Saving America

The Truth Will Set America Free – Watch Now

What in the heck happened when they stopped counting votes on the evening of November 3, 2020?!  The entire world, not just America, has been waiting for this one question to be answered.  This Cyber Symposium answers that question.  Finally, with nothing held back.

The Cyber Symposium is being held Aug 10, 11 and 12 in South Dakota – 72 hours of truth.  The public can access the entire symposium at this live link,
Here is the opening video clip that explains exactly what the symposium will expose:

Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Constitutional Topics/Issues, Elections, Saving America

If This Is Left Unchallenged, America Will Be Damned

A Joint Effort by Center for Medical Progress and Judicial Watch have uncovered the following barbaric atrocities taking place here in the U.S.A. at the University of Pittsburgh:

LIVE Baby Organ Harvests at University of Pittsburgh

“If the fetus’ heartbeat and blood circulation continue in a labor induction abortion for harvesting organs, it means the fetus is being delivered while still alive and the cause of death is the removal of the organs.”

Aborted Infants’ Continued Blood Flow Advertised in Racist University of Pittsburgh Grant Application to NIH, Center for Medical Progress Aug 3, 2021

Viable and Full Term Babies; University of Pittsburgh Fetal Tissue Hub and Pipeline

NOTE: Full term gestational period for humans is 9 months or approximately 36 weeks.  42 weeks gestation is beyond full-term or ‘overdue’.

“…the original 2015 proposal were to “develop a pipeline to the acquisition, quality control and distribution of human genitourinary [urinary and genital organs and functions] samples obtained throughout development (6-42 weeks gestation). … [and] generate an ongoing resource to distribute fresh developmental human genitourinary samples from various stages (6-42 weeks) to the GUDMAP [GenitoUrinary Development Molecular Anatomy Project] Atlas projects.”

New HHS Documents Reveal Millions in Federal Funding for University of Pittsburgh Human Fetal Organ Harvesting Project Including Viable and Full-Term Babies, Judicial Watch Aug 3, 2021

University of Pittsburgh Racial Quota for Fetal Harvesting Program

“Furthermore, Pitt also states in the application that its GUDMAP fetal harvesting program will feature “Inclusion (or exclusion) of individuals on the basis of sex/gender, race, and ethnicity” and sets quotas of 50% white patients and aborted fetuses, and 50% minority patients and fetuses, with a full 25% of the fetuses harvested to come from Black women (pgs. 74-76). Allegheny County, the major metropolitan area from which Pitt-based abortion practices draw patients, is 80% white and only 13% Black.”

Aborted Infants’ Continued Blood Flow Advertised in Racist University of Pittsburgh Grant Application to NIH, Center for Medical Progress Aug 3, 2021

Questions to Consider:

What is the end-goal for this Infanticide – Eugenics – Frankenstein science?
Is it to perfect procedures that would harvest live organ cells from live human babies to give to people with fatal diseases, such as kidney or liver failure?
Is it to research procedures that would harvest live organ cells from babies for people who hope to ‘change’ their gender?
Both would be human cannibalization, would it not?
If abortion clinics and universities are pursuing live fetal tissue, along with a quota from certain ethic groups, how is this not considered medical hunting?
What other American universities are taking part in this?


No matter how many issues there are today, no matter how many fires we are trying to put out, this must be challenged and fought.  How can any of us expect God’s intervention to help save our Nation if we allow this to continue?

1. Contact the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee and demand a full investigation of University of Pittsburgh fetal tissue procurements and research.

2. Contact every U.S. Congressman and demand:

a.  ALL funding be recalled and removed from University of Pittsburgh for all fetal tissue endeavors (procurements, research, studies & instruction, etc).

b.  ALL Universities be investigated for fetal tissue procurements.

c.  Every Planned Parenthood be investigated for fetal tissue harvest sales and live birth abortions.

d.  ALL individuals directly involved in these atrocities be charged to the full extent of the law for violation of 42 U.S. Code § 274e – Prohibition of organ purchases.

