Saving Wyoming

Enforcing Your Medical Rights In A Hospital

Below are two brief videos that we strongly believe everyone should watch.  Watch these NOW before you or a loved one has to go to the hospital for any reason.  We also share the following pdf documents and links.  Please share with your Wyoming family and friends.

Wyoming Medical Center Patient’s Right and Patient’s Responsibilities
Cheyenne Regional Medical Center Patient’s Rights & Responsibilities
NOTE:  Wyoming Medical Center acknowledges several “rights”; Cheyenne Regional Center only mentions the right to privacy of medical information.
Website Links for All Hospitals in Wyoming

AMERICA’S FRONTLINE DOCTORS – Use this link for crucial information ahead of time on how to obtain early treatment for COVID by doctors that still adhere to standards of treating patients with therapeutic drugs to avoid hospitalization.

Aug 6, 2021, Kate Dalley: Our First Hand ICU Story – What is ACTUALLY Killing People In The Hospital
(Here is the Bitchute link for those who cannot access Rumble videos: Kate Dalley on her husband’s battle with (covid) pneumonia)

Sept 2, 2021, Kris Anne Hall: Episode 1382 How You Protect Your Rights TODAY

Posted by Editor in Covid-19, Saving Wyoming

The Plot Against School Parents

Most everyone has heard about the collusion between the United States Dept of Justice (DOJ) and teacher unions to threaten (and possibly charge) concerned and opinionated parents who are actively holding their school boards accountable for issues within their children’s schools and school districts.

Below is an Oct 15, 2021 letter from the DOJ to the Montana Attorney General that details what specific federal charges are suggested for using against school parents.

This letter was found at the following article by RAIR Foundation USA: Oct 29, 2021:  Montana Memo Revealed: DOJ Blueprint to Persecute and Intimidate Parents (Videos)RAIR Foundation USA deserves full credit for making this document publicly available.  We highly recommend reading the above article in it’s entirety.  RAIR stands for Rise Align Ignite Reclaim.

Read in viewer below and/or click here to download pdf.

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Posted by Editor in Saving Wyoming, WY Children

No Time To Rest: WY Dept of Health Just Announced Their Recommendations for Children COVID Vaccinations

Wednesday afternoon the WY Dept of Health announced, “Covid-19 Vaccinations Okayed for Younger Children” and that the vaccines are “now available and recommended for younger school-aged children.”

The WY State Legislature has not produced anything that will help our children.  It was clear from the get go that the ‘powers-that-be’ never had our children on the priority list to begin with.  Our conservative legislators did, but they are still unfortunately a minority.

How long until the WY Dept of Health turns their recommendation into a mandate?  Does anyone really want to wait for that?  The State of WY is going to do exactly what they just did this past week – bend-over when Biden tells them to because they believe the supremacy clause says they have to.

So now is the time for Wyomingites to get proactive on their own, rather than waiting for later to be merely reactive.

We are going to start with the following suggested links that we believe could possibly be helpful right now for protecting our children.  Tomorrow we intend to post an opt-out form that WY parents can use to try to protect their children (parents should not assume that schools will honor it).

Children’s Health Defense Fund – Stop Mandatory Vaccinations in K-12 Schools

Begin forming your own local groups to protect your children.  There are strength in numbers.

Home School Legal Defense Association

Wyoming Homeschool Groups

Read, know, follow and download the brand new Wyoming lawsuit that was just filed today on November 3, 2021: Grace Smith vs Gordon


Heads Up:  Could this happen in WY?  Absolutely.
Oct 25: Louisiana High School Under Investigation For Vaccinating Teenage Students Without Parental Consent

Posted by Editor in Covid-19, Saving Wyoming

King Biden vs Wyoming

We will find out tomorrow if Wyoming will have a special session, or not, to address the unconstitutional Biden vaccine mandates.  There are bills, arguments for and against, and all kinds of preparations, rules, procedures and details.  Everyone in Wyoming is nervously anticipating what will happen Oct 26th through 28th, 2021.  But, even if we get the best bills amended even better, and then passed into law – we will still have the same enormous problem that we face today.

