Wyoming Patriot Call To Action on 2020 Presidential Election Vote Irregularities

Additional uses for the following information: Social media posts; call-in comments to radio shows; letters to the editor; printed flyers to pass out; conversations (and/or print and share) with family, friends and neighbor; chalk some messages on your car windows; use your imagination and GO VIRAL ACROSS THE AMAZING STATE OF WYOMING!

Dear Wyomingite,

Every American, regardless of party affiliation, should be gravely concerned about the tremendous amount of irregularities among significantly large batches of votes that have been tabulated in various states across our nation for the 2020 U.S. Presidential election.  Whether you like or dislike, support or don’t support President Trump is largely irrelevant.  The discrepancies that have been found among significantly large vote batches thus far should alarm everyone.  This cannot and should not be ignored, but our WY elected officials seem to be doing exactly that.  This is a national crisis that must be acknowledged and dealt with directly to ensure fairness and integrity in not just this election, but all elections to come.   We owe this to ourselves, but more importantly we owe this to every generation that will come after us.

We have extremely limited time to address this crisis as a citizenry and should act immediately by demanding that all WY elected officials come out aggressively and publicly to both support and demand proper investigations into the 2020 Presidential election vote irregularities.  The media is pushing everyone to believe that President Trump should concede.  If Trump concedes then the investigations will end and we will never know, and will never be able to retrieve (ballots and ballot envelopes will be destroyed), the truth of what took place during the Presidential election of 2020 in our country.

There is one thing that every single one of us can be certain of right now – we were each meant to be here during this specific time in the history of America.  God made certain each of us would be here during this dark historical time.  What each of us feels compelled to do today is a very personal choice.  This Call To Action is intended for those Wyomingites who feel compelled to act now.

To facilitate quick and assertive patriotic action, a letter with supporting data of vote irregularities has been pre-written for Wyomingites to use, if they so choose (both are provided below), for communicating concerns and a mode of citizen-directed action to all of our Wyoming elected officials.  The letter is for our WY U.S. Congressmen, our five State Executive Elected Officials and our WY State Legislators, as well as the newly state elected.  The letter, provided below, can and should be changed in any way you desire – this Wyoming Patriot Call To Action is not to presume you need to use any of the pre-written literature we offer, but more importantly is to get a statewide effort off the ground and implemented as soon as possible.  Time is of the essence.

If you agree with the above, please follow the instructions below.

Instructions for Wyoming Patriot Call To Action:

  1. Download both of these documents: Examples of 2020 Presidential Election Process Irregularities; WY Elected Officials Email Addresses
  2. Open up a new email to compose.
  3. Copy the ‘Dear Wyoming Elected Official’ letter below and paste it into the content area of the new email you will be sending.
  4. Make any changes that you desire to the letter by removing or adding any (or all) content that suits your need.
  5. Under ‘Sincerely’ sign with your full name, city, county and then Wyoming.  For example:   John D. Smith, Laramie, Albany County, Wyoming.
  6. Open up the ‘WY Elected Officials Email Addresses’ attachment that you downloaded.  Copy and paste all of the email addresses of our WY Elected Officials into the ‘To:’ field of your email.  You may want to choose ‘BBC ‘ in your setting for blind carbon copy – this will prevent the massive list of emails from filling up the screen.
  7. In the ‘Subject:’ area of your email, type ‘Urgent WY Citizen Request on 2020 Elections’ – or whatever Subject topic you like.
  8. Attach to your email the pdf ‘EXAMPLES OF 2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION PROCESS IRREGULARITIES‘ that you downloaded from #1 above. The pdf has supporting data that correlates to content in the letter.
  9. Click send.
  10. Follow the instructions on the ‘WY ELECTED OFFICIALS EMAIL ADDRESSES’ attachment for elected officials that do not provide direct email addresses.
  11. Go viral with this link by emailing it to every Wyomingite that you know.

Dear Wyoming Elected Official,

I am writing to respectfully demand that you immediately and rigorously challenge the shocking and egregious irregularities that have occurred in the vote counts across several of the United States for the 2020 federal election for United States President.  These irregularities can very well be fraud, but we will not know unless these discrepancies are directly challenged and a full-blown investigation is demanded by all state representatives across our nation.  In my opinion, this is a national crisis that must be addressed immediately.  As my representative you are my voice and I require that voice being heard loud and clear right now, as well as consistently throughout the coming weeks, until transparency and accountability become the number one priority across all fifty states for the United States 2020 Presidential Election.

There is a huge amount of vote-related discrepancies from the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election being reported by almost all conservative news sources across the nation.  However, to be able to provide you with specific examples to reference for this letter, I am attaching a pdf with just a small sample of these irregularities that show:

  • In Michigan there are at least 138,000 votes that reduced President Trump’s margin – this was done by an algorithm that decreased Trump’s vote total by 69,000 and added 69,000 votes to former Vice President Joe Biden vote total. (See pgs 2-3 of attached pdf).
  • In Pennsylvania there are at least 118,000 absentee ballots that are highly suspect in when they were received by PA election officials. (Over 51,000 ballots were marked as returned just a day after they were sent out—an extraordinary speed, given U.S. Postal Service (USPS) delivery times, while nearly 35,000 were returned on the same day they were mailed out. Another more than 23,000 have a return date earlier than the sent date. More than 9,000 have no sent date.) (See pgs 7-13 of attached pdf).
  • In Virginia, between the dates of Nov 4, 2020 and Nov 7, 2020, there are several vote dumps and removals among both candidates that appear to have been carried out to maintain a 54:45 to 54:44 ratio between the presidential candidates. The first three vote dumps added more than 300,000 votes into former Vice President Joe Biden total votes. (See pgs 16-17 of attached pdf).
  • In Wisconsin, on Nov 4, 2020 at around 3:42AM, a data dump of 143,379 votes was added to former Vice President Joe Biden total votes. (See pg 23 of attached pdf).

Whether you or I like or dislike, support or don’t support President Trump is irrelevant.  Whether the vote numbers I provide to you in the attached examples would re-elect President Trump or not is largely irrelevant.  This national crisis, and thus this letter, is an immediate mandate to protect the fairness and integrity of our elections now and for all future elections in the United States of America.

I am sending a duplicate of this letter to all Wyoming United States Congressmen (including newly elected Senator Lummis), to all five Wyoming State Elected Executives, and to every state legislator in the Wyoming Senate and House, as well as those newly elected legislators who will begin serving in 2021 as soon as they are sworn into office.

I am thanking you ahead of time for acting on this request immediately, and I look forward to seeing that all Wyoming elected officials are acting together in their official capacity on behalf of all Wyomingites who are calling upon you now to address this national crisis.


Examples of 2020 Presidential Election Process Irregularities;
WY Elected Officials Email Addresses