3. Track and Support (Get on newsletter lists, sign petitions & donate)

Center for Medical Progress
Judicial Watch

4. Educate your church, your neighbors, your families on these atrocities happening in our country.

5. PRAY for redemption for our Nation from these atrocities.

Aug 6, 2021 Center for Medical Progress Video, University of Pittsburgh Admits Hearts Beating While Harvesting Aborted Infant Kidneys:

Aug 6, 2021 Bannon’s War Room Video, Episode 1,152 – Live Organ Harvesting Taking Place in The US:

And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Matthew 25:40

Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Ethics Issues, Saving America

Reach Out to Help the 1/6ers

Every single one of us has already thought: What if I were being held in jail for several months without due process?  Would my friends be fighting for my rights?  Would my friends be looking out for my family and making sure they are OK?  Would my American brethren have my back?  

Every single one of needs to say YES.

Finally, word is out on WHO exactly is being held without due-process WHERE, and HOW true-blooded Americans can help them and their families.  Here are a few specifics that we note from that has organized this necessary patriotic effort for these political prisoners:

  • There are 47 people on a list that was last updated July 26; two are now listed as released. (Additionally, Douglas Jensen’s GiveSendGo page says he was released on July 14th.)
  • Out of the 44 on the list – 39 are being held in D.C., and 5 are being held at state institutions.
  • 40 are men, 4 are women
  • Every night at 9pm at the D.C. jail they sing the National Anthem to keep their spirits up and their fellowship strong!
  • All could use uplifting, supportive letters from their fellow Americans – here is the Patriot Mail Project list and more info.
  • There is one main GiveSendGo campaign for their families: January 6th Political Prisoners Family Fundraiser
  • There are 13 individual GiveSendGo campaigns for specific detainees. Most of these campaigns have letters directly from the detainee or a family member explaining their story, along with updates.  We are including a few quotes under each to give you an idea of their current status:
    • Tim Hale
      “…Tim like the many others sitting in the DC deplorable jail has been denied all rights to a speedy trial and any due process. And because of this atrocity, Tim has lost his housing, his job he has been kicked out of the military, and has zero income coming to cover certain expenses…”

    • Scott Fairlamb
      “…I have been detained since January 22nd and since then:-I haven’t seen my family 
      -We have lost our business, which is our family’s main source of income. 
      -I suffered a heart attack
      -I continue to fight Leukemia with daily chemo pill treatment. 
      -I am locked in my cell for 26 hours straight every other day. 
      -I have lived in solitary confinement conditions since 3-16…”

    • Doug Jensen
      “…Released on July 14th, 2021 on bond – He is on house arrest and is ordered not to work…”

    • Jack Whitton
      “…We appreciate any level of support. Even just a message of encouragement goes SO far. He needs to know that he is still human and worthy of receiving love and grace. This is something he has really been struggling with since this all happened. He feels shamed and ultimately condemed…”

    • Michael Foy
      “…I am raising money for my son, Michael Foy a Marine Veteran. He was locked up in the Washington DC deplorable jail without bond as a Political Prisoner for almost 6 months.  On July 3rd he was finaly released after much help and is now on GPS monitoring… We have been quoted over $150,000 just to retain an attorney for trial as a start. He deserves fair representation.  Everyone deserves there day in court…”

    • George Tanios
      George is not the person he is being portrayed to be. It feels as if this case, and his detainment are targeted and very politically charged.
      The media has already destroyed and prosecuted him. His family has been left without the option to run their business, and has no means to provide for the financial needs of their 3 small children under the age of 4. The funds raised from this campaign will be used for the finanicial support of Amanda, George’s fiance, and their three small children.”