That’s why we want to take a moment, on this eve of a potential special session, and zoom-out from all that and look at the far bigger picture of how the heck we got here in such a ludicrous upside-down, inside-out reality of having to defend ourselves from some cartoon character that thinks he can summon all of us to submit to an experimental, and dangerous, mRNA-altering drug injected into our veins.

How in the hell have so many people come to believe that noodles-for-brains has that kind of power?!

It’s all about the Ninth folks.  And the Tenth.  Amendments that is – in the Bill of Rights of our United States Constitution.  We cannot emphasize enough how crucial it is when people forget, or have never truly understood the 9th and 10th Amendments.

Everyone knows what the First Amendment is and what can happen if we lose it.  And everyone certainly knows what the Second Amendment is and what can happen if we lose it.  But if we lose our Ninth and Tenth Amendments, do you know what will happen?  We end up with tyrants who think they are king, and hordes of mini-tyrants who will back him up (or idiots who don’t know the law).

This is exactly where we are now today.  That is the big enormous problem we face, that a special session is not going to save us from.

Today it’s vaccine mandates.  But what will tomorrow bring?  Will Biden write another executive order to have children removed from their homes because their parents still refuse vaccines?  Will Biden wrote another EO to have children removed from their homes because their parents refuse their children being subjected to gender-changing surgery or drugs, or school-coerced abortions?  Will Biden write another EO that says we all must drive electric vehicles?  Maybe he’ll write another EO that says we all must eat ice cream on Sundays.  Or, as my Father would say, if Biden says we all need to take a hike off a cliff, should we do it?

Biden ain’t no King!  And we are not subjects, for crying out-friggin-loud.

This is why HB1002 is our most favored bill:

(vii) The decision to receive a vaccination is a personal decision and should not be subject to government intrusion or dictate;

(viii) The Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that the enumeration in the constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage other rights retained by the people;

(ix) The Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that the powers not delegated to the United States in the constitution, nor prohibited by it to  the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people;

The Ninth Amendment is profoundly important.  So important, that the Tenth Amendment repeats the Ninth.  So important, that the Ninth Amendment is reiterated, verbatim, in our Wyoming State Constitution as Article 1, Section 36.

Please watch the following short videos and educate yourself.  Please watch them several times if need be.  Please watch them with your kids.   Please get after it!  Truly understanding and defending our natural rights as officially acknowledged in the Ninth and Tenth Amendments is one of the only things that will save us and our country.




Posted by Editor in Constitutional Topics/Issues, Covid-19, Saving America, Saving Wyoming

2021 Special Session Bills: A Cynical Summary

There’s a lot of ground to cover.  We’re going to try to keep it short however, and to the point.

Bills We Favor (out of what is on the table)

  1. HB1002 Federal COVID vaccine mandates-prohibition and remedies-2.  8 page bill; 8 sponsors.
    Sponsored by: Representative(s) Sommers, Greear and Olsen and Senator(s) Dockstader, Driskill, Hicks, Kinskey and Schuler.
    We would love to see this bill strengthened.  The “police power” from Article 10, Section 2 of the WY State Constitution would be our first suggestion.
    This one is worth fighting for – but chances of winning are low.
  2. HB1007 COVID and mRNA vaccines-limitations and prohibitions-2.  9 pages, 2 sponsors
    Sponsored by: Representative(s) Laursen and Senator(s)  Bouchard
    We really appreciate this bill honing in on the mRNA aspect of the purported “vaccines“.  Short, sweet and to the point can potentially facilitate this bill moving forward.  This one is worth fighting for – and we might win.
  3. HB1012 Healthcare professionals-right to prescribe medication-2. 4 pages; 2 sponsors
    Sponsored by: Representative(s) Laursen and Senator(s) Bouchard
    The intent of this bill is ever so refreshing to hear come out of the mouths of WY lawmakers.  The annihilation of the private doctor-patient relationship has been both significant and historical in the damage and LOSS that our nation has suffered for the last 1 1/2 years.
    This one is worth fighting for – every day and clear into next 2022 session if need be.
  4. HB1003 COVID-19 discriminatory practices-prohibition-2.  14 page bill; 21 sponsors
    Sponsored by: Representative(s) Gray, Bear, Greear, Haroldson, Heiner, Jennings, Knapp, Neiman, Ottman, Rodriguez-Williams and Styvar and Senator(s) Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, French, Hicks, Hutchings, McKeown, Salazar, Schuler and Steinmetz.

