I can understand how a deer gets stuck when the headlights are coming at it. Fear can be paralyzing. But we all can do something and that something is pretty simple: use cash, especially on Fridays.

Some of us are Christians, some not. We don’t all know the purpose of eating only fish on Fridays, but it seems to many that Fridays are a day to prep for something bigger, such as Good Friday. In American culture, we have a lot of Friday events: summer Fridays, half-day Fridays, dress-down Fridays. When Mary Holland from Children’s Health Defense suggested Cash Fridays, it made perfect sense to Catherine.

Why cash? Because in order to have a full digital monetary system with complete central control, the circulation of paper currency has to end. (See the above video of Bank for International Settlements General Manager Agustín Carstens in October 2020, telling you exactly where the central bankers intend to go.) We’ve already heard there are coin shortages. Some are saying that the Fed has stopped printing paper currency. That can’t be confirmed, but it doesn’t really matter. We know the game. To slow this train down, we can keep paper currencies and coins circulating. This is a very easy thing for all of us to do.
There are a lot of divide-and-conquer politics out there. People are fighting for the stupidest reasons. We bet a dollar, however, that the one thing we ALL can agree on is stopping our money from being stolen or controlled—keeping our money safe. It wouldn’t shock us if even the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) or Black Lives Matter (BLM) could agree on that. So it’s simple: We don’t need 100% of the population to do this; 10% of the population is enough.

Keep cash floating through the system.


1. Use cash whenever you can, but on Fridays use cash ONLY.

2. Download the #cashfriday slogan and spread it on all your social media platforms. It’s especially important not to type out #cashfriday because of algorithms and censorship.

3. Keep it going for as long as it takes.

It’s as simple as 1, 2, and 3. But if you really want to take it further, we are including links on how to find a local bank and other reports on how to take big bank and corporate tyranny out of your life. We are making these reports available to the public to add strength to the momentum.

So, let’s make Cash Friday the preparation for something bigger—and that something bigger is sovereignty and freedom for all humanity.

Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Saving America

When Doctors and Nurses Killed Children and Pharmaceutical Companies Were Heavily Involved

Do not look away.  Every American needs to know the following history.  While this is extensively well documented by many, many sources, we are uncertain if this is taught in any public schools.

Germany was not at the forefront of this.

Nazi’s learned much of their eugenics initially from the U.S.

…Without the full support of the physicians, scientists and nurses, the holocaust, as it unfolded, could never have happened.

…About 40% of German physicians were in the Nazi party…

…The mass murder of handicapped German children and adults was planned, organized, and implemented by the secret Reich Committee under the Office of the Führer which was the preeminent body dealing with racial hygiene and population policy in Nazi Germany. Its members belonged to the elite within the medical establishment. The SS had no part in the T4 so called “euthanasia” action. It was entirely carried out by health care professionals who facilitated the conditions for medical murder and heinous experiments; health care professionals implemented and actively took part in every phase of medical mass murder. The selection phase began with a State decree ordering doctors and midwives to fill out a questionnaire reporting all newborn infants and young children under age 3, who showed signs of specific mental or physical abnormalities or handicaps.

The questionnaire, couched in language using euphemisms to create the impression that the objective was a scientific survey to aid children with serious medical conditions, was essentially used as a death warrant.

…Many of the nurses were actually the ones who carried out the injections… for a long time nurses were the agents of the physicians, and the physicians in the Nazi period were agents of the state.

Physicians were no longer asked to care for patients, but to care for the state.

the brains of 40 of these children were removed personally by Dr. Julius Hallervorden, head of Neuropathology of the Kaiser-Wilhelm Institute for Brain Research. (Hohendorf. Medical Research and National Socialist Euthanasia, 2014)

…Public health nurses would go to the families and promised them, if you will give your child to us, your child will get the best care.  And so people were falsely led to believe that and relinquished their children.

The parents were deceived; they were told the children would receive advanced therapeutic interventions; those who resisted were pressured, coerced and threatened with loss of custody of their healthy children. Henry Friedlander reports that physicians in the killing wards were anxious to fulfill their quotas because the staff of a “productive killing ward” received a financial bonus. “The physicians in the killing wards did everything in their power to prevent parents from removing their children.” (Friedlander, The Origins of Nazi Genocide: From Euthanasia to the Final Solution, 1995)

The children he selected for killing were subjected to experimentation before they were murdered; and then their brains were removed for further “scientific study.”

The researchers used genealogical charts and ancestral passports to identify each child’s racial / ethnic background. Other departments conducted additional research on the children. Case histories were used to decide which children’s execution would be worth for neuro-anatomical purposes.

From Children to Adults

“The network of research grew wider during the war. Drug and vaccine experiments were conducted in Breslau. In 1941, Hans Voegt infected psychiatric patients from the mental hospital in Breslau with hepatitis.

From 1942 experiments occurred in several psychiatric hospitals: Armsdorf, Eichberg, Günzburg, Marburg, and at Eberwalde by summer 1943. These tested IG Farben drugs. Elmar Türk of the Vienna University pediatrics department killed at least three children at the Steinhof hospital in the course of TB experiments

Once you accept humans can be dehumanized, eventually you can engage in exterminating them.