    • Julian Khater
      “Julian Khater is a beloved son, brother, uncle, Godfather, and patriotic American who is facing an unjust legal battle due to attending the rally in Washington, DC, on January 6th, 2021…”

    • Guy Reffit
      “…I ask not for me but for my amazing Wife (Nicole) and my two amazing daughters (Peyton and Sarah). The lords plan appears to leave work for the meek. The bills at home are falling critically behind and the stress is overbearing for all my girls…”

    • Shane Jenkins
      “…Shane Jenkins went to the U. S. Capitol in Washington, D. C., on January 6, 2021, to peacefully protest what he believes to be election fraud. He is currently being held in the D. C. Department of Corrections without bond and no trial date in sight. Clearly he is a political prisoner.
      The court appointed public defender holds political beliefs contrary to Shane’s,  and she is not representing Mr. Jenkins with her client’s best interests at heart…”

    • Ken Harrelson
      “…Please pray for strength to get us through this. Please pray for Retired Sgt. Harrelson to have good health. Please pray for this to be dropped. Please pray for the truth to be told and and ask God to put the fear into Satan to keep him away from our family. Please pray for myself to stay strong for everyone. I am the rock and glue of this family…”

    • Kyle Young
      “…Kyle is loving father and a wonderful husband. He is an innocent man. He is facing 12 charges. We have four children that really need their father back. They are ages 17, 13, 8, and 1. He was immediately denied release. My husband no longer has his job to support us. My job isn’t enough to pay all our bills and I am afraid we could lose our home. Any help we get will make sure my children and I can stay in our family home, pay for Kyles defense, help us keep in touch with Kyle and make sure he can get food while he is jailed. Kyle lost 17 pounds in the first month and a half of being incarcerated…”

    • Joseph Hackett
      “…God Bless you, Steve Bannon and my friends at the WarRoom!

      Joe and all the other guys watched me from their tablets on your show today! They were all cheering and so uplifted! I haven’t heard my husband so happy in months! I can never repay you for everything you are doing for all the families!

      Thank you to everyone that has donated! The 1/6er’s want you all to know that they are staying strong and keeping their faith in our nation and their Lord Above!”

    • The Mele Family
      “…On February 19th at 6:00AM our house was raided by the FBI and it was terrifying. After almost 4 months of silence, on June 10th he received a phone call from the FBI stating he had a warrant for his arrest and needed to turn himself in within two hours. Thank the Lord he was able to be out on bond. He has also lost his 2nd Amendment protections and his CCW permit was suspended. Meanwhile, his name is smeared all over the media. We have retained a powerful attorney and are preparing for a long fight for his freedom…”

What else can you do?  CONTACT Senator Barasso and Senator Lummis and tell them they need to demand due process and humane treatment for these political prisoners.  We recommend sending letters directly to their WY offices.

Also, check the Patriot Freedom Project website regularly to stay informed – our understanding is that this is being run by family members of the detainees.

These fellow Americans are political prisoners and they need our help – it can be a donation, but it can also be something as simple as a letter. Please step up and help them.  Some day one of us might need the same.

Here is more info on the 1/6ers:

Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Constitutional Topics/Issues, Saving America, Saving Wyoming


Have faith – we are winning – thanks to the Warriors and Leaders of today.  Learn from their leadership.  Be inspired by their courage.  BUT YOU MUST JOIN THE FIGHT NOW FOR US TO GET THE UPPER HAND!!  EVERY CITIZEN IS NEEDED TODAY!!