If You had to Pick Your Poison

HB1009 COVID-19 response. 12 pages; 2 sponsors
Sponsored by: Representative(s) Barlow and Senator(s) Kinskey
Were not huge fans of this bill by any stretch.  It does have some noteworthy provisions all in one bill such as: liability for employers; severance pay; opt-in choice for alternative measures;  provisions for injuries, etc.
The main reason we mention this bill:  Since the House Speaker is a sponsor, this bill likely has more potential moving forward than most other bills.  HB1009 would/could/should be thrown up as an alternative to HB1001 (the worst bill of all in our opinion)  if leadership becomes hellbent on HB1001.  In other words, if you had to pick your poison, and HB1001 and HB1009 were the choices – we would go with the latter and try to encourage amendments thereafter.

Politics Usually Drives What Bills Are Most Likely to Pass, and Which are Most Likely to Fail

There is a completely different perspective one can take in attempting to predict what bills are likely to pass.  All of these points are offensive, but based in reality:

  • Much (not all) of the legislative leadership are RINOs
  • RINOs do not like constitutional language; the doctrines and concepts of a constitutional republic that true conservatives educate themselves in, and the language those concepts are intrinsically tied to are visibly disturbing if not outright offensive to RINOs, Liberals and every one else to the left.  This means that our #1 favored bill above is not likely to pass.
  • The same point is true regarding constitutional conservative legislators – the RINOs don’t like them.  That means they don’t like their bills either.
  • Taking into account bill sponsorship is key to predicting the politics that will play out in the passage of bills.  The bill we like the least is HB1001 COVID-19 vaccine employer mandates.  In fact we hate this bill. Why?  Because, in our opinion, it actually codifies vaccine employer mandates.  The title of the bill accurately describes exactly what it does.  The bill covers a lot of ground, seems to be tightly planned and tightly written, and is endorsed by 22 sponsors – some names we are surprised to see by the way.  More pointedly however is that the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House are sponsors.  A horrible bill – yet with their clout, along with 20 more sponsors, leads us to believe that this bill will actually become one of the few bills that will pass.  Sorry.  Just being honest.
  • The Democrats opposed having a special session at all.  But now that this train has left the station, they will most likely support the worst bills and may also offer amendments to make it even worse.  It’s kinda like what they do with crossover votes during elections – build the numbers to pass (or elect) what conservatives do not want.

You need to Know

  • About our WY Constitution Article 1, Section 38:  We love hearing people cite constitutional provisions.. however, a lot of people are forgetting about subsection c.  We have been very concerned that the legislature just might pull that out and really stick it to us.  Just so ya know.

Article 1, Section 38.  Right of health care access.

(a)  Each competent adult shall have the right to make his or her own health care decisions. The parent, guardian or legal representative of any other natural person shall have the right to make health care decisions for that person.

(b)  Any person may pay, and a health care provider may accept, direct payment for health care without imposition of penalties or fines for doing so.

(c)  The legislature may determine reasonable and necessary restrictions on the rights granted under this section to protect the health and general welfare of the people or to accomplish the other purposes set forth in the Wyoming Constitution.

(d)  The state of Wyoming shall act to preserve these rights from undue governmental infringement.