The propaganda around the whole idea of killing people for the good of the state was profound.  Even down to children doing exercises in their schoolbooks on how much it costs to keep people with a disability

…The only way we’re going to make this acceptable is to say we need these hospital beds for the war-wounded…

… Ravensbrük was a camp for women… most of the women were dissenters, or women who caused trouble to the Nazis…

…Hitler demanded doctor’s should find a cure for infected wounds… the women at Ravensbrük were used as lab rats basically… they would make a cut and fill it with sawdust… dirt… broken glass and then sew it back it up… bone infections…

…They would take blood from my left arm and give me four injections into my right arm… to the best of my knowledge they were germs, diseases, and drugs because a German pharmaceutical company was very heavily involved in the experiments at Auschwitz

Quotes (with emphasis added) taken from:
Caring Corrupted – The Killing Nurses of The Third Reich, Cizik School of Nursing documentary, 2017
1939–1945: Medicalized Mass Murder, Children first, Alliance for Human Research Protection, Nov 18, 2014

WTC Comment

The point of this post is to demonstrate how such horrific atrocities began and metastasized.

Eugenics, a fancy word that means breeding, sterilizing or killing people to fulfill certain favored/prejudicial societal ideals, began during the Progressive Era in the United States around 1899 at Stanford University in California before it spread to Germany. (More on Eugenics in the United States here.)

In the 1930’s under Hitler Germany began their eugenics plan by creating a ‘population policy’.  Hitler’s quest to perfect his imagined “Aryan race” turned every citizen into victims who did not have the favored/prejudicial (physical, intellectual, economic, political and religious) qualities he (the state) demanded.

The doctors and nurses fell in lockstep with that policy “for the good of the state”.  Once the policy began being implemented, the pharmaceutical companies provided a wide toolbox of drugs, including many experimental drugs, to accomplish the state’s directives.

The doctor-patient relationship was completely eradicated and replaced with the doctor-state relationship.  The doctor-state relationship was then obsessively chaperoned by voracious pharmaceutical companies and their insatiable hunger for experimental research.

‘Patients’ were political victims, and political victims quickly became experimental animals.  Rights and ethical treatment of humans were reduced to that of rats.

The state, and medical and scientific communities convinced themselves, as well as a portion of the populace, that they were serving a noble cause.

CARING CORRUPTED – The Killing Nurses of The Third Reich


Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Covid-19, REAL News, Saving America

Government Seized Control of the Medical Profession

Q: Have you noticed what has been missing from the pandemic response in the USA?
A: Early treatment by your physician.

It doesn’t exist.  It doesn’t exist because it is forbidden.  It’s not just a prescription of Hydroxychloroquine that’s forbidden.  It’s not just a prescription of Ivermectin that’s forbidden.  Any and all early treatment for Covid-19 that could be provided by your doctor two years ago is now forbidden.  Completely off the table.  Nada.  Nothing.  Period.

It’s not just therapeutic prescription drugs that’s missing in Covid treatment.  It’s your doctor’s active involvement that’s missing as well.

See, this is how it works.  If you test positive, the CDC advises you to:

  • Stay home, in a separate room from other people and pets in your home.  Tell your close contacts that you may have exposed them.
  • Take care of yourself. Get rest and stay hydrated. Take over-the-counter medicines, such as acetaminophen [a symptom reducer], to help you feel better.
  • Stay in touch with your doctor.  Call before you get medical care.  Be sure to get care if you have trouble breathing, or have any other emergency warning signs.  If you have any emergency warning signs, seek emergency medical care immediately.

You either stay at home or you go to the hospital, and you can only go to the hospital if it’s an emergency.  If you stay at home, you get to suffer through Covid-19 without any prescribed medication that has already been proven to have therapeutic value for Covid, or you can go to the hospital in an emergency state and be treated, at their mercy, as an emergency patient.  Heaven forbid they should decide to forcefully intubate you to a ventilator.  Heaven forbid they insist you get the jab before they’ll let you through the door.  Or, for that matter, Heaven forbid they insist you get the jab before they let you out the door.

That’s it.  No early treatment, and the doctor-patient relationship between you and your physician was officially terminated by the United States government.

Did you realize that happened?  We didn’t, until we watched the video below featuring the brand new Pandemic Health Alliance (PHA).

Until the doctor-patient relationship is restored, and until physicians hands are untied so they can prescribe proven therapeutics, and until natural immunity is recognized, and until Americans reclaim the freedom to make their own healthcare choices regardless of all the above – Americans will continue to needlessly die.

Please watch below.  We will report more on the PHA later.

See Part 2 of the above video here.

To summarize the criminality and corruption of what is taking place:

The ongoing medical crimes of the United States Health and Human Services SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic response are the result of a dynamic quintet involving the state, the medical profession (not all physicians), pharmaceutical companies, an academic enterprise comprising the universities and the research institutes, and the propaganda institutions, formerly known as the media.

But we have seen this same kind of totalitarian dictatorship over healthcare and medical procedures before:

The medical crimes of the Third Reich were the result of a dynamic triad involving the state, the medical profession, and an academic enterprise comprising the universities and the research institutes.” (Seidelman, Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 2000)
From 1932–1945: Doctors & Academics Perverted Medicine & Science in Nazi Germany, Nov 18, 2014



Posted by Editor in Constitutional Topics/Issues, Covid-19, Ethics Issues, REAL News, Saving America