PARENTS AND PARENT ORGANIZATIONS ACROSS THE NATION on Lock-downs, Masks, Vaccines and Critical Race Theory:



CYBERNINJAS on AZ Forensic Election Audit

WAR ROOM (Steve Bannon; Raheem Kassam; Peter Navarro; Boris Epshteyn) / WAR ROOM POSSE (DEPLORABLES)


MIKE LINDELL (founder of My Pillow)  major advertiser at most conservative news sites;  a leader in Election Fraud Investigations

FLAG OFFICERS 4 America on our Constitutional Republic

FIRST AMERICA AUDITS (at Telegram) on Forensic Election Audits in All 50 States
PROFESSOR DAVID CLEMENTS  on Forensic Election Audits in All 50 States



DARREN BEATTIE/REVOLVER NEWS on January 6 Capitol Protest Prosecutions

NATALIE WINTERS/NATIONAL PULSE on Covid 19 and the Chinese Communist Party

Dr. LEE MIN YAN, M.D. on Covid 19 and the Chinese Communist Party

DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA on Covid 19 and Vaccines



THE APE ARMY/ APE NATION on the 99% VS the 1% (revolt against Wall Street and Hedge Funders)




CONSERVATIVE BOOK PUBLISHERS (Alternatives to Woke companies.  Adios Simon and Schuster!)

Posted by Editor in REAL News, Saving America

Woke Toy Company: White Children Are Racists Before 1 Year of Age

The following information was brought to Project Veritas by whistleblower David Johnson who is a Packaging Engineer for HASBRO.  Johnson shared video of his HASBRO Critical Race Theory (CRT) employee training that was presented by an organization called The Conscious Kid, who asserts (among other things) that racism in white children begins as early as 3-6 months old.

Johnson started a GiveSendGo Campaign, Hasbro CRT Whistleblower Support David,  “knowing that whistleblowers generally lose their jobs, and sometimes have their identities attacked or defamed“.

Click to view the entire PROJECT VERITAS HASBRO WHISTLEBLOWER VIDEO (27 minutes).

Below is a 10 minute segment from Dinesh D’Souza’s Rumble (July 18):

See below how the “The Conscious Kid” CRT quotes line up with the sample Black Lives Matter Curriculum that we shared on Sept 2, 2020:

  • “By three to six months, babies are beginning to notice and already express preference by race.”
  • “By age four, kids are showing a strong and consistent pro-white, anti-black bias.”
  • “At the age of five, children show many of the same racial attitudes held by adults — children are really sensitive to the status of different racial groups in our society and show a high-status bias towards white people, which is the socially privileged group in our society. White children show pro-white bias at this age.”

Sample Propaganda Literature from Black Lives Matter Curriculum:



Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Saving America

Important Message to Patriots on Election Audits

Every Patriot should listen to this important message on the election audits in the video below from the Bannon War Room from time-mark 4:36 to 14:46.  The host sitting in for Steve Bannon is Peter Navarro – who is well worth knowing about if you are not already familiar with him (he’s a sledge-hammer).

Also, here is the link to the crowd-sourcing group America First Audits they are talking about:
At Telegram go to @AmericaFirstAudits

Posted by Editor in Elections, Saving America

Charts: The Four Stages of Ideological Subversion

Former KBG agent, Yuri Bezmenov, who defected to the U.S. in 1970, embarked on a personal mission to warn America exactly how the USSR was subverting our Nation.  Famous during the 1980’s for his G. Edward Griffin interviews and the lectures he later offered, Bezmenov also wrote a handful of books on the same topic under the name Tomas Schuman.  The tactics he laid out are a very old playbook that can be used by anyone, which is precisely what’s been going down.

We are going to draw upon the information that Bezmenov provided in his book, Love Letter to America (1984).  Even though it is 40 years later, you will be shocked how dead-on Bezmenov was in most of his predictions – almost every issue our nation faces today is described in this book. It’s very important you pay attention to the details – each detail represents one of those threads that needs to be either preserved or rewoven back into the fabric of our Nation.  Please commit to educating yourself with the content of this book.  If not here, then download the book – it is only 24 pages long and it is free.  Read it – share it – and learn from it.  The future of America depends on every man, woman and child who loves our country.

In this post we need to briefly cover two charts.