A Necessary Defensive

  • Plan for the worst.  Look at HB1001 and any other bill you believe is wretched – find the worst areas in the bill and try to write amendments to remove or lessen nasty provisions.  Be prepared to have an intelligent, but short, discussion with receptive conservative legislators to offer these amendments to.
  • Take a look at our Poll Vote Cheat Sheet posted yesterday.  The only legislators to somewhat trust are the ones with a red R or a gray L (for Libertarian).  Do not trust any of the others, and most especially any of the Dems.
  • In fact, we do not recommend including any of the Democrats in your correspondence regarding bills or amendments.
  • The time you might least want to pay attention during this special session is exactly when you should:
    • if their running late at night – watch for dirty-trick amendments.  If you catch a bad amendment – blow the whistle to your contacts regardless of what time it is. Flood legislators with emails immediately to get that amendment amended back out ASAP!
    • keep an eye on the conference committees – listen to every live audio.  Make sure that the written amendments from negotiations and agreements that take place are clear and concise, and not some jabber that makes no sense later – yet still becomes codified as law.  Like what happened with Rep Sue Wilson and 2021 HB0127.

Keep An Eye Out

  • Most hospitals are not-for-profit entities.  As such, they are NOT allowed to attempt to effect legislative bills.  If you read, hear or see any lobbying for or against any of these bills by hospital boards or leadership – call them out on it.  Speak loudly from whatever platforms you use so we all know who is breaking the law.


Posted by Editor in Covid-19, Legislature, Saving Wyoming

Oct 2021 Special Session Bills Are Up!

There are 7 mirror bills (identical bills in each chamber):

HB1001 COVID-19 vaccine employer mandates. Greear
HB1002 Federal COVID vaccine mandates-prohibition and remedies-2. Sommers
HB1003 COVID-19 discriminatory practices-prohibition-2. Gray
HB1004 COVID-19 vaccinations-employer prohibition. Gray
HB1005 COVID-19 vaccine mandate-exemptions. Hallinan
HB1006 Vaccine requirements-limitations. Labor
HB1007 COVID and mRNA vaccines-limitations and prohibitions-2. Laursen
SF1001 COVID-19 Vaccine employer mandates-2. Hicks
SF1002 Federal COVID vaccine mandates-prohibition and remedies. Hicks
SF1003 COVID-19 discriminatory practices-prohibition. Steinmetz
SF1004 COVID-19 vaccinations-employer prohibition-2. Biteman
SF1005 COVID-19 vaccine mandate-exemptions-2. Schuler
SF1006 Vaccine requirements-limitations-2. Labor
SF1007 COVID and mRNA vaccines-limitations and prohibitions. Bouchard
Posted by Editor in Covid-19, Legislature, Saving Wyoming

Thurs, Oct 21, 2021: House and Senate Rules & Procedures Committees Meeting

UPDATE:  WSL dropped the ball on providing any link for today’s live-streamed meeting.  Here it is:

An informal meeting of both the House and Senate Rules & Procedures Committees, to discuss the potential rules for a special session to address vaccine mandates, will take place Thursday, Oct 21, 2021 at 3PM .  This meeting will be live-streamed via  No formal action will take place and no public comments will be taken.

Why is this meeting taking place?
The first action for the scheduled Oct 26 – Oct 28 special session is that a 2/3 super-majority vote of both chambers must agree to the Rules & Procedures required to conduct a legislative session.  Thus, the rules and procedures discussed at the Oct 21  informal meeting will be voted on as the first course of business on the first day of special session scheduled for Oct 26th at 10AM.  If the 2/3 super-majority vote required by both chambers on the rules and procedures is unsuccessful, the special session will not move forward, and instead will be adjourned.

The meeting notice and draft proposed rules to be discussed were posted on Oct 19, 2021 (see copy below).

Oct 19, 2021 House and Senate Rules & Procedure Meeting Notice for Oct 21, 2021

Go here for copies of all official documented WY legislative actions related to the special session to address vaccine mandates, including the poll votes that were counted last week.