The Four Stages of Ideological Subversion

Chart 1. The Movement from an Open Society to a Closed Society
Chart 2. The Subversion Process
Part I – Demoralization
Part II – Destabilization
Part III – Crisis
Part IV – Normalization

Chart 1: The Movement From An Open Society To A Closed Society (click to open pdf in new tab).  Based on current events it is our estimation that America is presently struggling in the highlighted areas in the chart below.


Chart 2: The Subversion Process (click to open pdf in new tab).  Based on current events it is our estimation that America is generally in the Destabilization phase of the chart below.  We do not believe that every item under “Demoralization” has been successfully completed:

When studying these charts we believe it is necessary to consider the following essential points:

1.  None of the items in either chart happen one at a time nor in the very exact order presented; they would happen simultaneously, in various orders, and with much overlap.

2.  In regards to the estimates that Bezmenov (Schuman) predicts on how many each stage lasts, it is presumed that his time-scale is based on how long it took for the USSR to successfully and completely take-over other countries.  Because Americans do not quickly succumb to negative changes, we believe that some stages (if fulfilled) would most likely take longer.

3.  Because Americans do not readily succumb to negative changes, citizen-driven self-correction has been taking place in some areas for decades.  Examples:
*Main stream Media has been gradually being replaced with alternatives.  With distrust of the media up significantly (Rasmussen: 58% Of Voters Agree: Media Are ‘Enemy of the People’), alternatives are now becoming main stream.  Digital news is in, and traditional news sources were thrown out along with their physical print papers (good riddance);
*Regarding Security – For at least the last twenty years Americans have increasingly become more heavily armed (and educated) for personal defense measures (gun-owner statistics here);
*Regarding Labor – A majority of states (28) are now Right-To-Work States, rather than forced union membership; seventeen states have been added to the list since 1950, with six having passed their RTW laws since 2000 (map here).
*Regarding Education – We are currently witnessing a beautiful and historic surge of citizen-driven self-correction in public schools across the Nation in response to: Lock-downs, masks and experimental vaccines; critical race theory; transgender issues; and overall over-reach of teachers, unions and school boards.  Additionally, there has also been a significant increase in home schooling.  In addition to Education, home-schooling is known to have a very positive influence on family, family loyalty, faith and individual responsibility.

4.  While many components in this subversive communist process have clearly been attempted in our Nation’s history, America is truly the only free country in the world that has never undergone this entire process successfully.  Generally speaking, we have managed to somewhat recover from various half-hearted attempts.  We have gained some of the lost ground back, but definitely not all of it.

5.  The natural spirit and mindset of the average American does not consciously succumb to any process of subversion ever.  It is not in our DNA – even with those that we might accurately consider lazy or apathetic.  Obvious subversion is extremely offensive and despicable to all Americans, even to those who are completely ignorant in standard civics, history and current political events.
Example:  Imagine the door-to-door vaccine police knocking on doors in Venezuela or China – those (captive) citizens would never consider saying No.  However here in America, it is almost certain that the vast majority of citizens will either aggressively oppose, shockingly recoil, or politely resist such a person showing up on their doorstop.  Americans are instinctively wired to defend, resent and resist any obvious action that threatens the personal freedom they have experienced all their lives.  We believe the only real exceptions would be physically or mentally vulnerable people who are incapable of resisting.  We do count cowards as mentally vulnerable people.  And we do not count Marxists as average Americans.

6.  Despite the natural spirit and mindset of the average American, we can also have weaknesses that enable Ideological Subversion:
a. Ignorance.  Of history, and ignorance of our civic duty.
b. Short attention span.  Most of the phases in this strategy play out gradually over years, not months.
c. Naivety.  That ‘most of those in charge’ will ultimately do their job legally and correctly.
d. Disbelief.  That our freedoms in America could really be taken away.
e. Insecurity.  Of how, when and where to be proactive.
f.  Most of the above weaknesses will contribute to a herd-mentality.

7.  The internet and technology has increased the speed of this process significantly.  It is worth mentioning that there are well-meaning Americans who do not know how to use technology, and others that do not know how to use it effectively.  Mounting a coordinated and effective patriotic defense against this process that is playing out increasingly faster is a weakness that must be addressed.

Posted by Editor in Saving America

All Eyes On Woke Joint Chief of Staff, General ‘White Rage’ Mark Milley

July 16 Articles:

A Reminder About Joint Chiefs Chairman General Mark Milley as a Political Operative

Tucker Carlson Calls on Joint Chiefs Chair Milley to be Fired for Undermining Trump, Elected Leaders

War Room: General Milley Must Be Brought Before A Court-Martial


Previous and Pertinent Articles:

Jun 6, 2020: Top US military officer reaches out to Capitol Hill leaders
July 9, 2020: Top US general eyes taking Confederate names off US bases
Jan 8, 2021: Pelosi Says She’s Talked to Top Military Chief About Preventing Trump from ‘Ordering a Nuclear Strike’
Mar 11, 2021: Was it a Coup? Judicial Watch Sues For Pelosi Anti-Trump Phone Call with Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley
May 5, 2021: Pentagon Chief Believes Military Leaders Should Make Diversity a ‘Personal Commitment’
Jun 30, 2021: Trump issues statement on Gen. Milley
Jul 1, 2021: Sen. Tom Cotton Floats Vetting Senior Military Nominees’ Views of Critical Race Theory


Essential Milley Videos:

July 15, 2021: Kash Patel: Gen. Milley is the “Kraken of the Swamp”:


June 29, 2021: General Milley’s Record of Failure


June 28: THE WOKE GENERAL Dinesh D’Souza


June 25, 2021: Former Army Captain Sean Parnell Rips General Mark Milley Over CRT


June 25, 2021: Tucker Carlson on Gen. Mark Milley


Nov 2020: Milley Says Oath of Military is NOT to Our Country


Posted by Editor in Saving America

Fortifying The Fabric

Front page of RollingStone Australia, August 13, 2020

Well they have certainly overplayed their hand, wouldn’t you agree?  They thought they had in it the bag.  They thought it was a done deal.  Just like that… lickity-split.

Except that the ‘fat lady’, along with the rest of the nation, won’t stop singing the National Anthem.  And the messiness of trying to tie-up loose ends is futile because there is much, much more fabric than there are tattered threads.

America refuses to become undone.  And so their fingers fumble along those loose ends, with every true-blooded American acutely attuned now to the slightest tug of every thread.

The fight is not over by a long-shot, but America will prevailHow long that takes will depend on every able-bodied man, woman and child understanding exactly how we got here.

The clearest path to that understanding, that we can find, is to heed the words of our old friend Yuri Bezmenov, a former KBG agent who defected to the U.S. in 1970 in search of hope and freedom – both of which he found.  We’ve mentioned Bezmenov before (here, here and here) and the personal mission he embarked on to warn America exactly how the USSR was subverting our Nation.  Famous during the 1980’s for his G. Edward Griffin interviews and the lectures he later offered, Bezmenov also wrote a handful of books on the same topic under the name Tomas Schuman.  The tactics he laid out are a very old playbook that can be used by anyone, which is precisely what’s been going down.

We are going to draw upon the information that Bezmenov provided in his book, Love Letter to America (1984).  Even though it is 40 years later, you will be shocked how dead-on Bezmenov was in his predictions – every issue our nation faces today is described in this book.  It is almost uncanny.  But you will also recognize where they have failed in this playbook.  It’s very important you pay attention to the details – each detail represents one of those threads that needs to be either preserved or rewoven back into the fabric of our Nation.

We’re laying this out in stages.  Today we cover the Prelude.  Please commit to reading the entire thing.  If not here, then download the book – it is only 24 pages and it is free.  Read it – share it – and learn from it.  The future of America depends on you and me.