Posted by Editor in Covid-19, Legislature, Saving Wyoming

Surprising Energy Updates

Christmas coal from Santa might be taking on a new meaning…


Oct 16   Sanders Re-ignites Feud as Joe Manchin Wins Battle Over Fossil Fuel Plan  
Oct 16   Joe Manchin demands climate provisions stripped from budget bill  
Oct 16   Look before you leap on nuclear
Oct 15   Wyoming, Montana coal production inches upward  
Oct 15   $224M Georgia Power rate hike likely for nuclear plant
Oct 15   Bulgaria hands EU its recovery plan, seeks extension on coal
Oct 14   White House Begs Oil Companies for Cheaper Fuel  
Oct 14   Energy crisis could threaten global economic recovery, says IEA
Oct 13   Biden’s Department Of Energy Just Affirmed Much More Oil And Natural Gas  
Oct 13   Coal prices continue to rise globally; here’s why
Oct 13   Nuclear power is not sustainable energy – German environment ministry
Oct 12   India: Govt to Increase Coal Production to 2 Million Tonnes Per Day
Oct 12   China: Coal production has to be increased
Oct 8      Coal prices are soaring, but US industry too battered to capitalize
Oct 6      Rocky Mountain Power says it won’t be on 100% renewable energy by 2030  
Oct 5      Coal Is Making A Comeback In Europe As Gas Prices Explode
Oct 3      Demand for coal and natural gas exceeds pre-COVID-19 highs
Sept 21 Bill Gates: Partisan politics hurts climate change battle, and the U.S. is ‘one of the worst’  
Sept 20 Bridger Coal company to close underground mining in November


Minerals, Business & Economic Development Committee Meeting
11/4/2021 – 11/5/2021
8:00 AM
Western Wyoming Community College, Room 3650
2500 College Drive
Rock Springs, Wyoming

All WY Citizens that oppose nutjob Bill Gates & his nuclear reactors coming to Wyoming need to attend this meeting and SPEAK UP!

This proposed agenda sets forth the order in which the Committee may consider each topic. The agenda is subject to revision and all times listed are tentative and may be subject to change. If a topic is concluded early, the Committee will proceed to the next topic. For multiple day meetings, topics not completed on the indicated day may be carried over to the next day. Breaks will be taken as necessary.
Thursday, November 4th 2021
  1. 7:15 AM Trona Mine Tour (Committee Members Only)
  2. 1:00 PM Call to Order and Announcements
    • Roll call
  3. 1:05 PM Department of Environmental Quality
    • Cease and Transfer Report/Bill Draft
      • Todd Parfitt, Director , DEQ
      • Suzanne Engels, Solid and Hazardous Waste Administrator, DEQ
    • Mine Reclamation Bonding/Bill Draft
      • Todd Parfitt, Director , DEQ
      • Kyle Wendtland, Land Quality Administrator, DEQ
      • Travis Deti, Executive Director, Wyoming Mining Association
      • Patrick Fleming, Chief Investment Officer, State Treasurer’s Office
    • Carbon Storage Liability/Bill Draft
      • Working Group Report
      • Todd Parfitt, Director , DEQ
      • Lily Barkau, Natural Resources Program Manager, DEQ
    • Nuclear Energy
      • Jon Cox, Vice President of Government Affairs, Rocky Mountain Power
      • Jeff Navin, Director of External Affairs, TerraPower
      • Todd Parfitt, Director, DEQ
      • Nuclear reactor permits-amendments/Bill Draft
    • Public Comments
  4. 4:00 PM WYDOT/Aeronautics Update
    • Luke Reiner, Director, WYDOT
    • Brian Olsen, Aeronautics Administrator, WYDOT
    • Shawn Burke, Air Service Program Manager, WYDOT
    • Public Comments
  5. 4:20 PM Office of State Lands & Investments/Sage Grouse Mitigation Update
    • Jenifer Scoggin, Director, OSLI
    • Jason Crowder, Deputy Director, OSLI
    • Public Comments
Friday, November 5th 2021
  1. 8:00 AM Call to Order
    • Roll call
  2. 8:05 AM Industrial Siting/Bill Draft
    • Representative Larsen
    • Representative Heiner
    • Jerimiah Rieman, Executive Director, Wyoming County Commissioners Association
    • Public Comments
  3. 9:15 AM Wyoming Business Council
    • Josh Dorrell, CEO
    • Ron Gullberg, Strategic Partnerships Director
    • Josh Keefe, Finance Manager
    • Marcio Paes-Barreto, Program & Services Innovator
    • Bill Drafts
      • BRC Program
      • Partnership Challenge Loan Program
      • Challenge Loan/Refueling
    • Public Comments
  4. 11:00 AM Carbon Markets
    • Kipp Coddington, Director, Center for Energy Regulation & Policy Analysis, University of Wyoming
    • Josh Dorrell, Director, Wyoming Business Council
    • Marcio Paes-Barreto, Program & Services Innovator, Wyoming Business Council
  5. 11:45 AM Electric Charging Stations/Regulation
    • Bill Draft/regulation exemption for EV stations
    • John Burbridge, Chief Counsel, Public Service Commission
    • Public Comments
*NOTE: In accordance with Management Council policy, opportunity for public comment will also be provided upon the conclusion of each topic.
Posted by Editor in Gates-Nuclear, Saving Wyoming, WY Energy