The Four Stages of Ideological Subversion

Part I – Demoralization
Part II – Destabilization
Part III – Crisis
Part IV – Normalization

The Four Stages of Ideological Subversion

In Love Letter to America Bezmenov preludes with a quote by Chinese philosopher Sun-Tzu, and seven Rules of Revolution:

“All warfare is based primarily on deception of an enemy. Fighting on a battlefield is the most primitive way for making war.  There is no higher art than to destroy your enemy without a fight – by SUBVERTING anything of value in enemy’s country.”
Sun-Tzu, 500 B.C.

Rules of Revolution
To achieve the desired effect, the subverter must first make idiots out of normal people and DIVIDE them, before turning the people into a homogenized mass of useful and united idiots.

  1. Cover with ridicule all of the valid traditions in your opponent’s country.
    (I.e: Religion; marriage; meritocracy; free markets; parental rights..)
  2. Implicate their leaders in criminal affairs and turn them over to the scorn of their populace at the right time.
    (I.e: Unsuccessful attempts on President Trump; Brett Kavanaugh; congressmen who contested 2020 electoral votes..)
  3. Disrupt the work of the government by every means.
    (I.e: The judicial system & bail reform; ‘Defund the Police’; CRT training in the military; legislators leaving TX to prevent a vote..)
  4. Do not shun the aid of the lowest and most despicable individuals of your enemy’s country.
    (I.e: Antifa; releasing violent felons; drug cartels and sex traffickers at the border..)
  5. Spread disunity and dispute among the citizens.
    (I.e: Critical race theory; vaccinated vs. unvaccinated; straight vs gay..)
  6. Turn the young against the old.
    (I.e: Hippie movement; ‘sex, drugs & rock n roll’; ‘climate change’; Boomer!..)
  7. Be generous with promises and rewards to collaborators and accomplices.
    (I.e: China; the United Nations; George Soros..)
Posted by Editor in Saving America

Critical Theory Begat Critical Race Theory

It all began with a Marxist philosophy called “Critical Theory” in 1930’s Germany that eventually led to Cultural Marxism, Political Correctness, Critical Legal Theory, and now Critical Race Theory. 

The most dangerous thing you can do with a driven leftist intellectual clique is to ignore it.
(Andrew Breitbart in Righteous Indignation, April 2011)

The ‘driven leftist intellectual clique’ photographed above were noticed and revered by higher education institutions in mid-twentieth century United States, and later by radicals in the 1960’s, but they were largely ignored by the rest of us.

And so here we are, almost a century later, trying to make sense of what the heck is happening to our country today.

What is Critical Theory?

Critical Theory is a philosophy that came from the deranged beliefs and teachings of Marxist sociologist Max Horkheimer, who served as the first director of the Institute for Social Research at the University of Frankfurt in Germany in the 1930’s.  Horkheimer’s sociological Critical Theory, entrenched in Marxist political philosophy, became a trendy and heady movement among social science scholars that flocked to the Institute.

Many of the Institute for Social Research with Jewish origins defected to the United States from Germany (fleeing Hitler) in the mid to late 1930’s.

Most ended up at Ivy League Universities (Columbia, Princeton, Yale, Oxford) and quickly became recognized intellectuals in their field.  Some of the more well-known of these scholars include: Herbert Marcuse (1898–1979); Eric Fromm (1900–1980); and Theodor Adorno (1903–1969).

(July 12 Update)

  1. According to Discover the Networks, Herbert Marcuse, who became a U.S. citizen in 1940, and served in the OSS (Office of Strategic Services) and later the CIA, as well as the State Department is especially known for “inspiring American student revolutionaries in the 1960s” and as “the mentor of Communist icon Angela Davis.”
  2. From Erich Fromm‘s biography at “He found value in the absence of individual freedom and responsibilities of the medieval society.  In 1955, the psychoanalyst published ‘The Sane Society’ in which he argued in favor of democratic socialism…  Fromm rejected both Soviet communism and western capitalism as he believed them to be dehumanizing. Eventually, he became one of the initiators of socialist humanism… In the early 1960s, he published two books titled ‘Beyond the Chains of Illusion’ and ‘Marx’s Concept of Man’… For a time being, Fromm was actively involved in US politics. He worked in the Socialist Party of America during the mid-1950s and gave them an alternative viewpoint to McCarthyist trends
  3. From Theodor Adorno‘s biographical sketch at Stanford: “…During the Nazi era he resided in Oxford, New York City, and southern California. There he wrote several books for which he later became famous, including Dialectic of Enlightenment (with Max Horkheimer), Philosophy of New Music, The Authoritarian Personality (a collaborative project), and Minima Moralia. From these years come his provocative critiques of mass culture and the culture industry. Returning to Frankfurt in 1949 to take up a position in the philosophy department, Adorno quickly established himself as a leading German intellectual and a central figure in the Institute of Social Research. Founded as a free-standing center for Marxist scholarship in 1923

Critical Theory, according to Andrew Breitbart, “It was, quite literally, a theory of criticizing everyone and everything everywhere. It was an attempt to tear down the social fabric by using all the social sciences … it was an infinite and unending criticism of the status quo, adolescent rebellion against all established rules and norms. … Critical theory does not create, it only destroys.” (Righteous Indignation, April 2011)

(July 12 Update) Mike Gonzalez & Lindsey M. Burke at National review tell us:

Simply put, Critical Theory amounts to an unremitting attack on all of America’s norms and traditions. The goal is to replace them with a “counter-narrative” that will introduce a more leftist model of governing. Critical Theory is the main philosophical school in the identity politics of today…

Traditional theory, Horkheimer claimed, fetishized knowledge and objectivity. Critical theory, its opposite, held that there were no universal truths and man could not be objective. Instead of truths, there were competing narratives, and it was the job of the Left to impose its own. This relativism in itself was nothing less than an assault on Western civilization.” (To Tackle Critical Theory in the K–12 Classroom, Start with Colleges of Education, Oct 5, 2020)

What is Critical Race Theory?

According to Joel B. Pollak, a writer at Breitbart website, “Critical Theory spawned various offshoots. One of them was Critical Legal Theory, which said that the Constitution, our judicial system, and our laws could never be neutral or objective because they existed to protect those who created them.

A scholar at Harvard Law School named Derrick Bell applied that reasoning to race, and came up with Critical Race TheoryCritical Race Theory holds that the United States is racist by design, because its Constitution and all of its other institutions emerged in a context where slavery was legal.  According to the theory, the very institution of private property in the U.S. is corrupt because it was enshrined in a system that saw black people as chattels.

To Bell, the civil rights movement was regrettable, in the sense that it misled black Americans into believing that equality before the law was sufficient. The real problem, he believed, was that the legal system itself was fundamentally racist.

Bell saw only one road to salvation: if the U.S. amended the Constitution to include socioeconomic rights — such as health care, housing, education, and the like — it could undo the original sin of slavery by enshrining the redistribution of wealth. Such a constitutional revolution could liberate poor people of every race while also restoring the humanity of black people…

(For more on Derrick Bell see Did Obama Hug a Radical? at, Mar 9 2012)

Below we share a few videos that give insights into Critical Theory.  Not only will you recognize the roots of Critical Race Theory, you will also recognize the roots of many of the outrageous cultural Marxist/Maoist/Communist transformations plaguing our country today.

1)  Below is a video titled The Architects of Western Decline, whose narration is taken verbatim from Chapter 6: Breakthrough in Andrew Breitbart’s Righteous Indignation.  We have been unable to find any information on the entity VertigoPolitix that produced this.  Be forewarned, some of the imagery in this is disturbing – it is the audio that we are wanting to share.

2) Below are two 1969 videos of Max Horkheimer (translated) attempting to explain the lunacy of his Critical Theory.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Posted by Editor in Saving America, Social Issues