Sept 28 Citizen Alert on WY Nuclear Deal: Get Ready for the CCP

U.S. Dept of Energy: Likely Chinese Communist Party Partnership with U.S. Nuclear Endeavors

Top U.S. Energy Official Sees ‘Unusual Partnerships’ for Nuclear, BNN-Bloomberg, Sept 21, 2021:

(Emphasis added)

The Biden administration’s top energy official [Jennifer Granholm] said the nuclear industry should broaden its business case beyond power markets in order to ensure its place in a carbon-free economy.

…The former governor of Michigan said some “unusual partnerships” between nations and industries might be needed for U.S. nuclear operators to tap the $23 trillion global clean energy market over the next decade. Granholm urged more cross-border collaboration in developing a new generation of small modular reactors, as well as using nuclear plants for the production of emissions-free hydrogen.

…Granholm spoke at a meeting of senior officials at the International Atomic Energy Agency, where Chinese and Russian envoys called for more research-and-development collaboration to accelerate the deployment of new generations of miniature reactors. 

The Department of Energy curtailed some joint projects with China during the Trump administration, including work on a test reactor backed by billionaire Bill Gates. Granholm suggested the urgency of the climate crisis might require re-evaluating prohibitions on some technology transfers and cooperation. The issue could be revisited during two weeks of international climate talks — known as COP26 — beginning Oct. 31 in Glasgow, Scotland.

Jonathan Tirone, Bloomberg News

Nancy Pelosi set up the spike for this Biden policy change with China in a forum at Cambridge University on Sept 16th (fast fwd to 21:43 at

To refresh our readers:

On June 2, 2021, during a live press conference, Governor Gordon ecstatically announced a Wyoming partnership with PacifiCorp/Rocky Moutain Power and Bill Gates/TerraPower to demonstrate an advanced Natrium nuclear reactor at one of four coal power plants in Wyoming.  With more controlled enthusiasm, U.S. Senator John Barrasso personally gave his stamp of approval on the partnership and it’s collective goal.  Also, U.S. Dept of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm attended the presser by Zoom to endorse and guarantee (huge) financial support for the nuclear power mission.

On June 3rd, we revealed the undeniable Chinese Communist Party (CCP) direct connection to Bill Gates/TerraPower nuclear reactor projects:

Back in Sept 2015 World Nuclear News reported that Terra Power/Bill Gates signed an MOU with the China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) to develop its traveling wave reactor (TWR).  This is exactly WHO and WHAT they want to bring to Wyoming.

Less than one year ago, Global Construction Review reported that the U.S. Pentagon and U.S. Defense Department “published a list of Chinese Companies that the Pentagon says are too close to the Chinese state and its armed forces“… “to inform Congressional committees and warn potential clients and investors in the companies that the US government regards them as a security risk“. 

From WTC June 3, 2021 post: Barrasso Endorses Teaming with Chinese Communist Party Corp and Tin-Foil Nutjob Billionaire Bill Gates to ‘Guinea-Pig’ Wyoming into Green-New-Deal Nuclear Hogwash. Gordon says, ‘Hold My Beer’.

Then on June 4th: U.S. Dept of Defense Lists Chinese Military Companies in Accordance with the National Defense Authorization Act .  The CCP controlled company, CNNC, that Gates signed an MOU with is on that list.

Now today, with the Biden admin and radical left reciting the mantra “Climate change is our greatest threat”, suddenly the CCP is no longer viewed as a threat to our National Security, and instead is being promoted and treated as an important partner, a “cross-border collaborator”, “an unusual partnership for research and development collaboration”… for climate change and a carbon-free economy.

Mark Gordon said this would be game-changing and monumental for Wyoming.  He was telling the truth, albeit, in that opaque way of his that leaves Wyomingites in the dark until it is almost too late to act on.

And now we know why Rocky Mountain Power has been in such a hurry to close this deal; once the agreement is made, the state of Wyoming no longer has any control.  This was made clear by WY Senator Bill Landen when he said, “these nuclear reactors would be under the purview of the federal government… We are not allowed, of course, to oversee these.” (Listen at around 5:15 – 3/5/20 Audio of Senate floor discussion on HB0074 Small Modular Nuclear Reactors).

The questions to Glenrock, Rock Springs, Kemmerer and Gillette now become:

  • Who will welcome the Chinese Communist Party into their Wyoming town?!
  • Or will each say NO to Gates/TerraPower, PacifCorp/RkyMtn Power, the West Coast, the DOE and the CCP?

Wyomingites in these communities need to WAKE UP NOW. 
The rest of Wyoming is counting on you to keep the CCP out of our state!


Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Gates-Nuclear, Saving Wyoming

Do Pfizer Campaign Contributions Matter?

As Wyomingites hold their breath waiting for the announcement of a schedule of dates for a Special WY Legislative Session to address the Biden regime’s totalitarian experimental injection mandates, we decided to compile data on campaign contributions that current legislators have received from three pertinent entities.

For context, it is is good to know where each of these entities stand on experimental drugs (“vaccines“) mandated to be injected into WY citizen’s and WY employee’s veins (such as Banner Health).  For that context click the following links:

All data in the campaign contributions table below was obtained from  We only provide data on legislators that received any contribution(s) from the three organizations represented in the table – out of 90 legislators, 45 accepted contributions from those entities.  Each category heading has a direct link to their page at FollowTheMoney embedded in the organization’s name.  Every dollar amount is followed by the year in parenthesis the campaign contribution was made.  Example:  $250 (2020).

We will be waiting with baited breath to see which way the following legislators will debate and vote during a special session on experimental drugs mandated against Wyoming citizens. 

Tip: Hold cellphones sideways to view entire table.  Type your legislator’s last name in the search box at the top right of the table.  If you don’t know who your state senator or house representative is click here.  If your legislator’s name does not appear it means they did not receive any campaign contributions from those three entities.

Anderson, Jim Senator
$250 (2016)$350 (2020)
$250 (2016)
$500 (2020)
Baldwin, Fred Senator
(R-Lincoln /Sublette /Sweetwater /Uinta)
$200 (2020)
$100 (2016)
$350 (2020)
$250 (2016)
$500 (2020)
$500 (2026)
$500 (2014)
Blackburn, Jim Representative
$100 (2016)
Boner, Brian Senator
$400 (2020)
$100 (2016)
Brown, Landon Representative
$400 (2020)
Connolly, Cathy
Representative (D-Albany)
$300 (2014)$250 (2016)
Driskill, Ogden Senator
(R-Crook /Campbell /Weston)
$250 (2018)
Duncan, Shelly Representative
$200 (2020)
Eklund, John Representative
(R-Laramie/ Goshen)
$150 (2020)
$300 (2018)
$100 (2016)
$250 (2014)
$200 (2014)
Ellis, Affie Senator
$500 (2020)$200 (2020)
Eyre, Danny Representative
$500 (2020)
Flitner, Jamie Representative
(R-Big Horn)
$150 (2018)
Furphy, Daniel Senator
$500 (2020)
Gierau, Michael Senator
$250 (2018)$500 (2018)
Greear, Michael Representative
(R-Big Horn/ Washakie)
$150 (2020)
$300 (2018)
$100 (2016)
Hallinan, Tim Representative
$350 (2018)
$100 (2016)
$200 (2008)
$250 (2018)
$250 (2016)
$300 (2008)
$1,000 (2006)
Harshman, Steve Representative
$200 (2018)
$350 (2016)
$250 (2014)
$250 (2006)
$200 (2018)
$150 (2008)
$250 (2006)
$500 (2020)
$500 (2018)
Henderson, Bill Representative
$150 (2020)
$250 (2018)
$100 (2016)
$500 (2020)
$500 (2018)
Hicks, Larry Senator
(R-Albany /Carbon /Sweetwater)
$200 (2018)
Hunt, Hans Representative
(R-Niobrara/ Weston/ Goshen)
$100 (2018)
$100 (2016)
$300 (2014)
$100 (2010)
Jennings, Mark Representative
$100 (2016)
Kinner, Mark Representative
$250 (2018)
$100 (2016)
$500 (2020)
Kinsky, David Senator
(R-Sheridan /Johnson)
$100 (2016)
Kost, R.J. Senator
(R-Big Horn /Park)
$500 (2018)
Landen, Bill Senator
$600 (2018)
$250 (2014)
$250 (2010)
$300 (2008)
$200 (2014)
$100 (2010)
$150 (2008)
Larsen, Lloyd Representative
$200 (2020)
$200 (2018)
$250 (2016)
$500 (2020)
Laursen, Dan Representative
$150 (2020)
$250 (2016)
$500 (2016)
MacGuire, Joe Representative
$250 (2018)
Nethercott, Tara Senator
$400 (2020)
$100 (2016)
$100 (2016)
Newsome, Sandy Representative
$200 (2020)$200 (2020)
$200 (2018)
$250 (2016)
$500 (2020)
$500 (2018)
Nicholas, Bob Representative
$150 (2018)
$300 (2012)
$250 (2010)
$200 (2018)
$100 (2010)
Obermueller, Jerry Representative
$200 (2018)
$500 (2016)
$500 (2018)
Olsen, Jared Representative
$200 (2020)$250 (2020)
Pappas, Stephen Senator
$200 (2018)
Paxton, Jerry Representative
(R-Carbon/ Albany/ Sweetwater )
$200 (2016)
Perkins, Drew Senator
$450 (2018)
$250 (2014)
$500 (2006)
$250 (2018)
$100 (2010)
$500 (2006)
Roscoe, Jim Representative
(I-Lincoln/ Sublette/ Teton)
$250 (2020)
Schwartz, Andy Representative
$100 (2016)$200 (2018)
Scott, Charles Senator
$250 (2016)
$100 (2000)
$450 (2020)
$100 (2016)
$1,800 (2012)
$300 (2008)
$700 (2004)
$200 (2000)
$100 (1996)
$250 (1992)
$150 (1990)
Sweeney, Pat Representative
$200 (2020)
$250 (2018)
$500 (2020)
$500 (2018)
Walters, Tom Representative
$200 (2020)
$150 (2018)
$100 (2016)
$200 ( 2018)
Wasserburger, Jeff Senator
(R-Campbell/ Converse)
$200 (2018)
$100 (2002)
$200 (2018)
$200 ( 2014)
Western, Cyrus Representative
$400 (2020)$200 (2020)
Wilson, Sue Representative
$450 (2018)
$200 (2016)
$200 (2018)
$100 (2016)
$500 (2018)
$500 (2016)
Zwonitzer, Dan Representative
$200 (2020)
$200 (2018)
$250 (2016)
$250 (2014)
$200 (2018)
$200 (2014)
$250 (2004)
$500 (2020)


Posted by Editor in Citizen Alert, Constitutional Topics/Issues, Covid-19, Legislature, Saving Wyoming